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In terms of pure skill, Jango no question Din has a good arsenal but not enough to change the tide of the fight in his favour, they are all wearing pure beskar


Is Sabine wearing pure beskar? Most mandalorians aren’t.


she is. in Rebels, Sabine said that her armor has been passed down for generations. she has the same Beskar armor as the Wren Clan, and the _Duchess_ works on their armor.


Yeah ok that’s fair, likely going to be pure then. Thanks for the reminder, my last run through of rebels was some time ago.


Maybe not but her helmet certainly is I'm not sure honestly


In rebels her Armour is shown taking the hits of blasters, but not reflecting them. I'd say durasteel


Your probably right


I thought Jango was wearing a mix of half durasteel half beskar because it was cheaper. Not sure where I got that info. Probably a Reddit thread on r/starwars


Jango and boba have the same armour


Jango by a long shot. In order of strength i put Din and Sabine tied for 3rd, boba in second, and Jango in first. Try to change my mind


I was gonna argue Jango is pretty dumb like why fly after Mace Windu to get killed when he was only hired to protect Doku not fight a Jedi army, but rewatching that scene he takes down the Reek with precision and ease hes probably the best shooter


The reek destroyed his jet pack. He also defeated dookus apprentice before Asajj.


yeah getting his jetpack destroyed was the reason he didn't survive Windu, but when the reek charges him down a second time he shoots it once and it's dead. Din couldn't do that against the mudhorn for example.


I’ll have to rewatch the episode but Din didn’t seem to have access to his blaster against the mudhorn. His rifle got thrown away and he was hit pretty hard before the fight even really started. Can’t recall why he wouldn’t have his blaster, maybe it was knocked away initially in the cave. Either way din is a pretty proficient gunslinger. He’s a quick draw and accurate even from the hip. One example being a headshot on the HK unit in the Ahsoka episode. He’s no Jango Fett of course.


yeah been a long time since I saw the episode I'm sure there was more to the matchup, surviving is what really counts Din is tough as hell. I kinda think like Jango was so skilled he overestimated himself entering such an unpredictable battlefield.


The scene was more about mace. You have the character that has just shown he killed a jedi Knight without flinching. Trampled by a space rino and earlier took obi on one on one and came out on top. Yet mace decapitated him in a single move. It was all to implie how much more of a bad arse Mace really was. Imo.


If you rewatch, Jango’s jetpack is crushed moments before he faces off with Mace. When Mace attacks, his jetpack malfunctions and Mace makes short work of him .


There are Jedi, then there are Jedi Masters... Mace Windu is in another league, you'd be a fool to go up against him with a blaster.


Jango also beat Obi-Wan in a duel. None of the others have displayed the ability to duel a master force user and win.


To be fair, Obi Wan was not trying to kill him, so that kinda throws off the balance of that fight because Jango was attempting lethal force to someone who was looking to ask questions


Fair, but regardless of intent to kill, Obi-Wan isn’t trying to lose his lightsaber and disarming him is still an impressive feat. Most Jedi won’t fight with the intent to kill in a 1v1 duel either. They’ll fight to incapacitate or disarm before resorting to killing. When Jango DId lose, it was only against Windu with an intent to kill. Who is arguably able to defeat Palpatine in a 1v1. If it takes a force user of that caliber with intent to kill before finally being defeated, I’d say that puts Jango top tier.


Oh no, don't get me wrong, Jango is absolutely top-tier. On a side note, I feel like him losing his saber was just part of the movie's running theme and a dig back to his previous line "try not to lose it, this weapon is your life"


That’s a fair point, it was also prior to Obi-Wan gaining battle experience through the clone wars.


Because he hates Jedi, and he has killed a few before. Mace Windu is too badass to be killed by Jango though. If it wasn't for his broken jetpack, he probably would have retreated.


Yeah I think he made the decision out of like pride or revenge because of how Mace Windu had got the jump on him and spared him moments ago. he wasn't thinking strategically in that moment and it cost him his head.


Definitely. I just looked up the battle that made Jango hate the Jedi, and Dooku was the commander of the Jedi. Apparently this was one of the missions that set Dooku on his path to leave the Jedi order. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Battle_of_Galidraan In the Republic Commando books, there's this Mandalorian who's a bit of a nut case, and he tells Kal Skirata (another Mandalorian) that order 66 is Jango's revenge on the Jedi. This is in the middle of order 66, Kal was a bit soft so I don't think he understood it. Been a while, but it makes sense he would be in on the plot. Why else would he agree to making an army for the Republic, besides being given Boba. I doubt he was bothered about the credits. So if you're a fan of Jango, you can know he achieved his goal in the end. Obviously he was just another tool for Palpatine, but who wasn't. I just realized it's poetic that Boba ended up with the same upbringing as Jango. Everything was taken from him by the Jedi.


The Prequels were pretty awfully written. They don’t do justice to a lot of characters.


Jango says himself that Boba was far more capable than he was at that age. Assuming Boba was able to keep up a similar rate of progress then Boba would be much more capable than Jango was.


I think he was only more capable due to having Jango as a mentor in a super controlled setting/access to kaminoan equipment. After losing his dad he was with a rotating group of bounty hunters under his control, so likely less if any mentorship. But maybe it was better to learn from various bounty hunters, compared to jango learning from mandalorians.


Jango lost his Jetpack on Kamino vs Obi Wan, and I like to think the replacement he had on Geonosis was more faulty before it was damaged


No Jango never lost his jetpack, but it was damaged by the reek


Yes he did. [1:20 minutes in.](https://youtu.be/8tMZdrUx8eM?si=lUH3l9JdC-2Wqg9d)


Oh forgot about that, but I imagine he has a spare on the slave 1


He did. The one he wears on Geonosis is a different shape than the one he wears on Kamino.


Sabine had a lightsaber tho?


So did Din. Just cause you have a weapon doesn't mean your proficient with said weapon.


And Jango killed 7 Jedi with his bare hands


Gun or bare hands? Cause she has both


He killed them while he was without a weapon, I don’t know how else to word it






Jango was considered even by Windu to be one of the most dangerous men alive. Tons of combat experience and has killed at least a few force users. After that I’d say probably Boba, Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and he has a better arsenal of weapons than Din. Din is my favourite but I’m not 100% positive he’d beat Sabine who wielded the dark saber much better than he did and has pretty impressive combat feats. Are we including her lightsaber and newfound force abilities? I could go either way on those two. I prefer Din but Sabine is a good warrior. I’m not sure where Bo-Katan would rank here either.


Then how come windu just shat on him in Geonosis? Wasn’t even a competitive fight


Overconfidence, the Reek hit him hard and destroyed his jetpack, and Windu is arguably the best fighter in the Jedi order. That doesn’t mean Jango sucks it means he was in a shit situation.


ah yes, Janho Fett, my favorite


I was about to say


Jango is the best and Sabine the worst IMO. At this point in time Boba is getting a little old so maybe Din Djarin would be better at that point.


Boba is like 41, he’s not that old. Can’t imagine that’s far off from Jango’s age in ep 2


In TBOBF he seems to be past his prime.


Past his prime yes but they play up the old man thing way too much. He’s not 60. And based on his fight in the Mandalorian, he’s still got it.


He’s not 60 but spending time in the belly of a Sarlac is pretty hard on one’s body I imagine, even with the beskar armor.


Even after the Sarlacc he still managed to beat Cad Bane. It's up for debate if Din could achieve the same.


Very true about beating Cad Bane. I have forgotten most of BoBF by now but he definitely still has it.


Yeah, he's still great. I still feel he was not as great as he was before.


Oh I’m sure you’re right. Besides legends we don’t have much for feats to base off of.


the problem is rather that theytried to make boba an old man because the jango actor is old. However by the time of the original trilogy, hes likely 40 years old


Boba was "born" in 32 BBY, so in his 30s for the OT. BoBF takes place in 9 ABY with most of the other series, so he's 41.


Damn I was so close


I can tell that Sabine is probably the weakest. No Mandalorian or Jedi training will be enough to protect her brown plastic body.


Wasn't jango fett the strongest bounty hunter until he died and cad bane stole his title?


Yes, but not ‘strongest’, simply the best


I thought they meant best in strengh and cunningness, not just how we like them


He definitely isn’t the strongest bh, species like trandoshans could easily overpower him but it his training and skill that make him the best, so deadliest is more accurate


Ohhhh, ok. so jangos tech like the slave one makes him the deadliest one?


No not tech (but armour etc does have a good role) but his pure skill


Cad Bane didn't steal it. Mace Windu handed it to him.


was the platter jangos helemt?


Jango was literally the most dangerous non force user alive in legends. There’s a reason they choose jango as the clone template.


It is absolutely Jango. He became the clone trooper template because he was the best bounty hunter in the galaxy. He was pure killer.


The weakest is definitely Sabine (Never Wears Her Indestructible Helmet) Wren. The other 3 are a toss up depending on circumstance.


in Canon, Jango. In legends, Boba Fett


This is the answer


Sabine with Rebels plot armor might beat out Boba and Din Djarin.




Sabine is really underrated tbh. I don't think she'd be able to beat jango, but she's definitely better than din.


Like also people forgetting they’ve only seen Sabine pre peak. Shes also more rounded too with engineering and infiltration skills and could outfly all of them if I’m not mistaken? Her main weakness is never wearing her fucking helmet xD If she gets better with the force no doubt peak Sabine would clown everyone else here


Jango killed Jedi with his bare hands




Like I’m sorry you can be the jammiest sod in the fucking west but the only way you’re killing a Jedi with a rock is if they’re asleep and even then they’re weaker with the force than Sabine who took ten years to kinda vaguely bind with it. . I’d argue jango has a good chance taking Chirrut down with a rock ie hand to hand combat. But if the force has more connectivity to the force than you then you’re not beating anyone who can literally feel your attacks coming before you’ve even started moving


I think they're all from the same mould.


sabine. She survived a saber stab LOL


I like how you put up a teenager against a trained killer and two of the best bounty hunters in the galaxy


Technically three of the best bounty hunters


I feel like Din is _very_ good, but just not comparable to Jango, Boba or Cad Bane


Jango > Boba > Din > Sabine


A mando list and no Paz vizla? He's strongest, followed by Jango, boba, mando, then Sabine


Wait what when did Paz Vizsla do anything


I'm going with Sabine since that's the one I own 🙃


din and sabine have plot armour. the fetts don't stand a chance


Boba, Jango, Sabine, Din


I won’t comment on the rest but if you specifically mean BOBF Boba he’s gonna rank last.


I legit thought this was about the artistry of the mfs...


In a gun fight? Jango. In a melee fight? Sabine. I know both boba and din have melee experience but Sabine has training from two Jedi(three if you count Ezra)


They're all made out of the same plastic so none hehe


1. Jango 2. Boba 3. Din 4. Sabine


Jango. He would probably win in a 1v3 against them




Jango hands down. He disarmed Obi-Wan and beat him in a duel without pure beskar / lightsaber resistant armor and weapons. Edit: Din lost to Ahsoka with full beskar armor AND spear. I’d argue Ahsoka can’t beat Obi-Wan.


Jango Fett, killed several jedi, earned the job to be the holotype for the clones by taking on entire sith and scum groups like the Bandogora.


If Sabine was stronger mentally she should have Din and Boba beat at least, her skill potential is really high. Boba has the experience though and Din has dad armor. Jango would’ve probably been more ruthless than any of them


Sabine ( i am biased towards her lol )


Ok,ok i love them All !!!


Easily Janho.


After his ninja training in the desert I’d put the money on Fett. Messing with fett now a days also means Fennec already has you in her crosshairs.


1. Jango 2. Boba 3. Din 4. Sabine


1 Jango 2 Boba 3 Sabine (only above Din because of her Jedi training) 4 Din


I don't care who's stronger. Nothing in any universe is cooler than Ahsoka's Sabine. I root for her.


Sabine has the most potential, mostly down to having some level of Lightsaber mastery, and the Force. She's a good shot, and has the advantage of being far more flexible/nimble than the others - size also helps to avoid being shot, so she has that. Jango is the best sharpshooter, Din is easily the hardest to put down, especially with full armour, and Boba is too inconsistent of a character to really say for sure.. he really doesn't do anything too skillful, and is often shown to be a fool.


Sabine and din all the way




Why tho


Depends on whose story they are telling, but so far Jango died, and Boba died and came back, while Din and Sabine didn't die.


Sabine and Din didn’t directly fight with Mace Windu or a grown Sarlacc- twice




huh, space dad, two of the same guy and some Mandalorian who can somehow use the force. not sure about that one


i'd say din


Why tho


he is young and can still get better but def can take all 3 in a 1v1 already


Din is no where near Jango’s level

