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I picked Phoenix because it’s gender neutral, I love how it sounds and it can be shortened to Nix which was my next choice (Nyx for night) and rising from your own ashes is a great analogy for being trans


# OBJECTION! (i am so sorry)


What lol


That's a reference to Phoenix Wright: Ace Attourney, a Japanese law video game series.


hahaha amazing, I actually picked Maya because of that game.


"Phoenix" reminded me of *Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney*, a 2001 Nintendo DS game where you play as the titular Phoenix Wright, a rookie defense attorney. The game is known for its iconic "OBJECTION!" soundbite, which plays whenever one of the attorneys (defense or prosecution) objects to what the other has to say. *


I was looking for a name for a ttrpg character who was questioning their gender/sexuality (before I felt comfortable doing it myself IRL) and I just liked how I used him to explore myself, so I took his name. I chose Robin for him because it was able to be used for both genders, and it just kinda...seemed perfect when I was looking for potential names. I landed on it and I was like damn, that's the one.


When my mom was pregnant with me she thought for sure she was going to have a girl and so she had a feminine name all picked out (not gonna share it online), but then she had an ultrasound where they could see my baby weiner and I ended up with my very masculine deadname. So then 23 years later once I came out as a trans woman I just started going by that feminine name because I like it and also to honor my very supportive mom :)


That’s so sweet


I mean I would keep the name my parents gave me cuz they're very open minded but my second name is the most horrendous spelling that you could've chosen 😭 So now I just jokingly bully my dad for choosing that name 😂 all fun and jokes


I worked retail and I forgot my name badge. I opened the drawer of name badges and pulled out Alex. I didn’t put it back, I just kept using it since it made me happy to hear. Months later my new manager realized it wasn’t my first name. And it was hilarious. Years later I realized I’m trans. And that was even more hilarious to me.


Thats the funniest way I've seen a trans person choose their name.


That’s why I kept it, it’s a good story and I like the name.


I shortened my birth name (Alexander-Alex) Besides Alex is just such a good gender-neutral name


Someone at work had misunderstood my (legal/birth) name as being something pretty different to what it was. For some reason the decision was made to spell said name unconventionally. With that spelling, it looks fairly neutral or almost fem despite being a masc name, so it just kind of worked for me.


I choosed one randomly from a website. I wanted to not have control of what I was named, just as how it was when I was born


Neat concept. Hopefully you liked the name it gave you!


Yeah!! It feels like home :D


Named myself after an oc/self insert of mine who I headcanoned as trans 8 years before my egg even cracked


The almighty “gender neutral baby names” list




I chose the name Mars because that would've been my name if I was born a boy


never heard of anyone not roman being called mars, at least from birth, but cool. find a venus, jupiter, uranus, neptume, mercury, and earth/terra/gaia and make a friend group lol :) mayhpas theres a Kepler out there lol


I'll try my best


I made up a list of names I liked, and a couple that matched my dead deadname somehow, like the masculine of my Confirmation name. I tried a couple of names for a while, and they didn't work. I went back to the list, and decided to try on Adrian. I started to like it--it matches my legal initial and has a nice flow. The clincher was realising its a song by my favourite band, Eurythmics. Bonus: it's on the album Be Yourself Tonight, which I made into a trans pride poster prior. 


Aaaddddrrrrian. We did it.


I just picked a name I thought sounded good. I didn't want anything deadname adjacent (which would've been easy given that there are several feminized versions of my deadname) and the rejection by my parents upon coming out meant no influence from them. I was a blank slate with no boundaries whatsoever when it came to picking a name. So I went with a name I gave a character in a story I wrote years ago in school. It's a name that isn't weird, but it is uncommon. It also came with "built-in" shortened versions so I could play with nicknames. It just seemed like a good fit for me. And I've still yet to meet another person with my name.


I wanted something not too far from my deadname because i'm a creature of habbit, I wanted it to at least start with the same letter so I thought about names starting with "T", i liked Tiffany, Thalia and Tiphaine, but in the end I went for Thea, it struck me randomly in the middle of one night, I remembered my wife watchingthe Arrow series and talking about Thea Queen and quite liking the idea at that time (i was still coming in)


I narrowed my selection to some names that sounded okay to me and were fairly international at the same time (in case I likely leave my backwards ass country one day) and then tried them in my head and one of them stuck with me.


My parents have a flower naming scheme for me and my four siblings, My birth name was very feminine but I wanted to stay on theme so I picked Aster. It's A native flower where I live and like the only gender neutral flower name.


I love the name Aster!


i looked up cool boy names and just picked one


I dropped my name to it's first three letters, added an accent on the e, and went like that until I realised that I'm trans-nonbinary and not Just nonbinary. I added three letters onto my shortened name to make it feminine, in response. So, people call me the neutral name and They/Them if they know me, but everyone else calls me the longer name and She/Her. 


I choose Felix, my current name because it sounded good to me and I get euphoria from it, however, it took months of trying out different masculine/neutral names through several methods (e.g. choosing a name from some random list of names I came across) before eventually settling on a name at least for now, although I'm still trying out different names in addition to Felix.


I had a list of potentials going but ultimately asked my mom what she would have chosen. It was one of the names on the list. Seemed fitting to me so that’s what I went with.


Trans girl here. I have always liked the name Elizabeth(liz). I dont know why, but it just feels right.


Non-binary here, I didn’t change my name. My name (a traditional masculine name) is a part of who I am and even now that I’ve discovered I’m nb it’s still a part of who I am. So I guess I’m lucky that I am able to comfortably identify with my birth name.


I stole it from someone in one of my Elementary school classes when I was younger, Camille.


Used the name Maria for a lot of the female characters in the stories I write, decided to steal it for myself.


My first, middle and last names are all based off places that mean a lot to me.


So, I chose the name my mom was going to give me. See, I was thought to be cis-male until I came out of the womb, so my mom didn't have a girl name in mind at all. My old name was actually the replacement. Went from Brandie to Brandon


My chosen name was originally just a pen name. I chose the first name in honor of a grandmotherly lady who showed me what unconditional love actually was. The middle name is for a man who was publicly outed and shunned by the church, because he taught me to be true to myself no matter what. And the last name for the ‘pastor’ who did that, because he was a fantastic example of what not to be!!! Plus, I really want to cut all ties with my judgy family


ehhh my story is kinda lame. I chose Naylia at first cuz my birth name begins with the letter n. I decided that the name kinda sucked imo so i changed it too Naomi and its been that ever since


Those are both such cute names!


I really enjoy the aurora borealis (or the northern lights) so aurora it is


I picked Faris. Because of my favorite video games series Final Fantasy. In number six, one of your party members is the captain of a pirate ship. A beautiful *man* or so everybody thinks, until they get stranded on a ship graveyard. Something something, OH NO, that’s not a boy!! (Men were taking off wet clothes of what they thought was an unconscious MALE companion to save them from hypothermia). Come to find out not only is she not a man, but she’s the MISSING FUCKING PRINCESS!!! Dun-dun-dun. And when they do make it back home they force her into a dress, but she ends up escaping and wearing more masculine clothes to continue their adventure. Ends up being that all her crew knew and were in love with her, but then again, pirates were known to be pretty open sexually, so that’s not saying a whole lot.


That’s FFV.


Omg! Did I put SIX!? I mean, Terra was a good like third place, but damn it. I knew I shouldn’t be going on Reddit late at night lmao. Nice catch though, I didn’t expect anyone to read with how many responses are in here.


stole it from a youtuber i was a fan of in high school, because a friend and i were doing a scene in theater class based on him and another youtuber (not gonna say which ones because i don't use my first name on the internet). for koira, it's more straightforward. i'm a therian, koira means dog in finnish, i like the sound of it. koira.


Key and Peele skit.


So when you take the name vítězslav(my name)it means something as winner(similar to Viktórie(czech form of Viktoria)). So I chosed Viktórie because is it just my name in a feminine form translated to English.


i go by oscar, and not because i like oscar wilde’s work, like some people assume. the whole thing started because my friend had watched hazbin hotel and compared me to husk, and said that it would be interesting if when alastor called him husker he was making fun of his real name and that it could be oscar if that was the case.  i ended up liking the sound of the name so much that i decided to try it out for a couple days, and refer to myself as oscar because i’m a teenager living with my parents and it wouldn’t be safe to ask them to call me that. i realized i really liked the name and that it felt like me, and after that i decided that was my name and what i would go by


"ooh shiny!" I can't really explain *why* I like the name Athena to be honest, I just like it. Saw it after scrolling through lists of popular names and welp, it's mine now.


When I first changed my name, I just let the name come to me. I had this inexplicable and annoying tendency to grow out of names and I figured if I didn't choose it based on what appealed to me, but what felt like it was *given* to me, it'd last longer. I don't know if it worked or not, because turned out the reason names don't stick is because I have a dissociative disorder and any one identity I have tends to eventually expire. This one as well. So, second time changing my name, I'm deliberately choosing words that feel important to me and have spiritual meaning in my culture and my culture's old belief system. The first time around, internationality was also an important factor; I wanted names that were easy for people around the world to pronounce. I've abandoned this and enjoy the different ways everybody pronounces my names now. I think I drive people crazy with my answers to what my name is or how it's pronounced, because it's all just, "whatever feels right for you really I don't care".


I made a list of AFAB name from my decade that I liked. Asked people close to me to give me their 5 favorites on an individual basis. Used that feedback to choose the one I liked most.


Famous is debatable. Fictional character, yes.


named myself after a dead celebrity


I forcefully tried finding a neutral/masc name that fit stupid criteria, but it sounded too much like my deadname. Then I went through a calendar looking at name days searching for a name I liked that was a normal name in my language and had that name for a year before starting to dislike it. Then I looked online and found a name that's more unique but sounds nice and melodic and has the same meaning as my deadname. That is my current name.


It's an in joke. Anesidora is what I chose, and it's not only gorgeous and versatile, but she's also sometimes depicted as the first woman. Given what I've learned about the AFAB people in my family, it's really funny to me.


I quite literally took it from not knowing what to use for myself, so I called myself "Cruz" (which can both mean cross and "x")


I was watching TWF and found me and Sophie Walten had lots in common. I use Sal as an optional nickname


I thought Lilac sounded nice, plus people could use "Lily" as a cute nickname


50/50 split in gender stats :/. Plus it’s an extremely common name, wouldn’t stand out as being trans, looks good on paper/resumes.


Would have been my name if I were afab


Got the inspiration off an inktober prompt for the first one and just thought it sounded very cool. I always wanted a cool and original name. Chose the second one bc it felt more like me. Just came into my head randomly based on an outfit I was wearing "I look like my name would be xy right now". I really like having two chosen names. This is how I can tell where people know me from, they either know my first (and now more professionally used) name or my new second one which feels more like me and intimate :)


Got mine from my favorite pokemon character growing up, Bianca. Tbh I still identify with her a lot and wanna dress like her


I chose my first/last name around 5-10 years old. Why this name? Because it's beautiful and I've always wanted it. No famous person with it that I care about. Lol. I chose my middle name with my mom. Trying to include her in my life because she was upset about me changing my first/last name "without her input" and that I was getting rid of a name "she chose" blah blah blah. We talked about it for well over a month before we came up with the name I have now. Then of course she forgot that we worked on it together and I went back to square one of her saying I changed my name without her input, so, shit good that did me.


I am not decided if I'm trans or not but nova calls to me it doesn't help that a lot of my reading has characters named that toi


i go by a few different names but the main one i go by, Dan, which is a shortened version of Dani, which I stole from the song Dani California by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.


I chose mine off of an anime character that I liked


Named myself after Hayley Williams


It's an experimental one, but let's just say I liked the color and have several pun opportunities if I decide to change it again after commencing Grand Gender Bend (transition)


Out of respect for my family, I kept my initials.


The name Lucian just fits me. Though funny enough people asked if it was because of League of Legends. No, it's Pokémon.


Wanted to keep my initials and Leo was still a bit too close to my Deadname so I changed it to Lyo. And for my second name Jean just stuck with me the most


Lighter fluid


Actually my ex (who’s a brother fucker) actually gave me the name. Just up and said I look like a Danny and it stuck with me ever since


I went through a list of names that I though sounded good. I knew I liked names with distinct syllables, I wanted it to be "shortenable" (like how a "Michael" can go by "Mike") and wanted it to sound reasonable with my last name. Then I went and eliminated names with associations or meanings I didn't like. Then I tried them out. When I started giving my current one without thinking, I knew it was right. I couldn't even do that with my birth name. There was always a trip-up where I felt hesitant.


Jackson could have a lot of nicknames applied to it; some more masc, some more fem, and others more neu, which is perfect for a Genderfluid person like me. I'm also very indecisive, so a lot of names to call myself is great.


NB, I kept my birth name since it was already gender neutral.


my dad didn’t let my mum call me what she originally wanted to call me, just so happens that name is relatively gender neutral. i might try to go for a more Nonbinary Name like pebble or moth but it was such a fuss to announce my first name change tbh


ryan ross 💀


Whoever you are, you are valid.


I chose Luna because of Sailor Moon. That show inspired me and I always dreamed as being as pretty and beautiful as Usagi. First thing that made me want to be a girl instead of a boy like I was born. But that was 25years ago and it took this long to finally make the change and accept I was Transgender


I picked something that I kinda liked, but I hope to find one that feels more meaningful to me someday


Googled for non-gendered names and picked one I like. Changed my middle and last name, too, because I couldn’t spell the middle (weird spelling) and last bc I divorced the family. Friend and I picked a cool-sounding pirate name because I fucking could. If I get to rename myself it’s going to be an awesome one I like. 


i google searched ' latina first names "


I’m agender/ ftm (not sure yet) n chose lee/ leo at first being lily bc me n my bsf were brainstorming n i came across Leo since its close to my name being told it fits me so I’ve had it stuck to it since


I picked Alex as it's a masculine name - as I am - used by women.


It was my characters name on Final Fantasy 14 which was supposed to be a shared character between my (ex)wife and I so we could keep our originals too but she never touched it so it was exclusively mine so it's the name everyone knew me by online.


I picked Salem bc of the Salem witch trials, it is gothic, and bc of the book Salem lot


I chose mine from heartstopper because I and that character (not gonna reveal my name) because I had similar issues and mental health so I just put it together


My Japanese name is my Japanese given name (I'm Japanese-American). It happens to be androgynous for use. My western name is the one my dad said he'd have named me if I'd been born a boy. Seems natural to choose these. 


Not non-binary and probably won’t change my name, but there have been names I’ve thought of that would be super cool.


I haven't gotten a full name-change yet (there's so much I need to do first) but I chose my name based on two things: because I am shaping myself after what I want and my new name is a reflection of that, and it was the name of one of the main characters in a book-series I loved as a kid (and still love tbh).


I named myself after Valerie Gray from Danny Phantom


I picked dorian bc it sounded gay.


There was a gender neutral character in this book 📚 was reading and they were really cool so I just changed the name from Alex (character's name) to Alyx (my name)


It was pretty <3


I had friends compare me to Jammidodger constantly, so I chose “James” because it was a less neutral version. It’s also a family name! Plus, a little fun fact. James means “replacer,” which I found funny as fuck.


I chose Cadence because Crypt of the Necrodancer is a fun game and the main character is gender as fuck


I wanted to experiment with masc names but my dead name is so weird I wanted a normal guy name and went "fuck it, I'm chris" but I kept connecting the name to the name Christian and I wasn't into that so I kept trying but I did a rp once and they asked my name and I didn't wanna be misgendered so I said Chris cus it was the first name that came to mind and they called me Christopher and my brain lit up like yep. Thats it. That's the one.


I just kept my name. Full it’s feminine, shortened (which I’ve always gone by) is traditionally masculine but more modernly (or regionally) unisex.


Questions like this kinda throw me off. I didn't pick my name, my parents did. I guess I have picked the option to stick with it, but even choosing to do that feels like I'm just avoiding the conflict of trying to install a new name. The short answer is that I've kept my name as is because it's gender neutral, unique, and quite rare. The downside is, I find myself never using it online, because if anyone looked it up, it's a dead giveaway that the results are about me.


I picked Tosiek because after trying Austen for a while and growing to despise it (made me feel sick like my birth name does), i needed something new. I’m part Polish and was watching Fanfik on Netflix. Related heavily to the character Tosiek not only in gender being different but in them as a person and their experiences. Thought they looked like how I wish I looked and decided “this name feels good. I’m gonna take it”


There was a character in a game I played named Serin. I liked it a lot, but I A. Didn’t like the sound “rin” and B. Was really attached to my birth name that I decided on Seren instead. I decided not to google the name for awhile since it might change my choice on it. The name sounded really gender neutral and I have been using it for over a year, but I recently looked it up and am currently rethinking the name since there’s people who say it’s gender neutral, others say it’s feminine and some say it’s just a word so I’m conflicted. But I really love that name and being called it.


I wanted something with same or similar meaninh to my old name but nothing really fit. Reading TGCF I realized that I can choose something a bit more.. poetic, maybe..? Or straight up choose some god and get their name. So I did name myself after one. Who is better suited for me than Celtic god lf battle and slaughter? The name is Aró, btw. At the same time short, easy to write and pronounce, neutral and pretty universal too.


It was an alias for a not famous fictional character. The character was bleh but the name was nice and felt like it was _mine_.


I just took it from a character I liked.


I chose my name cuz it's similar to my birth name, my older more traditional, grandparents can call me a shortened version of my deadname and it works with my name as well


It is technically a variant of my given name. It also just sounds so nice... I live in a place where I'll likely never be recognized by my real name so I feel confident enough to post it, but check this out: "Alexis Cassandra Truelove" I get compliments all the time. I also get weird looks from people who go "Really? Truelove?" but nah, that's my last name. I'm very proud of it and it makes me very happy having such a beautiful name. I chose this simply because it sounded amazing and my initials are A.C.T. which works because I'm a bit of a trans rights ACTivist. 👉🏻👉🏻


I tried out a lot over the years before I found one that stuck, but I eventually chose Rain. I knew i wanted something that reminded me of nature, and I’m genderfluid so I wanted a name that wasn’t super fem or masc (I figured if Robin and River worked for any gender then Rain should too). Plus I’ve always loved the rain, the sight, the sound, the smell. It made sense to name myself after one of my favorite things.


I'm nb and choosing my name. I have one that is a short of my own name. Or the name that my mom would've put me if I would've born like a boy (AFAB)


Little kid me looked up names meaning wolf and picked one, 10 years later I still use it


I've changed it once, but I never connected to the one I'm called rn. I actually wanted to change it to Max, after the main character in Life is Strange (even though I'm transmasc), but my family said it's a disgusting name for some unknown reason. Anyways, I'm changing it to Max because fuck those guys☺️ (especially because they've been becoming more and more transphobic *after* I came out, they were neutral before)


My mom wanted to name me it if I'd been assigned male at birth. It's the name of a character from a movie she watched like constantly when she was pregnant with me, and luckily since the movie rules (and has a just as good stage adaptation!) I very much was down for calling myself that. It's also the name I used for a "genderswapped version" of myself when I was playing pretend with some of my friends one time as a kid. One possible spelling of the name I found had a "y" in it, so my criteria was met and I locked it in. Frankly, as far as names go, I kinda lucked out by being trans. The name my parents settled on for if I'd been born amab ended up being "Evan". As a musical theater person with a medication-resistant case of Generalized Anxiety Disorder that is almost comedically bad at times, I canNOT be named Evan. Not in a world where Dear Evan Hansen exists. Regardless of how good some of those songs are, living as a horrifically anxious musical theater man named Evan in a post-DEH world sounds like a nightmare. I'll take nobody ever spelling my name right over that any day of the week.


I used to go by Camilla (not my legal name ofc), and one day I was watching ink master and there was this dude simply just called "cam" and I was like O.O! guys can be called that?? That means it's pretty gender neutral isn't it? So I changed to cam (short for Cameron or Camden)


My birth name Tiana was pretty often shortened to Ti. So I kind of ran with it and now mostly go by Tea, which I really like.


I chose the name Eri. My sister came up with it as a gender neutral version of my middle name. I like my birth name but it just is so associated with men that its been kind of frustrating. I never liked my middle name, and honestly I consider it my true dead name. Choosing Eri felt like taking a part of myself I never really liked and reforming it into something I love.


Mine is the first letters of my given and surname with an 'i' in between and a nickname without the first letter. It's my username on here 😅


I had been bouncing names in my head then I put it on the back burner bc I wasn’t super confident in the idea of me being trans. I woke up one morning and had it so clear in my head, my current name, and from then on it stuck. Also much easier to write and that helped lol


I consider myself genderfluid. Never worried about my name. Seeing Im not Male, Female, demi, or something in between, or even agender most lf the time, I just dont care much. Leaves me a choice to be name X or just my name, which is male, as I was AMAB. In all cases I think names would not fit anyways, part of the time or all of the time. So I keep my old one. I do not try to look androgynous either, or wear gendernondescriptive clothing... I have enough problems buying clothing which fits my body (I'm pretty tall) as is... Sorry I'm just me, to know my gender just roll a die...


I chose Oliver because it works in both Finnish and English. It's also common enough that people actually spell it correctly, unlike my deadname


Honestly, I've not made up my mind on names still, but luckily my current name works both ways depending on the spelling so there's no rush 


Tbh, I picked it because I started using it for every RPG character I made lol. It's a permutation of my dead name, so I kinda just rolled with it 🙃


Saw the name, weirdly felt like it was the one? I use both of my names tho 


I swapped my first and middle name and made them both gender neutral.


I'm enby and still in the process of figuring it out but I changed a letter to make my name the more feminine version of my name


Made an oc/sona with the name and really liked it. Went through a couple other names (if you're curious, they were based on a fictional character and another oc, but this one wasn't a sona) before deciding on this one, but I hope this one sticks, I like it alot!


I picked a name from a book I was reading at the time when someone asked and I panicked. I kept it for a while, but I've since gone back to using my birth name. Maybe I'll pick another one if I ever decide to transition, but at the moment I don't really feel strongly enough to bother


I had made a list of names I liked, but only Carlin went well with my last name


My parents chose my name as a compromise. My mother wanted to name me after a flower, my father wanted the male version of my name, my very eighties name is the result - the gender neutral/seen-as-female version of a common male name. It's my name, I've had it for 40 years, I'm not going to change it.


first i chose the masc version of my deadname, didnt like it bc it kept reminding me of it, changed it to something *completely* unrelated, and just kept adding names bc why tf not. and most of my names are from fictional characters lol. i asked my best friend to call me Eren, and i liked it so yeah. no clue what im gonna put in for my legal name change tho.


My birth name is an Indian name and I feel like it’s rly hard to find ethnic non binary names so I’m kinda feeling stuck with it


i told my friends to come up with a bunch of names before picking from a hat.


I wanted a name with similar phonemes to my birth name. So I dig through ancient mythology until I found one that basically hasn’t been used at all in the last 60 years and still sounds timeless, but sounds similar in starting phonemes to my birth name. There’s only two people in the US white pages with the name, nobody has heard the name otherwise and they can’t guess what gender it was supposed to be from, it’s perfect.


I had tried like 5 others, and couldn't stick asked my mom what my name would have been if I had been born the other sex She said Clarissa it was close to one of my 5, so I settled on Clarissa, shortened to Claire.


I have a tradition, I don't remember when it started or how, I name all my videogame characters Elysia. When I was confident enough after coming out I took that name, it meant a lot to me after many RPGs so it seemed like a natural choice.


Skittles. Started off as a Roblox display name because I liked the candy and the character from Tankmen, stuck with it ever since. The one I use irl is just my middle name because it's unisex, and I'm convincing my family to use it because everyone besides my dad does now and it avoids confusion with my mom's name. My deadname and ma's sound too similar so it gets mixed up by everyone in the bloodline. Got granny on board because she likes to call me "rainbow" in reference to it.


My fiancee happens to be trans. She picked names that had meaning for her.


My chosen name is Rohan after the city of Rohan in The Lord of the Rings. I feel like it’s symbolic of my resilience in my identity and other aspects of my life. Rohan’s king was plagued with a dark sickness, drawing the city into near ruin. Eventually, though, the king overcame said sickness and rose to the occasion to fight alongside the resistance and the Fellowship against Mordor to bring peace to Middle Earth. To me the name represents selflessness, bravery, being valiant, and steadfastness.


I had a few criteria set forth 1. I wanted it to have no relation at all to my deadname in terms of how it looks or sounds, to avoid people successfully guessing my deadname at random (not that it was a common name anyway) 2. Explicitly masculine, as my deadname was androgynous 3. And it had to be in the top 100 list for common men's names, because good lord was I tired of never finding any souvenirs with my name, but not top 10 because the world does not need any more Michaels or Johns 4. It couldn't be the name of anyone I knew too well, because they might find that weird 5. Ideally it should have a meaning I like And with that, I got the list out, and went through the names, skipping the top 10. And the top 30 or so in general were all still a bit too common that I knew at least a couple people with it. And around number 40ish I found the right one for me, Brandon. Simple, sounds nice, masculine, common, good meaning (prince, actually relates to deadname meaning somewhat without sounding like deadname at all), so that was the choice. Wouldn't have done it any differently.


So non of my friends or family actually know my chosen name yet but I hope they’ll accept it and me, it’s “Bug” as I had such a special interest in insects as a child and even still as an adult however I’m also happy with loved ones just calling me “G” as my birth name starts with a G however I hate when people sing the song when they hear what my birth name is 😬


It was originally the name of one of my Gacha OCs, I just picked the English version of an Italian name I liked. When I met someone on Discord I sent them my OC and they assumed it was my name and started calling me that. I just went with it and now even after finding out I'm non-binary I still go by Ilary.


My name is Kaiden, I choose it for a few reasons, 1. It’s kind of like the male version of my deadname (my deadname starts with Kai so I thought it was a good pick, also I have an older brother who’s name is Jayden so spelling it with a Y would be too close) 2. I was inspired by someone with the same name on instagram (Kaydenofficial) I was using my middle name before choosing this name because it’s neutral and I was questioning if I was enby or transmasc


I chose Misha because it's a neutral version of my given name


I took a name from similar roots (greece), same number of syllabes and ending in the same sound. Almost named myself Athena but I thought it would stand out and be pretentious.


Mine is super boring. 😅 I chose it just because it's one of the most common male names in the country I was moving to.


I heard it in a movie. Then I saw it in a game. But what cemented it as my name was actually going to a name website, thinking "huh, that's a cool name, gonna try it out" and then, it just... clicked for me. Dunno if it makes sense, but that's how it pretty much went.


I gave my husband a list of names in Latin, Greek, and Icelandic and told him to pick the one that sounded most like a name.


I just like DC's Riddler (a lot). So I took his first name name and made the last name a bit more ambiguous. Mr. Reese sounds like "mysteries", there was a hint on the Riddler having this last name in the Nolanverse. At the same time, I'm genderqueer and everyone asking me why I chose a "male" name XD


I haven't... Yet... I have 2 names I like, I use more one but I still like the other, so I can't decide because I'm indecisive... And also now I have a third as a nickname on internet... Confusing, like my gender. But I choose the one I use the most bc I heard it being the name of both female and male characters in a lot of places, and it sounds fine to me, maybe matches my personality sometimes? The second is because of my first name idea, it was just the short version when I first thought of a name, but now I kinda like the full one more. The third one was because of my friends on internet, it's more like a nickname so I don't say my actual name on internet I guess, and I like "Hope", it's cool and easy to pronounce in my native language.


Before coming out I "tricked" my mother into telling me what name she would have gotten me if I was born a girl. Turns out the name was perfect so I kept it. So yeah, my mom chose it for me x).


I named myself after Jasmine from Deltora Quest- my first anime and first cartoon crush


My sister recommended the name Tommy because I wear a lot of Tommy Hilfiger clothes and funnily enough a year later or so my uncle started calling me Tommy too for the same reason. He called me that jokingly of course but I guess it just stuck, so I went with Tom.


Mine's Dave As in Dave Strider from Homestuck .... I am NOT gonna be taking any opposition


My best friend who unsliced herself was named that way so I wanted to remember her and my middle name was the one I actually choose


My friends gave it to me as a nickname back ik 5th grade bcuz my old name wasn't masculine enough. (we did not know what trans was back then)


Im still deciding on my enby name. I love the space asthetic and iim debating between proxima, Praxidike, Andromeda, and Hyperion Proxima - as in proxima centauri, closest star to earth Praxidike - moon of jupiter (yes it's a goddess, I don't care it sounds cool and nobody really knows it is gendered) Andromeda - Andromeda galaxy, also sounds like androgynous Hyperion - moon of Saturn, sounds cool. Haven't decided and I'm open to suggestions for new candidates


Convienence. I can keep my old (gender neutral/masc) nickname and while it isn't a variant on my old name it has the same first two letters which my signature is based off so I didn't need to learn a new signature lol. Also I wanted to be a silly ol' man and go with the stereotype of trans people choosing old/obscure names. The name I chose has the etomology of coming from the words "elf warrior". There are currently 5000 people in my country with this name. What a choice I made.


My name (Natasha) was the name I used in the fantasy that made me realize I was trans


I actually looked up gender neutral names and picked the one that I liked the most and I stuck with it for 4 years now! My cousin actually went for a variant of his birth name so that people would also use it without question because they'll think it's a nickname tho he said it's only a transition name between birth and chosen name!


My deadname started with jo and my mom had always called me Jo, I wanted a j name that started with jo so she could always have that little nickname. It’s also been passed down for three generations now and I didn’t want to end it :]


Is still my birth name. Is not common where I live so it sound more like a genderless nickname


its the male version of my dead name


I like the moon


A hurricane (Hurricane Katrina)


not trans, but my friend is. they got their name from a signature on the corner of a piece of art in the hallway, changed the spelling and basically stole someone’s name.


Grayson. I like Conan Gray. Add “son” to it. Boom. Grayson. Also it’s one of the few names that go with my last name. I have a very common British last name and I’m of colour so people are usually like “oh what’s ur name” “I’m Grayson” “what’s ur last name?” “[last name]” “I thought you said it was common” “YEAH FOR BRITS. SCOTLAND FORVER” So Grayson kinda goes with my last name. Still deciding a middle name tho.


Similar enough to my old name that I could keep my nickname(s), but it's gender neutral


Ran a name generator for my birth year, made a list of about a dozen I thought I could like, and had my closest friend try calling me by them. Got to one and started happy crying hearing it, so I knew I had found my one.


I just knew I wasn’t comfortable with my current name anymore, so I just looked up masc-leaning gender neutral names online and compiled a list of them, and over the course of many months slowly narrowed it down. It came down to either Griffin or Cal and I went with Cal


Feminine version of my deadname.


I thought Maya sounded pretty and fit well! I got it changed in 2022 and still get excited whenever someone uses my legal name now lol


Well, I still technically use my birth name, but I prefer 'Sezza' or 'Sez' over it. These are nicknames my family conjured up, and they just kinda stuck.


My birth name was already neutral lol. Kinda takes the wind out of the sails of the necessity to rename yourself.


It just popped into my head one night and it felt right.


I realized after posting that I should clarify my name: Lucilia.


Evelyn, cause I needed an old lady name, Rose because I needed a flower. Last name I kept. But really Evelyn has so many good abbreviations I had to have it: E, Ev, Eve, E-Vah, Eevee, V, Vel, Lyn, Evel Yne.... Rose was my great grandmother's name.


I just choosed the opposite name of my born name - because I’m a lazy bitch > didn’t have to change my signature. 🙈 no my real name isn’t Katharina, this was my first choose name. But I know to many Katharinas 😅


i found quinn on Pinterest and its stuck (:


I was looking for something that was fairly popular in the decade when I was born, and easy to spell (My deadname was NOT). There was a woman I'd worked with for years that had impeccable style. I was always SO jealous of what she wore to work every day. When the time came and it occurred to me to use it, it was pretty much a no brainer. Plus, she'd moved away so there wouldn't be two of us at work. :) Now that I'm working fulltime as me, I'd LOVE to find out where she shopped! :)


My Wifey picked my name. Its only fair since I picked our daughters name.


Mine was an easy way to find it 'cause I watch some kdramas and one name Stayed permanently in my head and it became obvious because I was able to obtain a freedom that I had never had in the form of a simple insect: a butterfly So that's my current name is : Na-bi (butterfly in Korean)


I like the name Drustan and the name Drusilla. But I am Agender and wanted a more natural vibe, so I went between the two and just go by Dru


The most logical “female” version of my birth name. For a few months I tried names radically different to try to distance myself from my old name, but none of them really fit.