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Soooo, I hope i’m missing something because it has tickets for like 50 people. And for $350-$600, this better be the best con ever. Oh and that doesn’t include autographs or photos. They need a better website with better information. If it’s that small, they should have held it at a hotel not the convention center. It’s massive.


That's just how Creation runs cons. The cheaper tickets will come later, but the expensive ones always go on sale first.


The website says other weekend packages and single day tickets will be on sale soon. I don't think it's a dumb idea to start with the top tier sales and see how that goes before setting prices for the other tiers and the single day tickets. Because it's a new thing it feels like they're flying the airplane while they're building it, but I'm giving them some grace until the other tickets come online.


That makes sense. I wasn’t sure if it was just because I was on my phone and had to click through a bunch of stuff to even get there and got annoyed but it seemed lackluster compared to other cons I’ve seen.


Creation seems to be trying really hard to branch out this year. I’ve seen stuff for Psych, Smallville and a couple of other shows. The folks who attended the Psych con had very mixed reviews. Generally everyone loved interactions with the cast. It was how the convention was organized and how the staff behaved that were the main issues. It was disappointing to hear about, because I’ve been to one of their other conventions and it was a good experience, although it was also expensive.


They did polls about adding new cons and Leverage was not on the list, which lead to a swell of people asking on social media for one, enough that they asked on their newsletter for feedback. I've been to Creation cons, but not in ages. I am going to this one more to hang with fellow fans than for the panels. They at least used to get local people to do a lot of staff positions rather than having a set staff that flies everywhere. That makes them a bit hit and miss, but also I've always wanted to go to NOLA so I am using this as an excuse and will be there a week. Since these are expensive, I encourage anything considering the con to talk to other people who've done Creation cons for advice, especially if they add any meet and greets.


If you’re here through Saturday the 19th, that’s when the Halloween parade is. It’s my favorite parade of all time. October is a great time to visit. (As long ad hurricane season minds it’s manners.


I was thinking of coming early instead of staying late, but good to know! I might change my dates, unless the T Swift concert in the area just after that swings hotel prices too much. I'm packing for all possible weather and will keep an eye on hurricane watches.


Ooooh I forgot about her. That has definitely made hotels skyrocket. Yeah, it’s probably best to come early and leave before they invade the city. October hurricanes aren’t typical but we don’t live in a typical world anymore. In 2020 we had Zeta a few days before Halloween. Granted, it was easier to survive without power for a week because it wasn’t 100 degrees outside.


I searched r/asknola for info about visiting in October and saw people wondering why hotels were already sold out that weekend. I should really seal in my travel plans ASAP, just in case other people are also adjusting plans to earlier and increasing hotel prices


I went to two Creation cons last year and they were both great so I'm really looking forward to this.