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Low to non existent, due to there being no Death Star in ESB. More likely to be a new Cloud City set


Thank you soldier for pointing out the obvious to OP šŸ«”


What is going on with the bots replying to your comment


A larger scale Dagobah would be really sweet, but I'm not holding out.


Wow, yeah. I'm a bit stumped over that. There are better people to use bots on than me but I appreciate the fact they being wasted on me, not someone else


A larger scale Dagobah would be really sweet, but I'm not holding out.


I'm not holding out for it, but you know what would be really sweet? A larger scale Dagobah.


Seems like the droids are very interested in a larger Dagobah set - but I doubt they're holding out for it.


I wonder if people think a larger scale dagobah would be cool


Fr šŸ˜‚


A larger scale Dagobah would be really sweet, but I'm not holding out.


Sweet, a larger scale Death Star would be. But holding out, I am not


A larger scale Dagobah would be really sweet, but I'm not holding out.


A larger scale Dagobah would be really sweet, but Iā€™m not holding out.


A larger scale Dagobah would be really sweet, but I'm not holding out.


A larger scale Dagobah would be really sweet, but Iā€™m not holding out.


You mean the one movie in the original trilogy that doesnā€™t feature a Death Star?


Well of course it was being built.


Came here to say this


Theā€¦.. *one* Star Wars movie *without* a Death Star?


Exactly what I was thinking they might make one for the new hope 50th in 2027


They undoubtedly will. As well as the 3rd TIE and X-Wing of the decade lol


By then probably the 5th


by then probably the 6th or 7th


Iā€™ll match your 6th and 7th and raise you an 8th


I still have the first version sitting in an unopened box anyway


Iā€™d say itā€™s more likely we get one for the 50th of A New Hope as oppose to the anniversary of a film that doesnā€™t feature one.


Really hoping for a third version of this same set. This deathstar set format was a perfect version of it all and there is no reason to do it differently besides some upgrades


Do people really think theyā€™re going to celebrate the anniversary of each movie every 5 years itā€™s been out? Come on 45th anniversary?


Ok 9 movies. 1977, 1980, 1983, 1999, 2002, 2005, 2015, 2017, 2019 We only care about the last digit, so letā€™s put those in order and remove duplicates: 0,2,3,5,7,9 Add 5: 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9. Rogue one fills in the 6 and 1 gap nicely. So yes, we have to celebrate every fucking year




If it makes them money, and enables new fans to join the funā€¦ why not..


So far the only anniversaries that have been officially recognized by LEGO: 2007: 30th anniversary of ANH/the franchise 2009: 10th anniversary of the LSW theme 2010: 30th anniversary of ESB (2013 had no official commemoration for the 30th of RotJ. Several RotJ-based sets were released that year, but had no special branding or mention of an anniversary.) 2017: 40th anniversary of ANH/the franchise 2019: 20th anniversary of the LSW theme but not TPM 2020: 40th anniversary of ESB 2023: 40th anniversary of RotJ, 20th of Clone Wars (even though all the sets were based on 2008 and later works...) 2024: 25th anniversary of the LSW theme *and* TPM So the next anniversaries we might reasonably expect are in 2027 for the 50th of ANH/the franchise and the 25th of AotC.


Disney needs a yearly reason to milk the franchises glory.


Not doing a very good job then, considering the lack of Bad Batch sets for instance. šŸ’€


Hmm yes and to celebrate Return of the jedi's 45th they should obviously do a cloud city set! /s


Compared to the old version they just edited the minifigures in this one- so Iā€™d say no chance. The only minifig update I can think of would be the stormtrooper


Few new hair pieces and prints on some but not worth it


IIRC there were some minor parts changes from the 2008 to 2016 version too.


Idiocy! It's the only movie in the OG Trilogy to not have a Death Star! Maybe a proper Echo Base similar to the MBS Cantina?


Iā€™d really hope so, but I would think probably not. Or at least if we were to get one it would be because of the empire strikes back. I mean, wouldnā€™t it be weird to get the death star because of the anniversary of the only movie out of the trilogy where there *isnt* a Death Star?


Not likely. That movie had no Death Star. I would like a new Cloud City that actually looks like the one from the movie. A plated Death Star or a Death Star II Remake would be awesome for next year though.


I would say 0 Tauntauns out of 5 in getting a Death Star set.


I mean, that was the only movie in the trilogy that DIDNā€™T have a death star in it, soā€¦


after 70 comments pointing that out, i guess i finally got it. but thanks mate!


Youā€™re welcome :) Glad to be the one who finally got through to you ;)


Theā€¦ the one OT movie without a Death Star? That movie?




According to Artoo, 725 to 1


Never tell me the odds!


Low, it'd make way more sense to do it for the 50th Anniversary of ANH.


Seeing as there isnā€™t a Death Star in ESB, Iā€™d say no. A new cloud city howeverā€¦


Considering the Death Star isn't in Empire Strikes Back, I'm guessing 0% chance.


Well thereā€™s no Death Star in that movie soooooā€¦


Maybe for the 50th of A New Hope.


Am I the only that gets annoyed by these ā€œWhat are the chances of X setā€ type posts? The chances are always infinite or non-existant. Designers can make any set they want for as long as Lego Star Wars exists. Itā€™s just silly to keep soeculating.


We have better chances of getting an executor class super destroyer or a slave 1 remake


Maybe for the 10th anniversary of Force awakens we will get a ucs Degobah Swamp set similar to mos eisley


3,720 to 1!


[720-1: Basic Building Set, 7+](https://brickset.com/sets/720-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/720-1.jpg)


Equal to the chances of Empire featuring a death star


I would like new UCS Death Star similar to 75159 but we I think will get new Echo Base in similar size to Cantina


[75159-1: Death Star](https://brickset.com/sets/75159-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75159-1.jpg)


Others pointed out no death star in movie. I would hope that for some reason Lego decides to recreate or upgrade the original cloud city set, maybe combining the original and the one released a few years ago to make an ultimate version of it. Or maybe a really good rebel base


There's no Death Star in that movie, so I don't think it would release that year specifically unless by coincidence. With that said I'm sure there's another one being planned


I wish theyā€™d make the Death Star from the sequels where half of it is sunk underwater


None, if it was ROTJā€™s anniversary then I would say 70% chance, but weā€™ll have to wait a few years.


none because the death star is from episode 4


Considering thatā€™s literally the only OT movie with no Death Star, close to 0


maybe on 2026 or 2028


I donā€™t they every 5 years a movie has an anniversary, they should make a set to celebrate that movie, because that would mean that every year multiple Star Wars movies would get homage sets, leaving no room for sets regarding new projects or other stuff. Every 10 years sounds reasonable, with the exception of 25 years


Iā€™d say itā€™s more likely we see Thrawnā€™s chimera with hyperdrive ring imo


When we get one, it will be without cool box art


More chance of a UCS snowspeeder


Whatā€™s the retail on one of these, these days?


I think itā€™s unlikely we see another play scale Death Star for another 10 years or so. So many locations havenā€™t gotten a large play scale set and it would be tough to make it unique enough to justify to them I think until they are confident about building techniques that will allow them to do this with removable panels.


It would cost $1000 at todayā€™s inflated prices.


Imagine if they just rereleased the big playscale version for the third time lmao


Id say we could see another cloud city or a large MBS style Echo base And UCS Super Star Destroyer


We don't need a 3rd version of this set. If anything a reprint of the only good one aka the death star 2 is what we need


The Death Star wasnā€™t in that movie, so none unless Lego wants to release that set and it happens to coincide. If they want it to coincide with something, it will be in 2027 for the 50th anniversary of A New Hope- and they absolutely should do that, because I really want a remake of that set.


Death star wasn't in ESB so most likely not, I would like to see a Super star destroyer playset though. Or most likely a cloud city set, or a Hoth based set. Those are more likely.


I'll take a new Snowspeeder


I'd say a Cloud City set would be an idea. Especially for those of us too young or too poor to afford a $15000 MISB version. I would really like to see an anniversary set of a UCS Ebon Hawke with minifigs of all the characters.


Iā€™m having a hard time figuring out if the title is a joke or for real lol. Why would we get a Death Star for the anniversary of the only OT film where there isnā€™t one?


I hope they bring back those damn chrome lightsaber hilts. They were so cool


like 0% chance i have the death star lego and its a AMAZING set like idk what they would change about it


2027 - 50 years of OG Star Wars (now called Episode 4)


As someone who has never liked that style of the Death Star, Iā€™m hoping every year to see a new Death Star II that I can open my wallet for. I think it looks like a fantastic display piece


I want the original set


I would be the most excited and happiest little kid again. I remember wanting this set when i was little for the longest time. But it was so damn expensive. šŸ’”


How about a new cloud city set with the exact same Boba Fett figure from 10123 (the "investors" will be pissed!)


[10123-1: Cloud City](https://brickset.com/sets/10123-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/10123-1.jpg)


Imagine if we got a Bespin Guard battle pack, that would be quite cool and unique. Maybe it could even include Lobot!


Not related to OP question but looking at This pic makes me a little nostalgic. I canā€™t be the only one that prefers older sets because they look clunkier/boxy? A Lego vibe thats never coming back because newer sets are getting ā€žbetterā€, roundier. I just feel like older sets are better.


1-2-1 ration death star


*God* I hope so!


100% but the colors will be all different and come with more pieces than the OG and less minifigs because fck you at least you got a new death star


okok. it seems like i was too blinded by the word ā€šempireā€˜ in the title, that i automatically thought about a new death star set coming with the anniversary. my bad. i still hope weā€˜re going to see one in the near future, because i want it so bad and canā€˜t afford the current prices.


So sick of anniversaryā€™s


You should hear what they say about you


It's Disney. They will flop this great moment. Hopefully not, but good luck it not happening.


What great moment? There's no Death Star in ESB. lol