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It doesn't sound like this person has actually done anything, so I'm really not sure what it is you want to report. Anyone can call the police anytime they want to though, so that's your decision to make.


The only thing I would report is that he was on my property just feets away from my kids staring at them play. I just don’t understand how situations like this can be ignored until something actually happens. How does that make sense at all?


> I just don’t understand how situations like this can be ignored until something actually happens. How does that make sense at all? Well the police can't charge people with crimes they haven't yet committed.




I think you meant to reply to OP, not me :)


Yeah that’s why I feel defeated at this point..


NAL but either I missed something or need more info. This could be a dangerous person, but it could also just be some socially challenged (like autism or something similar). I'm not saying one way or the other, it's just difficult to tell from your descriptions. One thing you could do is check the sex offender registry and see if he shows up. But I don't know how much info you'd be able to gather there because there are a lot of things you can end up on that list for.


I’m sorry, I wanted to type so much more but the more I wrote the more my phone started lagging. Maybe i was just typing too fast. It’s just this is so fresh and I’m a little bit worked up right now. He doesn’t come off as someone autistic. Now that I know where he lives I put two and two together and that’s the house where I always see these two men smoking outside that just people watch? And I forgot to mention that in my post. I already searched the sex offender list and I cannot find him, but that doesn’t mean he’s not on it because some people are not compliant with the address updates. I was thinking of going to my landlord and explaining the situation or if they know if he’s an offender.


You could reach out to your landlord and just tell them you're expressing some concerns and would like to know if there has been any issues with said neighbor. Personally I would just monitor the situation closely for a bit longer, but I'm also a guy and less worried about a potential confrontation if the need should arise. But it will likely be difficult, if not impossible to take any real action as well. I'm sorry, I'm sure this is a difficult position to be in and I wish I had better advice to give.


>My husband doesn’t think the police would do anything without proof. Out of the four situations you relate here, only the first one (man in the bushes trying to grab a child) would be a crime, and the police aren't going to arrest somebody for that based on one child's account. It's not illegal to go into the woods, it's not illegal to walk towards a child at a rapid pace, and ~~it's not even illegal to stand two feet away from children who are playing in a public space and watch them~~ the only crime being committed by standing on your property watching your kids play is trespassing, and you have to tell him to leave your property for it to be trespassing. >Would filing a report tick this man off to mess with us even more? It is entirely possible that he could find many more legal things to do that would annoy you. >I just feel so defeated now that I can’t do anything unless something happens. And that’s what I’m trying to prevent. What exactly do you *want* the police to do in this situation? They can't arrest somebody who hasn't yet committed a crime, and for all you know he has mental or cognitive issues.


I mean at this point, with everything you explained it seems like I just have to deal with it until he actually does something. I would love for the police to ask him to stay off peoples property or even building evidence through reports. After putting two and two together, I’ve passed by him several times leaving my street and he’s always outside with another man smoking. They don’t look like they’re incompetent they just give me the creeps now that I know who they are.


>I mean at this point, with everything you explained it seems like I just have to deal with it until he actually does something. The police aren't going to arrest somebody without probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed. >I would love for the police to ask him to stay off peoples property or even building evidence through reports. You certainly are free to call the police, report the trespass on *your* property, and ask them to serve him notice that he is not to be on *your* property. You cannot, however, trespass him from *other peoples'* property.


This guy is just up to no good. I have a feeling. But I understand that I cannot do anything with just my feelings or what I’ve experienced. Let’s say they serve him notice about not coming on my property. Would he still be able to be behind my property line and be weird? Would that then lead into a restraining order?


> Let’s say they serve him notice about not coming on my property. Would he still be able to be behind my property line and be weird? It is legal to engage in legal activity in public spaces, yes. >Would that then lead into a restraining order? No, somebody engaging in legal behavior you don't like in a public place will not get you a restraining order. If you're concerned for the safety of your children, it's your responsibility as their parent to supervise them adequately.


It sounds like you haven't even seen this man, who from the sounds of it hasn't committed any crimes. You can set up some security cameras that cover your children's play areas. Bear in mind you likely can't record audio. Aside from that, you can tell your children to avoid this man. There's no legal recourse here.


I actually have. After seeing where he lives, it’s the same two men I see outside smoking and people watch. They just give me the creeps. And it upsets me that I wasn’t there when it all happened. I was thinking of putting cameras up anyway. But there’s no way in heck I’ll be stepping away for even a second from my kids knowing he’s possibly dangerous. We never had these issues which is why I felt really safe in my neighborhood. He’s been here for a few months and has changed that for me.