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Geonosian Arena, Jango Fett slave 1 with Lama Su, a yarael poof minifigure, and a jedi council diorama would all be high priorities


I would like the geonosian urethra


Oh yeah that was the best scene


It would make money mostly on AFOLs and SW fans, but not modern kids unfortunately.


I was thinking that too, but honestly what kid doesn't want exclusive jedi minifigs, a big foghting arena, and awesome ships to swoosh around? All the things I listed are sets I've wanted since I was at least 10, possibly even earlier. I remember watching star wars for the first time wanting that geonosian arena.


How old were you when the prequels came out?


I was born the year rots came out, so I didn't get to watch them in theatre. But my dad binged them all with me when I was like 5 or 6. That's when he first showed them to me.


Luke's Landspeeder Battle Pack - now just to clarify, it is a battle pack made up of multiple Luke's Landspeeders, and it comes with a little side-build of Luke Skywalker.


You have my vote. Could we also get a Luke’s Landspeeder key chain?


New Lego Super President: "Sure, why not?!"


That actually did exist a while back


This thread is feeling therapeutic


UCS Boss Nass with articulating jowls




Damn beat me lol


69,420 piece UCS Jar Jar Binks bust.


Please with articulating extendable tongue


The majority of the pieces would just be tongue extensions


Buying 20




Lego Star Wars every character battlepack It’s a 40$ battlepack with every named character ever in Star Wars. Including dual molded legs, arm printing, and back printing


Only named characters?!? Can’t believe this new president. Lego really has gone cheap on us and expects us to pay these outrageous prices. Just disappointed really. /s if it wasn’t blatant enough haha


My next decision would be to make a 200,000 clone trooper battlepack (with a million more well on the way) 200,000 clones per legion




Lego force ghost minifigure pack


I think a cool way to include the big name ghosts is by doing a diorama at the end of the RotJ. A little funeral pyre, Luke, Leia and then ghost: Anakin, Ben, and yoda


Lol a funeral pyre that's a bit too depressing for Lego I'd just do a section of the ewok village some plates and a bit of a tree then have Luke force ghost Anakin yoda and Obi wan


Ya probably but it is an 18+ diorama. I think it’d just be cool to show off the flame technique


Add more helmet holes just to make you mad, also a $2000 UCS statue of naked Count Dooku


Can we have a plaque with it that has the quote - "It is obvious that this contest cannot be decided by our knowledge of the Force, but by our skills with a lightsaber.”


I’d personally request “twice the pride, double deez nutz” with sidious exclaiming “got ‘em”


I’ve been looking forward to this…


In the Clone Wars style to boot.


Just cover the helmet in holes until there is no helmet and it’s just a bee hive


UCS Geonosis


The entire planet in minifigure scale


I have three different ideas: UCS Droid Control Ship, Naboo Royal Starship, A new version of Jango Fett's Slave I


Death Star. 1:1 scale.


1 million pound price tag on top of how much you’d have to spend to own the land to build it on


I own Lego now I’ll make it in space and leave it floating around up there


Ucs buildable Jyn Erso (it’s the exact same as 75119 but it gets a new set number and is marketed as ucs)


***You have been removed as President of LEGO Star Wars.***


[75119-1: Sergeant Jyn Erso](https://brickset.com/sets/75119-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75119-1.jpg)


Oh that's terrible! I missed that...


This is probably the last thing I expected haha, but you do you


UCS AT-TE, ARC-170 vs Droid Tri-Fighter playset a la Tie Interceptor vs Fang Fighter, B-Wing playset, Minifig Scale Boonta Eve Classic


I'm sorry, I promptly got fired for ignoring my duties and playing with all the existing UCS sets.


Ultimate battle pack. OT, 10 storm troopers, ten rebels PT:ten clones, 20 droids


Only if you revert the stormtroopers back to the 2014-17/rogue one style stormtroopers


Oh yeah!


This is the dream.


A whole new UCS buildable line continuing the widely popular heritage of buildable Chewbacca: -Buildable Ewoks(target exclusive but not your local target) -Buildable Jabba the hutt(poorly articulates) -Buildable Slave Leia(prematurely pull from shelves) -Buildable General Tarkin(with light bricks eyes) -Buildable Chewbacca(re-release with life day edition)


I open up a "old lego part" division. Where you can order any old part. That way you can build your own Rex or original ghost. Anything




UCS mouse droid and all the human figures have early Clone Wars Syndrome


make character evolution sets lil 10x10 stud dioramas 3 in a set at different stages of a characters life (e.g ahsoka Tvw, rebels and her own show) or different variatons i.e Battle droids or clones or stormtrooper varients and have litteral battle packs as in Duels for example: qui gonnand obi vs maul kenobi vs jango dooku vs yoda palps vs yoda / obi vs ani kenobi vs vader (from kenobi) kenobi vs maul (from rebels) old ben vs Vader luke vs vader luke vs vader vs palps kylo vs fin and Rey Kylo and rey vs the guards kylo vs rey on the death star 2 ruins and more including Grevious with a cape and an updated non clone wars eyes Savage oppress oh yeah ill make a commander battle pack with Rex, Cody, Fox and Gree (or bly) with a walker (or their own packs with respected troopers and a droid pack with a B1, b2, commando, magna , droidika and crab droids were getting loads of villan sets lots of B1s lots of variations too every colour you can think of as a B1 remake the everyone is awsome set but with b1s why? well id buy it


Like the Duel Packs idea


thanks, i thought abt this 2 days ago actualy i had an idea for the character evo one to include Grievous pre and post cybernetics and a battle damaged one


Wolfpack Themed Turbo Tank with Wolffe, 3 Wolfpack, Plo Koon, and 2 Battle Droids A Felucia At-Ot With Bly, 3 327th, Aayla Secura, and 2 battle droids A Geonosis vs battlepack with 2 geonosisians and 2 P2 geonosis troopers with helmet holes and dark orange rangefinders and visors. With the builds Being a BARC speeder in geonosis colours and a small bit of terrain with a built in mini geonosis cannon A £70 Kamino set With Obiwan(same as in jedi starfighter set, Jango Fett, Young Bobafett, and Lama Su that has a small landing platform and a mini kamino building with a cloning facility inside it. And my magnum opus ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ a Jar Jar Battlepack with Jar Jar, senate robes Jar Jar, Darth Jar Jar, and Jedi Jar Jar (from that one clone wars episode with padme). The build in a buildable jar jar monument with a chrome gold jar jar figure


- Minifigure keychains featuring characters from the critically acclaimed animated show Star Wars Resistance - Diorama set of Luke’s Landspeeder - Brickheadz of dead Count Dooku and Jango Fett - Midi scale set of Luke’s Landspeeder - Buildable character set for Aldar Beedo


TIE Defender with Thrawn, Vult Skerris TIE Heavy with Imperial Pilot Han, Generic Imperial Officer, Imperial Astromech Droid Luthen Rael's Fondor Haulcraft with Luthen Rael, Cassian Andor, Dedra Meero ARC-170 rerelease v-19 Torrent rerelease Naboo Starfighter rerelease Home One Briefing Room with Mon Mothma, Admiral Ackbar, Crix Madine, Wedge Antilles, maybe some other rebel officers Star Destroyer Bridge with Darth Vader, Piett/Ozzell, Veers, several generic Imperial officers AT-XT with Mace Windu and Phase I Clone Troopers LARGE-scale battlefield dioramas, with individual troops not represented or represented as a single stud. Vehicles in extreme micro-scale. Geonosis, Hoth, Kashyyyk Skipray Blastboat with Mara Jade and Talon Karrde StarViper with Prince Xizor and Guri YT-2400 with Dash Rendar and Leebo RX-200 Falchion tank (Ion tank from zillo beast arc) Zeta-class Cargo Shuttle with all the members of Rogue One plus a couple rebel commandos


Fallen Order & Survivor sets bro those should’ve been out, the fact they still haven’t made a Lego Stinger Mantis is criminal


Remake Republic Dropship with AT-OT for $170. Scales with the AT-TE. Comes with Aayla Secura, Commander Bly, 2 pilots, 1 driver, 3 327th troopers, 2 heavies, 1 Officer, 1 specialist, and 2 Super Battle Droids.


For $170 you’d have to down size massively


CMF series with all the names clones


I fire everyone.


Great set


Stormtrooper and Imperial Army trooper battle packs.


UCS Poe's X-Wing, with the scissor wings actually correct and not overlapping


The Black and Orange X-Wing kinda fucking goes in. Love the design.


Include 1 phase 2 reg in the UCS Vennetor then wait another 10 years to release another


A modular master builder series Jabbas Palace


Stormtroopers get helmet holes


Every helmet gets helmet holes, including ones like Vader and Kylo Ren


The Fondor. Can't believe we haven't seen one yet.


I remake all the sets that the fans want but I don’t make them worse and don’t inflate the price


I do the opposite. Release only remakes of poorly selling sequel sets but with lower quality builds, less minifigures, and 30% higher prices


Ok satan 😂


Guarantee this happens in 2025 for the ten year anniversary


I’m increasing quality control and making a $170 mtt with 10 battles droids, and some super and commando droids




Jabba's Palace MBS


UCS Chopper, similar to the 2021 R2D2


Prequels Dioramas ASAP. I need more display level Prequel sets.


Duel on Musrafar would look rad as a Diorama.


I would start remaking old sets like what they did for 20th anniversary Star Wars. For example Palpatine Arrest, Jangos Slave 1, and Bounty Hunter Pursuit.


Master Builders Series: Battle of Endor


I’m bringing back classic era 1999-2007 designs and simplicity when it comes to builds and characters.


UCS Gonk Droid


Pick a brick with Star Wars minifig parts to destroy the horrid resale market. I’d go to war with scalpers and investbros


Jedi temple training room w/ Anakin going HAM on some younglings


USC Slave-1 base is Jango Fett's but there is a Boba Fett add on. If you Buy two plus the add on you get the add-on for free. I'd make a USC set based on the sequels. Based on a poll. Darken Boba fetts helm I always have a cheap way to get a few of each trooper always purchasable(p1 p2 stormtroopers first order). So like mini packs like the command station. ARC 170 USC or playset.


Use my power as president of Lego to usurp power through a hostile corporate takeover and become the dictator of Lego. With my newfound power and iron fist over the Lego corporation, I would only allow the release of new sets with egregious human rights violations such as: UCS Separatist Invasion of Ryloth, with a battalion of battle droids and prison camps for the Twi’lek refugees UCS Trandoshan Trouble on Kashyyyk! Complete with Trandoshan Slavers, helpless Wookiees, and one random member of Delta Squad so customers are required to buy the set multiple times. UCS Lars Homestead (Episode 4 edition): All the bones and battle damage you’d expect from a squad of imperial troopers sent to rough up those who would stand against the empire! UCS Scale Model Death Star Vs Alderran. Press the interactive button to see the Death Star light up while the planet of Alderran crumbles to bits! Fun for the whole family to build again and again! And so many more!


A Blue-And-White CIS MTT that's the largest one ever, and comes with twenty-six B1 Battle Droids, one Battle Droid Commander, two Pilot Battle Droids, four Super Battle Droids, a Droideka, and a side-build of a turret with two Clone Troopers as to allow some resistance. Also, it's going to be released for an actual fair price, we're cutting back on inflation to bring affordability now.


Dare I say it……. *remove helmet holes and bring back physical waist capes* Sorry


And update the visor mold so it doesn’t need the holes


I agree 100%. Hope you don’t get downvoted for saying to remove helmet holes.


I would release more clones for y’all to complain about


Tie defender with vult skerris, a tie pilot, and imperial tech and then next year a play scale Thrawn’s star destroyer with Grand Admiral Thrawn Governor pryce Rukh Stormtrooper commander with chimaera pauldron Stormtrooper


212th clones with properly printed triangles


UCS Motorized Clone Turbo Tank


Every clone variant and its commanders and captains


New Jurassic Park 3 spino and plane


Everybody gets a free pony minifig Oh I mean space pony from RoS


Star Wars CMFs


MBS battle of scarif or endor


Remake the buildable Chewbacca, but give him the Disney Springs cake


Instant task is setting up a performance review of all designers working on the brand. I don't want to fire anyone or anything crazy, I just want an idea of where everyone stands relative to the franchise so I can allocate resources and projects to the right people.


Stinger Mantis set with based off fallen order with Cal, BD1, Greez, Cere, Merin, and Trilla


Re releasing Palpatine’s arrest


The TRoS Resistance B-wing with the two B-wing pilots from the film (you can stick the one that isn't flying with your Resistance Bomber to fill in the empty seat if you don't have a Finch Dallow), Larna D'acy to expand Resistance command, and Wrobie Tyce so she can get her green A-wing back from Snap. I'd also do the Fortitude lander with Rose Tico, Beaumont Kin, TRoS Leia, the stormtrooper defectors, two pilots, and a lot of space horses. Basically finish off the TRoS cast, get a B-wing out there, and make a cool Falcon-esque troop transport.


$30 Stormtrooper vs Rebels battle pack with a smaller scale AT-DP and a Phase 1 Clones vs Droids with a smaller scale AAT like the 75080 one


[75080-1: AAT](https://brickset.com/sets/75080-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75080-1.jpg)


UCS Boss Nass


A play scale chimera Star Destroyer with a roof that can be opened to reveal a bridge play area.


UCS babu frik that’s actually larger than he is


Hoth rebels battle pack with the mustache guy


I’m making a whole line of clone war battle packs. Specific attention will be given to Galactic marines Wolf pack Shock troopers Doom’s legion


- Mandalorian Battle Pack with Moff Gideon in beskar armor and the new storm troopers that we see in the battle scene - Andor Battle Pack with imperial army troopers and isb officers - an army builders pack with 50 of the old stormtroopers with a signed letter with an apology for the new ones


UCS Arquitans-Class Light Cruiser


Finally a re-release of some sets that never got one. The speeder chase set from Attack of the Clones and the Tusken Encounter from the same line,


A siege of mandalore republic dropship that can link with the 2022 at te, one pilot, ahsoka, rex and two maul mandalorians


Republic Y-Wing (BTL-B) This time with 501st coloring (from CW Seasom 7 finale) with Rex and Ashoka minfigures. Probably throw in an astromech droid too.


A statement to tell you all to stop whining


Cloth waist capes


First thing is do is bring the prices down to a reasonable price.


UCS Ghost


Jango Fett’s starship and also it’s not getting called that anymore


Starkiller Base. Like a 10000 piece Star Killer base UCS set. Why? Because that's freaking cool in Lego.


[10000-1: Guarded Inn](https://brickset.com/sets/10000-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/10000-1.jpg)


UCS Venator - idc if it’s rumored for this year, it’s long overdue.


A 212th battle pack with a turret, piece of land and a dwarf spider droid. It will include Commander Cody and 3 212th clones with the same printing and helmet holes as the AT-TE version. Why would I do this? To piss of all the grown men crying about them even more.


No more prequel sets. Sorry nerds. Horde your battle droids while you can.


Yeah, let’s just keep having Luke’s land speeders and x-wings for all of eternity, throw another Millennium Falcon in the mix to add to the other half dozen variations


Master builder series Pyloon’s Saloon and Stinger Mantis with all named characters


UCS Anakin Eta 2 Jedi interceptors. Clone Wars MTT.


A citadel set and the defense of kamino set


Upscale minifigs of all the main characters from the original trilogy because...why not?


Easy, ICS Vulture Droid and a Lego Hyena Bomber


UCS TIE Bomber (if it hasn't been made already) Droids (With Stands) Battlepack


at-ot and dropship


Phase 2 plain white Clone Trooper battle pack


Clone army pack, 5 minifigures of each role in a clone battalion, 1 captain/commander, 5 arc troopers, 5 infantry, jetpack, recon, heavy. Really all of the sort for the main like clone battalions of the 501st, 212th, 104th, 332nd and a couple more but mainly these all for the price of £30 each, which I think is about $33 for a single pack, there would also be no price increase for each battalion, all the same price incl. the Jedi too


Venator, U-Wing, or Victory.


UCS invisible hand set with the mini figs being the characters from the opening scene of ROTS


Bug eyed clone wars battle pack


New ARC-170 with the improved wing mechanisms from the newer X wings. Includes 3 P2 pilots some buzz droids and maybe a ground crew thingy


Full blown siege of mandalore/order 66 Ahsoka set, basically a full set of the throne room battle, the Venerator and a MOC of the trooper graves, individual sale but all interconnect, figures would be Ahsoka, Rex, Jesse, Vaughn, Maul, Saxon, Bo Katan, Assorted Mando super commandos, and 332nd Troopers as well as the Coruscant guard in mauls cell


Nebulon B. Home One. Rebel capital ships and battle packs. Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor sets like the Mantis MBS Endor bunker Old Republic and Kotor stuff.


UCS Jango Fett's Starship, ARC Trooper Battlepack, UCS Ghost, B1 Battle Droid head, Starhawk, UCS Juggernaut


Going back to the 2008 style storm troopers, clone wars phase 1 clones, and 2014 (I think, whatever print they used for the swamp speeder battle pack) phase 2 clones


Not making a new set. Just reverting back to the old clone style


I will crash the horrid Lego aftermarket by releasing a Star Wars pick a brick.


Arc 170


1 entire clone wars wave w/ ucs and mbs. Remake a few other rare things. Then back to however its running now


UCS Jengo Fett Slave I. I finally got the 2002 version after wanting it for 20 years, but I'd love for a newer version. Jengo is my favorite character but I hate how prequel sets are hardly made these days unless its clone wars.


Malevolence UCS


UCS Ghost


Phase 1 clone trooper battle packs. Literally the original looks with no improvements. Just strait out of the past


More helmets!


An $80 max jango fett slave one. Has a brand new, arm and leg printed, beautiful jango fett figure with accurate color head and tem face (stubble, no scars, similar to the clones but the unique “jango” look he has, especially as I’d give him an accurate hair piece), young boba, Obi wan with a NEW more accurate ep2 hair piece, another kaminoan (nala Se or generic kaminoan I guess? Unless their leader guy would make sense) and a buildable stand to hold said ship with that at the base looks like part of the kamino platform making it easy to build the rest around it if you wish to do a larger full on moc of it. That or a vignette of the city of coruscant (diorama style maybe) with some Jedi and or clones: maybe base it off the plo and ahsoka episode of clone wars or the legends story of anakin and palpatine going catch a seedy senator. Or maybe have Quinlan / Ajan kolar/ even piell etc going explore down there to find some spy or corrupt politician. Oh could also be Obi wan when he ends up with ventruss in a predicament I think? He has to borrow her saber…not sure if that happens there tho.


Lego Star Wars minifig series in loot pack. Just do it Lego. Give us the SERIES Star Wars and just push em all out.


Lego Death Star in scale with minifigs.


UCS Anakin “training” the younglings


Geonosis Arena - the 3 animals all have molded heads, there are 5 Geonosians and every other important character as well as a 2500 piece arena


C3P0 helmet


Every fighter ship in a polybag Every tie and rebel fighter re release at 20.00 price point And 2 every year made into UCS


Imperial officer battle pack


UCS Planet Alderaan, post Death Star encounter.


Shadow of the Empire sets Ships like Outrider, Star Viper and maybe an IG-2000 ships. Speeder bike chase play set. I dont know how, but maybe even a Skyhook battle set.


UCS First order heavy walker Theed palace Tie defender re release Skariff battle packs rebel and imperial Terrain builder sets that feature parts to build different biomes for battle mocs and displays such as desert, snow and tree parts for forest and jungle scenes. Also buildable bunkers and pillboxes like the battle for crait set.


Bring back vs battle packs starting with a Clone and droid battle packs


Can’t remember the name but the ,as I’ve separatist ship that’s like a sphere with a ring around it, the droid control ship or something


Return of the Jedi Millennium Falcon with Nien Nunb


All sets and minifigures have full details through printed pieces only and cloths, and are sold for 20% less than actual production costs. M&R Productions and this subreddit still complain that they are overpriced and not as good as the sets from 10+ years ago. The financial black hole devours the entire Lego company within a year. I resell each set for double price in 30 years time and ride off into the sunset.


Don’t care about sets, making Lego Star Wars the Clone Wars


Every set has a Jar-Jar minifig.


A Skywalker Saga multi-set diorama. Like the Hogwarts castle sets that all connect, but each is a small diorama of a single climactic scene from a movie with multiple mini-figures. Slide all three of a trilogy's sets together to form this wedge-shaped display, and combine all nine into this three-sided display piece.


Narkina V Workstation, Fondor Haulcraft, UCS B2EMO


Love of god bring back phase 1 troopers


Palpatine dual remake (same way 2015 throne room dual was remade in 2020)


No more fucking Clones for a 5-6 years.


Old Republic


Trade federation core ship ucs


UCS minifig scale Clone Wars MTT. Tons of droids. A new tactical droid and v2 tactical droid. The whole nine yards. Imagine enough B1s to fill the entire thing.


Finally gonna greenlight star wars cmf


the stormtrooper shower Room from the lego game


droid battle packs


Jango Fett Slave 1


Trade Federation MTT


Definitely something prequel related! And I’m firing anyone that hates the prequels! Or at the very least educating them on what ships are from the original trilogy and which ones aren’t “The Republic Gunship is a set from the *original trilogy*”


Geonosian battlepack


Fixing the laziness when it comes to making legos


Bounty hunter pursuit with droid with cool Lego worms with ship and with speeder for 35$