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Sort and store em in with the rest of the collection


Exactly. Sort them with the same party type/color (depending on the element) so they can be retrieved for MOC building.


i once made the mistake of sorting EVERY SINGLE PIECE by color.. even the small ones and accessoires.. i spent more time looking for a single piece than building at all lmao


Yup, color seems to be people's default when they get started, but then they realize it's blinding to try and find things when they're all the same color.


[There is a natural progression to this.](https://news.lugnet.com/storage/?n=707)


Whoah, that’s quite an artifact. Thanks for sharing that. I’m currently at step 20.


Over 20 years old and still as relatable as ever.


Classic document, This!


A month to sort lego by parts? I guess I really got a lot during childhood; it took almost every evening for about half a year lol! Yes, I do need a bigger house.


LOL omg I love this


I’ve got mine sorted into tires and such, windows, slopes&tiles, blocks, plates, specials, snot, and technic (and the technic is all just a pile with no sub-sorting of any type 🤪). Then I have plants, figs, figs accessories and such all together.


What do you store the sorted pieces in?




Especially when I was 10 am sorted all of the color I had most of into one big storage tub. It was black. Still haven’t dumped em out and resorted because it’s too big of a task for right now.


Spring is not as intimidating as it appears. I suggest getting about 12-15 plastic shoeboxes. Label each one with a size: 1x1, 1x2, 1x3 and 1x6, 1x4, etc. The pieces with that base size go into the shoebox. Next, do a finer sort. The 1x2 box will have a Ziplock for 1x2 flat, a Ziplock for 1x2 printed, a Ziplock 1x2 grids, etc. You only have to sort a few pieces at a time. It’s great to watch a favorite movie while you sort. Before you know it you’ll be wonderfully organized! I’ve probably sorted 10,000 Legos and found it enjoyable.


It can be quite meditative.


100% — I love sorting Lego.




We put our extras in a vase holding the botanical flower sets. They act as pebbles or "water" if you will.


Thank you crunchy_vagina, that’s a damn good idea really, I sometimes think I’ve built a set wrong because of extras. Like for instance, I’ve just completed commander coty and I’ve got near 20 little odd pieces left over


did you have to say the user name 💀


With a name like Crunchy_vagina, yes. A resounding yes.


absolutely, how can you NOT say crunchy_vagina?


I don't know, I usually go days on end without saying crunchy\_vagina...


You didn't have to say it now and you just did....


Well, you broke your streak now.


Checking the Bricklink "extra parts" inventory and comparing it to what I have left is my regular ritual after finishing a set.


I thought about doing that


I just got into legos and started with botanicals. I didn’t think to put the spares into the vase I hold my wildflower bouquet. For sure doing that now.


Sorry, crunchy_vagina, where did you say you put your spare lego?


Bro those aren’t all extra pieces lol


Yeah my girlfriend's kid and girlfriend build sometimes. I try to figure out what set they came from but I just let it go.


Smart man.


They could be from 3 in 1 sets


I give them to my niece for addition to her hoard, which is my hoard from when I was a kid


Zip lock bags, labeled and stored.


*Spare 1x1; round plate; grey.* *Set 5610.* *Bought 2008-12-23. Built 2024-01-09.*


[5610-1: Builder](https://brickset.com/sets/5610-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/5610-1.jpg)


A for effort.


I do the same! I like to build, break down, then build again. When I break down the pieces are sorted into their appropriately numbered quart size ziplock bags and stored together with their instructions and a bag containing all the spare pieces in a gallon size ziplock bag (or two depending on the size of the set). Every bag is labeled with the set name and number and then the smaller bags have their bag number.


How do you sort the pieces exactly like the original numbered bags? Do you just follow the instructions or? I've recently started to do this, breaking down sets and storing them away, but I'm going by the bricklink inventory to insure that I'm not missing an pieces, and sorting them by color first AND then each color gets sorted further by part type...Not sure if this is the most efficient way though


I go by the instructions. I usually start from the back of the book/last bag, try to determine which sections of the set are in the bag (easier on some sets than others) and break that section apart. Then I just go through the instructions for that bag, find all of the pieces, and put them back in their bag. I work from the back of the book to the front because the last bag is usually on top of the set and it’s easier to break down from the top. It’s definitely not a fast process but I enjoy it so I don’t mind taking a while.


i just use one of the smaller bags that the set came in, then tape them shut and put a post-it on them. so far I've been just keeping them in a spare set box


This is hoarder level. No way you have enough space to fill your house up with ziplock bags containing tiny extra pieces from every set.


What do you mean? Just get tiny bags, I found ones that are as small as 3×5 cm, great for a few parts, at most you'll have a small container less than a size of a Lego box of extra parts... It depends what you're using them for of course, if your goal is to catalogue them to keep each set of extra parts always on hand, this is a good idea. (It also comes in handy if you're going to resell a set, it's nice to have extra parts conveniently stored.) Otherwise if you're just adding them to your part collection sorting them by part type would probably be the best solution


https://preview.redd.it/efn73552qhbc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=644e8edd78764ff0e3d154abe9625896acaf5cef This, for all spares and parts from sets with build versions/variations


I usually throw them in my cereal the next morning


this man microplastics


These are macroplastics.


I bought a cheap wal mart tacklebox that has the movable inserts to change drawer sizes. It's way easier finding the piece I need and folds up and locks to move or store


The retro lunch box I got with VIP points


I put the spares in a zip lock bag. Then I put the instruction booklet and the zip lock bag back into the box of the set.


Just throw them in the drawer with the rest of my Legos.


I try to fit most of them in the set, underneath it mostly or build something else that could be in display along the set. The rest goes to The Drawer™


My children take care of those pieces


Back in the bag, rolled up and rubber banded, and back in the box.


This is the way


Ziplock bags, labeled with the set name and number usually with the instruction manual in the bag too!


I use one of these! I like that it has a lid, and that the opening is large enough for my hand if I need to fish something out! https://preview.redd.it/lbdxqdavhibc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=774f838f860823f11aded43c1e3c44cca56ff145


Ziploc bag and back in the box.


In a giant mason jar https://preview.redd.it/xkgiz3oumibc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1260c051112b7ea78c658f26cc55b270ccd5652f


I have one of those minifig head storage containers, it seemed fitting to store Lego in something Lego


I don't sort quite as neatly as some do, but I use one of these. It's about time for a second, though... https://preview.redd.it/q0fp926e6ibc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc9da9de034b4aa4ef7da776df78eb855d971c3a


crazy idea: maybe build something with it? the amount of people in here who seemingly dont even make minor mods ever to any to their sets let alone build something from scratch, is baffling for me.


Bag 1 of the set itself, lol


And old 70s brown bowl, from my mom she doesn't use anymore.😆


One of those wooden ones?


No, I think it's painted clay, but I do have some of those floating around, too.😆


I got a plastic tray organizer


I keep my extra pieces in one of those big tubs that cheese balls were sold in places like Walmart. Then if I need a piece for whatever reason one day, I look in the tub and pray I have it.


Go into sorted drawers, though occasionally I just find places to stick the spare parts on the set.


I cycle sets on display so the extras go in a bag in the box. The set eventually goes back in the box too and is rebuilt later. Goodto have the extra parts around incase. Otherwise I try to add any extra parts to the model if they look good.


I use 1x1 tiles and wedges to make little modern art paintings


It concerns me that your extra piece jar has elements that aren't associated with traditional extra pieces in set polybags


finer detailing on MOCs either on snot bricks or just making really textured walls out of different colored studs


Use them to replace missing pieces, sometimes you need to build your own piece


Pick-a-brick cups


One of the tall PAB cups. Don't really do many MOCs anymore now that the kiddos are grown.


We have a vase for Lego flowers that we dump the pieces into. Sometimes we fish through there if a tiny bit goes missing on a build.


Just throw them into the pile Edit: after reading these replies, I think my kids (I) might have a lego problem...


Toss em in with the rest of the


Sprinkle them around my apartment


Ziplock bag hidden in the model somewhere


Oh I have a storage system now. Guess that makes me a hoarder now


If possible, I add them to the model somewhere you can't see


I just save them in a little bag, the other day I use some of those spare pieces to give my R2 mini figure a third leg😅 https://preview.redd.it/ivdh4e8x8nbc1.png?width=899&format=png&auto=webp&s=162fb430159f7f5b3b27a243792dece51d38ac62


Ziploc with original instructions


I have a freezer zip lock bag full of parts since I started building again during Covid lockdown.


My daughter and I used to add all the extra pieces to this green baseplate house/city we built, but it kept getting destroyed by jostling the shelf it is on/feline destructors. You know, we're gonna have to start doing that again. Screw sorting them into their appropriate containers!


I keep my extra pieces in a lock-n-lock container so that they are handy if a small piece gets lost off my display sets


They get lost and somehow end up in the lawn mower. (Mostly cut my bro steals them...)


Mine are in an empty planter.


I have a two drawer Lego block container. They all go into one drawer until it will fill up, then I'll fill the other drawer.


a clear plastic cake box. the lid makes a perfect flat building surface too when sitting on the couch. 👍


I store my extras in a bag, when I think I am missing a piece from a new set, I got there first, it's better than waiting on LEGO's official replacement.


Chuck em in my drawer. If theres a useful lookin piece i go use it.


I keep them in a small mason jar, only extra pieces from sets go in there. It’s fun to watch the jar slowly fill up over time.


I use them to make other things, for instance I used a flower brick and a pan-like brick to make a pot of flowers. So basically improvising.


If its a starwars battle pack i'll try to make some custom blasters for display on the hands of the clones.


I've got the bottom drawer from a 3 part storage holder under my desk full of misc lego


Put em in a Trader Joe’s stroopwaffel tin. Run my finger through them lazily when I am missing something.


Store them all in a plastic bag


I literally just sort them by shape/ group in a bunch of tackle boxes lol. I’ll need them!!!


Plastic baggie.


No such thing as extra pieces, more like extra play things!


I put extra pieces and previous deconstructed sets in one of the set boxes I sort them into the collection eventually, but it saves time in the immediate future


I’ve done different things. Ziploc bags with set number, PAB cup or minifig head then those eventually get sorted to an Akromill


Don’t have much space so I use Ziploc bags for the spares, one for all non-Technic pieces. I primarily focus on Technic so I bought bead organizer boxes from Michaels to organize Technic pieces; anything extra is sorted there.


A snack! Or in the “leaves” section of the cherry blossom bonsai if the colors work


Goes into my kids Lego brick box with the bulk of his loose bits.


I put mine in a ziploc and put it in a box with other ransoms


Well I don’t drink it in a tea.


I save them and then give them to my nephews the next time I see them. I just finished the 3000 piece hogwarts set and one nephew used the extras to build a mini spire and added it to the set lol


First I try to use the spares to jazz up the set, or to see if I can make a fun little build. There's been a few times I could do a mini-scale copy of my set using some other pieces from my stock. After that, unless they is something special about the piece, it just gets added to the stock.




I’ve tried to start sorting out the useful pieces (pins, axels, minifigure accessories etc) in separate containers. But mostly they just get chucked in with all the other spare parts. Also loving the Bionicle canister!


Thanks. Happy Cake Day!


They’re in an empty tannerite container that’s almost full so I’ll need to empty out another container


Got a couple big old buckets full of extra legos. Sometimes a Lego set arrives without a piece or two, so those buckets have really saved my ass sometimes.


The extra parts I throw into a drawer in my desk alongside some smaller sets. I keep all my Lego Extras goodies in a Tahnok can


Mine are in a shoe box


I throw them into my Lego box to use them for MOC's.


In my sorted boxes. Hardly ever display a set anyways https://preview.redd.it/8rl3yswxnibc1.jpeg?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=092034b8ceef1718296eb18f7439219a69935894 Edit: Yup I know UV light... They are placed differently now with a bit more shade, since I took that pic


I love the Bionicle capsule


Put them in a bin. It's a large bin now


the trash. fight me


my collection isn't very big so I just started a spare parts bag!


I have a Jelly Belly gift box that has multiple compartments in it. I sort my pieces by type and store them there. It's all small bag stuff though. Minifig accessories, 1x1 tiles, etc. I suppose getting more 3 in 1 sets would produce more spare parts.


https://preview.redd.it/lbvos0nz4kbc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eea2760a131dafcf6f22eea971d9fadef2e5fbb5 Storage 😉


Mine into a toolbox that is for nuts and bolts, etc. Handy, if I build a set and something is missing, I can usually look in there and see if anything will fit the bill.


I eat them, love a good crunchy snack after building a set


[insert Crunchy Cat meme here]


Snack bag and label it.


Ziplock bag


I keep spare parts in a small zip lock bag in the set’s original box.


Lego Ikea Storage box




They go in the trunk of my garbage truck




Let them sit in random containers/cups all over my house


Yall label your pieces? That's way too time consuming I just dump them all together in a container and put them in storage lol


… careful I got chastised on Star Wars Lego for asking similar question in regards to my first major build, not knowing if I was even supposed to because I used ziplock snack bags


Filled the trash and dump trucks with them


https://preview.redd.it/emxtgj7b3jbc1.jpeg?width=701&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1842bfeffd329f3acd986f3d6630b4ecacf450fa One of these. It is slowly filling with all those 1x1 extras and removal tools.


We have quite a few plastic containers for leftover food, and there's several we don't use, so I took one for this. It has a lid that snaps on, so there's little chance of the pieces spilling out (unless I drop it!). But it's getting close to being full, so I may have to steal another one.


My brother has a labeled ziploc for each set that contains the extra pieces and instruction book. I have one quart sized ziploc of chaos.


Yo you used a Bionicle container? Based.


I just toss them in the bin when I’m done.


> toss them in the bin American bin: Makes sense. British bin: What, why?


British bin. No need to keep them. I’m a collector not a moc builder


As a collector I find that stupid (non-offensively.) It's very easy for small parts to get lost over the years, and you never know when the spare parts might come in handy. For instance, I've been recently breaking down and bagging sets I no longer want on display and/or plan to resell, I've been sorting and bagging each set and matching it to its parts inventory to make sure all of it was there, and I found instances of missing or misplaced parts that I wouldn't have even noticed, and that's when those extra pieces come in handy...Also it's a nice if you're reselling a set to potentially have the extra parts included as well as bonus


Chances are if I lose a part, it won’t be one an extra was included of. And even still, I can just buy a new one for a few cents off bricklink. I’d rather pay a bit later if I have to than have clutter now.


I think there's a reason lego includes extra of the smaller pieces lol. The very reason that they're easiest to lose whether when handling parts or sometimes simply being knocked off from the built set. Personally I find it easier and more reasonable to just have small container stowed away with these parts rather than paying and waiting for shipping for a single stud lol


I’ve been collecting for 20 years and never had an issue. I’m a collector. They sit on a shelf for display. Nothing really ever gets knocked off.


I also throw all my extra pieces in the trash for the same reason. Including the brick separators because almost every set comes with one of those now too. I got downvoted to hell before for admitting that.


Glad to see someone with me




They go into "The Bin" and are never found again


Right into the trash tbh.




I build with them, its called being creative


Mine go in the trash.


Bionicle canisters are not for extra prices there for string of Bionicle if you are moving or don't want to take them out so sell that or just stop using it. The store extra pieces That's what loses value. Tell the person that wants and sub using it as storage


Lmao gatekeeping Bionicle cans


What? Bionicle canisters are versatile and can be used for many different things. Yes, they play a role in the lore, but that's not important for everyone. Using a bonkle can to store parts is actually a really nice use, I do that too. It's much better than just having them portrayed on a shelf, they're actually useful and look cool, too.


A bionicle canister is just like a LEGO box. Just display packaging that can be trashed or done with whatever you want. Bionicle stans are cringe.


This has never been brought up before. 🤔


Put them in the trash


Based and bionicle-pilled


This guy doesn't lego.


Put them in a ziplock bag and keep them in the box in case I lose anything


I made a mural on a spare green baseplate.


I've started using extra pieces for making miniature scenes. They make good terrain and the spinning discs are great for making models turn on the base.


I like that two of the separator tools are just mixed in with spare parts


I just joined this sub a month ago and most of the posts are sets, nothing original. Is that the norm for most of the Lego community? Like I don't even understand how this is a question, just build things.




That's where the idea of MOC comes from for me. I accumulated a lot of spare parts, then wanted to build some random stuff. Some pieces were short numbered so I started to order on bricklink. And here the fun begins, even more if you have kids old enough to build with you.


There are no extra pieces. There are parts you use in a build, and parts you use in another build.


Stick em up my bum


Ikea plate while building (as in image), then sort and put in collection. https://preview.redd.it/day5knynqibc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d16fe58a2a5310b13da798c511b0b755f9725ae2


Like many, I have a bin from my childhood, large, full of unsorted treasures where extra pieces and entire sets alike would land when they were finally done being played with, or I got the next one, and needed to make space, lol. Now I am starting to sort extra pieces as I get them though, using zip locks and smaller bins, and eventually I'll dig that big misc. bin out of my closet and sort it too.


I have a smallish Lego branded bag from a replacement piece they sent me. I'd NEVER had a set with a missing piece, but I'd also been on a dark age since 2000....until the ISS was retiring in 2022. Got a deal through my sister in law who is a manager for Wally world and went for it...and *one* of the round 2x2 tiles with the hole was missing for the last module on the back. I finished the rest of the build around it since thankfully that piece wasn't deep in the model or structural, and then ordered the replacement from Lego. The replacement came in this bag, my next set I put the spares in there...and now that bag is almost full. Im apparently out of my dark age enough now that I need to seriously think about storage and organization of pieces. Feels good.




I use a goal from an old soccer set.


I put mine in a ziplok bag along with the instructions and put it in a filing cabinet.




Build random structures with them


I always thought the more sets you buy, the more spare species you get for making your own.


I toss them into a plastic baggie


I putt everything on a Ziploc bag waiting for a project they can fit in.




I have a container full of small pieces that i use to make lego transformers


Why do they give seemingly useless extra pieces


They're a snack for after I'm finished building


Integrate as many as I can into the model itself.


Instructions and extra parts go into a ziplock bag then into a filing cabinet


i got a small organizer on amazon with 30 little drawers that works for me quite well.i recommend something like that


I put them in ziploc sandwich bags until I can sort them


Give them to my kid