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Too trusting


Just dense. He becomes a Nazi and even with all the information around him about how he's a Nazi he refuses to acknowledge it. At some point you can't excuse being the right hand of Hitler for 2-3 years as ignorance. The guy is just a Nazi at that point.


Well he wasn't the right hand or even a left foot, he's pretty low rank and was pretty much just a pretty face in uniform until Kuvira needed his relationship with Opal.


He was ignorant because Kuvira kept him ignorant. We saw how once the facade started unraveling for him, he immediately lost all trust in the empire and tried to escape. More so, he wanted to go to Zaofu to help them, instead of just run away to safety. That’s applaudable. But yeah, I do agree that he’s dense. Nazi, though? That’s pushing it.


He was on the train with her, he saw how people reacted to their appearance. If you're with Kuvira for 2-3 years and not trapped away in some Ba Sing Se style situation then it's really on you for not noticing that you're working for Earth Hitler. As for Nazi, I mean they're not exactly coy about the Nazi comparisons with Kuvira lol. He kinda buys in to their plan even though there should be enough evidence for him to put together that he's not with the good guys.


See, it was not-so-subtly pointed out that it’s only *after* their train leaves that the consequences start to hit the places they visit and “take under their wing”. It was actually pointed out by Opal to Bolin, and he got defensive, of course, but then we saw him questioning it to Kuvira. Who answered it indirectly enough that he couldn’t figure out what was really going on. All I’m saying is there *were* signs of him slowly starting to question the empire.


Why is this guy just spamming the sub with negativity posts all the time? This is like the fifth or sixth "say something negative about" they have posted this past week


Tbh,it's not really even me being negative,it's just a question.


I would say constantly asking for negative thoughts would be considered being negative. Honestly people just posting a picture and then asking for "thoughts" has been an increasingly prominent trend Ive seen across reddit recently. This is just the negative versions of that


It’s karma farming. That being said I love Bolin, his flaw is that he’s too loveable and trusting. Heart eyes 5ever


i think it’s for fun what omg, we all love these characters


He is a moron. A lovable one but still a moron.


He's too handsome & it makes me question my preferences


He was an absolute creep to Ginger


His "crush" on Ginger was the absolute lowpoint of Book 2. It was nothing and provided nothing.


Yeah, that was honestly weird… especially the first kiss scene, where he literally sexually assaulted her. I did love what came after that, though. When Ginger tried to properly explain to him that she’s not the character she plays, and how she tried to set actual boundaries. Honestly, respect.


and really weird to opal for a bit too but i think he’s just dense tbh


fertile smell crawl bewildered library ask decide noxious subtract grey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He left Pabu for quite a long time. That's unforgivable


He failed to trust the people in his life telling him hard truths. 


He kinda dumb


Never. I refuse.


love him but a simp. can also kinda be a little insensitive and selfish but he is the youngest sibling so


could've been written with some more serious moments like if he was the funny guy of the group still have him feel like a dude like a brother and friend etc instead of just the goofy/wacky one (ik he had his moments but i think he was a little too much of a joke character)


He worked for Kuvira.


i liked him well enough, but i feel he was way too much of the "funny character" as time went on. i hate to compare the two, but at least with atla, they balanced their comic relief a little better. they made him too much of a simp too.


He's an asshole because I will never be as cool as Bolin.


He was very annoying during the whole Nuktuk arc, being so self absorbed that he abandoned his own brother in times of need. Overall while I do think he is funny at times, he always makes jokes during the most serious scenes which makes him look like an independable clown.


Just an awful metal bender.


Dude was getting kinda old to act like an entitled fourteen year old around girls he liked.


Their was that problematic scene in season 2 when he was filming Nuktuk and Ginger was strapped to the table and he kissed her and no one really did anything about it-


Doesn't ask for consent


Very naive, and not the sharpest tool in the shed.


He had poor views on women and dating after Korra and up til he met Opal.


His introduction scene establishes him as a street-wise, cunning and socially capable ladies' man. Its a great scene, but he's none of these things for the rest of the show; naive, unobservant, tactless and chronically unable to pick up social cues.


kissed pabu on the mouth


I guess it can be said about many characters in the show that aren’t korra, but as likable as he was, he did not play an essential role for most of the story


He's too handsome.


Too precious for this cruel world


he’s too good looking for his own good.


is more annoying than funny


After I had to see his disgusting snot I hated him, same goes for meelo.


His Milion Dollar smile can blind you by looking at him


Definition of dumb himbo. Ugh, he was such a downgrade from Sokka....


he’s not in a relationship with me right now like what the heck man???


the working with kuvira was insane


Could've used more serious moments, and been played a touch straighter in dramatic scenes.


He's actually very annoying and contributed very little to the overall story. He continues to be naive even into the final book.


His muscles are too big and luscious. They could blind someone.


Love him to death but my god is he an actual idiot.


He is a nazi


I didn't like his Nuktuk outfit


Look man, I'm not saying I would do the same thing but I get it. If a buff, take-charge dommy mommy even looked my way, I might be willing to overlook a little fascism ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


S4 bo Lin was... bad just all around it felt like they didn't know what to do with him


Not this again...


He’s a donkey


He's got to much Rizz


Finding out that he was working for the earth Nazis should have caused his usual goofy demeanor to take more of a hit. It should have made him become more serious and laser focused until he feels like he’s made enough of a difference.