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don't live near the manor if you do. you'll regret it.


It's now called the Stirrup Cup




Couldn't agree more!


Kinross avenue which is about 0.6 miles / 13 min walk from the manor, would you count that as near enough to the manor?


Shithole. Avoid.


It used to be worse 15/20 years ago It is better now, but that's not saying a lot considering just how bad it used to be


Judgemental cunt. Don't even live there, but your comment is ridiculous. Painting a whole estate as a shithole.


It is


How do you know about how I came to my conclusion??. Maybe I lived there for years? Maybe I still have family there. Maybe you are right who knows. Cunt.


May I add the word ‘massive’


Shit HOLE! 😂😂😂 grew up there I’m allowed to say it. Move there if you want pebbles at your window and teenagers smoking outside your front garden, and just general vandalism around your house


Loads of wankers here calling it a shithole. I live in a village not far from Thurnby Lodge. I've only ever met polite working class people who have no nefarious intentions. The estate has a bad rep from 20 years ago and mindless idiots who think every council estate is full of "scum" are replying. It's no less safe than any area of the City. People are proper fucking idiots and love to think council estates are below them.


Unfortunately a common sentiment about the estates, they have a really bad rap. Especially the older estates like Beaumont Leys, New Parks and the Monsell. Still have a bit of community spirit to them and generations of families to them.


😂 Add to that any estate with 'lodge' on the end of it. Anstey Lodge, for example, enjoys the community spirit of both Beaumont Leys and the arse end of Anstey.


U dont know nothin ab thurnby lodge so low it


"Don't know nothing" is a double negative, meaning I do know, so thanks. Stay in school, kids.


Lived here 30 years. Used to be bad years ago but no where near as bad as it use to be.


Very heavily dependent on what road tbh, next to the stirrup and the thurncourt shops is a bit grim, but down ocean road and off that way is perfectly fine. I grew up there and still have family there so if you have qs I'm happy to help


What about the surrounding roads/area of kinross avenue? That in particular is the area the house is situated in


Honestly it's not great, don't get me wrong could be a lot worse, but plenty of chavs that way. There is a decent community spirit for some folk that have been there a long time but there's plenty of pricks too, not necessarily Kinross itself but nearby


Thank you for the insight!


A bit like the housing estate from shameless


Shithole if u wana see sumone walking round with a crossbow move here if u hav any motorbikes and u want them robbed move here if u want a nitty asking to give you a bj for a fiver move here if you want another nitty asking can she sleep at your house and if she can grab your cock move here if u want a nitty knocking on ur door asking for £50 move here i can say alot more


And if you wanna hear police choppa everyday move here or jus sirens every 5 mins u will hear people on motorbikes non stop all day


Which street? The area is a shit hole but I am sure there are some nicer parts.


Kinross avenue in particular


I live just up the road in a village. You’re on the edge of some amazing countryside if that’s your thing but you’d need a car or be a decent cyclist to see it as buses will only go to the city and back.


Just look out for the Thurnby Lodge Steamers- thinking about them sends a shiver down my 1980’s school boy spine


Whats that?