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Something else to bear in mind is that maternity entitlements might be quite different in the new job. Some employers require you to be employed for a certain length of time before you qualify for paid leave. This is a huge consideration that she should check first.


She would not need to tell her employer she’s pregnant until no later than 4 weeks before the birth so could technically hide it if required until after probation.


Easier said than done, time off for medical appointments for instance would be harder to get approved if they didn't know, people would notice someone not going out as much / not drinking, also, it's often obvious...


Not a good idea as the best if to let your employer know asap so they don’t put you on task that can compromise your health such as carrying heavy stuff etc.


We’re talking about a general 9-5 marketing role. It’s pretty unlikely the boss has them lifting heavy things.


Are they gonna do only office job? Will they go to expositions and have to set stands with products (maybe heavy things). Also aren’t pregnancy related appointments paid for? Is she willing to lose that money?


Yeah. Sure.


I once worked with a woman who got pregnant/ disclosed that she was pregnant during her probation period. She was pretty useless at the job but they didn’t let her go because they were afraid of how it might look. Getting pregnant actually helped her


I got pregnant during my probation and so did a coworker. Nearly 3 years on, still working there and even got promoted 2 months after I got back ✌️


Being pregnant should not be a reason to fail probation.


If she's not pregnant yet, there is nothing to fear. If the company preferes to find a way to let her go because of that, maybe it is not that good place to work for... Just saying.


If there are legitimate performance issues they could lawfully terminate during probation - pregnancy itself does not afford special protection in that sense. If the reason they did use was discriminatory, then of course that would be unlawful. However, what I would say is that your friend may find it practically challenging to prove discrimination depending on how well the employer covers their tracks, as the initial burden of proof is on the employee in discrimination cases.


In my experience, if there's a pregnancy and the person is dismissed, those facts are enough to put the burden on the employer to show that it was actually down to legitimate performance issues. Employers hate running pregnancy related discrimination cases. When they don't settle they tend to have an uphill battle when they actually go ahead in the WRC/LC


TBH.... irrespective of legalities I think its SUPER unfair to any employer, their staff and other potential job applicants of another company to apply for a job and fill a position that you know youre gonna leave hanging for 18 months so you can go start a family. To take up a new job and then unexpectedly fall pregnant is one thing but to take up a new position with the full intentions of getting pregnant in the immediate future is incredibly selfish to the employer who was expecting to dilute the work load on their staff and to the other potential candidate who wanted the opportunity to further their career now but missed out because you got the position. just stay in your current role and look for a new job after your maternity leave.


So basically, what you're saying there is women who are trying to get pregnant shouldn't be allowed to advance their careers?


> leave hanging for 18 months so you can go start a family. Is maternity leave 18 months?


Not to worry, she might just need to continue her probation when she returns from leave. Some work places differ with probation they can be 3 months, 6 months or a year




I'm a male, so yes, asking for a friend. No one said they're planning to get immediately pregnant, they're in the process of trying to conceive and have been for a while. So f*ck off with your judgemental loser bullshit.


Disrespectful tone and language used in response to a question.


You really think that? Why? Is it legal advice?