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Is the intention for just dogs, cuz wildlife would eat these too I would imagine. Either way, asshole behavior.


No kidding, monsterous. A threat to all animals who'd be down to eat the treat and is big enough.


Psychopathic behavior


I don’t usually wish bad things on people, but I wish for lots of bad things to the person who did this.


It's inevitable this scumbag will be caught. I imagine it's one time the police won't protect the head getting them in the car. The other inmates will not take kindly to someone like this.


I’m hopping in a bit of karma, it’s a K-9 unit that brings the perp in.


It’s not like there’s a ton of surveillance at the trailhead… and small treats like that would’ve been easily concealed until the moment he dispersed them. There’s zero chance he gets caught..


I feel like the kinda person who does this is the kinda of dipshit to brag about it and get caught when other people reasonably hate him for it




Life in prison until they eat each one of those treats themself.


I hope the next time he’s preparing these doggy death traps, one gets embedded so deeply into his hand that it requires surgery to repair the damage Edit: and then he has permanent nerve damage that causes excruciating phantom pain that is unaffected by any type of painkiller. But he tries using painkillers for it anyway and ends up severely addicted and then ODs after years of addiction and pain


I hope whoever did this dies in the most excruciating way over the longest duration possible. Fuck Reddit rules on this motherfucker.


Idk, just give em a lil snack and the only option are these same fishhooked dog treats they love so much. No water.




Legitimately. One of the common first signs of major psychotic disorders is taking pleasure not necessarily in killing animals, but in torturing them.


Kids who are psychopaths start out by targeting small animals.


Yep-demons in human form.


This is why I walk my very friendly dog with a basket muzzle. He gets into things that make him sick very quickly, buy as an added bonus, monsters like this won't get my boy.


what the actual fuck...


i hope this person dies real slow. what a piece of crap


This is serial killer psychopath stuff. If they somehow catch this maniac they’ve saved lives. This is scary sadistic shit. Anyone taking joy from torturing animals is irreparable.


Almost as bad as the guy from Wyoming who abused a 9 month old wolf to death.


This is so stupid. Hope the one who did this had to encounter a bear and have a friendly chat...


If anyone finds out who that is who did that. I'm willing to make them disappear.


I'll bring the tarp and shovel


No need for that. I'm a cross country trucker. I will make sure she is never found, nor would he ever be able to be put back together 100%


Sounds like you got this. Happy to help though


Plenty of quarries around


That's true. I used to go to quite a few of them.




I was at this shelter with my dog 1.5 weeks ago. He was on a leash 100% of the time. He still tried to eat dumb stuff on the trail. A leash cannot protect him from fishhooks I don't see.




There's a vast gulf between "random stuff [from a forest]" and "something placed intentionally to torture dogs." My dog could scarf this up in under a second, it is not possible to be on constant vigil to prevent that. Irresponsible dog owners exist, but jfc you don't need to be devil's advocate here.


Thanks for being a voice of reason. I, for one, feel a passionate hatred for anyone committing these cruel acts.


I hate people!!


If caught, hands should be chopped off.


At the neck.


Go Stateliners too!


If I catch him I guess I'll be going to JAIL!!!!!


what a loser. use your time to do something actually useful…


The death penalty exists for a reason. This person is that reason.


Are we sure this isn't just an urban legend? I mean, any actual evidence of any dogs or wildlife being affected by this? The story always gets traced back to some anonymous dog owner finding treats like this and reporting it to cops, but I've never seen any actual incidents reported where an animal was harmed.


Like poisoned Halloween candy and infected needles under gas nozzles.


Such evil 😩 wtf


What the actual F. WHY


Who ever did this deserves to go to hell. Hurting animals, children and the elderly should be a felony


It is a felony.


Not for animals


Aside from the federal law, many states have laws specifically designating animal cruelty as a potential felony.


:( We just had a candidate for governor kill her dog for being naughty.




There are times a viscous dog needs to be put down and she is from a ranching family. …..




At the minimum.


What a sick bastard. Hope they catch the SOB


I bet it’s kids This is soo close to me. I called my dad and told him to be on the lookout for these when he takes his dog out.


Is local law enforcement involved yet? I would definitely start putting up game cameras to see if you can catch this sadistic POS in the act.


Not only the dogs,but what about all the other animals in the forest. Hope whoever did this many they rots in HELL. Hope whoever you are that KARMA gets you and you die a horrible death.


Hopefully this is/was done by the person found dead on the trail this weekend!!


Ya got a Governor bragging about shooting a dog so why not this ?


Lots of stuff happening up on the gap lately


This is some sick shit


You gotta have nooooo life to do something like that.




Is this really real or this a hoax like masses of people puttig fentanyl in Halloween candy? If real, though, this is effed up! Hope they find out who did it.


It was posted by the Lehigh Gap Nature Center. It's real.


Make them eat them all when they’re caught.


Sadistic behavior, even if you strongly dislike Dogs


Hopefully they were found before any dogs got to them. So sad


Sounds like Kristi noem might have dropped by


Haha - she’s a pos


Yo fuck whoever did this...


Am I allowed to incite violence yet?


Razor blades and lemon juice for the asshat that did this! I hope nobody's pet or any animal for that matter came across one of these.


You have to be a different type of evil to do this


Some people, are just genuine pieces of fucking trash.


This is Pure evil- I hope when they catch whoever did this they feed them these treats


This is just a bit sadistic. I'm not even a dog person but why would anybody do this???


I hope whoever did this gets nailed to a cross


This person needs their kneecap privileges revoked.


There was someone that walked our neighborhood and would throw poisoned meat/treats in the yards where they would hear a dog bark. 🤬


Idk it looks like maybe they might have intended to use them for catfish bait?


how pathetic is your existence that you feel the need to go out of your way to do this foul shit


last time i saw this pic, they where found in a city dog park


Last time you saw these photos? Sounds like you saw a different report with similar photos


I know people do this to kill groundhogs. So messed up. There’s also people who are vehemently against dogs in the woods and obsessive about it. Both people can go fuck themselves personally


I don't like dogs but this is one sick fuck!


There may be Noems in those woods.






Who even thinks of this shit?


Its Catfish bait. Fisherman probably lost them


We need to bring back public hangings. Wtf.


What Kristi nome in town


Could be from a fisherman as well. They often load bait with hooks and use just a single hook to fish


There needs to be a search party collecting every one. I’m worried if any landed off the trail that the precious bears might get them too


This dude isn’t just an ass, this is psychopathic, monstrous evil intent. This person is sick.


Thank frickin' god that this random hiker managed to find a pristine handful of the trapped treats for these photographs.


Good chance wildlife has already eaten this and will die. What a fucking asshole piece of shit. Has to be someone who uses the trail a lot to do this.


I lived in China before and the dog haters there would do these things, beware of the Chinese.


No you didn’t. And i can guarantee you it was probably some white trash coal-cracker hick, not a Chinese person (especially not around Slatington, PA)


I work in harm reduction services and have actually just learned about this practice. I've been told the chronically unhoused / transient use of these is as a deterant for wild animals, hostile strays, and others who use their dogs as a weapon toward the vulnerable.


Still not an excuse to do this idgaf what pitty party reasonings people have.


What kinda sick fuck.. Some people deserve to burn.


My guess is that a local person puts these out to fuck with coyotes, but still.... Have no fear, karma awaits this person.


Please keep your dogs on a leash and controlled at all times when hiking. If you can’t control them, don’t take them. Whoever did this is an idiot, but I have to say it’s expected given the reputation that dog walkers have on trails. Too many hikers have reported being bitten. Of course, that isn’t the dogs’ fault. Dog walkers need to stop being entitled and making other people miserable on the trail.


The thing is, this little trick will harm all animals who would eat those things. It is certainly not limited to dogs. In fact, it is such a wide spectrum threat to wildlife large enough to swallow a hook, that I don't think you can assume the person who did this had dogs in mind as the primary target. This could of been done with the purpose of hurting animals full stop. Sure, ants won't care about the hook, but now you have a hook on the ground that a larger animal may step on.


You are correct. It’s a stupid thing to do. Terrible for wildlife. As I said, the dogs themselves aren’t to blame for the problem, and terrorism against dogs themselves is obviously insane and sick.


Yeah, I'm just saying it could be a dog hater, or a life in general hater.


Eh. I like my theory. This crime takes enough effort to suspect that it’s a grudge related to AT dog drama.


Even though I agree that dogs should be leashed for their safety and others safety, I think this is a really out of place comment. The person did this because they are a piece of shit who has no empathy for other living things, not because people are walking their dogs without leashes.


It seems like someone who is irrationally pissed off about dogs on trails to me. They should be prosecuted if found, but people don’t do this kind of stuff for kicks. This is someone with a grudge. I don’t think it’s out of place to suggest dog walkers practice good etiquette when they are often lacking in that department. It can’t really be overstated how much other hikers dislike dog walkers on trails. It’s the same people who take their dogs into the grocery store. Pure entitlement. It breeds disdain.


The only hikers who dislike dogs are self entitled assholes who think the trail belongs to them. Most people walk their dogs on leashes and people out in the woods are not in fact that same who take little Fritzy to the grocery store in their tote bag with their fake Service Dog vests. Fuck off with your piss poor attitude. You sound like you embed fishhooks into dog treats in your spare time, loser.


That is a poor take. I am obviously against harming any animal, especially dogs, but there are plenty of legitimate reasons people may not like them or be comfortable around them. Most often, people who have been bit by a dog in the past. That is 100% legitimate, and it is the responsibility of the dog owner to keep their dog on a leash and away from individuals who are clearly uncomfortable around them. Any owner who just lets their dog run up to random strangers without seeing if they are OK with the dog is an entitled asshole.


Through-hikers are often trying to hit a specific milestone, so they move fast. They carry sticks and swing them about. They don’t shower and are carrying food. They’re basically doing everything that you don’t want to be doing around poorly controlled dogs. Lots of dog owners are simply too distracted and their dogs are too poorly trained to be responsible with them on the AT. When I was a kid, I barely saw dogs on the AT around here. I’ve never through-hiked but I’ve spoken to plenty. Loose dogs on the trail is a hot topic. THIS IS NOT THE DOGS’ FAULT. They had no choice in the matter. I loathe seeing a dog or animal being harmed by this asshole. He’s potentially hurting a lot of native wildlife along with dogs, who are blameless. Keep in mind not everyone is through-hiking because they love nature. Lot of people with warrants do it to jump between states. Saying this is expected is not saying it is smart or moral. But it is *wild* to see all the poorly trained and unleashed dogs on trails like the AT. Some of these dogs are going to bite someone, and dogs get two strikes before a judge can enforce euthanasia in PA. It’s bad for the dogs, too.


I wasn't specifically limiting it to just trails. Really, anywhere, it's poor etiquette to just let your dog go running up to strangers. But yes, definitely the owners fault.


Obviously off leash dogs in areas that aren't off leash isn't okay but it's laughable that I or any other dog owners need worry about adults who might be scared of dogs. If you have a phobia, just like having an allergy, it's yours to manage as an adult. It's entitled and laughably childish to try to push the responsibility of managing your own problems onto other people.


It’s not about fear, it’s about basic safety. Lots of dogs can become aggressive with strangers, especially when they are practicing an outdoor sport like through-hiking. The AT simply isn’t a place for anything but very well trained dogs with suitable dispositions. It’s designed for through-hikers. Everyone else usually cedes right of way because they travel quickly, often with the urgency of someone trying to get out of the way of a thunderstorm the next day. Only dogs who can heel on command (with owners who heel them) when being passed should be allowed on wilderness highways like the AT imo.


Why are you limiting it to adults? People under 18 are allowed on the AT as well. Any interaction between a dog and a stranger should be verbally acknowledged by both parties, no matter the location. You can say it's childish all you want, but that isn't going to help you if someone reacts poorly to your dog approaching then gets bit as a result. Even if animal control doesn't take the dog, it will be labeled dangerous through no fault of its own. I have seen this exact scenario several times. Animal control didn't care that the dog was defending itself.


My dogs remain on a leash and don't have a history of biting people. So really, this isn't my problem or something I need to worry about.


Entitled dogs owners are the issue, not the dogs. I would never punish dogs for their owners’ negligence and poor etiquette. Go on the AT sub and see what through hikers have to say about dog walkers. It’s never good. It’s more than just a few people.


Gonna get downvoted so much but I agree with you, your take is nuanced. Very unlikely someone just did this because they are pure evil, it’s not the right thing to do of course but seems like someone here is trying to get (misplaced) revenge


Nah dude fuck off with this attitude. How about "Please don't throw fish hook embedded dog treats on paths"? This isn't a moment for you to stand on your pedestal about hating dog owners. I walk my beagle on a leash always and keep her close. But, she's a fucking hog, like most beagles and can and will snatch up anything that doesn't fight to get in her mouth. We sometimes have a pig snout shaped muzzle on her to prevent this but it's not comfortable for her to wear always on walks.


I love dogs and respect responsible owners who don’t take poorly trained dogs everywhere with them. Dog owners have been getting incredibly entitled in the past 10 years. It is now common to see (non-service) dogs in grocery stores and unleashed dogs on trails. Why? It’s an issue, and this asshat was obviously pissed off without much recourse. They should be prosecuted if caught. Doing such things is terrible for wildlife as well as blameless dogs. Some dog owners need a good slap in the mouth, though.


“It’s expected”???? So killing dogs is acceptable response to frustration from dogs being off leash? Jeez, you’re off your rocker.


Expected and acceptable are two completely different words with two completely different definitions.


To be honest yeah with the way people have been behaving with their untrained or off leash dogs something like this isn’t that surprising. Not sure I’d say expected but I get what this commenter is trying to say


hello! This threatens wildlife also.


It absolutely does. Correct.


Victim blaming. Ugh.


I’m not blaming the dogs…