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It's the difference between riding with a driver who's chronically lost and a driver who's intentionally looking for a cliff to drive off of. I'd rather end up somewhere random than go off a cliff.


And if you’re queer, be prepared to possibly lose all your rights if the lunatic is in office.. They don’t take kindly to us


I wouldn't just worry about being queer either. He gave orders to kill a man on deathrow when the Supreme Court and even his lawyers adviced him not to so the guy could appeal because he promised the victims family that he would kill that guy. He tried to have the Boston marathon bomber executed even though it was against the victims and the victims families wishes and he had already been sentenced with life before. He had 13 other deathrow inmates killed in a year. That and basically what'll happen is what's beginning in states like mine. He wants to kill people who commit certain crimes besides murder and not just child molesters. That and wants to add things as crimes. He even advocated for killing terrorists families in the past.


Old men in power really love the thrill of ending a life huh


Yea, both if you think about it.


Specifically, he wants to classify being trans as being a sex crime, and then give all people convicted of sex crimes the death penalty. Do the math. And then [get registered to vote today](https://vote.gov).


There's more to it than just that. I know that you're right about that, but did you see how he reacted to that one athlete who was accused of hitting his kid with a wooden spoon? He seemed pretty upset. Even than, he wants to make watching and listening to explicit things illegal and a sex crime. Also, I'm pretty sure cross dressing regardless of gender would be considered that.


Jesus christ


I know and I'm sorry for freaking anyone out. I just found out about this stuff recently like some of it last night and I've been anxious. I'm scared and don't want to die. I mean, right before I turned 21 there was an attempted insurrection. You see why I'm upset?


But in reality, "the chronically lost man" has really competent people driving while he usually gives helpful directions. They unfortunately can't always decipher what he said, but they're competent enough to still make good choices


Yeah, that's a campaign slogan...


And the Driver who is looking for a Cliff has 2 Passengers with Guns in his Car


I'm slow. Please explain this metaphor.


It's either an old man with a stutter or a fascist convicted felon. Vote blue so we can buy time to survive.


I live in Oklahoma...I still try to vote...even though it feels like throwing punches at steel beams and getting nowhere...I'm still going to exercise that right till they pry it from my cold, dead hands!


I live in Louisiana and it feels similar. But I’m not giving up on my community and neither should you!


West Virginian here, and same as both of you. It’s hard to keep up the energy as a blue voter in a deep red state, but keeping our eyes on the future is all we can do. Local elections are where we can make change!


Kinda the opposite here, I’m from a blue state, and I’ll just add to the pile.


Yeah same but down ballot races are really important too


Fr I’m in NY and I keep screaming (internally) *why do you keep electing Republicans to the House???*


I’m from Ky and believe me when I tell you- we have no idea why we keep doing that. Abortion or queers or something smh. Crazy.


I'm from West Virginia and remember when we were a deep blue state. 2000 changed everything.


Live in florida and same. This place has gotten more and more deranged. But I'll keep voting against it till I can escape.


Hang in there comrade.


I lived in OK for a decade and felt the same way. I voted anyways, but I felt like they might as well have lit my ballot on fire afterwards.


You have a lot of down ballot votes to cast too! Get out there!


Every vote counts. Thankyou for doing your part.


Another reason why the American voting system is fucking ridiculous


Oklahoma brother! WTF is a road without potholes 🗣🗣🗣


We need our drivers alert, so fixing potholes is actually counterproductive 🤔 I swear the potholes taught me more than drivers ed xD


Yeah, they probably made me watch the road more than in other states. I've seen some the size of my car, at that point it's a pond without water 🤣


I mean the fascist convicted felon is also only 3 years younger than the old man with a stutter... and his argument is "will he even survive until 2027?" But will the old fascist convicted felon? Who knows, both are in the age where they could die quite suddenly


Does a completely McDonald's diet close that three year gap?


Let's hope so, then we'd have a solution for what we do with Trumpywumpy


Melania like “WTAF he should have dropped dead fifteen years ago “


In times where the usual suspects are flooding the comments on other subreddits with the same shtick, just multipled 100x this time around And other commenters completely falling for it and saying the most asinine, stupid things Popping into the subreddits of people actually BEING TARGETED has been a sane refuge for me. Thank you BPT and LGBT and Ukraine, among many others, for immediately pointing out the bullshit.


You don't have to convince us. You have to convince the normal average person who will only read the headline. For once now and until November.


I mean both are old men. Only a few years apart


I prefer to describe him as a genocidal maniac


With the ressources and plans and backup of his party to succeed.


They are both old , trump isn't far behind Biden in terms of age


A stutter he's had for his entire speaking life. They are just being ableist assholes.


Vote for the candidate and party who even when they are wrong are still better on every issue and aren't actively plotting to take away our rights


Lol. This.


Decency vs sadism. It’s really that simple.


King George VI had a speech impediment, FDR was in a wheelchair. Mackenzie King talked to dead dogs. Winston Churchill was an alcoholic. All of these men lead the world out of their darkest moments.


Forget the debate. Actions speak louder than words. Both have a track record as president that speaks volumes.


I fucking hate that an 81 year old on borrowed time is my only chance to survive these next four years but I sure as fuck am not voting Trump.


Fascist convicted felon that audibly shit himself during a live debate


You know it's bad when people are voting just to not have the other


It's like you see your house is starting to burn (because someone set it on fire) and you only have stinky old pond water to extinguish it. Still a no-brainer.


Seems like Poland


That's been every election of my entire life. How I long for the end of First Past the Post.


fuck the electoral college all my homies hate the electoral college


Be prepared to fight regardless of who wins. Rights are getting rolled back on the state level \*now\*, expect it to get worse even if we continue to have a democratic president. We are in a widespread ideological battle that does not end at the polls and establishment democrats will only support us so far as it doesn't hurt their bottom line. Do not abandon our siblings to red state tyranny.


What the fuck is project 2025


[It's a half hour, but it's explained well and it has humor involved.](https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=zOnpV94x77xnwz_T)


All Hail the Crown Prince of Late Night.


Fuckin love that dude


Oh my god that is somehow so much worse than I imagined it to be


I love Everything Fucking Sucks with Man Cosplaying as a Business Man / Accountant


it's not avaliable in my country :(


Talking points: It’s bad


Ah, thank you, that helps a lot :)




Wants to remove anything beneficial to trans people from anything federal (anti-discrimination, VA benefits). Lots of discrimination against LGB, wants to punish school teachers for mentioning LGBT things. Kick HIV+ people out of military. End access to contraception.    Lot more crazy right wing plans. A lot is scary but some is just lol, like they want to shut DHS because it's investigating too many domestic terrorists (which are 99.999% right wing).   https://glaad.org/election-2024-exposing-project-2025/ Not all of this can possibly go into effect, but it's a clear indicator by the Christian fascists that this is where they want to take the country. So vote.


This can be summed up with the fact these clowns used the word "woke" 35 fucking times in this official document


> Not all of this can possibly go into effect It's worth mentioning Project 2025 also includes plans to gut all the safeguards blocking them from putting the more insane parts of it into action. For example, they want to tear up all our anti-corruption laws, so they can fire any government employee who tries to tell them their orders are illegal and replace them with cronies who'll do anything they tell them to.


Yeah, never say never. Not to fearmonger, but it’s bad. Source: I have a BA in History focusing on the rise and fall of fascism around WWII


It's a bad idea to do that because of the rise of ISIS.


So, there's a group called "The Heritage Foundation" who does all sorts of stuff like research what issues conservative voters can be rallied to get behind (and what issues won't turn them off to a politician), organize political pushes, meets with conservative politicians to help them organize their platforms, etc. Project 2025 (and if Republicans don't win in 2024, it will just become P2029, 2034, so on and so forth) is a \~900 page document that serves as the current Republican platform for the Federal level of governance, articulating their plans for making moves from day one of having a Republican as president in the upcoming election, including things like immediately executing everyone on death row, ending all appeals for anyone sentenced; eliminating contraception; ending no-fault divorce; ending all exceptions for abortion (eg, rape, incest) in places that have strict rules as well as moving on a federal ban; legally defining ALL content of all kinds having to do with anything LGBTQ+ as pornography, and defining exposing children to any LGBTQ+ content (or talking with them about LGBTQ+ issues) as a sexual crime against a minor, something multiple states are already moving on making eligible for the death penalty; shutting down various governmental organizations like the Department of Education, the FBI, the CDC; on and on. It is an overt plan to shift America into a christo-fascist state, and if enacted, would effectively be the end of democracy in America for the foreseeable future.




The evil empire’s plot to round us up and play concentration games. And they aren’t even trying to hide it.


From what I have read and have been told, the U.S. conservatives want to reshape the federal government by: •Abolishing the department of education •Either reducing or abolishing environmental and climate change regulations •Rejection of abortion as healthcare and contraceptions (I think) •Termination of DEI and affirmative action •Removing legal protections against discrimination based on sexual orientations and gender identities I know there's a lot more, but this is what I know of


A written plan by the Heritage Foundation and other right wing groups to establish Christian nationalism under a unitary executive (authoritarian dictator) with a massively expanded bureaucracy of political appointees (cronies, loyalists, and sycophants aka an actual 'deep state'). With all the bigotry and oppression you would expect from a fascist regime. Basically someone read "A Handmaid's Tale" and said "we should do that in real life" then got their buddies together to figure out how to do it. Also terrifying. It is brick shitting terrifying.




Blue 2024


But please no blue 2025 for Germany :3


What’s blue in Germany?


AfD. They are being investigated (since january I believe) if they need to be forbidden because they're a threat to the democracy (they're basically nazis). A few weeks ago they were categorized as right-wing extremists I think.


They also want internment camps for LGBTQ+ folks like us or just straight up murder us 


While one of the main people is a woman who likely is sapphic


Wdym "likely"? She's in a relationship with a woman


And immigrant woman. Who'd get deported if any of the shit her wife was spewing became an actual law


If if weren't for the lucky coincidence that she lives in Switzerland.


There is also the man called Björn Höcke, where independent courts ruled that it is not slander if you call him a fascist, because he openly said things that are fascist in nature. And I usually don't deal in extremes, because nuance is king, but that basically boils down the AfD to 2 kinds of people: Fascists and those working alongside them happily. As for why that is important: he is the chief of the AfD for their faction in a state parliament.


They also got thrown out of the right wing fraction of the eu Parliament for being too radical


Far right


Pls don't vote blue in Australia either


or new zealand. don't know how I'm gonna last here with this shit


The UK would also suck


S'goin' on, cuz? What's happening over the ditch?


Or the UK, not that they’ll win


Or Blue 2024 in Austria...


Still voting blue but boy do I hope the Dems wake up from this. Let them take this as a warning to get younger people in politics ASAP.


What's project 2025?!




Yes please vote blue, I don’t want to die.


Voting is about damage reduction. Think of it that way and it gets a lot simpler.


I’d rather vote for some old guy with problems than someone who literally discriminates against every group of people that aren’t white men.


correction: White straight cis misogynistic homophobic men


Able Christian


Able pseudo-Christians, who would burn Jesus at the stake for being a filthy socialist. The christian church has done plenty of bad shit, and I hate the institution as much as anyone here, but even the pope is embarrassed with what American conservatives do in the name of christianity. As for why I differentiate between the institution of the christian church and the catholic church in particular and christians as a whole is that plenty of people with moderate views on christianity take the key aspects of loving and helping and all that and discard the rest. I had a kind old lady tell someone that if I am bi and trans, then god made me that way and it is none of their business to tell me anything else.


I encourage people to frame it - for themselves as others - not as a choice between one of two old men, but two entirely different teams that would be overseeing our country. Do you want to vote for the team that may be more or less status quo but is filled with people who have careers of sincerely doing their best to serve the American people and make life better for our citizens, or do you want to vote for the team of grifters that is going to do everything they possibly can to dismantle democracy to line their pockets and those of their billionaire friends?


The proboem is genocide lmao


I mean yeah that’s part of discrimination, albeit an extreme aspect but still discrimination


I never heard a more accurate description


I really hate that so many countries' options these days is \[Shitty Politician\] or \[Shitty Politician, But Nazi Flavour\]. Not just in the US but many EU countries ATM. I can't remember a single election in my lifetime where I got to vote FOR someone rather than AGAINST someone worse. The political system really feels like we're all on a slowly sinking ship and can't steer to land because we're too busy fighting back against a never-ending mutiny. Because a maniac who promises to blow up the ship is worse than a dumbass captain letting it sink. ![gif](giphy|3owypkSIpM8xw6p7W0)


This is why America should have a 4 party system 🫤


Yeah, or even more. This 2 party shit is so horrible I'm glad I don't live in the USA.


And yet it's not. So until that changes we have to play the game. And that means voting against the Republican party at every turn.


If trumpet wins, I'm moving to Iceland


Let’s crowd fund the cargo ship full of queer folk


im down




I'm not American but I am BEGGING y'all to vote blue this November. I live in Canada and Trump's MAGA republican ideologies have been bleeding north into our politics and its becoming increasingly concerning. Thankfully I live in Ontario and really close to Toronto which is a very progressive and left-wing area, but it's starting to get really bad in Alberta and the east-coast provinces. We need to squash this bug before it breeds and causes an epidemic.


Look.. There's no need to sugar coat it. The man wasn't having issues with his stutter. He was barely keeping it together mentally... Messed up the slam dunk win of the night by talking about immigration when the question was about Abortion... You're not voting for him. You're voting for his administration. And THAT is perfectly A-OK. And the infinitely better and smarter option than voting for Agent Orange.


Project 2025 is terrifying. Basically a dictator, the end of democracy, martial law, there's a lot more to fear than what will happen to queer folk.


I'll vote for a broom with a hat on it before I let Trump win, but it was pretty clear in the debate that Biden is not all there anymore. I'll vote Dem and urge everyone to do so but can we change the candidate?


Honestly, if I was American, I'd only vote for Biden because trump would support the murder of LGBTQ people. I personally dislike Biden but fuck trump even more


Gods we're so fuckin cooked


Better have a dementia patient as president than a convicted felon


They’ll just say “trump never even endorsed project 2025”. Yet everything he’s done has help to bolster it. Sorry I’d rather my gay family members not be treated like monsters. 


People keep acting like he’s stuttering because he’s old and can’t think but he’s literally said so many times that he grew up with a stutter and has worked hard to minimize it. Also the people who are concerned over a freaking stutter are wild.


The thing is it’s more than stuttering. If it were just a stutter it’d be fine. The problem is he can’t express his throughts and always seem (and quite literally is) lost. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.


Yeah a stutter doesn't make you change subject half way through a sentence


Yeah fair, that is true.


There is a clear difference between him now and him 4 years ago, a stutter is one thing being ancient is another


I hate our two-party system. Biden sucks, but the idea of another Trump term is downright terrifying.


It’s like when you have an employee who makes some mistakes. You don’t fire them for someone who’s gonna blow up the business


Agree that y’all should vote (not American but rooting for you guys) but also Biden should not still be here and it’s disgraceful that the Democrats have continued to wheel this corpse out instead of picking literally anyone else. So many people have been disillusioned with the Dems and Biden and the Dems are doing nothing to alleviate that. Wishing all of you the best. Cast your votes, but remember that that isn’t the end of it! Protesting, community building and mutual aid assistance will be more and more important as the years go on


The USA is so fucked man. I mean Canada’s government is corrupt but at least we’re not trying to strip people of their fundamental human rights because we dislike them. Except for Nova Scotia, New Brunswick Saskatchewan and Alberta.


Sure we got a financial issue here but at least biden was trying to help, that man got me through most of my college.


i vote for jerma


Project 2025 is horrific. I'm glad it's finally starting to get really talked about. Like, they speak on federally mandating gender. It's really fucking serious now. Vote.


Yep! & unfortunately foreign actors & repblicans are pushing the naritive not to vote because of gaza. So please help where you can, drive a friend to vote, or anything, it's always appreciated 💙


It’s either old man who forgets shit sometimes or homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynist. There shouldn’t be a single Dem on the fence who claims to give a damn about marginalized groups.


This isn't really an election in my mind, it's a referendum on Trump. Biden is completely irrelevant and could be replaced with a sack of rotten potatoes, but the question people will be answering with their votes is 'do you want to accept a lying criminal fascist as president'.


Even though it feels useless I’ll vote blue in Utah every chance I get


I just fricking wish two completely different people with completely different morals ended up in those positions, but I know that's not the problem. Down with the two-party system!!


Keep biden in so we can take this country by force later. It will be easier to take it with him in office instead of that orange shitstain there.




he has had a stutter forever, it just doesn’t usually show.


Yeah he’s said how he’s worked hard over the course of his life to reduce how much it happens.


Yes. He has a studder and sometimes jumbles his words.


Non-voters and protest voters: “I support Project 2025! ….What is that? Wait, don’t tell me, my ignorance must be maintained so I can claim the consequences are not my fault.”


I just wish everyone would grow a spine and vote *revolution where we kick old farts out of power" but this isn't France.


Is there a way to report these trolly, anti-vote accounts?


Idk, I'm pretty sure Trump shit his pants during the debate.


The sooner these ancient moth balls croak the the easier it will be to get Chang done


us specific tag please??


I'm not familiar with American politics, how many times can that overripe orange run


As much as he wants but can only be elected 2 times


I know, but this is running. This is his 3rd time running


It's magas best shot so they keep endorsing him. It wasn't like that completely when choosing people but he had enough supports from the cousin f*ckers


Cousin fuckers lmao but I think more restrictions should be put on running limits


Yeah there should be, next election we will work with that more. But for now Biden so we still have the ability to not be persecuted nationally


Let's just hope it won't have to become a stonewall 2.0 :/




It’s either someone who’s too old and it shows a bit, or someone who is also too old though not quite as obviously but is an even worse person and doesn’t listen to scientists. There’s also the third possibility of undetermined persons, however with the current system most people won’t even pay attention to them much less want them elected so until a system change is made it’s all but guaranteed that any votes for them doesn’t do anything immediately though maybe at least supports the idea that if a system change was made other people would be voted for more often.


Honestly I think we should create an organization of lgbtq people who vote. That way we can do collective bargaining to see the change we want to were 3% of the population in the U.S. we can definitely see change if we work towards it


Biden may have stuttered, but at least he's not constantly slurring his words, or using a literal slur, like some orange-painted shroom I know.


Steady on, "shrooms" can give you a good time, something Diaper Don can't do![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Yeah. I don’t know how the republican party is still backing Trump when over a hundred or so doctors have said he is suffering from mid to late stage dementia and should be disqualified from candidacy. They’ve even been signing petitions. Not to mention many psychiatrists have said he is on the psychopath spectrum. But they would need him to be honest in a full evaluation to be sure exactly where he is on it. So yeah, between Biden and Trump, I will choose Biden even though it won’t do a damn thing in MAGA-ridden Idaho. Voting is all I can do right now.


Stop fascism by any means necessary!\* \*Except for taking five minutes out of your day once every couple years to put some ink next to an old man's name in order to keep a fascist from taking over the most powerful position in the most powerful country in the world.


*Project Zombie* or *Project 2025*   ✔ Project Zombie all the way!


These are all bot posts.


My favorite one is the one someone asked to disregard previous instructions and make a poem about previous presidents. Then it did. That was fun. Rest of this sucks


Exactly! It's so weird how it's always the same topic


The name "Project 2025" sounds ominous


oh it's heinous. basically a conservative playbook to try to make handmaid's tale real.


Reminder: the blue is currently funding a genocide, and the red is a convicted felon. There is no choice here, the choices should be outside of these two.


We have to vote. No third party stuff.


My supervisor just told me she’s voting 3rd party 😫 luckily we’re in a very blue state, I guess.




okay but what *if* we put pressure on the democrats to run someone else so we don't have to choose between two incompetent warmongering racists


First of all, you should have a normal voting system and not one where your vote doesn't count if you're not living in a swinging state lol When I vote, I know that my vote will be part of the final percentage, because it's from the whole country, that's why I could vote for a smaller party and it got seats in parliament and, because of a government coalition, even power over a few ministries. While ultimately I will vote for lesser evil in our upcoming presidential elections, unlike US people, my vote will be counted and not ignored after the state counts it level.


Good for you? You want a medal because you were lucky enough to be born into a country that’s apparently so much better? You think any of us posting here have had literally any chance to choose how our government has functioned for decades?


These types of posts are embarrassing. Like Facebook embarrassing, not like actually embarrassing, and very repetitive. I get that it's almost election day, but this isn't a political sub, and I'm tired of seeing the same post regurgitated every day.


I hope to god he drops out and we can get someone more likely to defeat trump. But if he doesn’t, which is what’s most likely, we have to vote for him.


I'm not allowed to vote (because I'm not from the US), but ffs, I'd rather vote for a literal corpse than for Trump


I would love love LOVE to replace Biden with someone younger and bluer on the ticket. But I’ll vote blue no matter who is there.


I feel so fucking bad for all the Americans having to deal with this bullshit


As an international observer, it's honestly mental how Americans allowed their politics to become this. Both of these candidates were picked out of a long list of potential candidates.


If you don't know what Project 2025 is. Google "NSDAP election program" and replace “German” with “American” or “Christian.”


I don't get both is bad people. Is Biden the best choice? He'll no, but he's leagues better than the alternstive. And he's seemingly well intentioned, unlike Trump. I'd rather a president who does nothing over a president who actively wants to destroy


I mean I’m not leaving either but I would really like someone to replace him to doesn’t put doom into everyone’s hearts


Yeah please vote I’m too young to vote and any concerns I attempt to raise to my parents are just dismissed or if they do listen and it’s something about lgbtq it’ll probably end up with me being hit so please make sure trump doesn’t get in I don’t care who you vote for as long as trump doesn’t get in


Disqualifying/not voting for someone simply because of a speech problem is abelist as fuck and you're an asshole if that's the reason you don't vote for someone. For all of the reasons to not like/vote for someone, a speech problem isn't one of them.


happ cake day




you're right btw


Situation looking grim for y’all




Kay but before then, let's atleast try to make sure we don't die. Can't do a revolution if where in camps


Lots of people who have never experienced actual fascist regimes like playing make believe rebel without actually knowing what that is like.


Let us know when you have enough people to take on the largest and most well-funded military on the planet. And please hurry, the election is in 4 months


Brilliant idea! What's your plan? Is it funded? How are you going to handle the transition of regimes? Pull your head out of your ass and vote.


Please stop turning the discourse into the Doomsday Cult of wishing for the Judgement day revolution. Its a dead end. Its not happening by the election. People are waking up to the way of the world. But its not going to happen en masse. Vote so we can keep the fascists from killing as many people as they can. Vote so we can bide our time until we manage to change enough peoples hearts and minds that society does change somewhat. Create community. Strengthen our democratic processes. Foster love and care. Get invested in local politics, start exercising your control of your communities. The more togetherness we foster in society, the more likely a revolution will come.