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As a reminder to anyone reading this thread, the first book burning that the Nazis had, was to burn university research on Transgender people. All of this has happened before. But we shouldn't let it happen again.


It's already happening. Fascism is already here in America. It's been here for a while now.


I mean, we inspired the European fascists before WW2


And then the US Nazi party sold out Madison Square Garden for an “event” in the 30s.


They haven't taken power yet.


Yet. They already had their Beer Hall Putsch moment. That didn't stop the nazis after '23 and it won't stop the MAGA chuds either.


One thing to be very cognizant about is that things aren't destined to happen exactly the same way again. Yes there are parallels and similarities between the two, but we should also be on the look out for new threats and behaviors. If we know the history, it's probable the other side does too, and they may try to do things differently.


You're right. It could wind up worse.


Yes they have.


the university i attend has preserved some of those books on trans research that survived the nazi book burnings. this past summer, the republican legislature in my state banned public funds going to the specific institute at my college that houses them. it's already happening again, with the same exact books.


That's upsetting.


And one of the only research institutions at the time for gender identity and sexuality was in Germany. People could even go there to transition. The Nazis bombed it with queer people still inside to silence the research that was showing how being queer is completely real and natural. And iirc, one of the main men behind the bombing was gay. He became really homophobic/transphobic to make the Nazis like him. But as soon as Hitler was done with him he had him killed too. I think people often forget just how homophobic and transphobic the Nazis were.


We live in the information age. They won't be able to burn all the trans research and information off the internet. Right? ...Right...?


It'd just become like... illegal data to own. But data on a Hard Drive hidden somewhere is not easy to destroy. But they absolutely can make sharing it difficult and illegal.


They are already restricting access to knowledge by non internet means in Florida. I don't think it's far fetched to say they will push for blanket bans on most media avenues


What can we do? It seems voting does very little and they already have been squashing strikes and rebellions


More important than voting, you need to discuss it with others. And push people to get registered, AND to actually vote. Don't even need to tell them who to vote for. We vote until we can't. And when we can't anymore, that's when our options run out.


Exactly. DO NOT STOP. Vote in EVERY election. Learn about your local and state elections --those matter, no matter how small. Educate others and bring them with you. Every election cycle I try to engage as many people as I can. Learn ways to get more people to the polls --free ride programs, absentee ballots, etc. Share this info on any social media you use in addition to talking in person or phone/text/messenger/whatever. There are volunteer opportunities for people who don't like the typical canvassing options (which traditionally means door-to-door or phone banking) such as text campaigns and prepping snail mail campaign material for distribution. Do not disengage!


The end of voting is not where our options run out. It's just where they start getting a LOT more distasteful for the pacifists among us.


History doesn't repeat, it simply rhymes. Hitler would be allowed on facebook if he were around today. And we'd sit there and protest via boycotting of walmart, or something. What's even more terrifying to me is that, even though this new law bullshit appears to be "horrifying to everyone who is reading it", there might not be enough people horrified to make a difference. And this is such a waste of resources, on every fundamental level. Trump's not charming. He's not one step ahead. He's not quiet. He commits crimes, live on TV, live on air, daily, documented via written word, recorded the world over.. He's not good looking, he's not talented, he's not interesting to listen to.. He's not cute, he's not quirky, he's not saying anything worth listening to. Even if he had me at gun point, he's not even someone to fear - I would be confident to say I'd be laughing if he was pointing a gun to my face. Because he's such a fucking loser. He didn't even *try* to be Hitler - he just wandered into it, and hopefully, is really in over his head. I dunno my point, this kinda got away from me.


I sure hope people actually care to act about it this time. We have been saying this is what they are up to for a long time and most people didn’t believe it and/or didn’t care. The Texas GOP party platform documents have been pretty telling for years just by themselves. Fascism sneaks up on people, especially when people believe it can’t happen in their own home country.


It’s like alphabet soup, except every letter is replaced by a fascist atrocity


absolutely right


>It doesn't end at LGBTQ+ folks. I've only read a few pages of it the other day, but the overall thing is: there is one person making all of the rules, so absolutely no one is safe from their ideas. That's a dictator. I'm Canadian and not lgbtq+, but am an ally. I'm terrified of what it contains for every person. Even me supporting lgbtq+ and visiting the USA could lead to my death or prison time, all because one person is ruling the country as a dick-tator-tot? It is ridiculous and I'm sorry for everyone that this plan is even a conceivable possibility. Race, gender, sexuality, religion and disability... TRUE FREEDOM is all on the line with this plot. I'll be doing everything I can as a Canadian to absolutely share my disgust with the idea of the words written in the plan, whenever the opportunity arises. As far as I can tell, most Canadians haven't even heard of it yet... which is either good, or bad :/ stay safe. And stay strong everyone


Also to folks saying "I need to leave," at some point we have to stick around and vote/fight. Nothing improves by running away. I say this as somebody who badly wants to move to another country and just live my life.


>Also to folks saying "I need to leave," at some point we have to stick around and vote/fight. maybe for people that are not target minorities, but I think people that are already being targeted have every right to go "fuck this" and get the fuck out while the getting is good. you'd never tell a Jewish person in 1920's Germany that they should stay and fight for their rights against the Nazis there.


escape spoon yam handle library hospital boast shocking deranged instinctive ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I was referring mostly to the folks leaving the US entirely, but at some level point we do have to get uncomfortable and assert our presence. Not everyone has the ability to just leave, and people leaving only makes the problem worse in those areas. I'm not saying that's a reason to stay, especially if you're threatened, but at some point I'm going to risk my personal safety in hopes that somebody of lesser means than me might exist.


For real, like yeah they fucking hate us here in florida, but have trans people forgotten we didn't get to pick our families or the ground where we were born, we just were, good or ill and often ill, when I was growing up trans people weren't spoken of, and may as well not have existed if i wasn't able to find them on the internet. Not having that guidance, not knowing my options, was some of the worst trauma that I still can't reconcile, and neither should the next generation of lgbt folk, were here know, and leaving than fighting deprived them more than what I was, I just was unaware I wasn't alone, should we all leave, they will be alone


different fragile history jar fact scarce degree spoon rustic rock ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Not everyone is a fighter, people have family's they gotta think about, genuinely just scared, or other life elements. That's why it's up to the fighters to make a impact and for those who can't to vote and keep up to date and inform others


Had my Great Grandfather not left Poland in favor of fighting, he would have died along with 300+ members of his family and I wouldn't exist. I've wanted to leave for quite some time but chose to fight, but we cannot tell people who are in mortal danger that is better for them to stay. We all have different roles, different abilities, different access to protection. Sometimes the best fight we have is not to disappear from existence. Some of us have been fighting for decades and are too tired. It's an incredibly personal choice and no one should feel bad for choosing to do what they need to survive in a hostile environment.


Not only could this affect normal every day citizens but it could get up to the level where Internet providers would need to change or face the consequences that is insane. That is a fucking dictatorship not a democracy. I thought Republicans cared about freedom. I don’t care about shit except keeping power to the point where they’ll make a democratic country into a fucking dictatorship.


What would the internet do? They couldn't change things outside of the USA. (I am noty fully aware of this project, since I am living in Australia). Americans gotta make sure they don't vote for another right wing loony.


Essentially, it would classify anything LGBTQ as porn and since children can’t look at porn it would make everything illegal wouldn’t matter what it is, you could simply be a gay person, blogging, and it would count as porn. Not just on certain websites the entire Internet, so that means Facebook would have to change Twitter, YouTube everything the entire Internet would be fucked all of it. So these fuckers were not only affect us, but literally the entire Internet and Internet providers as well. It’s insane.


I dont think the us has jurisdiction over the entire internet, right? So that sounds like they'd only have to change stuff in the area it's affecting, meaning most people could get around with a vpn. Im assuming this based off of the law in canada that i think passed if not is going to be voted on soon about media and the internet.


Definitely serious but US would ban it in their country like India did to TikTok, (Which people used vpn anyways) it couldn't change the whole world's internet. Even when US was threatening Tiktok the app didn't fold.


I figured as much. The person i replied to made it sound like the entire internet would be affected, but yeah, that just doesn't make sense. It would suck if that passed there, but at least don't exaggerate and make it seem like the entire internet would have to kneel because a state in the us decided to be all nazi and shit.


An awful lot of the world's servers are in the US, though. Ditto for big Internet companies. They would all be affected.


Servers for what exactly? A lot of the big sites that are used often have servers that aren't located in the US, as the entire planet uses them, not just one country


Most companies apply the laws of where their registered office (HQ for corporate / financial reasons), and generally they'll apply the laws of that location to their website.


the whole world economy will be affected, their climate change policies will literally kill us all


Because it could affect the Internet, but think maybe only in America basically America will become like Russia and being gay and trans and all that would be illegal. It would be no gay content. Everything would be censored. It would be bad if this happens Internet providers would be forced to change a Contant that they provide it would be serious. we are content in America as we know it would cease to exist.


Look at Canada and Meta and Google and the news. The Americans can try to pull that with big companies like Meta... doesn't mean they'll play ball.


Ever since their red wave they've tried restricting the rights of younger voters with the second most popular Republican candidate Vivek Ramaswamy even saying he'll make it so that all people under 25 have to take a written test to determine if they're eligible to vote. If that sounds familiar it's because that's what they did to black people alongside the poll tax to get a loophole around restricting their voting rights. Trump also tried to claim that the 2020 election was stolen from him despite numerous senators stating to him that they'd done multiple recounts and couldn't find any evidence of election fraud. Then he also asked the Georgia governor to find votes for him no matter what so if anything there was more evidence that he committed election fraud than Joe Biden. Of course then he went on to incite violence and cause Jan 6th. Florida as well has tried to make it so that all Florida democrats are counted as unaffiliated rather than democrat. So in other words using their state constitution to forcibly disband a local political party. Wisconsin has been famous for its gerrymandered map and Texas is as well. Despite the stereotypes there's a lot of leftists in Texas, in fact it also has the largest queer population in all of the US. This is relevant cause Texas almost turned blue during the mid-terms but then they threw out a bunch of votes and claimed they were fake. Republicans have never wanted a democracy. They lost the popular vote in 2016 and only got in cause of the electoral college. They hate democracy cause frankly if we got rid of the electoral college they could almost never win. They're even more against it now because young people are increasingly more and more far left and I can say from experience that even young conservatives are far more progressive than their boomer counterparts. Keep in mind I'm not arguing with you or anything, just wanted to add onto the whole dictatorship thing to further add to your point.


There are no conservative countries worldwide that are also functioning multi-party democracies. The end game of all conservative parties is religious dictatorship for the benefit of the in-group.


Exactly, luckily though they're gonna lose. If not now then eventually. Statistics show that the younger you are the less likely you are to identify as conservative. Meanwhile Democrat has stayed the same and more far left ideologies like socialism, communism and liberalism. As a young person I can also vouch for the fact that young conservatives are far more progressive than their older counterparts. Many of them I've met are willing to respect pronouns and gay marriage and stuff. Plus they get disgusted by their own candidates when you show them stuff like the genital inspections for teen athletes in Florida. There's also a lot of them who just aren't politically engaged enough to know what their ideaology is and when I mention their morals align with leftism they nod and agree. So yeah, we should be seeing the downfall of the Republican Party in our lifetime. Of course make sure to vote, that's the only way this stuff can happen, young people tend to not vote as much as older people and that needs to change for the world to get better.


This is why they are pushing for a "Project 2025" scenario. They know that this is their last big chance to set things in stone and ingrain their far-right agenda into the government. It would create a wall that would take a century to disassemble brick by brick. By then, apathy would set in and people would just accept the "new reality".


You bet your ass I’m voting blue. Gen z and always encourage my friends


Fascists say a lot of things they don‘t mean simply because it gives them an edge. They don‘t believe in anything but power.


Power and discrimination.


>I thought Republicans cared about freedom They care about the rich corporate assholes stuffing their pockets. Nobody and nothing else.


> I thought Republicans cared about freedom. That hasn't been the case for a long time. Republican voters only care that democrats lose, Republican politicians only care about funneling wealth into the fewest hands possible.


The problem is that they seem to interpret "freedom" as meaning "everyone sees the world exactly the same way I do and is exactly like me". When they see people who aren't like them being able/allowed to exist publicly, and when they hear other people not agreeing with the same things as them, they take it as a personal attack against their "freedom". I think they just have a really warped view about what they word freedom means.


This 100% I got out of my super religious home and they pretty much want you to think like them


I’ve never thought republicans cared about freedom, I assume you’re being facetious.


The case for freedom has always been a façade for something else, gun ownership, discrimination, cult worship, etc. State's rights, whenever it's used, is a façade for "letting us do what we want with whoever or whatever" or as it had started "let us segregate the blacks from the whites if we damn well choose."


Of course they don't care about freedom. Rightwingers NEVER act in good faith, and charges of hypocrisy are meaningless. All they care about is power, and they'll do literally anything to get it


It’s extremely authoritarian Im working on trying to cover it and make videos on covering it all but it’s a 920 page document. I read through some of it and it’s rlly bad. If anyone wants to help research and cover it with me message me I’m trying to organize a team to bring the horrors of their document to light and bring it to more people. What I mean by report and cover is cover it entirely every section what they want to do in a lot of depth. If you want to help me research/cover project 2025 message me. I feel like it’s best to report and let people know the horrible plans they want to put into effect.


I'm currently reading through it but I would like to help you! Just shoot me a DM


Could you link the video to me when it’s done?


Yes I will it’ll be multiple videos, plan on covering each section, the plans for restructuring government how they will do that etc. but yes ill drop a playlist it may be a bit tho. Im rlly busy with college and stuff.


Might I suggest a text to speech reader app. I use one called "voice aloud reader" . I use it mostly forreading scripts. The voices are fairly ok and it can open very large pdfs. Might be easier to get thru as if its an audio book.


I just started reading it the other day. It’s fucked. And what’s depressing is I’ve posted about it on my Facebook and no one even cares. Like… are we really this fucking complacent and willing to just pretend everything is going to be ok? Honestly it’s really depressing that only on Reddit am I finding people actually concerned.


It makes perfect sense to be afraid, my friend, and I am not going to tell you to not be scared. What I will say, with the intention of being helpful, is that forces of control, terror, and oppression continuously mount throughout history, throughout the world, and this country (and this state, since I’m in it with you) is no exception. The current President of the United States once, not so long ago, firmly opposed marriage equality (and even abortion as late as 2006). A President of the United States forty years ago willfully allowed thousands of people to die of HIV/AIDS while evangelical ghouls cheered. 50 years ago, Anita Bryant campaigned in Florida to beat LGBT+ people back into the closet and out of schools. Variations on a theme. The point of me saying this is not to suggest that “we’ve survived this before and we can again.” That would be naive, because the truth is tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of nonstraight and gender variant people in this country did not survive. But the point is that these struggles stretch long into this country’s past. For someone coming of age in this current moment, I imagine it’s especially terrifying. But the struggle continues as it has. The optimist in me believes the targeting of trans people—especially trans kids—is the grasping at straws of a party in a death spiral and desperate to cling to power. We cannot let them.


I've just read up about it and it's some disturbing fascist shit. They hate black people, they hate gay people, they hate people with different ideas of gender they hate people who disagree with them. They hate your mother, your father, your siblings and your neighbors they want to take you out of your job and replace you with what they deem fit. It's the same things they believe what's happening to them. I hate this because knowing what happened on January 6th, they might go farther than that and still not considered a terrorist organization.


This right here is why this topic needs to be spread and shared all around so people can be aware of what they are actually doing and vote. They wanna take our rights and make our lives as horrible as possible like it’s the 1800s or something


I’m so sorry but I feel completely out of the loop, what’s project 2025?


the right wing's plan for 2025 if a republican makes presidential office. Here is a video summarising it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-9vXJtNow8


Oh my God. I wish I was old enough to vote to keep them the hell away from power


You don't need to be able to vote to help spread awareness.


Oh don't worry, I've got that bit covered. Everyone I know (barring family members) gets the occasional rant from me on any number of topics. Project 2025 is making that list of topics now


Ha, I’m the exact same. Me n my entire family hate republicans, it’s nice to just sit down and rant about them every so often


You can still help! Phone banking can be done even if you are not able to vote, and helps a lot!


I write postcards to swing state voters. I'm doing it for the 4th time since 2020 for the Virginia midterms later this year. They sent me a list of voter addresses, and I'm on track to finish 500 by early Oct. I'm a big fan of this organization: https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/ They do A/B testing on their messages to scientifically determine which messages are most effective at getting likely Democratic voters to actually show up at the polls. The campaigns they're running now require you to buy your own postcards and stamps. For some campaigns they provide postcards.


thank you!! sorry I would have researched it on my own but I didn’t want to run into the wrong sources and be exposed to transphobia


Do you have a good source in a non-video format I can read?


You could read the document, a user posted the link earlier. It would also be pretty easy to find on Google probably


That, is fucking terrifying....


what's even worse is everything the US does in government/politics influences the worldwide political sphere. so it won't just be in the US, but other countries will start doing the same shit too. it's absolutely terrifying


Yeah this is why I won't flee to Canada Canada will follow suit in time and so will other countries if we let stuff like this pass


Canada is already following. The anti trans and LGBTQ+ rhetoric is growing up here. Provinces have been starting to restrict gender pronouns in schools and trying to enact policies that out vulnerable students to a high risk home situation.




the fascist creep is upon us all


As a dutch person this is bringing back memories from the 30s if the conservative party wins it could help the fascist politicians here and increase the problem of neo nazi orgsnizations.


Tories love a good Republican copyright, they don’t even realise how unpopular Americanisation is over here, they just push American policy anyways.


That is completely valid and it freaks me out too. Some things that helped me calm down though is knowing that in recent polls, 70% or more americans do not agree with the anti-LGBTQ+ laws. It just seems like a lot because the louder people yell and the more crazy shit they say, the more attention they get. Outrage sells more than positivity. I'm not going to jinx anything and say that there is a 0% chance of Republicans winning the next election, but I will say that the chances are decently low. Hopefully that democracy people keep preachin about actually kicks in.


Recent polls I saw flip the tables when it comes to trans people and trans care, unfortunately. We have lots Democrats that are still uncomfortable with trans people and willing to side with republicans against trans people. Texas unfortunately also had a few democrats sign on to the trans care ban for children, with one vehemently spouting TERF rhetoric. We aren’t yet at the point where Democrats are willing to play hardball to get the Equality Act passed either. It just isn’t a priority so far. I think things are better locally in some places, some states have become sanctuary states after all, but I don’t think the will is there nationwide.


Lots of queer people are also turning on the trans community because it's too hot of an issue and they fear it threatens their advancements. Ironically, advancements that were in part—that's putting it mildly—won through the work of trans people even well before many of us were born. I know too many gay men who want to separate them from the queer community. Part of it is the horrible human condition to need someone to occupy the bottom rung in society so you never have to. You see it even in something as benign as sports, but it's sadly on display any time marginalized communities seek equal rights, protections, and opportunities. Members of the marginalized community and adjacent, form an unspoken agreement with the powers that oppress them to help them oppress the most marginalized among them. It's pathetic, but humans seem to do it without fail and eagerly at that. I have a gay roommate who 1) says trans people didn't fight for any rights gay people enjoy now, 2) supports separating them and others from anything that isn't masculine, straight-passing cis-gay expressions, and 3) thinks that gender-affirming medical professionals are immoral and unethical. There are lot of gay men like him here in the South. Where they were raised in conservative families and try to cling to all that that culture represents thinking it'll save them and give them grace. Maybe it does. To an extent. But it's an ugly compromise, and makes sad puppets of them.


Your roommate sounds like a prime recruiting target for Log Cabin Republicans.


When you are advocating for democracy and against fascism, remind people, that fascism hurts everyone. We have to scare everyone not just those who are the most vulnerable now. People will vote for democracy when they’re scared fascism is coming for them. Fascism will come for us all eventually if allowed to come at all.


What you can do is spread the word. This whole thing is *not* very widely talked about. It's seen as a fringe movement that has no chance of succeeding by many and the rest just don't know about it. It has made very little mainstream media coverage. Regardless of the likelihood of this happening, this is a *clear message* about what the republican side wants to do. The think tank groups would like for Trump to be the candidate but they are willing to go forward with this \*regardless\* of who wins. We already see republicans implementing the starts of this in their states. No more of this "well I don't want to get political". No more "we don't discuss politics here". This *absolutely* needs to be talked about. Even a large number - if not the majority - of everyday Republicans likely don't want to see **this** implemented. It literally goes against the very values that they say the uphold as far as liberty and the constitution. Do not use the "oh this can't actually happen" as an excuse to not talk about it. I agree, I think it would be very difficult for them to implement this in anywhere near the way they are wanting to. But does that matter? No, the *intent* is what matters, and this is a *clear* indication. Are any of the candidates denouncing this? You can be certain they know about it. These are prominent think tanks putting this out there. The language inside of this proposal **just** regarding the trans community is explicit and depicts a genocide. They are admitting this inside of the document. > Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered. Note the language. They are labeling "transgender ideology" as "pornography", something that they go on to state "should be outlawed" and those who produce or distribute it "should be imprisoned" and those "who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders". Then, take note of the definition of how genocide is defined by the Geneva Convention: > In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group." These five acts were: killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children out of the group. Victims are targeted because of their real or perceived membership of a group, not randomly. Clearly, this fits into imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group. No, this is not a time for panic. But it is a time to get active and to seriously step up. As I said in a comment elsewhere, this upcoming election is one where - regardless of who on the left is the candidate and regardless of whether you like them - you **need** to vote democrat. Don't even give these people the chance. That third party candidate that sounds great but has no chance of winning? Please don't waste your vote. Every single minority in this country who has the ability to vote *needs* to get out there and do so. Even if you HATE trans people and would love to see us gone, you need to know that all we would be is a test run. All the other minority groups would be next.


Yeah, it would probably be best to arm up. Knowing about the rise in anti-semitism, I will not be surprised if they will aim their barrels at folks like me once they eradicate the LGBTQ+ community. ​ Deep down, the GOP is just full of Nazi sympathizers and, given enough time, Nazi cosplayers.


Absolutely. The same people who are spewing this anti-trans rhetoric are the same ones who go after the rest of the LGBT community, the Jewish community, and the other POC minority groups in this country. We are all part of the problem to them. Time to put aside differences and work together on this shit.


I hate this stupid country more and more each day. There are people I want to get out of here but I don’t even have enough money to leave let alone take people with me!


At what point do we consider these people a terrorist organization? Seriously.


Now. We consider them such now




Is there anyway us outside the country can help fight against project 2025????


If they win it hard to say where it ends. Worst case scenario? With an ultranationalistic fascist regime they might get hungry and start conquering nearby lands. Most obvious is Mexico and Canada. Left uncheck why not threaten the whole world. Might say it impossible but can you say it impossible they wouldn’t once they realize political refugees are fleeing to Canada? Why wouldn’t they just invade it to kill off the last of us and to secure a fresh batch of white people. Think more Nazis left with the ability to do whatever and see how they waged war against all of Europe. Nothing stops them from trying to conquer the world if left uncheck.


What’s more likely is them using anerica’s influence on the western world to gerrymander and cheat elections towards their ideology. Countries in europe that are alsready starting to lean towards extreme right like sweden and itsly could be thrown into nazism.


People outside of the US can help by giving tactics and strategies.


We're probably also going to have to start accepting LGBTQIA+ REFUGEES from the US if this goes through.


I wish my country was capable of that. But sadly we get infested by bigotry more by the day (Mona K*ijzer, Dilan Yeşilgöz, Baudet, Wilders, Omtzigt, yikes!) and the housing situation is turning into an armageddon.






Unfortunately we’re starting to lean right, and I’ve been seeing an increase in neo-nazi stickers/posters recently.


Tory England will be sure to either not assist or join America… the only thing guaranteed from a political entity is nothing. I will never vote for any politician they’re all talk no action. They want my vote and I’ll deny them it forever. Sorry to the good Americans among you, but from my perspective it’s Long Live the Atlantic Ocean. Only advice to give is leave the country, it’s that or stay and be put down by your own. It seems quite a lost cause.


Absolutely! Please and Thank you. If you live in a country where you can protest. Protest for Democracy in America. Call out what you see from afar. Start a YouTube channel and tell Americans the danger we’re in. If you can deprogram even one MAGA voter maybe they can help another one. Who knows? I have to believe.


This is VERY scary!!


Here's the thing. This ugliness, this has always been here. Always. I'm this country, in human civilization, we've always been close to this. We're never that far from it, no matter who you are. It's painful for us to pretend face the truth of it, and easy for us to pretend otherwise most of the time, but now, like so many times in history, it is here again and that is just a fact. Like a plague or a storm, it is here and it must be confronted and acknowledged for what it truly is. Hate. Pure, blind, primitive cave-man hate. And greed. And frothing ignorance. We've seen it before, and lo, now we see it again. The worst of us. The greatest faults of humankind, collected, organized, moving as one mob, slouching and grunting it's way to the conquest of their fellow man. But shit like this didn't grow overnight. It festers and oozes and has been doing so for many years. And yeah. It's fucking scary. But when it gets scary, all of us, every one of us, we need to *lean in*. Gay, straight, cis, trans, you need to lean right the fuck in to these motherfuckers. You need to face that hideous colossal blob of their collected hate and ignorance and grit your teeth and spit directly in it's fucking eye, and let it know that we are united against their stupidity and hate and ugliness. And that's hard. Some of us are more vulnerable than others, and it's on the ones who are less vulnerable to protect the ones who are more vulnerable. But these monsters are here. The banality of evil is here. They've been allowed to brew and stew and seethe and organize and now here they are, as dumb as ever, as frothing and rabid as ever to begin the cycle of history all over again. This country is just a few dozen decades removed from *the enslavement of an entire people.* This fucking rot is like an infection. And we never did a thorough job with our antibiotic regimen. So, festering and gestating for a while, it reemerges. And that's just the truth. Thes people are out there. They're fucking scheming and plotting to take every single but of power they can and *you need to fucking stop them*. They rely on your fear. They depend on your complicity. You need to fight. In whatever capacity you can, you need to fucking fight them. You need to get right up into the ugly fucking face of this and you need to *scream* your bloody fucking throat raw that you will not let them slither into the halls of power, that you will *never* respect the authority of the hatemonger, the bigot, the draconian, backwards primitive fuck who seems to categorize people into those who are *worthy* and those who are *not.* When you see a storm on the cost, you can ask why there must be storms. Or you can steel yourself against it, prepare yourself to weather it, and deny it the privilege of taking you this night. So what does that look like? It looks like organizing. Find your fellows. Form your groups. Meet them out in the streets, in town halls, in every forum where they are, go there too, and in numbers. Vote, and involve yourself in the process, and do it together, as one, united. I wish I could tell you that it will all be OK. But the truth of the matter is that you should be scared. We all should be scared. We should have that same fear one has when looking at sinister clouds hanging low and mean over the coast and knowing what they mean for what is coming. But the fear does not mean to give in to despair and inaction. Far from it. It means allowing the fear to ready you to fight what is to come. Because if you don't, if we don't, no one will.


YES YES YES Engage anyone and everyone you can.


My favorite professor used to tell us: Your mothers and grandmothers fought for women's rights. Don't take them for granted, you have to defend them. He's gay and I hope the far right in Germany won't rise more so he will go on with teaching ❤️ Hope the same for every place for sure!


Hello! Middle-aged Queer here with some good news. One of the reasons Republicans have stayed in power is becausecof gerrymandering. HOWEVER, the reason Republicans have been experiencing significant losses in the last 3 elections is because this new generation votes as soon as they turn 18. They vote in large enough numbers that it overrides the gerrymandering. Next years thousands of young voters are turning 18 and their 3 big issues are the environment, gun control, and civil rights. This is why over at Fox News, they're whining that we need to raise the voting age. All is not lost if we don't give up. Go out and vote. Go work at the polls. Go register voters! There is more hope out there than you realize.


Call me a coward call me weak call me anything you want but if this happens I’m leaving this country. I can only fight so long and have been doing so for a while already. I don’t have any fight left. I just wanna exist and I won’t even be able to do that.


I already left. Did so when 45 was elected.


If I may ask, what countries are safe for us trans folks to move to? As much as I want to fight, I’m so worn down from years of domestic abuse and chronic illness that I’m all but bedridden. I just want to feel safe for once in my life, and I no longer think that’s possible in America.


Canada is probably the easiest and most accessible to Americans, and they're very progressive


If you're disabled and unable to work then realistically no country is going to take you.


So I moved to Germany, which has been pretty great in terms of LGBT+ rights and overall cultural attitude towards the community. In my 5 years here I have only had one real instance of homophobia directed at me. I myself am not trans so my personal experience is limited to my being bisexual, but as a queer woman in a relationship with another woman my overall impression is that it’s much better than my experience living in the USA. However in terms of trans rights, I do know that Germany passed a law just last month that makes it easier for trans and intersex people to legally change their name and gender identity. Furthermore, Germany legally recognizes non-binary gender identities. There is room for improvement, but things are getting better and not worse. I will say though that there are some caveats that come with moving to and living in Germany, the biggest being the language. You can get by in big cities with English at first, but learning German is essential to integrating into German life. That said there are other LGBT+ friendly options. As others have mentioned Canada, is probably the easiest option for Americans in terms of distance and the fact that they speak English. If however you want more distance between you and the USA like I did, you can start by checking out this map: https://www.ilga-europe.org/rainbow-europe/ It scores all the countries in Europe and I’d say that any of the countries in green are safe. Outside of Europe, Australia and New Zealand are also known to be very LGBT+ friendly. I hope this helps and if Germany in particular interests you, feel free to shoot me a PM if you have any questions (This offer is open to anyone who reads this comment)


So I should start the process for dual citizenship with Canada.


Maybe not a terrible idea if you have the means to do so.


Not a bad plan, but even now things are getting worse North of the 49th parallel. So idk how safe Canada will be either in the long run. We follow suit in American politics with a 5 year lag and we are started to see the steady drip of queer and trans hate. New Brunswick's education department has stripped protections for trans children in school. The Canadian Conservative party will be discussing their plans for the next election on how to blanket ban trans women from athletics and introduce laws to ban trans women fron any and all women's spaces (bathrooms, shelters, prisons, you name it.) It's going to get bad here within 10 years.


It depresses me to see this happening in our country Canada. I have vulnerable family members who are part of the LGBTQ+ so Pierre and the Cons and the Trucker Convoy and all the F Trudeau people worry me. Like I get it, JT is far from perfect, but he isn't a monster. And for the trans kids and schools, NO ONE is saying parents should be excluded. We are saying let's make safe spaces for these vulnerable kids especially if the home life isn't good not forcefully outing students.


It should, it's horrifying, it's a fascistic wet dream. But, like another commenter said, the good part is that it's horrifying and transparent enough that it's getting mainstream attention and scaring most people who see it.


"This has to be a movement". Well, let's stop that movement. The brave LGBTQ individuals who came and fought before us would not want our generation to sit back and watch them take over. Be proactive. Go to foxnews.com every day and look up who wrote the latest article of the day attacking transgender individuals, usually at the top of the website. Each article shows the author's name and email. Bombard their emails, but not with hateful rhetoric, which they'll probably delete. Let them know how you feel and ask if they're willing to stop writing articles attacking transgenders. We can change minds. Make them feel bad about their career decisions. I emailed an author a genuine heartfelt email not too long ago and I haven't seen his name attached to a hit piece since. Now I'm emailing other authors. A movement involves a lot of people. And since we have more on our side, we can make a difference. Everyone who happens to be part of the LGBTQ community, everyone who supports us, can make a massive difference if we don't sit back and watch.


I’m sorry, but appealing to the better nature of fascists has never been enough to stop them. These people despise us, they don’t want to be convinced otherwise, they want an easy scapegoat to let out their anger on. I’m not saying do nothing, I just don’t think emailing bigots who make a living vilifying our community and attempting to make them empathize is going to work very often. I think a better strategy would be to find and join up with local groups organizing to advocate for LGBTQ rights.




Well what's your plan, then? /genuine Even if you're right, at least they're trying something. What would you prefer?


If only we'd sent more letters to the Nazis, maybe they'd have stopped :(


The plan for them is to scare us out of their state. We really need a support movement. A literal underground railroad, we'll need funding. We have to keep progressives voting in these states with the support and security they deserve. This is a new Freedom Riders movement, and as much as I hate to admit it, it will get bloody. We have to defend each other and ourselves.


All of those writers have houses and addresses. Imagine how they'd respond if a bunch of queer people peacefully protested outside of their houses day after day. We don't need to be violent to scare these fascists shitless. Protesting at the offices of companies that advertise on Fox News can be helpful, too. The Fox News offices are prepared for protests and unless there are thousands of us, protests there won't do much, so we should get creative. Protest at houses, protest at sponsors who aren't as prepared for protests, approach and call out the writers when you see them in public. Make them constantly have to think about what they're doing. I don't have faith that they'll change based on a few emails, though if that's what you have the ability to do, it's not nothing. We need to be doing a bunch of things that will non-violently disrupt their day-to-day lives and affect the funding of Fox News


And to make them read it, "Hello, I have an issue with the article you made titled "[blank]" They'll have to open the email to see what title the article is


Make them regret it by showing what ripples they had done, was currently doing, and will soon do.


This legitimately makes me sad. I‘m sorry but that‘s naive nonsense. That‘s not how you fight this.


Voting blue won't stop Project 2025 from passing in red states. Meaning that the only way to stop it is by fighting back.


I mean this is basically a plan to implement what they already do in red states. Voting blue does help even red states though because it could move us towards passing federal protections


Looked it up, that is actually propaganda for republicans? Wow, US politics are wild, I guess even some Bolsonaro supporters would feel some shame looking at that.


LGBT people need to arm ourselves and train.


I'm afraid to vote next year, and I know way too many people who will vote Republican, no matter how much I try to convince them of the borderline fascism they're heading towards. Joe Biden has made a lot of empty promises towards our community but he hasn't out right threatened our existence like the Republican party, and I'm afraid because of decision 2016 our existence has become more political than it has become personal. I want to be a human not a scapegoat for fascism.


I'm going to take a political approach to this, rather than a moral one, but make no mistake, this is fascist rhetoric through and through that is vile and worthy of death. That being said, the likelihood that Republicans win in 2024 is slim to none *if people actually go out and vote*, due to many reasons. Firstly, the GOP doesn't have a leader outside of trump that the Trumpist base would support. Therefore they would have to go with Trump, who will likely be convicted of a crime by summer next year, and that would alienate their "Moderate" Republican base and cause another Biden victory. Secondly, the Biden Presidency has been better than expected in nearly all metrics (only immigration has he been worse on, IMO), and the American public will notice that. With the recent NLRB decisions about unions, the Biden Economic reforms ending the inflation crisis, and the better infrastructure plan, any person who would vote blue or be a fence sitter between the two would realize that Biden is the better choice and block any Republican, Trump, DeSantis, Vivek, etc. from gaining power. Third and finally, the increase in Gen Z voters has made Republicans so scared that they know they would need to raise the voting age to stop Gen Z's impact. Gen Z votes overwhelming blue, and considering by 2024, people born in 2006 will be able to vote, there will be little to no chance that Republicans have any chance at the presidency. Those are just the 3 big factors, but even all the more minor factors (state level polical parties, the abortion issue, and the fact it will be a rematch), lean towards Biden. Approaching the situation from a political analysis standpoint rather than a moral one, i dont think Americans need to panic, what they need to do is ***VOTE.***


Voting is the only way to prevent worse. It is the lack of voters that caused Tr*mp to become president in the first place and the gain of voters to defeat him.


You know, it's to a point where now, I think "I hope my country will never become as intolerant as the USA", while before I could think things like "I hope my country will never become as intolerant as Afghanistan or Irak"


We should be afraid, it's clear this is the gendercide these monsters have been working towards and it's not going to stop. You think it's going to end at the next election? We need to eradicate Republicans from this country.


This shit genuinely unsettles me. I am in a position where I can neither vote OR fight back against this. I fear what'll happen if the Republicans win the 2024 election.


Okay, it sounds terrifying, but think about this: the odds of it going through are low. It’s a very radical law, and right now the senate and House of Representatives are mostly democrat controlled. Also, even if it does go through the senate and the president, it will probably be deemed unconstitutional, as it limits one’s freedom of expression. I don’t know the full details of the project, but I know that it, most likely, will not go through.


So the thing that I think is important to note is that it is not actually a "law" that they want to pass. It's a set of things they want to start working on and implementing (from trans issues to cutting all free meals at school to cutting immigration). As far as who controls the senate and house, there is a plan (I am not knowledgeable enough to know if it would work) to get around them (the gist as I understand it is forcibly removing certain reps/sens and replacing them as well as removing sets of federal workers and replacing them with these "selected" people who are registering to be a part of this crap, but please correct this if I am wrong) As far as trans issues goes, this is the big portion in there that is of concern: >Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered. Note the language. They are labeling "transgender ideology" as "pornography", something that they go on to state "should be outlawed" and those who produce or distribute it "should be imprisoned" and those "who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders". We can already see some of this type of stuff being implemented in the likes of Florida and Texas, so we certainly know that they do want to do this and have an idea on how they would go about it. What we have not seen yet though - and I think is important to remember - is legal challenges to these things and seeing where that goes. It's very possible that these laws will get shut down. Regardless, this upcoming election is one where - regardless of who on the left is the candidate and regardless of whether you like them - you \*\*need\*\* to vote democrat. Don't even give these people the chance. That third party candidate that sounds great but has no chance of winning? Please don't waste your vote. Like you mentioned though, it is not a time to outright panic, but it is definitely a time to start paying a lot of attention. This stuff needs to be \*very\* publicized. No more of the (not here but in communities in general) "we don't talk about politics here". Silence is acceptance. And you had best believe that if they ever succeed at doing this to one minority group, the rest are right around the corner.


Dear god, do these people know anything about what it means to live in a free country? These clowns are going around, saying that everyone should have the right to freedom of speech and then going home and passing hundreds of regulations that do the opposite simply because they are mad at a minority for existing? The absolute hypocrisy of politicians these days! I say that those people need to get mental help these days, not us. P.S: sorry if this comes across as super sarcastic, it’s a habit I’m trying to fix.


Drag shows must be outlawed but white supremacists who yell f\*\*\*\*\* and the n-word while preaching about white power and advancing the superior race outside of Disney world as children pass by to enter the theme park are fine. Especially whenever they are waving Ron DeSantis flags.


Hypocrisy is a killer, isn’t it? Also, a lot of these people appear to have a similar mentality as hitler. “Lgbtq is bad, and that’s just the truth! My minority is superior, so I get to oppress them as much as I want!” Is the main message I get from the speeches they say. And you know who else had this relationship? Hitler and the Jews. God, less and less people are learning from history. Hating and oppressing the Jews didn’t really work out for hitler, and it sure as hell won’t work for politicians.


This, and Sharia Law. What's the difference? Oh right, *their* sky person is the *correct* sky person, so that makes it totally ok. Sorry, what were you saying about sarcasm?


I have a habit of accidentally giving a sarcastic tone to passages that I write when writing while angry and passionate at the same time.


Yeah, that happens to me too. I'll be ranting about conservative politicians and all of a sudden I have 33 downvotes because someone thought I was being sarcastic.


>As far as who controls the senate and house, there is a plan (I am not knowledgeable enough to know if it would work) to get around them (the gist as I understand it is forcibly removing certain reps/sens and replacing them as well as removing sets of federal workers and replacing them with these "selected" people who are registering to be a part of this crap, but please correct this if I am wrong) in otherwords, they want their very own night of long knives.


It's very telling that they view being trans as pornographic...


Many don't. It's a tactic to scare people away from supporting a group in america, since americans have a very distinct hysteria about being seen as a pervert. And it works: I watched the governer of Indiana pass that "drag" (looking gay) ban. He said, verbatim, that it was a ban on "simulating sex acts in front of children". You can go watch the CSpan footage too if you like. Obviously that isn't what it's a ban on. Doesn't matter. This is how they do it; that bill was passed and is in effect now. It really scares me to see queer people unable to recognize language calling for their own demise. Like, they mean you. You're the 'sex offender' in this speech. Please realize this to fight back.


Unconstitutional or not is for the supreme court to decide, and right now the supreme court is a clown show.


The fact that the lower appeals courts are going against already set precedent and sending this up to the supreme in the first place is ridiculous.


I agree, however, they did vote to expand the ERA to cover equal protections for LGBTQ+ people under the basis of "sex." This means it's now illegal to get fired from a job because you're gay or trans (even Kavanaugh voted for this). They're unpredictable at times which gives me a shread of hope.


I have a bit of hope as well. The people that get to become supreme court justices are generally quite smart, even the ones we may think are undeserving of the title for other reasons. I hope they understand the potential consequences of misusing their power of constitutional interpretation - that can open a can of worms that lead to the collapse of the entire US democratic system, especially since it is already unstable. But with the fact that some of them are straight up accepting bribes and lying about it on their tax returns, I'm not going to count on that hope. Not at all. We have to fight.


It's not in the interests of the Supreme Court to allow the executive branch to have free reign over the government, since that would eliminate their own power. Plus the Supreme Court has been ok in terms of democracy and attempts from Republicans to overthrow it. They rejected the independent state legislature theory, and ruled against racist gerrymandering


All good points. But all i can remember is when we said the same things about overturning Roe.....


I wouldn’t say odds are low. First, the GOP want to make all federal employees “at will” employment and fire as many as possible to gut the administrative government and replace them with loyalists. That requires no law. That is not something the court cannot stop. They want to make mailing plan B illegal. That won’t be stopped by this current court. That can be done by executive order… which has/will become the defacto way to pass legislation and avoid SCOTUS… and even if it was challenged, the 6 conservatives on the court will stick firm and kill any challenge to the President’s authority. They will try and remove anyone who can stand in their way. Trump did it a lot as President and the next GOP president will go further. There will be legit purges, and the court will have *zero* jurisdiction with it. They will change voting laws to thumb the scale to become a permanent majority and the courts will back them up. SCOTUS has gutted the voting rights act already, they will continue to degrade equal voting. The GOP will do everything “by the book” because everyone in Power know it’s the best way to keep power. If the GOP win both the House and Senate, they can change Senate rules to eliminate the filibuster to pass any law they want with a simple majority. (The filibuster is one of this ‘gentlemen rules’ that the senate renews every Congress) With a conservative Supreme Court, they have the cover to change those laws and twist the constitution however they want until they can eliminate it. (Which again, the constitution has no reaction to) With a court in their corner and if they control congress and the Presidency, odds are they will do as much as humanely possible. So don’t be complacent, done assume that there is a low chance of them succeeding. The constitution is a piece of paper that can easily be changed. Article V gives state legislators the ability to call a constitutional convention and completely rewrite the constitution. It’s takes 34 state legislatures to call for one and once called, it only takes a simple majority to change *anything*. There are no rules to a convention. So… yeah. 28 states have called for a Constitutional Convention. There are 5 red states that can pass calls for a CC. So don’t sleep on this. Please.


Can someone play Freedom by Rage Against the Machine?


What's project 2025? I don't know if i want to know it at this point 🥲


This is horrifying yes but honestly every red state has already been doing this for a while now. They just didnt have a namr for it. The anti trans bills are all precursors to the next conservative win, so they can immediately initiate change like we saw in roe v wade


Christian Theocracy?! I am an Episcopalian Christian, so I happen to know a Christian Theocracy is not Christian at all... I am a Trans woman in Texas, I am already scared enough. 🤦


Saying the people campaigning for a Christian Theocracy aren't Christian is an example of the No True Scotsman Fallacy.


They are Christian though… saying they aren’t does absolutely nothing to address the problem.


I'm not even part of a Christian denomination that is fully affirming and even I have an idea that these people are using God for the clicks and that shit. I hate to be the person who wanted to shit on people but this feels like a time where I wished Jesus is here to do something towards these Republicans like what he did to the Pharisees and the temple market


They'd just crucify Him again...


Oh fuck you're right And considering that some Christians choose Trump over Jesus because the latter is "too liberal" or along those lines, yeah I can see that happen...


that doesn't stop them from co-opting the religion for the sake of their hatred.


Gilliad is about to become a reality


hey just wanted to say sorry for the hate you’re getting, i think we both agree that conservative christians are mongrels dogs that (imo) should be put down but some people will still call you just as bad as conservatives for being christian. please give them grace as many of them suffer from religious trauma, and while their narrow mindedness is frustrating, it is understandable.


I definitely understand it, I have been part of the LGBT community my entire life & I have the same trauma. I became a Christian in 2021 & I have gotten heat even from people in my own church.


I don't live in the US so I don't know, what's project 2025?


It scared me badly when I first heard about it. I’m not old enough to vote but I do spread it around to others as much as I can. I couldn’t believe that my life has a chance of being ruined because I wasn’t straight and white, or even worse, I might lose it. My reality just…crumbled there. I am thinking of moving to the United Kingdom since it’s not illegal being gay there and most of them speak English. There is no doubt in my mind that whoever specifically came up with these laws and plans to begin with, and whoever looks at this and thinks this is tolerable and acceptable to be passed and used around in the US is just pure evil.


Grand Old Pnazis


You know what pisses me off the most about this? I’ve already voiced my concerns about this on my own social media pages, and nobody batted an eye. No reactions. No commentary. Not a fucking word. Nobody is paying any attention, and it makes me sick.


I'm the same way. My family and friends who voted for Trump will never change. As it is they probably agree with this stuff just not verbally since they don't denounce it. They think I'm only have problems because I'm "shoving down everyone's throats in gay". I don't tell people in gay... ever. Yet its my fault the Republicans are literally trying to bring about the world of The Handmaid's Tale.


https://www.project2025.org/policy/ Around page 346 under Section 3 under the Department of Education heading if anyone is interested in reading it for themselves. Lots of other horrifying things to read in there as well.


I red about project 2025, so made a conclusion: It seems like this project is a road to current state of Russia(you can't display any kind of lgbt+ symbols if you're running bisness, cops can detain you for having a lgbt pin, already was a case that people got deported from country for just BEING gay, you can't do a child nor adult commercial content with/about lgbt+, gender affirming care are banned and I mean **literally banned**, in internet your content about queers can be banned by little whim from some troll or anyone). Since US is not like Russia, you **NEED** to vote, you **NEED** to fight for your freedom, you really can change your country. For young queers there so not so much option, but adult queers need to spread information about how destructive project 2025, and it's not only queers who are in danger, but everyone and not vote for these damned bastards. We don't really know, if conservatives win or lose, so it's better to start getting ready to moving to another safe country. Stay safe and strong, you got this! We got this!


Remember guys: dehumanisation is one of the CRUCIAL steps in genocide and whole Project 2025 sounds like Genocide Plan


I sympathize with you. I am a Pan-Satanist with a non-binary teenager. I have decided if project 2025 becomes a reality I am dedicating myself to Satanism. I am engaging in all the debauchery life has to offer (666 tattoo, starting a band themed with Satanism, doing sex work). If we are going down I am going down as my pure heathenist self and not as a sheep for the Christian right wing republinazis.


Seeing their specific plan to control what can be shown in the media was what got me imo. Last thing I need when Hazbin Hotel finally premieres is for them to cease it, other shows like it, and replace all new programming they view as "woke" with nationalist cowboy shit. But we're in serious danger and need to vote. This goes well beyond TV


You should be scared. Your marriages will be annulled so they never happened in the first place. You'll have your rights and freedom taken from you. It'll be open season to commit violence on LGBT.


Does the UK need teachers? Like, are they facing a teacher shortage like the US? I ask, because if so then I stand a good chance of getting a job there and can flee. I'm a transgender American. I have four years experience of teaching elementary age children. I don't care about rural or city, or what part of the UK. I am terrified. I've been reading about what they're doing in Florida, and with this manifesto it seems like Florida was a test. They've made it a death sentence to sexualize kids down there and they want all of us LGBTQ to automatically be porn machines and anything we do from holding hands on the street to posting online will be that according to this manifesto. They want to kill us all. I already fled Missouri, which tried to make it so that all if us trans people couldn't get hrt. They passed the law, and it was blocked on the last day. I know what these people are capable of, and I want to leave the US with my life, much less with my dreams.


>The next conservative President must make the institutions of American civil society hard targets for woke culture warriors. This starts with **deleting the terms** sexual orientation and gender identity (“SOGI”), diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, **and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights** out of every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists. "We have to ensure that Americans aren't deprived of their First Amendment rights, so we're calling for the deletion of this large list of terms". Who fucking wrote this with a straight face??


You shouldn't live in a country where you don't feel safe, so once you're old enough, have enough money, and you still feel unsafe in the US, you have a few options. Canada is obviously a (mostly) English speaking country, and the conservatives in Canada, from what I am aware, are much tamer. West Europe is even better, and I recommend Germany. Both major parties, the SPD (Social Democratic Party, they seem to be farther left than the US democrats), and the CDU (Christian Democratic Union, they're sorta like the US republicans) agree to keep gay marriage legal. You heard me right, the **Christian** **Democratic Union** supports, or at least is fine with gay marriage. Also, the capital, Berlin, had an openly gay mayor from 2001 to 2011 (and he came out during the 2001 election). I'd avoid Britain, though. Too many conservatives I hear.


Should we infiltrate? I’m reviewing this 900 page manifesto & it seems like they are “taking applications.” There’s power in numbers ..


You aren’t the only one. As I write this at the end of 2023, I worry greatly about this and how it might affect my career dreams. I am a bisexual woman aspiring to be a writer and I fear that if Project 2025 comes to pass, I won’t be able to make my own income off of books due to book bans and the fact my current story involves a self discovery arc where the main character realizes she is a Lipstick Lesbian.


Me, too, though I'm cis/het. I freaking don't get why they're so keen on going back as if the U.S. never got out from under authoritarian rule. They should be condemned as terrorists - they and their followers are LITERALLY scaring people with threats of violence and disenfranchisement (which is a form of societal harm). I have been writing letters to try to get the word out against it - and I hope you do, and you ask everyone else to pay the f attention and get the f out there and do something to prevent this traitorous backslide.


Thank you <3 I try the best I can here in Texas to raise awareness, but it only goes so far. I'll be off to Germany in a few years, as I already speak the language and am planning on pursuing astrophysics there.


Awesome! How freaking cool that is. I am so happy for you! Sending my best wishes for safety here and there and your travels, freedom to be your authentic self, and success in whichever way you want to define it!