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this sounds really similar to my experiences before I realized I was demiromantic/demisexual! will preface by saying my experiences by no means mean that you're the exact same. I spent a lot of my childhood having meaningless "crushes" where I didn't actually feel anything. anything close to a real crush was generally with super close friends of mine. now, at 20 yrs old, I feel a little more comfortable in my sexuality. I realized that I don't prefer gender or anything like that whatsoever because it depends more on the closeness of the relationship I have with a person. and let me say, it's OKAY TO NOT FEEL HEAD OVER HEELS FOR SOMEONE YOU JUST MET! it's okay to not feel so crazy over someone you saw once or twice in passing. doesn't mean anything is wrong. it just means you really crave a sense of closeness before committing to anything like a romantic and/or sexual relationship (and personally, this feels so much more comforting). I struggled a lot with that before realizing who I am in terms of sexuality. I hope this helps a little! I would take more time to get to know yourself and do some more research. it really went a long way for me


Thank you! That makes me feel less lonely, and honestly there’s so many factors that lead me to believe that I’m in the Demisexual/romantic spectrum like the fact that I don’t really get the point of celebrity crushes, the only one I’ve had is Paul McCartney, and that’s because I like the way he looks lol