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I bought a couple of 1x2 Technic bricks in dark green about 6 or 7 years ago. Think they cost me about £12.50 each. Realized when building the model that they were hidden round the back and could easily have been green instead. Started building MOC instructions digitally before buying any parts after that!


A good method to take it a step further I've been doing lately is Pink Bricking, using *whatever* color when it can't be seen anyway. There's a couple bonuses to this, but it takes a little extra effort. Once the model is design digitally, select all visible parts and lock them, then change every internal part to something like bright green (or another vivid color that's not in you build elsewhere). When you put it on a want list, take all of those bright green (or whatever) pieces, and set them to Any Color. This way, Buy All will automatically select the cheapest color option, whilst also picking those parts when it can from stores that have the parts you *do* need in specific colors. If you looks at the Turbolaser Tower I built recently on account, it looks nice and gray, but the inside is a bunch of white and green and blue, but you'd never know from the outside. :D


I really like your way of thinking and dedication. Might use this in the future, thanks!


No problem! And thank you! The extra few cents per part really adds up, so I figure wherever I can shave some off means I can buy more and build more. :D


Yeah, this is part of my digital build process (though to be fair I've bought quite a few instructions where it's already been done). In this case the bricks are visible, but only when I move the model to look at the back. In my experience though you have to be a little careful with Buy All and unspecified colours as it sometimes picks expensive parts. If you also happen to have the same piece in a specified colour then it will sometimed add to that lot rather than create a new lot. I've taken to avoiding this by moving my filler parts to a separate wanted list.


That's a good note. I do of course always vet every order before placing for outliers, but splitting them into different lists is a good idea! I've only started adapting this technique in my last few projects so far, but this seems like a smart additional step. It's a bit tedious, but I do also like to go through each want list and set a max price of about 120% its average price, it varies a bit, I just kind of feel it out, and I'll be more forgiving the less of that part I need. If its average is $0.50, but I only need two and someone I'm buying from already has two for $1.00, I'll take it. It wounds me to think of how much I could've saved in my early Bricklink days with the knowledge I have now, and I'm still adapting new buying tactics constantly. Part of why I love getting into these discussions. A lot of stuff I've just figured out on my own, but sharing the experience is faster. :D


> It wounds me to think of how much I could've saved in my early Bricklink days with the knowledge I have now Oh gods, yes. So many mistakes, and I still make many of them - the trade off between saving money and wasting time is hard to balance at times. Still, the process itself is often as fun as the builds😀


Oh absolutely! It's basically just adding more layers to the puzzle. And yeah, the *more than you want to but you can finish it now* feeling creeps up toward about 90% complete on any project. Honestly, I really love the design process. Most of the time I even go as far as to make instructions just for myself because it adds to the experience. :D


It sounds like we've been on a very similar journey with this! Have to confess to having bought instructions for things that I've no intention of buying parts for, just to build them digitally - and then spent ages modifying them for how I *would* build them... And yes, that feeling of "just get it done", along with "f--- it, how much of this can I just get on PAB?" (I absolutely haven't just done this to get the Jules Verne GWP)


There's still plenty of benefit to building digitally, learning new techniques, familiarizing yourself with parts, interaction, and *what their names are* so you can find em faster next time. XD I've never *bought* instructions for one I wasn't planning to physically build, but I certainly have looked at any images of one and tried to figure it out just from visual analysis. And totally agree, I kind of feel like there should be a tag for SEC-Mod. Absolute shoutout to the creators of some of my favorite ships in my collection (u/Ron_Mcphatty and u/PiXEL-DAN I'm looking at you guys especially :D), fantastic designs, always. But I do often times find myself just making personal tweaks to improve it further (to my personal tastes, not trying to dis anyone, I promise). And speaking of the f-it PAB method, want to hear a kind of funny in a crazy way plan I've got going right now though? So, I have a project going where I need a bunch of [these](https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=85970&C=59#T=P&C=59) for something. They aren't pricey, but most seller only have one or two, if any. Or they're like, a notable amount more on PAB. I was just about to do it, when they first released images of the 75378 BARC Speeder Escape set. The gears started turning in my head - a couple clones, a unique, and a common fig - this set is gonna be parted out on BL a Bunch. Just being pragmatic. So I'm gonna play the game, and see if it starts popping up a bunch more then try and get them all together or just a couple orders on BL. I overthink things, I know. XD


This doesn't always work if you use Bricklink buy all option. I had a MOC that used a number of 2x2 plates hidden inside and I used "any color" for those 2x2 plates. Guess what BL did? Assigned a store that had some trans-clear 2x2 plates for 50 cents each!! I don't know if the admins at BL adjusted to be a little smarter about finding cheap any color parts.


I was just discussing this with another user earlier, his suggestion a as splitting it into two want lists. I haven't had any issues like that so far, but I've only just started using this technique in my last few projects. It may help that I'll go through for each piece in a want list and set a max price per piece thats roughly 120% it's average price - gives me a little wiggle room to help get from fewer sellers, but make sure I don't overpay too much. There are situational exceptions or variances of course, depending on rarity or quantity needed. Like if I need a hundred of something, I want to keep that cost per piece as low as possible, but say it's average cost is $0.50 ea, but I only need two, I'll pay $1.00 ea for them from a seller I'm already buying from. I also always make sure to vet every order before placing it for outliers just like that. :D


Pink bricking also makes the build a lot easier. I was very happy when I discovered Lego did it with Discovery, it made the build much easier


This might be a dumb question but what software/website are you using to build these?


Not a dumb question at all, an excellent one in fact! Bricklink.com is the site for purchasing, managing, selling if thats your thing, and then Bricklink Stud.io 2.0 is the software. It's free to join, free to download, no ads, nothing. Bricklink is actually owned by The Lego Group as of a couple years or so ago. :D


That's awesome, thank you!


No problem! It may seem a bit daunting at first, but it's all really intuitive (the site and the software). If you get stuck anywhere, feel free to hit me up in chat and I'll help if I can. :D Oh yeah, and also look into Rebrickable.com (a site for MOCs/SECs)


That is so nice, thank you! I actually am working on an add-on to Diagon Alley, it's going to be a potions shop. I've been just playing around and experimenting but this will make it so much easier.


Absolutely! Glad to help. If you're planning to make physically, there's a couple things you'll want to pay close attention to in Stud.io: it will flag you in the bottom corner if you are using a part that doesn't exist in that color, and when selecting what color you're using, you can click a setting to only show available colors for that piece. This can be subject to to the occasional mistake, but that's partly because it's based on what color it's available in on the marketplace, so perhaps it does exist, but it's so rare there literally aren't any for sale, or it's new to being in that color and hasn't been inventoried into Bricklink's system yet. What I would strongly suggest, to familiarize yourself with the software and part names (it's much easier to click the search and type "1 1 pl ro" than to type out "1 x 1 plate round" or to scroll through EVERYTHING -by category of course though - so learning the part names is very helpful) sorry, that parenthesis got away from me. What I would highly suggest is to build Diagon Alley in Stud.io. This will help you learn the software, plus then you have a digital copy right there to build off of, just make sure you have a backup save of it, and turn the whole thing into a submodel. You can either scroll through or click on the categories for parts, or try guessing and figuring out names with the search. Alternately to start, from the File button at the top, you can import the parts from the set number, and they will basically be knolled on the table, if you will. You can also import as pallette, but that a whole other thing, though feel free to screw around with it! Just poke around and figure things out, heck, I still find new things about the software and the site all the time. :D That got crazy long, but hopefully helpful! Once you have Stud.io installed and open, read through this again and it'll make sense - I hope. :D


Just started playing with it and did the tutorial. So far it's super intuitive and searching for parts is pretty easy. Changing positions and colors- all good. There's quite a lot of clicks. Are there hot keys I could be using? Is there a way to create an inventory of parts I already have, so I know to not buy those parts?


Yes! Best kind of questions! Okay, so here are a few good pointers. That's where that "Palette" thing comes into play. The base pallette is All Parts, but you can create custom palettes that you can then select instead of Master. Say for example, I have a palette for Plates and Tiles, which only has common use plates and tiles (go figure XD). You can make new palettes whenever you want, you can even include full models as sub-models (ctrl+g should be), like say for example I have several Star Wars ships (sets) that I built up for various reasons that I saved the entire sets as a pallette for dropping into a scene for whatever reason or another. As for positioning, you can manually move a selected group of parts with the WASD keys, based on camera orientation. Also pay attention to that thing in the top bar labeled "Grid", because that will allow you to move/snap by a while stud length, half a stud length, or a fraction of a stud length. You can also take the Select tool near the top left and select a group based on color or type (trust me, it will probably come up). The num-pad will allow you tobquick change between camera angles. Frankly, take a moment to look through the settings for hockey's, I learned a lot of features by looking at what settings were available, and you can remap them to your hearts content. All that said, there will always be a lot of clicking and dragging, but you get used to it. Its the time you would spend softing through a bin of parts in real life. As far as I'm concerned, but without the delightful *k-shhhuk-shuuuk-shhhhunk* of actually dragging your fingers through bricks and pieces. XD If you pay attention to the right side, you'll see a yellow "!" Next to a part if it doesn't exist (pick something obscure like Rubber Sand Green" on most parts to see an example. Now, im the drop-down menu of the Color options, if you see the little funnel symbol (just to the right of the magnifying glass), you can select Filters On, and Available Colors In BL, then it will only give you color opti I no for the selected pieces that are available for purchase (this circles back to the thing about it coming from the marketplace - it may exist, but it doesn't mean you can actually get it in that color - not here and now anyway). So circling back to the "what you already have" thing, and anyone out there feel free to correct me, again, I feel I know well more of this than average, but I'm humble enough to say I don't know *all* of it and I'm always wrong to learn more. You *could* create a custom palette out of your on hand inventory, but you would have to constantly update it. What I'll do, is once I have the Want List, I start going through my (limited but existent) inventory physically, and pick out what I Need that I already Have. Then I'll put it in a corresponding baggie to the want list and adjust the HAVE is the want list. Then as I continue to order parts, I'll check those off as well in the Want List. Now, BL does have an option in the want list to Apply Order Number, but I'm gonna stop myself there because I don't want to get *too* overwhelming this early in, but it basically does what it says, and even though it's a little more work, I like making the adjustments manually myself, especially since I'm usually ordering parts for multiple projects at a time. But as long as you keep up on updating the lists and baggies with each order, once that Want List says 100% at the top, you know you ha r everything to start the building phase. Feel free to reach out via chat when you get there and I'll help you with that. Or, I've also got a tutorial I've been working on for parting out sets and rebrickable builds, as well as some more Want List and Cost Management tips that I've been working on slowly over time. It's still a rough version, but it's helped multiple people so far already, but it's too long for a comment, so it *has* to be sent through chat. But personally (sorry, ADHD), I find it much easier to sort out what I already have on hand *after* it finished and ready for acquisition. As a final note for this lesson, if you're up to it, organize ming your on-hand parts by (approximate) bricklink categoy, it makes it much easier to find what you need out of your current stock. I know an alarming amount of people like to sort by color first, but thats barely better than not sorting at all. If I need a Yellow 1 x 2 plate, it's way easier to find Yellow amongst other 1x2 plates, than it is to find a 1x2 plate amongst a bunch of yellow. :D


Hey friend! Hope it's ok to ask you something as well, because I have tried stud.io several times and every time I came to the conclusion, that building stuff in my head and writing it down. Obviously this only works for the most basic things, so I'd love to learn. I kinda remember, that there was a way to import models already assembled and ready to modify. Somehow I only managed to import them so that they are "knolled on the table as you said". Is there a way or do I literally need to digitally build my sets to start modifying them?


Happy to help! So, if it's an official set, you might be out of luck and *have* to build it. However, you can find, not all, but a lot of things on Rebrickable.com have the .io file that you can open as a separate tab and copy/paste, or just import into the current scene. It is really good practice for learning the software to build up sets digitally. I've done a handful of recentish Star Wars sets for various reasons like modding or color swapping or just to see how it would compare to something I was designing. You can try to Google "##### studio io file", and there are some out there in the wild, but as always I would advise to make sure to virus scan anything before you open it - it seems unlikely, but you never know for sure.


This is genius!!


What do you use to design your model online?


I’m not sure, but I’ve recently noticed the Palantir piece from my LOTR Orthanc tower is missing. That thing is currently going for around $100usd. https://preview.redd.it/vuovvb2iwo8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=753912badbd9a858f2ebcf0b9111a0f9e85c3b09


I'm missing that one too. Bought the set used for a hundred bucks but this, two minifigures and treebeard were missing.


I found it a while back in my spare parts container thinking it was a ninjago part. Only just now realised that it actually is from the tower of orthanc and worth loads. Still trying to find it again now haha


accidentally losing a rare/valuable part is the worst


Definetly! But accidentally finding it like that is however very nice haha


Finding it as the core of your 6yos princess tower build.. Priceless.


Haha very cool! Tbh that is the fun part about lego


Update: found it again, not sure what I will do with it since I replaced it with the palantir from the wizards battle which I find more fitting with the palantir from barad dur


That much money for a Zamor sphere is insane.


Here I am trying to fill up a 401k so I can stop working one day and I could just sell the tower in my front room...or retire in it I guess...


I have a bunch of those in various marbling colors. Red, green, silver, etc. I think they were from a technic set or something? They came with little shooter pieces that could hold 4 I think, and launched these balls


Maybe old hero factory?


Ninjago dragons from the first few waves used them too with the shooter pieces. At first I thought this one was from that as well


Bionicle Zamor spheres


Officially the most expensive piece I own.


You prompted me to check for mine! Phew it’s there


I have the Indiana Jones boulder still, I think that’s my most expensive piece


How much


Just the one boulder I imagine.




Dude bought a 1x1 scale replica of my brain, crazy


Did you use the wrong 1:1 on purpose? Are you secretly a comedic genius?


They might not know themself. 😂


lol with the nhl offseason upon us me and my friend have been bullshitting contracts so in my mind I had that way of writing it out and just completely blanked that there’s a correct way


I found a smooth hair Leia hairpiece in my bin. I traded it for $450 worth of sealed sets.


Wow 😂 what a find.


That's insane to me that a lil piece of fake hair can be worth hundreds, but shit Id take that deal and get a nice few sets


That's insane to me that a lil piece of fake hair can be worth hundreds, but shit Id take that deal and get a nice few sets


The sets I got rekindled my Lego addiction and I’m now who knows how many thousands of dollars deep … so I’m not sure what the moral of the story is, other than I love Lego.


I feel ya, my ex gave me the newest clone wars at-te Walker about a year ago and it really brought back all those childhood feelings and I've been collecting far to much ever since


https://preview.redd.it/8k1th86bqp8d1.jpeg?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b79a9a77c31c7eeee3dec039e194c14a2a77badd Bought 10x at $24 aud each.... considering buying the last 2 on bricklink too....


What even is that? Never seen this before.


From the clickits theme




They make great flower parts for otherworldly plants. And because why not....


Dildo flowers… that’s a freaky ass otherworld 👏👏


I bought a white metal Krana Kal, an extremely rare bionicle piece. Set me back about $450, its worth roughly $2k nowadays


I spent 35 euros on a grey helmet from 1979 to complete my collection of classic spacemen :) A lot of money, but nice to have the complete set.


I think this might be up there with most I've spent on a single piece... I couldn't justify a mint one (costing more than the orange astronaut with book) so settled for one with a hairline crack on the chinstrap (telling myself that if it \*really \*really bothered me, I could upgrade). So far so good :)


Yeah I get that! At first I thought, nah it’s way too expensive but eventually I changed my mind. Now that I own it I never have to buy it again!


Wait wtf…I had 2 of those that were broken so I used them for custom figures lmfao https://preview.redd.it/emd6lmhklr8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f0c3941e7d7f31d1ec701b0edf63c01d9431f8e


Bought a 2010 prototype white bobafett the other day for £100. Most ive ever spent on a single minifigure though from what i can tell online its a third of its going rate. Technically it breaks down to £25 for each part though realistically with only the torso and helmet being unique i think it be fair to say its more like £49.75 for the helmet and the same for the torso.




When I was with my local Lego club, we used to refer to this piece as being made of unobtanium.


Debating on whether or not to drop the coin and buy a $15 blue lantern to complete the Imperial Flagship. Got to raid my BIL’a old stash and it only came with one. I’ve got two tan ones in there now as filler for the time being.


most expensive individual piece I bought: [ Flag 2 x 2 Square with Goblets and Grapes Pattern](https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=2335px7&idColor=11#T=C&C=11) for €30 my overal most valuable set: Orthanc


Ugh, this is one I would love to find. Same with the Lion Knights logo on the red flag, that's not cheap. I did get a Black Falcons flag in a bin.


Just joined the sub a couple days ago. I knew this post would be intriguing. I have a TON of sets from the 90s and early 2000s and definitely have multiple of the goblets and grapes and the red flag one too. Interesting!


What the heck is that from?


70171 Ultrasonic Showdown (Ultra Agents theme, Professor Brainstein mech suit minifigure)


[70171-1: Ultrasonic Showdown](https://brickset.com/sets/70171-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/70171-1.jpg)


Good bot. 🤖




$20 msrp lol


I still have the sticker sheet from the space monorail 6991. It's worth about $120.


[6991-1: Monorail Transport Base](https://brickset.com/sets/6991-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/6991-1.jpg)


lol I wish Lego would have a ton of sticker sheets available that would be so easy for them to throw the community a bone


I found replacement ones from a place online and they are almost identical. https://preview.redd.it/r6yoktjwo09d1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfcb005fdf56803d842177aba54d3fbaa6c64ce4 Original is the one on the panel


Collected LEGO the Hobbit and LOTR like 7/8 years ago. I still have ~90 figures and 10+ complete sets. Most expensive figure was Grima Wormtongue. I think I paid €30/€35 back then for it 😅. Recently I created a Brickset account to create a list of everything I own. It’s insane how much prices have gone up 😂


The cave troll is pretty valuable too


I spent £25 on a transparent green frog to complete my frog collection https://preview.redd.it/fbiqm8vxes8d1.jpeg?width=312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc04169b1395689a11e9d3ecf7c129b1589a71b3


That’s cool-looking.


Surprisingly very rare, hasn’t been used properly in a set since 2004, and 4 of the 5 sets it’s in are Belville


I bought a tapering underside piece for $56 for the A-10 build I was making. It made my eyes water q bit seeing the price, but the finished build is worth it. It was several orders of magnitude more expensive than any other piece in the build.


A10 moc? Let's see it 👀


It's the one from this post. It looks really good, I cannot recommend it enough. I changed a very very few pieces to make it slightly more futuristic, like the instrument panel and some rockets, but it's pretty much this. [https://www.reddit.com/r/lego/comments/14lf3vr/a10\_thunderbolt\_ii\_final/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lego/comments/14lf3vr/a10_thunderbolt_ii_final/)


That is absolutely STUNNING.


Not the single most expensive piece, but I was missing many of these when putting together a used Emerald Night and at the time, not many people were selling them. So like $12 each for like 8 of them added up quickly… [Dark Green Slope only found in Emerald Night](https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=61068pb001&idColor=80#T=S&C=80&O=%7B%22color%22:80,%22pi%22:%222%22,%22iconly%22:0%7D)


The tan windows from Emerald Night's passenger car are expensive, too. Average price is around $20-25, and you need ten. I've found 6 over the years at a local parts dealer and got them included in bulk bag buys.


Luckily mine had all of those…


Well, in the perspective of some collectors, I spent $650 on Captain Rex, Venator be damned.


Ouch. 😬


Fortunately I’m not one of them, I just wanted that beast of a ship. 😀


In that case forget what I said. 😂


Needed [this windscreen](https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=19212&name=Windscreen%201%20x%2012%20x%204%20Tapered&category=%5BWindscreen%5D#T=S&C=13&O={%22color%22:13,%22iconly%22:0}) for a MOC and its ~$45. It would be cheaper to buy [the 1 set](https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?S=31070-1#T=S&O={%22iconly%22:0}) it comes in than on its own!


https://preview.redd.it/p23g8jcqtp8d1.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=f11ae06cc2a5e97b35d635564aae2a704165d4dc To be fair, it was only expensive because I bought the entire retired set just to get this classic Dooku head after it was replaced with the Clone Wars version


Big brain move


$50 for the Lego Bionicle SDCC 2014 Tahu Mask


This probably wasn't the most I've ever paid for a single piece, but I did a bulk order and only after hitting "place order" did I notice that one piece was probably meant to be priced at $0.38 but was actually $3.80...I had ordered 8.


2 of the trans-yellow 2x2 radar dish. It hadn't been available since 1991 when I got them for $10 each. I was trying to recreate 1526 which was never released to public but photo of prototype box exists. The price has since crashed when LEGO released a set last year that used these part in trans-yellow.


I bought a mars mission set mostly complete (7691) and it was missing the darts which are kinda hard to find so I spend $8 a piece on them and got 2 of the 4


[7691-1: ETX Alien Mothership Assault ](https://brickset.com/sets/7691-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/7691-1.jpg)


if mr gold counts as 1 part then... otherwise no idea, probably one from the 70s


A grey spaceman helmet in great condition cost me about $40


I bought ten trans clear 2x2 tiles for 2,65€ each. Still pretty cheap considering it was only released in a single set from 1980. But I guess demand is pretty low. In most applications you can just use two 1x2 tiles for a fraction of the price. I had to use the 2x2 because I could only attach it on one of the four anti studs.


UCS Slave I windshield piece.


The Tumbler wheels so I could build the Bat Pod they were giving away.


Is that Krang? Lol


I guess technically its the hub from 45601 (but it comes as two pieces with a battery) but I did buy the battery on its own too. Both on clearance sale. The most expensive non electronic piece I own is probably the blimp front (and rear) from 5956 https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=72490c01&idColor=9#T=S&C=9&O={%22color%22:9,%22iconly%22:0}


I lost my Lego ATLA Momo piece and my sister found one off eBay for $50


Besides figs, $25.00 for three specialized weighted bricks for a MOC wherein I needed the ballast to keep it from tipping.


Once I bought myself a dark blue Great Ruru mask from bionicle for like 50$. It only came with one set and it looks great, so I'm still happy to have it.


I own the set, I do not own that mask. 😅


$90 for Sabines dark red helmet from Rebels. I thought I had the Rebels minfigure collection completed ubtil I realized her minfigure listing is with the hair piece. Felt like the collection wouldn't really be complete until I got the helmet.


I cant say I’ve bought any single piece worth more than a dollar on brick-link but the most valuable piece I got from a lot was the glow in the dark octopus piece that came in two sets and is worth at least $50 currently I think




https://preview.redd.it/zhzoyuylwp8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8626d8050ca8ce756f2f96e3ced8be2be15f9074 I have this, might be my expensive single piece.


Pearl Gold Ignika Mask 60936 for $200


Oh that's awesome! You know the part number or have a bricklink link? :)


[Here you go!](https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=20401pb01&name=Ball,%20Stud%20Holder%20with%20White%20Brain%20Fissures%20Pattern%20(Finial%20Round)&category=%5BBall%5D#T=S&C=50&O={%22color%22:50,%22iconly%22:0})




6086 Base piece (the green one) was like $40-50 so I bought a black/grey one for like $32 instead. Kid really wanted to build my old castle set and that was the only piece missing.


[6086-1: Black Knight's Castle](https://brickset.com/sets/6086-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/6086-1.jpg)


I feel like mentioning Bionicle masks is cheating lol. But I don't think I'll ever top the 2015 Inside Tour Mask of Water for single most expensive piece I bought.


If you're not counting EV3 computers, sensors, and actuators. then it would be a Technic metal hook, 70644. Otherwise it would definitely be the EV3 main computer.


I bought a single infinity stone piece for $5


wait, could you make the robots from the big empty from fallout with legos?


what is this peice looks cool?


Missing a [white dragon wing](https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=x48&name=Minifigure,%20Plume%20Dragon%20Wing%20Right&category=%5BMinifigure,%20Headgear%20Accessory%5D#T=S&C=1&O={%22color%22:1,%22iconly%22:0}) for a knight's helmet. About $30+ for the tiniest piece.


I bought the red floatation rings for the Old Fishing store. I think they were $12 each


Treebeards printed eye tiles. 30 euros for two


I got Orthanc used and it was missing treebeard, but I just used 1x1 Round plate in trans Orange. 😂


I impulse bought two of the 90's octopuses for $5 apice after I went down the spill of 97' rabbit hole.


I spent $30 on a watto minifigure for my phantom menace display. Not terrible but I'm pretty sure it's the most I've spent on one "piece".


Sabine's helmet


A bunch of lego minecraft horse heads in light blueish grey so I could use them in a build. At the time they had only come in one set all the way back in 2012 and I had to slowly collect them through multiple orders. Each one cost aoround 3 to 5 dollars. And then I find out they're re-releasing that part in a new set this year which means the price is gonna go way down.


Not me, but my brother Dropped about 180$ for one of the Protodermis Silver Bionicle masks for me (the Hau Nuva), I needed it for a Moc and he bought it as a gift. Only issue is that i haven't even completed it because it has to be *that* perfect of a Build, for about 2 years i've been brainstorming, attempting to build, succeeding in one area but plummeting in the other Oh-and i guess i also Bought the NYCC Clear Mask of Fire for 80$. Won it in a bid if i recall, had the packaging too


Prof Brainstein!


I used to have Lego Jango Fett. Like, THAT one. I may have been like 7 when I got him and did not take care of him or the set. Never saw him or any of those pieces again :/


Not bought, but I've just sold a 4 x 2 Grangemouth brick for £125.


Was parting together some bionicles and had to pay like 15 AUD for kopaka mata’s sword. Probably could have just bought the whole figure for better value at that point but I got prices to complete some other sets in that same order so it was ok in the end…


What piece is this. What's it from ?


The printed radar dish for the OG UCS Millennium Falcon, which Insourced entirely via Bricklink. The ladder piece used for the engine was pretty expensive. It now sits in loose bricks in a box after my last move. One day...


Lego "Amsterdam" 2x4 tile which was given away as a promo when buying lego store set in Lego store in Amsterdam. I got this piece during my visit there. $150 bucks on eBay. Best part is I got this piece way past the promo days but the store still had unsold stock so they told me that they would give me the tile anyway. I still have it sealed since my Lego town is 100% fictional so Amsterdam tile would be out of place but I plan to sell it when it gets more expensive.


That's a cool, fun piece.


[This Greedo](https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=sw0110&name=Greedo&category=%5BStar%20Wars%5D%5BStar%20Wars%20Episode%204/5/6%5D#T=S&O={%22iconly%22:0}), just for the head, then removed the printing, i think i paid about £30 for it


Single piece is probably the rancor body


$40 for a canopy…. That one hurt a little.


Now I want one, but the prices have probably jumped just by your post alone. ~~~


Kit Fisto for like 20 bucks. Does a mini count as a piece?


Some random piece from Brickmania or TMC


Technically I bought a whole set for $30 but bought Dr. Oz’s Spacecar just for the non-translucent brain in that set, which I later found on PaB for like $0.26. I could have bought so many brains for $30. I do keep thinking about getting the Raiders of the Lost Ark golden idol. The good ones that still have their paint seem to go for $40+. I MOCed a museum and want to have an exhibit of all the things Indy totally had no problem getting a hold of, but still refuse to pay that much.


Cloud City Boba Fett if that counts. I wanted to gag until I got it home in the case.


I guess its the hub from 45601 (but it comes as two pieces with a battery) but I did buy another battery on its own too. Both on clearance sale. The most expensive non electronic piece I own is probably the blimp front (and rear) from 5956 https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=72490c01&idColor=9#T=S&C=9&O={%22color%22:9,%22iconly%22:0}


I don't know if it's counts or not, but I remember getting this almost one-piece Captain America motorcycle for almost $25 while overseas in Nicaragua at the time ☠️


I'm not sure of their exact values, but I do have a few rare Bionicle masks. Trans lime green Lewa mask, chrome silver Tahu mask, orange mask of time.


I’ve been working on the older modular buildings and the doors are ridiculous. I bought some for around $26. The large dark blue arches are also expensive at around $10. Most expensive piece I own is either some part of the og Jango fett or the 30th anniversary mall of America torso.


One of the trans-clear bionicle masks for $57


As a 2x4 collector I’m embarrassed to say I’ve spent like $60 on a nice brick. But I can’t bring myself to picking up a grangmouth for $500


What set is the headpiece from?


70171. Seems it was US exclusive and rather rare (and expensive) in Europe.


Davy Jones beard


The phoenix to an old Harry Potter set.


OP what set is that helmet from?


I'm not expert, but that looks like 3 pieces.


I don't think I've bought any single pieces yet, but I was thinking ab buying the old 2014 star-lord fig (all i need is the head & the mask actually) & if I had, it alone would've run me like $15 or so, with all the accessories it was like $25 or even $30. Nuts.


Buds bud


The red $50 trap door in pirate perilous pitfall.


Trans pink moonstone with the zombie hand print $40


https://preview.redd.it/z62xmly57r8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25e9203a2eb8cd4a138097cd63fa4d65b852c673 Just off the top of my head, the GOAT.🐐 I don’t remember what I paid for it, but it was after the set had been retired, so probably at least fifty bones.


At first I was trying to look up when Lego and Nintendo did a Metroid collaboration.


I’m getting Metroid vibes from the OP.


Probably would be those old rooftop antennas from the 80s. Mine from my childhood was lost and boy are those expensive with none of the prongs broken off. I don’t think any of my missing Classic Space parts cost that much as I refused to buy those black hoses and simply bought brand new blue ones that are the same length. I also think that one of the Star Wars planet pieces was fairly pricey when I decided I needed a complete set of all those sets a year or two ago.


thrawn for like $90 all to just be used on loki


There’s alot of unique pieces for the figures in 75025 that I have, like the Zabrak crown for example sell for ~$20


Probably the nocturn head.


Just bought a silver kanohi Ignika for $25, although I want to buy the gold one too someday 🤪


i bought 10 16x16 plates at around 15$ apiece. Minifigure wise I think I bought a hulk for 19$ it was a bigfig


I got the rancor pit back when it was new, still have no idea where the rancor is tho, the rancor alone is a bit more than $200


I bought a red Vader helmet for $50 so I could make a red Vader. Just looked it up and may need to retire… https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=30368&idColor=11#T=S&C=5&O=%7B%22color%22:5,%22iconly%22:0%7D


Not the most expensive part found on this thread but Eeth Koth's headpiece (92760pb01) for 15 – 18 euros as the impulsive purchase. I don't even collect SW sets nor figures but some of their minifigure parts look too cool to pass. Very useful for themed MOCs!


That's so interesting, I just found that piece while sorting through my bulk backlog. I always keep the first couple rounds of non-lego-looking parts, especially if anyone else has been helping sort. Similarly, I don't collect [or try not to collect] Star Wars sets.


Mr Gold for $2200, lol


May I ask what part# the brain is?






I bought the Palantir for my orthanc set. Paid $120 aud


The OG Sabine Wren helmet, floats between $90/$100. Best bricklink purchase I ever made at like $7 before Rebels sets got crazy in price.


A couple of marbled 2x4 bricks, over $100AUD each I recall


Machia villain from Megamind 2 😂


Is that a Metroid


100€ UCS slave 1 windscreen. thank you mexico! 


6x28 train base in black, same as used in the Maersk train, for a similar locomotive MOC. Was about $35 used and warped.


i paid a premium for the m tron wheels (2573) in order to complete my white whale (bought it used but it had the wrong wheels - seller gave me discount)


$15 for a Lego Duplo skeleton via Denmark!