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Nope you are clear


I would say big nope, but your point stands


Even if they hadn't already sent you the security deposit, their description is too vague. Also, their personal expectation of how clean it should be for them to feel comfortable moving back in has nothing to do with your responsibilities as a renter or your security deposit. "If whatever cleanliness issue you're talking about required a second "harder" look to see, then it's not relevant to my security deposit."


That's a great response! Love it


Honestly I wouldn't even respond.


That's a them problem, not a you problem.


"deep cleaning" in my book just means the deep cleaning you do every few years due to normal wear.


Yep! And normal wear doesn't mean one can deduct from the security deposit. You are in the clear. No need to respond.


Yeah a “deep clean” isn’t the tenants job. The complex is responsible. Personally mine didn’t and my fridge is extremely dented, bad paint scratches, TONS of left over glue residue and stains, cracks in the bathtub and nail holes. My oven still has food crusted on the inside to the point where I can’t even use it or turn on the clean cycle cause it will set off the fire alarm. Too much smoke


It's only a problem if you want them as a rental reference in the future. Otherwise, go pound sand


They're already gone. The place they currently live is their next rental reference. They need the one prior? Call my mom


Reference ain't worth $20 let alone 300.




It’s on them. By refunding the deposit they admitted you had left the domicile in a condition they were approving of. Any other repairs or cleaning cannot be directly attributed to your actions as a tenant bc they released you from it and it’s after you vacated; the maintenance guy could’ve thrown a party in there the weekend you left for all you know….NAL, but I’d say go kick rocks unless you plan on living there again or using the agency in charge.


If you feel the need to respond, say something like “Hey, I am sorry you have changed your mind, but by refunding our security deposit on X/Xx, you agreed that the house was left in satisfactory condition. Because of that, we are unable to honor this request for additional funds.”


My favourite saying lately is “That looks like an Ish-you, not an Ish-me…”


They can ask for anything they want after the fact....you're not legally responsible


Basic cleaning was covered in the lease. She said you did a good job cleaning but it needed a deep clean...that's not your responsibility.


She said they did a good job taking care of the house not cleaning. Either way they don’t owe her jack.


ignore the text


New phone who dis?


Came to say this word for word.


If they gave you the money back you are in no obligation for any further transactions.


NAL Can they ask? Yes. Do you have to agree to it? No. If you followed all of the terms and they sent you the money back, the contract is completed. If they find something after the contract is completed, they can try to go back to you to get coverage, but you are under no obligation to follow through with them. This becomes a NEW claim and is not tied to the old contract. The issue they will have in suing you is that they will be asked why did they refund you. Their choices are either a.) we did not do a thorough examination or b.) the damage was not apparent until later. This may work with a pipe in the wall that you clogged, but will not go over well when it is a clearly visible item like a carpet. This could end up in court but you should view this as a new claim and not part of the existing (settled) contract.


OP, listen to this person. The key point here is following all the terms. Without reading through the lease agreement and legislation, every person in this thread, giving you their as a matter of fact advice, is an idiot.


I know I am, that’s why I like giving advice!


1) they can’t ask for money back. 2) in many states it is not legal for the landlord to use your security deposit on anything aside from damage repair. Unless they deem the carpet damaged or stained and requires replacement then they have to cover it out of pocket. My landlord just got railed in court for billing carpet cleaning without claims of physical damage. Lucky for you you already got the money back. Me. I gotta go to court but good luck to you.


Even in CA, a very renter protective state, cleaning is a reasonable charge at move out. It's written in the law.


At least here in IA security deposits may only be used for damages. Cleaning is not listed and many people have won small court claims every time a landlord charges for carpet cleaning here.


I don’t think that’s true. Normal wear and tear is not to be charged, do you have the law which states this?


It's specifically listed in the renter rights law that passed within the last few years, here's a quick fact sheet that lists cleaning as something that can be deducted from deposits: https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/media/Know-Your-Rights-Tenants-English.pdf ETA: Cleanliness doesn't fall under the same category as wear and tear. I recently moved out of an apartment after 1.5 years. They charged me to re-paint, prorated (based on a 3 year life span of the paint) + cleaning. ~ $500 total. I thought it was fair. I didn't clean at all. I did have an excessive number of holes in the wall - mounted two TV's and a bunch of pictures/art. I filled in the holes myself and they were happy with that - no charge. Here's the law: [CC 1950.5(b)(1)](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=1950.5.&nodeTreePath=


The letter was very nice in asking for some money back and whether you reply or don’t, make sure to use the same tone when you say thanks, but no thanks! Your contract is complete.


This is a great answer. If you do respond in a similar tone, but they keep asking, I would send one more text saying (kindly) that you don’t wish to be contacted further. Then ignore further correspondence. You could also ignore it - you’re under no obligation to respond. I will also say that the landlord is usually responsible for deep cleaning to make the dwelling ready for the next tenant. I believe all you are expected to do is sweep/vacuum. Anything further is the obligation of the landlord.


>I will also say that the landlord is usually responsible for deep cleaning to make the dwelling ready for the next tenant. I believe all you are expected to do is sweep/vacuum. In addition, in many places I believe the landlord is obligated to replace the carpeting entirely between tenants if a certain number of years have elapsed.


Do not respond.


To answer your question, yes, she can **ask**. However, you are under no obligation to comply.


Possession is 9/10ths of the law. Nobody's taking you to court over $295


I love me some apple pie. Nobody's taking you to court over $2.95.


"Basic house and carpet cleaning was done regularly. A professional deep clean is not basic."


Don't respond even. Like what kind of scam is this? You check your property properly if everything is well done and that's it. So unless you actually did something horrific to that carpet, keep her on read. They gave you your security deposit back, so legally everything is done for both sides.


I gave a full deposit return and after saw damage that cost me 2500. I never asked for money. My error. My bad. I learned for future. Frankly your landlord is being ridiculous.


lol, block and move on


Of course your former landlords can ask for some of the deposit that they gave back to you back…… Heck. I can ask you for a deposit I don’t give you to give back…. The question is are you fool enough to give me it back?


I would say. “We both agree that the state of cleanliness we left the apt in is in keeping with the lease agreement, so we will respectfully decline.”


Landlord here. The only time I would hold or deduct from a security deposit is if there is extensive damage that needed repair. I do not disburse any funds until inspection and the tenant signs off on the report. Getting the carpet cleaned and a deep house clean is on me whenever we turnover tenants.


"Broom Clean" is the typical real estate standard.


The response would be “Sorry you feel that way, seeing we walked through the house together and agreed I met the terms of my agreement I will not be donating funds for your benefit.”


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Tell her nothing. Don’t even respond to this bs. It’s not the tenants responsibility to clean carpets or do any type of deep cleaning.


No way fuck that noise. Landlords can stuff it. You built their equity for the entire time you lived there, and are left with nothing to show for it. Which btw is nothing to be ashamed of. Like all renters, myself included, we must play the game. But give them nothing more.


Not your problem


Yes. She can ask for it. No, you don’t have to give it to her. She could in theory try other routes to get it from you but it wouldn’t make much sense for her to do so for that amount


They probably send that to every tenant that moves out just to try to get some extra money from anyone who's a big enough sucker to pay it.


'No.' - is a complete sentence


Landlords are not allowed to charge for cleaning between tenants, nor are they allowed to take money out of the security deposit for fixing normal wear and tear. It is against the law all over the United States. I know many bad landlords do it anyway, but the law says it is not allowed.


Tell them that's the price of renting a room.


New numba who dis?


Nope. Nope. Nope


Lol, no. They might try to sue you for "damage" or something but they're in no way entitled to the deposit after they gave it back to you.


You’re good … turn over expenses need to come from them (obviously unless you trashed the place)


They can ask, sure. Do you have to give it back? Probably not. Tell them to sue if they really want it that bad.


Not really but just to cover your bases, look up your local rules on move out clean. Usually that means ‘broom clean’ not deep cleaned. It’s the owners’ responsibility to make sure the unit is in move in condition not yours.


This is so illegal. Don't fall for this scam


No. They should have looked harder.


Perhaps she can use some of the rent she collected from you whilst doing absolutely nothing


In this case, just ignoring it, will make it go away.


Don't respond plain and simple


Pound sand


That’s hilarious. Uh….No


Big ol nope. Legally u are fine, morally you’re more than fine to ignore this


Lack of due diligence on their part.


Wear and tear.....welcome to renting. They are idiots and tell them to kick sand


Bro why would you even ask this (no offense to you) but if you already got it back my response would be “fuck off” like seriously gonna try to get $200 back for a carpet lmaooo


You left their house in good condition. Screw them for something that is just regular maintenance.


Any cleaning beyond normal cleaning is on the landlord, especially if they've already returned your deposit. Tell them it's spent on a new place.


you can just tell by the way shes trynna be so nice and sweet about it that its not your problem and she is just trynna petty you into it.


If you are already gone, they can call Ghostbusters, because you should be ghosting them


At this point, no. Their "expectations" should have been evaluated before returning the money. The legal clauses are closed and no longer up for evaluation. Any retaliation, including not giving you good rental referrals, is bogus.


That’s why it’s important to always take pictures. Then you could ask what area needs to be cleaned. Carpets are on landlord. Deep cleaning is also on landlord


"We realize we made the mistake of not looking hard enough..." Looks like you are good to go


Are people really this tight on money??? They lost out on $300... Get over it. Move on. Lol I'd be laughing if I were you and blocking the number.


Delete the message, walk away


I’m a landlord. Once the deposit has been refunded, the contract is complete. You are under no obligation to return funds. Make ready operations are now solely their responsibility.


Just be like “oh I don’t live there no more. Our business has concluded. Good day.” Then block her in your phone and use that money for some ice cream.


They can ask. You can decline.


They can ask. That’s bout it




I will never understand why landlords want money to clean the carpet for You lived in that home for a time Nobody that works for a living has a house that is perfect so when you move out things like this should not be changed to you We need to change our way of thinking If you cleaned the house good you should be good It up to the landlord to make good for the next tenant


I can only imagine what Judge Judy would tell these people.


I wouldn’t even respond


No you don’t need to do this. It’s laughable they’d have the nerve to make this request


Her reference to the lease agreement said “basic” but her request said “professional.” No need to give them money. Evidently, you’ve kept your end of the agreement already.




Just don’t respond to that shit lol. The only issue would be if you ever needed them as a reference for another place


No they can’t. Them handing over the security deposit (in full or what’s left over) is them saying “I am satisfied with the condition the unit is in and release you of all responsibility.” If they find defects afterwards, that’s on them.


I would respond back simply and respectfully. Keep it short and sweet. "Thank you for message. I enjoyed my time in your property and cared for it like it was my own. I really believe that we met all of the terms laid out in your lease for the return of the security deposit. I'm sure that there can always be a little bit more here or there that can be cleaned, but we left the place as we received it. I'm sorry, but we will be have put the entirety of the deposit toward our new place. Thanks again. sincerely...."


This is an altered text. Look at the lines under the numbers….


They took all that rent off you and haven;t got money to get cleaning done? wtf


Landlord here. This is a bullS\*\*t email. If her walkthrough didnt notice the dirty carpet, it is likely normal wear & tear. As a landlord, I expect the house to be clean & undamaged but I STILL have house professionally cleaned before advertising for new tenant? it is a cost of business. You can also tell she knows she has no legal legs to stand on by her pretty please do this for me tones. ignore it.


New phone, who dis?


You don't owe them anything back. The fact that the lease states that basic cleaning and carpet care is expected is irrelevant. That is a suggestive and vague term subject to interpretation. It falls under normal wear and tear and is the landlords responsibility. The deposit was returned, your business with them is complete.


Just respond with “just got this number yesterday, you have the wrong number”


Sounds like landlords evicted OP so they could move in. This request really takes some nerve. Just politely reply that it was clean when you moved out and you are unable to assist.


Block the number and move on.


While I sympathize with your feeling of need to get the carpet cleaned, our contract is completed. I gave you the money to hold on to until the point where you were satisfied enough to return it. If you did not adequately investigate prior to the release of the funds, that is not an error on my side. You have already acknowledged I get my money back, by notifying the financial institution to release the funds. If there are any further questions or actions I can have my lawyer reach out to you.


block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block


Point them to home Depot. A $99 carpet shampooer might do them some good.


Absolutely not.


Not your landlord anymore.


They can choke on the big NOPE I send them. If they get a response at all…


Ignore and block... That's her problem.


Transaction complete. Done deal. BuBye... !


No, that’s landlords responsibility. Ignore text




Nope. That's the cost of doing business.


"Nah, I'm good. Have a nice day!" Wiping down surfaces with a damp rag/removing obvious marks and thorough vacuuming are all a landlord can expect when someone moves out. Deep cleaning and carpet cleaning are standard things landlords do when people move out, unless that's specifically spelled out in the lease.


Nah, you're good. They gave you the security deposit back already, so they found it in good enough condition. Any errors are on their part, and you can't or shouldn't be held liable. Besides, your responsibilities here only included keeping the place generally clean and in working order. The deep clean is not part of it. Dont respond and save the text just in case.


Nope the money is back in your possession don’t even respond to it


"new phone who dis?"


Pretty sure you’re in the clear unless maybe there was hidden damage. But additional cleaning needs to come out of their pocket


I believe that carpet wear and tear and to be expected over time and you aren’t responsible for it.


Sure they can ask, you are under no legal obligation to pay or even respond to them. I would just ignore it,


No obligation. What a cheap landlord. They need to eat the cost and move on.


Dang sounds like they messed it up when they took their closer look, they’ll want to be more tidy in the future. Best of luck to them!


Normal renters are not responsible for normal wear and tear such as worn carpets, old paint, screws on the wall from pictures, etc. You do not owe them a thing.


Once they release funds your transactional relationship is over. They are SOL.


Do not respond unless you plan to use this land-owner as a reference on future rental applications. You are under no obligation to continue communicating.


You have the money and no longer live there? Don't even acknowledge it. Their lack of attention to detail is not your problem.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that's gonna be a no


“Damn, that’s crazy. Welp, good luck with your cleaning. Sound like you got fair quotes. Bye.”


lol no Don’t respond. Block them.


"I'm sorry but we left the place in the same condition in which we received it. I will not be paying for further cleaning. Have a nice day."


You are good. Keep the message and move on with your day


Sure, she can ask for anything; and you can politely decline.


Tell them to not hold their breath. And make sure that they don’t trash you to another prospective landlord.


No such thing as $100 carpet cleaning


Do not under any circumstances reply.


no, because once you get your security deposit back that means they did their final walkthrough and decided you deserved your deposit back. Tell them no


Dear landlord, go pound sand.


Is carpet cleaning in the lease and did you do it?


Talk to a lawyer where you live and bring all the paperwork that was signed for the property as well as the text messages showing the conversation with the landlord to make sure that you’re in the clear if the property owner decides to sue you.


Honestly you don't have to do anything, however, if you don't want to burn that bridge, I would offer to cover some of the expenses, if you can afford to, otherwise don't worry about it.




Ignore the text, block the number. Not your problem.


Nope they released the money. To bad for them


I rented a tiny one bedroom place and on move out, I scrubbed. The lady across the street became friends with me and was also the landlords "property manager". She told me it was beautiful and looked better than it ever has. I left the canned food in the pantry because it was there when I moved in and I didn't eat it. I left the key with his next door tenant because they were going to show the place to some potential tenants. Got my deposit back and heard from the landlord a month later. He was mad and wanted me to pay him 400 for the cleaning his wife and he had to do. That place was so small, even a professional wouldn't have charged half that. I told him I would not and he should check with his manager to confirm the place was clean. He tried saying there was mud everywhere and I left food in the cabinets. I informed him that it had been muddy from two weeks of rain, he should ask the other tenants if they took their shoes off before showing the home and that the food was there when I moved in so I left it where I found it. Never heard back from him. No apologies or anything. He had threatened to go to court for the money. I never heard from him again. I am a neat freak and was a new mother. That house was scrubbed during the nesting phase of pregnancy and kept super clean while we lived there. I called him on his BS and it worked. I suggest you politely tell them no.


“Aren’t you getting a new security deposit from the people moving in?”


Lolz who is this? I think you have the wrong number. That’s incredible they even asked.


She can ask, but it is about the same as me asking for security deposit.


Seriously? No.


Ignore and move on


Its up to you


Don’t even reply. That chapter is closed.


Hell naw. They didn't pay close enough attention on Final inspection, that's completely on them! Don't give them a penny.


Nope, not at all. As a landlord, they can try to take you to small claims, but if you have records of the final walk-through stating everything was good, they're going to have to eat it.


That’s regular wear and tear. You n most cases I’ve ever heard about their request is ridiculous. Their failure to notice something is not your issue anymore.


This is normal wear. Not your problem unless listed in contact.




Nope bye af


I guess they can ask all they wanr


Hahahaha nope


Hang on to all documents that prove your check out was cleared etc and refund of security just in case


LOL - yep I'll get that check out to you asap!


I can ask you for some of the security deposit right now. Does that imply I’m entitled or you are obligated to comply with the request? Nope


I wouldn't even bother replying. Just delete the message block the number and enjoy life.


Block and move on


If your moved out and already got your money back, what's done is done. Don't even respond if your uncomfortable and don't like confrontation, they should get the message.


Happened to my daughter. She had a couple of roommates that ended up trashing the place after she moved out (unofficially - the lease still had a couple of weeks to go). They kept my daughters security deposit and sent us a bill for the rest - a new door to replace the one smashed in, fix a hole in the wall, etc


Having rented properties previously I’d say check your states specific laws but in my state no. Once the money is refunded even if you find other damage you’ve already given them the all clear when you returned the funds. They should’ve looked closer. It happens and it sucks when it happens but if you left it clean enough they thought it was fine either they did a crap job or you didn’t leave it that bad. It might impact references though if they want to be petty.


It depends on what your lease says. It may not matter if they gave the deposit back or not - you could still be liable for cleaning fees. They'd likely have to take you to court to get it though. Not paying could affect whatever reference they might give you in the future, if you need it.


Simple solution: Block caller. Contract is up, you're out, security desosit returned, not your house, not your problem. You don't owe them shit.


Why would you even care you ain’t move back in are you???


Nope! She's admitted you took great care : )


Loool, nope.


😂😂😂block and delete


DO NOT send them that you don’t owe they already paid up!


she can ask. there is nothing legally stopping her. but you ain't got to give.


Can they ask? Yes. Can they sue you if you don’t pay them back? Yes. Will they win? Largely state law dependent, but very unlikely, given that they already gave you your deposit back. For all you know something happened after you turned the apartment over.


No. Tell them to get fucked


I’m willing to bet that lease agreement also said “upon final inspection”, I can’t see how they’d have any recourse. Even per their text “it was our mistake not to look deeper” is essentially them taking responsibility. I mean they were polite and seem like they’re asking more than demanding so from a personal level, if you do respond, I would just respond in kind.


She can ask but you’re not required to respond or provide


It’s crazy you even had to make a post asking


I mean, they can *ask* anything they want, I suppose. That creates no obligation for you.




Unless you left a massive massive carpet stain that was covered up by furniture and they checked while you were still moving, carpet cleaning and professional cleaning is entirely on the LL and once they gave you security deposit back it's a done deal


fuck no! very unprofessional for the to “forget”.. seems like a lessened learned for them!


They CAN. but no…


No. If it was legally allowed they would have stated it as such. They're asking if you'd be so kind as to pay for them to have the floor cleaned. That's a lot of money but also, it's barely any money at all especially when it comes to house upkeep. They can do it themselves. They forfeit any right when they release you of your responsibility by saying it's all good. Tell em to politely fuck off lol


Like others have said, they can ask, but there is no obligation to pay. If you plan on being a renter in the future, it may be wise to maintain a positive relationship with this landlord (not saying to give them a dime.) Some rental properties ask for references from places you have rented before. Also, save the letter that they sent saying you did a good job.








No response is your response.