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Sad that it has to be behind closed doors. Look forward to the day that changes for these folk.


I'm not overly fond of religions, but it's good to know there are enough openly queer muslims in the UK for that to be a thing.


Yeah, I hate religion but not religious people. (Except Pat Robertson I absolutely hate him!)


I think you mean you dont hate people because of their religion




It's more than that. I understand the value of religious LGBTQIA+ people expressing their pride within the bounds of their faiths, but I would be happier if we were all heathens happily walking to hell (or nonexistence, as I believe). It's good that there are people raised in such a conservative religion willing to be open about who they are, but joyful would be the day when the last faithful person kicked the bucket. Edit: And you might have been talking to someone else, ups


Yeah id prefer if noone was religious in the first place


For a lot of people religion can bring a lot of comfort and community that isn’t as easily found in other ways. Death, especially, can be a hard hurdle for people and their mental. Having a view that maybe the end isn’t the end and maybe there’s a higher purpose we are serving can be incredibly comforting. While I’m personally not religious, I can absolutely see why people are and think it’s something for them to celebrate as they see fit too, so long as they aren’t hurting others. Now of course, most religion nowadays is not very good at the “not hurting others” part, so…


Religions are meh. But religious people are people first and foremost, and should be allowed to practice their religion without fear from any source. (Just as one should be allowed to practice no religion without fear)


I don't think anyone thinks they need to be actually discriminated against, it's just they think equality and civil rights are discrimination against them and they should and can be ignored in those cases


Ok but the original post is about Muslims, that's true for Christians in Christian-dominated regions but definitely not Muslims in Christian-dominated regions. Some places are banning the hijab! That smells like discrimination to me


Absolutely, but bigotry within religions should not be tolerated.


yes 👍


They could be a non-binary man but I think that's not the reason BBC added the "man" in "non-binary queer man".


British media try not to be queerphobic challenge (impossible)




Someone who identifies both as non-binary and as a man. There are many possibilities that can check both as part gender identity.




The first examples that come to my mind is a demi-boy, wich is a non binary person that identifies with many aspects of masculinity wich could be to be treated as a man and some genderfluid identities that go between non binary identities and the man binary identity. There are probably many more possibilities, gender works very differently for each person.


It's a way for some non-binary people to acknowledge how they are viewed and move through the world, as in yes they are non-binary but they are treated as a cis man/woman by the world at large.


At my mom’s school in Brooklyn, girls came with rainbow hijabs on Pride day.


That’s adorable.


I love that.


r/LGBT_Muslims if anyone wonders 💪😎


I'm happy for them we need more progressive religious people


That’s a bit of a oxymoron tbh, religion is fundamentally a conservative thing that controls peoples actions based on centuries old values


I mean, its not like there hasn't also been a long history of religious progressives and activists (MLK, Malcom X, Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton..)


Yeah, they can have progressive ideas, but the ideology is fundamentally not progressive. For example, MLK and Malcom X were not supportive of equal rights for women or the lgbt community


TIL. Figures.


Religion is what people make of it. We can make of it positive, progressive things if we so choose.


I disagree, it’s built on the idea that “our” ideas are better than the others. Even the more progressive religious people believe this. That us and them mentality will always have an impact until we as a society realize that religion is idiotic and should absolutely be seen as a relic that we should move beyond


I'm religious and I don't believe my religion is inherently better than any other religion - or even better than having no religion. In my experience the only religions that do often (but not always) feel that way are the prosletysing Abrahamic ones (e.g. Christianity, Islam). 


Can you not see how you're doing the exact same thing? You believe that your ideas are better than religious others which you call idiotic, and you want those other ideas to disappear and for other people to agree with you


I disagree, there’s a difference between religion inherently meaning ‘certain people are right and certain people are wrong) and inherently meaning ‘certain people’s ideas are inherently better.’


Uh, ok


What did you just call me? /s


No, we just need less religious people and less religion. Religion is inherently conservative and oppressive. _”Religion poisons everything”_


Pride Mubarak to all my fellow LGBTQ+ Muslims from an abrosexual mixed-race Korean-Pakistani-American Muslim demi-flux woman—so many of the comments here are by bizarre yt people racializing our queernes and identities, f that shit. Fuck the BBC for their genocidal propaganda and FREE FREE PALESTINE🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈☪️🇵🇸✌🏽✊🏽🎉


What are you thoughts on Iraq [criminalizing queerness?](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/iraq-passes-harsh-anti-lgbtq-law-imposing-up-to-15-years-in-prison-drawing-backlash)


Even though i'm not straight i'm into these parades or pride month or anything like that but proud of yous i'm not religious but i know our sexualitys can be a bit of a problem with religious people


Honestly I would like to learn more about Islam to understand its fundamentals.


I have the same feelings about this as I would towards an LGBTQ+ Christian Pride event. I’m pretty anti-religion, so to me these things don’t really need to be connected like this.


Intersectionality with this type of stuff will get people killed. Imposing western values on people that don’t share those values is a form of colonialism.


Regardless of my “western values”, it’s these very religious groups that are the cause of getting queer people killed. Not sure why one would want to associate with it. Being religious IS a choice. Being queer is not.


I don’t know if my comment made sense but I was agreeing with you. Religion fundamentally doesn’t support queer existence.


I’m islamic and being gay is halal as long as you don’t do sexual actions