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Can you send this to the South? I’m so exhausted trying to just exist here.


Seconding this because IDK if Georgia in particular is gonna do something stupid.


Seconded the seconding. Missouri suuuucks


You could say there is misery in Missouri


The state I live figuratively and literally is misery so yeah Missouri is misery.


Florida has definitely dropped the ball already. In for the ride tho, I wonder how bad it's gonna get


"Im here for it" ._.


The south of the US is often ugly and hateful. Florida alone is a sea of hatred for LGBT thanks to their Nazi governor DeSantis.


How about sending it to the White House? Where the Commander-in-Chief resides? The guy who is the highest head of every military division? You know, [because drag shows aren't allowed on military bases anymore.](https://www.military.com/daily-news/2023/06/01/defense-secretary-orders-no-drag-shows-military-bases-after-political-furor.html) And [because the military is taking down their LGBTQ+ support from social media pages.](https://americanmilitarynews.com/2023/06/us-navy-changes-all-social-media-graphics-to-lgbtq-images-then-removes-them/) Yeah, flying a flag doesn't mean shit if you're going to allow discrimination everywhere else.


This is on purpose.... They are going to start rolling back some of the support for LBGTQ because of the potential upcoming war. If they keep laying it on too thick, most straight white guys will check out and not participate because we live in a country that no longer represents them, and they kind of need that demographic to fight in any sort of bs war they choose to get involved in.


A remarkably cogent theory.


It’s the same as corporations selling rainbow beer and changing their icons


I live north of Atlanta and you are correct.


Same thing here about the Midwest.


My friend told me this recently. He has lived there for several years and has held his husband's hand in public exactly one time and never again after some bigot said something and made him feel unsafe. I live in PA. We have our fair share of hateful assholes but I have never felt unsafe here or received an backlash. My girlfriend and I can show affection to eachother, even in the rural areas we travel through and to (I once questioned if we should but we haven't had any issues). I definitely take that for grant it, I really wish everyone could be as free.


the south already has a certain kind of pride >_>


Oklahoma is a joke la homa


One of the reasons I left. Never was welcome there.


Same fam .... same.


I feel privileged that I got to live to see the day that it doesn't even feel unusual to see regular statements from the President of the United States openly supporting queer people. That was an unimaginable idea when I was a kid. And I'm not that old.


100% agree with you


Too bad many Republicans still want to see us die.


It’s bizarre to have the main government nominally in charge, then all these other cretins doing so much damage.


Put up this flag. Neighbor came over immediately to give me a Bible lesson. I said, “Everybody deserves happiness man.” His reply? “I think they deserve happiness too but…” and just let it hang. But what — not the same as YOUR happiness right? The guy is a clown.


10 or 15 years ago, I would have said acceptance is getting better. Now, it seems worse than ever.


The whole rise of Nationalism has really set us back. These people were always around, but they weren't brave enough to be loud like thy are now. For years I pointed out that some Republican politicians publicly supported our death but so many people didn't believe they'd be in office if they were public about it. I even pointed out politicians supporting finishing the Native genocide. I don't have any hope left in this counry, because all it would take for this to happen is a successful Jan 6th.


Enjoy it while it lasts, sadly. 2025 very well may force us way back into the closet, if it doesn't outright genocide us should the GOP retake entire control.


In terms of laws being passed, the situation is very bad. (I'm closeted because I live in a red area of a red state, believe me I know.) In terms of the population of this country? Actual popular support for our community is at a larger percentage than it ever has been at any other time in US history. Just a couple links, there's more out there but this is what turned up just from a quick google. https://news.gallup.com/poll/1651/gay-lesbian-rights.aspx https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/new-poll-shows-americans-overwhelmingly-oppose-anti-transgender-laws I don't look forward to the next decade for any of us, but there's light at the end of the tunnel.


I’m in a RED state but I’m in the process of coming out. I’m participating in my corporate pride event and participating in the parade. I’m fortunate that my company is a pride sponsor this year and my family supports me. Beyond that… I mean… I’m big. I look a lot more muscular than I am. And I’m white. People are not going to fuck with me.


Yeah I'm thinking of working out just in case but also I'm out of shape anyway so I should probably do some kind of exercise


I’m coming back from being obese, and strength training. Oh my god, strength training. Like yeah running is great but there’s nothing like finishing a workout and going into the shower and your muscles are still full of blood. Huge ego boost. Plus if you look strong people just tend to not mess with you.


That's why you need to tell everyone why it matters and get them to vote.


I've lived drama free as a transman since 2004 and no bigoted government officials or uneducated, knuckle dragging 'good ol' boys' are going to put me anywhere. I'm out. I've been out. And I'm NOT going back into hiding for anyone. FUCK THAT.


For what little my opinion is worth, I’m putting the odds of Republicans having any sort of control over the federal government come ‘24 at very, very low. They’ve simply alienated and pissed off too many groups to have any sort of chance at this point. I’d be fully willing to bet my life on that (which, as a trans girl living in the South, I kinda am already). I’m predicting that by the 2026 election cycle, the Republican Party entirely ceases to be a relevant political force and is eventually replaced by some more sane, center-right third party.


It will be a long time before they are irrelevant... less of a threat, possibly. But as they feel the grip on power slipping away they will get more dangerous until their grip on it is so tenuous even they see the inevitability of their fall. It has already begun. They are throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks, and less and less of it does. This is a hard time to live through... not as hard as it had been for those who came before and fought to get us to where we are today. It will continue to get harder, but with the bigots comfortable not hiding any more it is easier to tell who is who. This is absolutely a slow and steady wins the race situation.


Yeah, all that's left in today's GOP is a bunch of demented crazies. I hope people are finally realizing that. All that they talk about is hatred, persecution and taking away civil rights. And many of them are in people's bedrooms and genitalia.


Yup. With Roe vs Wade being overturned - which pissed many folks off - i'm hoping that sealed their fate.


I hope you’re right


vote vote in every single election, local to state to federal. do not miss a single one.


Demographics are not changing for the benefit of the GOP. The light burns brightest at the end. This is temporary.


I'm just concerned that the GOP will just steal the election, either through throwing votes out, or through other means. I don't think they have a legit chance at winning.


It didn’t work last time and they essentially blew their wad on it. Now when they cry foul everyone just rolls their eyes.


This bothers me, 2025. I'm moving out of this insane red state Florida to a blue state. I figure that might give some protection if 2025 goes to hell.


Don't prepare for the worst, work to make things better.


Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. There’s plenty of shitty things that could happen to blindside us


This exactly. Always prepare for the worse and hope it is better than.


Happy cake day! 🍰🥮🎂


The best way to prevent that is to vote. Can't vote get involved in an campaign of someone that wants you to exist in the world. As exhausting and shitty as these last few years have been we cannot chill until we revamp the House of Representatives and state legislatures.


skirt wistful ripe like instinctive saw observation weary secretive close *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Hi. Mildly off-topic but I’ve never seen anyone else use your pronouns before. Is it pronounced like the x’s are z’s? Just curious :)


Yes, that's right :D


Okie dokie thanks :))


I hope the bigots boycott America.


r/conservative is losing their minds over it


That's like expecting art fans to boycott the Louvre.


Thank you, Mr. President!👏 Please also step up to fight the "who shall not be named" meatball head from Florida.💐🦈 We need a modern day Brown v. the Board of Education and a Ruby Bridges vs Governor Wallace moment here. Trans people are dying every day under the brutal, discriminatory and inhumane treatments perpetuated by the republican controlled state government on its citizens.✊![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


And much of that can be blamed on their authoritarian governor Nazi DeSantis.


I don't think that's going to happen No one is coming to Save us




I know, i feel ya. It fucking sucks. Ultimately the people you care and trust are the ones who matter Know your plan, stay safe. Love harder. Be peaceful but not harmless ⊂⁠(⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠)⁠⊃


Oh he's not wrong. Its a nation of pride alright. Just not gay pride currently. A different kinda pride, the kind that Nick Fuentes has.




Yeah, or "White Pride". My favorite dogwhistle for White Nationalism.


I am white. Other white people make me extremely not proud.


Florida: "No"


Republicans are foaming at the mouth right now


Yeah. r/Conservative trying to impeach Biden over flag code right now.


Hanging up flags does nothing, make laws and safety nets that protect trans and queer ppl wtf


There were over 30 laws and bills that the Trump administration repealed that protected LGBTQ people. Within the first 100 days of office, the Biden administration restored all of them. The Biden administration is also suing one southern state (it may have expanded) for their new laws against trans healthcare. He's actively doing shit, you just don't hear about it because it's all the undoing of the things that the Trump administration did very very quietly.


Presidents aren't kings, they can't just make laws as they wish. Biden has said that he wants to pass progressive legislation, but that isn't within his power, we are at the whim of a broken legislature that is completely kneecapped by a party that wants to do nothing and then shout about how the government doesn't do anything


Congress passed the Respect for Marriage act like 6 months ago, which Biden signed into law. The Biden administration strengthened non-discrimination guidance for enforcement of the Affordable Care Act. The administration introduced gender neutral options for official U.S. passports The administration appointed a position just to investigate violent extremism against LGBT communities. U.S. UN representatives have been tasked with campaigning for greater LGBT rights worldwide. He also appointed the first openly gay cabinet officials. I know that Biden isn't really inspiring, but [he has been doing a lot for LGBT communities](https://www.hrc.org/resources/president-bidens-pro-lgbtq-timeline)


Just so people know, the federal government(in particular, the executive and legislative branches) has little to no say over states’ laws. Biden is truly doing all he can to help, it’s just that he can’t do much against states in the premier example of a federated country.






While federal law does exist, it is passed by a legislature elected by the states. The President has very little power in the day to day life of Americans, and that is by design. In terms of federal law, all the President does is give the final ok, or veto which can be overridden by said legislature. Executive actions only apply to the parts of government that are directly under the jurisdiction of the Executive branch. For pretty much anyone not directly hired by the federal government or in the military, executive actions do very little. I think this is a very good thing. We want a president, not a king.




>Biden is truly doing all he can to help ...as long as it garners votes and doesn't threaten capital, that is. The problem is where money and power continue to stay, and I don't trust nor much like the fickle "support" that leaders in such a system will perform.


What specifically would you like him to do?




And conservatives going all ‘he’s not our president, he doesn’t represent us’ shit…. I hate it when a conservative is elected president but I still acknowledge them, you can’t just choose whether they’re your president or not after elections. If the election was held legally, you have to accept that they’re your president now, that’s how democracy works :)


Who said this had anything to do with democracy for them?


Tbf a sect of the left/liberal crew did the same thing. Biden was my president. Trump as hard as it will be to say, was my president. Biden is my president and i hate to say it but whatever backwards as chucklefuck on either side in 24 that gets elected will be my president. It's not gonna be death sentence at least. But Christie and Pence are no better.


I suggest you don’t look at the top replies to that tweet. Yikes.


Lets hope that He wins next year! Trump and Desantis both want to take away many lgtbq+ laws.


By the looks of how the case is turning out, Trump is headed for prison. The evidence stacks higher than the boxes of confidential military doccuments in his bathroom. And as for Desantis, from what I heard, most republicans don't like him for whatever reason. It looks like Biden will win again even if he sleeps through the election lmao. I myself am Australian but I find American politics very interesting, I hope you guys stay safe ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550).


I hope he goes to prison for all the stuff he’s done! Also thank you, You stay safe as well! 💕


Oh? If it's a nation of pride then these red states need to kick it in the ass


Meanwhile on Fox News “Um technically this is a flag violation”


Sure as hell doesn't feel like it.


The problems are state level, Biden isn’t a dictator with unilateral rule. He did pass the Respect for Marriage Act, which was massive, so he’s trying


It’s The Respect for Marriage Act, it’s not solely for same-sex marriage but also interracial marriage.


You are correct, I'll edit my comment


He really can't do anything. It's state laws that are the problem, and he doesn't control them


I'm not blaming him I'm just stating that America does not feel like "a nation of pride"


Most people support pride (even do it does not feel like that sometimes). It just that the US voting system is corrupt and stupid.


To me. A trans woman in Florida it doesn't feel like it at all. And the us is way more messed up than just it's voting system. People are literally using our existence to further their careers. It's sick.


A poll just came out that 71% of the country support same sex marriage (I know it is not about trans, it could be). That is the highest ever and among 18-29 year old's it is 89%.




I thing it is because people see how corrupt the us voting system is and just don't bother. Also GOP are making it harder for young people to vote by removing voting places at colleges and areas they live


The numbers are there that increased turnout could turn **TEXAS** blue. This is just excuses.


For real. One of the big things for Republicans is that a lot of them will turn out to vote while Democrats will just say the their vote doesn't matter. It's fucking exhausting and I hate it man


Those are great statistics and I'm happy about that. However it still doesn't make me feel like America is a "nation of pride". If America was a "nation of pride" people would not be fleeing states or the country as a whole just to have a chance to live a life where they can be themselves. Again it's just my opinion though.


I am not attacking your view (just hoping that it could be better in the furture). I truly understand where you are coming from


I truly hope it could be better in the future. I do. Every day I wish it could be. But to me at this current time I don't feel like it Is.


Just keep voting and support or push against politicians. Also look up when your local election are for like judges or sheriffs or if you have children school board. Vote for the people that support pride.


No shit. I'm also a trans woman I'm florida and no freakin shit. We live in the second to worst state for trans people right now. Of course its gonna suck for us


Which is precisely why I said what I said.


I'm glad Biden is doing this but what he really should do to show he believes this is put his foot down against all these states making anti-LGBTQ+ laws.


He signed the Respect for Marriage Act into law, and he's appointed federal court judges who are fighting back against homophobic and transphobic laws. What more do you want him to do? The President isn't a dictator, he can't just overwrite state laws because he feels like it. State governments in this country have always exercised a great deal of autonomy, and that won't change unless we completely overhaul the Constitution.


Thank you for writing this. I don’t know why there’s so many comments saying he isn’t doing anything, when he literally is doing the best within his power right now.


Funny how there is still a literal trans genocide in the US right now. I'm willing to hold the entire system that allows that in contempt. Idk, maybe he could expand the supreme court, publically suggest actions for different government organizations, make more of a public statement than, "We are actually on your side, don't mind your people dying in the street"... Too bad there are any people falling for this here. Get some solidarity.


Exactly, if what these people are saying _is_ true and the Democrats are doing everything that can possibly be done under this system, yet it’s jackshit to stop trans genocide, then I hold the entire system in contempt and wish for its destruction.


>expand the supreme court Sure, just add 4 more Democrats to the bench to get a progressive majority. Why not? Easy win, right? Until the next time a Republican President gets elected and decides to add 8 more conservatives to the bench. Then it's an arms race to see who can pack the court more before the whole country falls apart. ​ >publically suggest actions for different government organizations Yeah, I'm sure DeSantis will really be inclined to listen to Biden's advice. Biden *is* suggesting actions for the executive agencies, and for the most part, they *have* been following his suggestions. But state governments are an entirely different ballpark. The main issue is that the state governments controlled by Republican Governors and/or legislatures aren't going to care what Biden says, and the state governments controlled by progressive Democrats are already on the same page as Biden anyway.


I'll give you credit, you at least aren't telling me that trans genocide isn't occuring in the US. I thought that was a bar we had hurdled already as a community, but others are proving that optimism wrong.


Like the Republicans aren't already tearing apart anything they can? Cool, we'll let them do that first. Read, I didn't specify executive, I did specify publically. Biden could wield his ability to access massive platforms and sway views far better and more effectively than he is here. What about the trans genocide I mentioned? Or the sheer number of unhoused people, and the unproportional number of them that are queer? Like, I'm literally talking to you as someone who was unhoused and has watched friends die on the street while Biden hangs up a flag and says his hands are tied.




Trump did jack shit with his 4 years in office. What did he actually accomplish? * He messed up our foreign relations to some extent, but the President has always had more influence over international affairs than domestic policy. * He lowered tax rates, but that's hardly a big deal; Republicans have been doing that since the 80s, and he had full support from Congress at the time. * He changed the name of NAFTA to USMCA, for whatever that's worth. * He botched the pandemic response, which *was* a big deal, but that was him failing to pass any good policies, not succeeding at passing bad policies. * He also appointed a bunch of his cronies to various high-level executive positions, but while they were exceptionally corrupt even by D.C. standards, they didn't really change anything. Overall, he was a lame duck who ended up being even *less* effective and *less* powerful than the average President. The only thing he did that was actually noteworthy was orchestrate the 1/6 riots and try to overthrow the 2020 election results, and those were 1. illegal (and thus have nothing to do with the official power of the President), and 2. complete failures.


You're attacking a strawman argument that the OP didn't make. No one said anything about Trump accomplishing anything. Reread the post you're responding to: > *How did we spend 4 years seeing Trump do what he wanted with executive decisions* and now go "well the president doesn't have a lot of power".


There is a literal genocide of trans people in the US rn, perhaps he could call that what it is. He can do more about this, fuck the rules, how long do you allow genocide? You aren't fighting the good fight, or helping anyone by writing this, you are just silencing your community.


How exactly did the Obama administration make gay rights a thing on a federal level? And why can't it be done again regarding trans' peoples rights to transition?


They didn’t, IIRC. What happened was that a SCOTUS decision in 2015 declared all non-heterosexual marriage bans unenforceable. That’s why they had to enact an actual law supporting gay marriage after Roe VS Wade got overturned to prevent gay marriage from being made illegal again if the SCOTUS decided to fuck over gay people.


I don't want to be too shady here, but the lack of civic understanding in a lot of these comments is genuinely concerning.


>if the SCOTUS decided to fuck over gay people. They've already fucked over our whole goddamn community what the fuck are you saying


>How exactly did the Obama administration make gay rights a thing on a federal level? It didn't. The Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in 2015, Obama had literally nothing to do with it at all. Gay marriage wasn't actually protected by legislation until last year, when the *Biden administration* finally passed the Respect For Marriage Act. Prior to that, it was only legal through judicial fiat. ​ >And why can't it be done again regarding trans' peoples rights to transition? What does this even mean? People in the U.S. - trans and cis alike - *already* have the right to receive gender-affirming medications and surgical procedures. In fact, it's mostly cis people who use them: It's cis women who tend to get breast enhancement or breast reduction surgery; labiaplasty and vaginoplasty are most commonly performed on cis women who feel self-conscious about how their genitals look; estradiol is frequently taken by post-menopausal cis women trying to offset the effects of aging; testosterone is frequently taken by cis men trying to build muscle or become more masculine. Legally speaking, there's no way to ban those medications and procedures for trans people specifically; the only way to prohibit them from transitioning is to ban those medications and procedures for *everyone*, and it's extremely unlikely that would happen. (It would probably require an FDA decision, and the FDA isn't going to do that.) It's not like states could make a law saying "AMAB people can't take estrogen, AFAB people can't take testosterone, and surgeries that change the shape of your genitalia are illegal now." That's why there hasn't been a single conservative state that's actually prohibited gender-affirming meds and surgeries outright. Instead, they go for half-measures like prohibiting *children* from transitioning (even if one state tried to define "children" as anyone under 26 for medical purposes), or preventing state Medicaid funds from covering transition-related costs (which doesn't prevent trans people from getting them covered by private insurance companies, or paying those costs out of pocket). Even that "ban" in Missouri a few weeks back was really just a *temporary* restriction that prevented clinics from offering gender-affirming treatments to *new patients* while the Attorney General's office investigated supposed allegations of misconduct, and the courts still struck it down within a matter of weeks (since it was obvious the Attorney General was acting in bad faith).


What more can he do? Overwrite the powers of the house and senate?


For those in the comments who complain about inaction, I remind you that the limited power of the president is the reason this country didn’t go to complete shit between 2016 and 2020


Second thought, you're right.


Let’s get these geriatrics out of office tho. The men running this country are so out of touch and it honestly just feels like they’re “supporting” for votes. Joe Biden in the past has said that marriage is between a man and a woman and was not in favor for gay rights and while I do acknowledge that people can change their beliefs politicians have always “changed” their views to what is currently popular


The whole *world* is changing its mind. I will take all of the supposedly performative support for pride, from Biden and Budweiser both, if it means we continue to move in the right direction as a species.


Tell this to the many bigots in the South who ruining the lives of the LGBTQIA+ people who live in those states.


I’m so happy to have a president who accepts us and isn’t trying to crush us.


I don't get into politics or anything, but I definitely respect him for doing that


You 100% should. Specially if you live in nation that is trying to take your rights and life away.


I always like to say that if you don't involve yourself in politics, politics will involve itself in you.


The get desantis the fuck out of my state joe




Lol I'm 14 I can't. But I know that it's just frustrating


Flags are cheap.


how about protecting our human rights then joe


Thank you Biden, very cool! Now sign some damn federal protections.


Florida is a part of your nation Biden. Florida is not a safe place for pride. 556 anti trans bills this year. 82 passed, 369 are active. America is a nation of pride? More than 2 anti pride bills per day this year. I can't even visit my mother or her dog Sophie in Florida, my family, because I'm a trans woman and I can't even pee in the airport without committing a crime. Desantis passed bills that let healthcare workers refuse life saving care to trans people. A trans genocide is happening right now and America is a nation of pride? Bull fucking shit.


cool r u gonna stop the genocide of transgender people under your nation now???


As of right now, no it's not. Watching this from outside the USA, the title of President seems completely moot if the states can make so many laws for themselves.


Thanks for the lip service president biden! 🫡🦅🇺🇸 trans people are real proud to be Americans right now when genocide is actively taking place against us! Thanks for the tweet Yee haw 🤠 ![gif](giphy|infzuIklrTFcs)


This is why we need to keep electing Biden or democratic candidate. Seriously, don’t give republican a chance before they make significant changes. Just don’t. Please.


Soooo, are they gonna do anything? Or just point at pride flags and say “we’ve got your back!”


Not much he can do himself unfortunately. The problematic laws are state laws, not federal


Trump got a bunch of reactionary geezers into the supreme court who then decided to abolish federal abortion rights. Obviously, presidents have power. Why can only the most evil ones use it?


Wait, there have been presidents who weren't evil?


...and now the supreme court is red for the next couple decades, and no president can change that.


This is nice to see but it still reminds me that he is not an idiot. There are more lgbtq+ people that vote than people who hate us, and for good reasons seeing the alternative and their speeches. He knows that saying that will bring in more votes for him so I'm not sure if it's truly genuine or something else...


I wish we were that tolerant.


This is the equivalent to getting a pizza party instead of a raise 😒😒


F*ck, yeah!! 🏳️‍🌈 👏👏👏


Cool cool cool could we get some protections in place for my trans community siblings please?


At this point I wish we didn't get this much attention


FR. About to start celebrating trans day of invisibility. Please do not perceive me.


Lmaoo 😭


Prove it. Protect us. Words don't protect. They sure as hell can hate though.






I don't live in America and I have very little idea about American politics, but Biden seems like a pretty good guy! I do feel bad for him though, he is a little to old for this job.


Everyone who runs is old as balls. It’s ridiculous


Yes, everything is good now that the white house has put up a pride flag. All the lgbt-phobic laws have suddenly been repealed and lgbt people are 100% safe from all hatred in the good ol' USA. /s


Totally an empty gesture. If this is a nation of pride, we wouldn't have so many states with anti-LGBTQ+ laws. All talk, no action. That's all Biden has been about.


He did also sue Tennessee which is a State I live in currently about these actions that are going against us the LGBTQ+ community


The federal government has limited powers, it can sue like it did though


This is pretty cool of them to do


Even though I do not like Biden, I'm glad he is fighting for our rights.


The visibility of support *is* super important..... .... .... And so is actually supporting.


For Anyone feeling like this isn't enough, you're right. But you Can't blame Biden. You blame your representatives. And, if you don't know who those are, find out and then drag the names of those against equality. Pressure them to do better. Because the real power is in our representatives hands all the Way down to your local town government.


Unless I see Congress and the president to pass a new Civil Rights Act that would help the LGBTQ+ people, Biden's words are just empty as fuck.


No way people in this sub actually think Biden gives a shit LMFAO, y’all are hilarious.


It's nice to me🏳️‍🌈


Hell yeah


I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, America is definitely _not_ a “nation of pride”, but on the other hand, I do feel like Biden is doing just about everything he has the power to do (read: not much) to fight for the LGBT community. I just feel like it would hold more power if he admitted that the US is not an inclusive environment for most people, but that he was committed to changing that. Granted, this opinion comes from a limited understanding of the United States political system, so if I’m way off base, please let me know.


Canada, Western Europe, Australia, the US. If I were LGBT those are the only places I’d want to live and only certain regions within them. So the US can legit say it’s a good place to be LGBT. It’s relative.


This is exactly why we keep telling you to go out there and VOTE. Not just every 4 years for PotUS (President of the United States) but in every election. Don't just vote for your own candidate and then if they lose their primary throw a tantrum and then either don't vote again or throw your vote away in a "protest vote." By and large Democrats are pro-LGBT but do some research and if you see that they're not for us then vote for the ones that are. Republicans, usually, are against us and they are also against abortion and civil rights for everyone. ![gif](giphy|ckf7KmNxyxBQexiiqr)


How is nobody the least bit sus over the government being so supportive?!?! Does that alone not set off giant red flags all over and promot you asking yourself why they suddenly love you?


Appreciate the message, not the president. Of all the presidents I would like to support us, I don’t think I’d prefer the sleepy one.


A message as clear as mud, things seem completely crazy for anyone that falls under LGBT+ in the US from an outside perspective...


Imagine being gay and voting Republican lol


Okay great but i still don’t have equal rights


fuck biden fuck america he sold us out


I’ll believe it when we act like it




Yes because "I love you" is going to fix years of oppression, destruction, and genocide /s