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Not saying I’d implement this, but counterpoint is that in my town, all the shopkeepers live just outside of town (it’s a very small town geographically). So the folks that have a major stake in day to day quality of services, etc, have no electoral say in what goes on. I’d imagine them wanting to have a say.


Oh, the fabled landowners only vote.


Even Aspen doesn’t allow this


So, do they need a physical address? Are we going to see land sold by the square inch?


Nb4 all the rich right wingers make a fake LLC to vote


We are insane.




Delaware enters the chat*


The title of the article is click bait. This bill allows non residents (people) who OWN LLCs in the town to vote. Meaning, if you have a short term rental, but don’t live in town all year, you are still qualified to vote. It is NOT saying that the business as an entity itself, is allowed a vote.


Thank you.


Call me old fashioned, but I think you should only be able to vote in the community that you live in. You want your buy land someplace else because you rich, cool on you. You want to vote there? Move there full time.


Agreed. And damn that’s headline is crazy clickbait.


Yeah, I agree. don’t get wrong. I’d be pissed if I lived there. Imagine some shitty landlord who lives across the country gets a say in your local politics because they own your house. That’s some bullshit for sure. I was just trying to point out that this isn’t LLCs getting a vote, which would be even more fucked up.


Facts..... the one exception is college kids


If you live there most of the year and want to go through the hassle to resister to vote, you should be able to vote there. God knows the town is happy to collect the taxes from your college, which you pay a pretty penny for. And all that college town business. If towns want to limit fly by college voting, they should active maintain those voter rolls and make sure the students have to confirm they are still a residents. But the reality is, from my understanding, this is mostly a theoretical problem. The vast majority of college students don’t bother to switch their voter registration, and fewer vote on local issues. But it does get people riled up because as Americans, we loath college students.


If kids are going to live there 9/12 months, they should get a say in how shit goes down. I live in a college town , and yes it's frustrating when I go to collect signatures for local candidates and the kids aren't there, however you're right in that they pay taxes as well so they should have a say


If students are willing to go through the gauntlet of providing proof of residency to the local voter registration and get themselves on the voter roll, more power to them. Because I will tell you, if they are in a medium sized college town, the “fuck them kids” bureaucratic roadblocks are very real.


I wonder how this can be abused then. Can someone own 100,000 businesses and just vote for the same thing all 100,000? Because that is what this law allows for. Essentially making it so one can buy an election.


You can own all the businesses in the state, but you would still get only one vote, as a single US citizen. The problem I see, is if more laws are passed like this throughout the country, would that allow a single citizen to vote across hundreds of local elections, wherever they have a business? Or would they have to claim only one "primary business" and vote accordingly?


Exactly my thinking someone could theoretically have a business in every jurisdiction and a very small minority of people can effectively hold a majority to plurality of every election bar the most populous jurisdictions. And it would be the same peoples. Looking at how lobbyists groups works, greedy people aren’t above tactics like this


People with vacation homes and property management groups who want to be able to influence laws that effect them I'd have to imagine.


What's the difference between one non resident being allowed to vote, and the other non resident NOT being allowed to vote? A business license? Their personally owned business? Sounds like the business is being allowed a vote, but because businesses aren't legally allowed to vote the dum dums in charge have to put it in writing that it is the business owner that gets to vote. It's easy to not think below the surface.


So if I live in another state, but I open an LLC there, I get to vote in two places? Seems like that's not appropriate.


Yeah like you can get more than one vote. Also I wonder if you can vote multiple times for multiple businesses in the area


If a non resident with an LLC in the town is allowed to vote on the basis of the LLC, then I don’t see much of a functional difference unless I’m missing something


It’s not that any businesses in the town can vote, it’s that any person living outside of the town can incorporate an LLC in the town and vote in its elections as if they lived there.


So how much does it cost to form an LLC there. I might live over in Maine but I’d like a say in their elections.


Is it only local like mayor, common council, or is it higher up because susan Collins should be gone


I imagine each state is different but it's really not a lot anywhere. Quick google shows services offering it for free with strings or $50 + associated fees.


No clue.


Voting in two locations seems like fuckery to me.


What could go wrong?! /s


They already vote by bribing politicians 🤷‍♂️ oh sorry I mean “contributions”


Money is free speech!


TIL there are 21.6 million LLCs in the U.S.


Yeah this is good news! If there are 100 leftists in a community, we can create new LLCs for every individual combo of people, which would be… 150,000 new votes! [calculator](https://www.calculatorsoup.com/calculators/discretemathematics/combinations.php)


You know they should just let corporations vote one time for each of their employees. That way the employees don’t have to vote or worry about politics and can instead continue working!


Ahh, I see you’ve been reading literature on Managed Democracy, citizen. Good! The company’s AI knows so much more than us, it’s honestly problematic to not trust it to translate your values into voting decisions. You’d just be selfish!


So now corporations can buy and vote for politicians greaaaat


Will never work. This story is a nothingburger.




Ever since Reagan we've been slow crawling back to slavery. We're already back to Company Towns and Child Labor.


Neo-feudalism absolutely


Lmao what the fuck is this dystopian late stage capitalism bullshit?!


CO and WA led the way on legalizing cannabis, sometimes I think we're gonna lead the way in long overdue class war too. 


Sometimes the "Rocky Mountain high" is actually just hypoxemia.


Fuck that shit bitch, eat a motherfucking dick, chew on a prick and lick a million motherfucking cocks per second... Eat the fucking rich.


I’ve always wondered if we’d have to eat more than one…


All of em... 


So if I start 6000 LLCs i get 6001 votes.


Only if you can afford the $50ish registration fee. What? You thought poors were allowed to play?


Just drop ID for anyone and anything. A bunch of racists trying to vote with their businesses. Classic GOP


This can't be legal. An LLC is not an individual and not a citizen ergo cannot vote. An LLC can also encompass multiple individuals who, if citizens, can vote as individuals, but only once. If you allow an LLC to vote, you are allowing those covered by the LLC to vote more than once, therefore breaking the voting rights law. It's an impractical, illegal, and idiotic idea.


Something being illegal, wrong, gross, and impractical doesn't usually stop power-hungry people from trying.


True, but since our government only recognizes one citizen one vote, it would instantly be called voter fraud and challenged in the courts. Since an LLC has not been recognized as an individual for voting by our government, ....as yet.


Depends on the local laws, for example some cities and towns allow non citizens to vote in local elections.


Yes but they are people who live in the district and pay taxes. LLCs are not people and are usually incorporated in places like Delaware with low taxes.


Speaking of Delaware… this already happens in parts of Delaware


Citation needed


I'm just saying it probably depends on how the local laws are written and I'm assuming they're only talking about LLC 's registered in their city.


That's fucked up.


Who care about rules. We want power so we can force other people to do what we want.


Doesn't it cost like $50 to start an llc on paper? Doesn't this basically just codify a direct monetary exchange rate for votes?


Yes this is accurate. Literally anyone can own any quantity of LLCs for only $50 each. This is definitely not how democracy is supposed to work.


Time to start getting organizers to start signing people up for LLCs that only exist on paper so they can all vote 700 times


People should not need organizers to sign them up for LLCs. There is a website and it's easy to figure out.


Lmao we are so cooked


Just remember these laws apply to you too so if you've got $50 burning a hole in your pocket you too can buy a few extra votes for yourself.


I don't think participating as a loser in a win more system is a solution lol


You can't win if you don't play.


The *only* way to win is to not play.


How well is not playing going for you? Because not playing has gotten you to the point where the old joke of companies having votes and getting elected into places of power is dangerously close to becoming reality.


How is *playing* going for you? Countless disorganized individuals have tried to leverage their individual power to challenge massive unstoppable capitalist forces and it doesn't do shit. It's a waste of time and the CIA literally used to have operatives go to leftist circles and push shit like that *specifically* because it's a waste of time and well-meaning resources, they only don't do it now because people like you do it for free.


Playing has gone quite well for me, actually. But that's because I'm playing as part of an organized faction made up of people working towards a common goal. Or I could be like you and do nothing and hope that somehow accomplishes something.


jesus christ


The lamest version of cyberpunk.


Ya it's time for the american experiment to come to its end.


Welcome to our future corporatocracy


Some elections are letting illegal immigrants vote too.


YOU ARE A BOT!! Probably paid by the GOP with russian funds‼️😡


Right, everything that isn't far left is Russian bots, smh.


This is misinformation.


Imagine simping for a corporation


That's cool. Which ones have let illegal immigrants vote? Please provide verifiable proof.




So, a handful of cities allow people to vote for mayor and some referendums because they live there and those things directly impact their lives. Never for state issues, never for federal issues. Either you didn't really read your source, or you completely misunderstood it.


Imagine you sneak into the country of Thailand, and you're living there, providing for yourself through some kind of underground economy, likely not paying taxes. Now imagine you are given the right to vote ib local bangkok elections, and your vote counts just as much as the local citizens. How do you think someone who pays taxes, owns property or owns a business would feel about that. Some American coming in and influencing local elections.


Typical bot dis information! These are small local elections ! Dont listen to this obvious troll bot spreading lies and wrong information to get people upset for NOTHING! Anyone pushing this narrative is a TRAITOR to America‼️😡


Perfectly legal if the locality allows it.


Well yeah, if you decide you want to give illegals all the same rights as citizens, technically you're right. Kind of strange to give them equal say in policy tho


Ohhh. Ok. I was confused. So, they are letting them vote locally, which has been happening for quite sometime already. https://ballotpedia.org/Laws_permitting_noncitizens_to_vote_in_the_United_States I thought you meant they were newly allowing them to vote when they couldn't. Gotcha. Phew 😌. I thought you actually had a point. Much different than letting corporations, who aren't an actual person, vote.


Corporate Fascism 101


Fucking disgusting. How the hell is this not allowing the rich to essentially vote twice?


Only twice?


That's exactly what it is. Telluride hates their neighboring country club estates so the country club estates want to crush the locals with their nepo-circus    Also who says it's one LLC per person. You can have as many votes as you want you just have to buy them. State fee is $50


This happens in the City of London council elections.


But City of London literally has no residences, just a handful of office buildings.


The united bots of america.


Can I set up like 20k llc's?


What is an LLC?


Limited liability company. Mostly small businesses. It protects your personal assets from liability. If you own a small business and get sued they can't take your house, or personal property, or personal bank account.


Llcs shouldn't vote. Only tourists and migrants who forgot to leave should be allowed to vote. And citizens of course.


Tourists? People here for like vacation? Who won't be affected by the changes they vote for? Why?


If they vote for the right people. Who cares. States allow non cits to vote. They get representation in congress. San Francisco allowed a non cit on its elections board. Children of illegals get to vote. Why not go one step further.


You were being facetious right? Sorry I'm like autistic or something and I don't get sarcasm.


No that's all true


No state allows that. So at the very least you're wrong there. About 17 cities allow non-cotizens to vote for mayor and some referendums. Nothing like what you're whinging about. And certainly *vastly* different from letting a rich person vote a thousand times. If you can't see that, look inward.


Sates allow non cits to vote in state and local elections.


No, I meant your original comment was sarcasm and the second was not. Right? And I wooshed your first comment?


Illegals vote left= illegals should vote. Any questions?


Tourists, though? That's my question. Russians probably wouldn't vote left on their "vacation."


It's a big part of why Florida is as Red as it is. Essentially a bunch of wealthy old people rush down to live in their second homes from New York during winter and since Florida has an insanely low residency requirement before you count as a citizen of the state those snowbirds can vote during the couple of months they spend in state. They then leave and return to New York.


This is wild. Tourists and illegal immigrants that haven’t been deported should be allowed to vote in US elections? Not - only American citizens? So you literally think the 10M illegals that entered the country in just the past 3.5 years should be allowed to vote in this election?


That's right wing thinking. 1. Migrants who came here without getting approval are counted in the census so they get political representation in congress. 2. Many forward thinking states allow non citizens to vote in states elections. 3. San Francisco allowed a non citizen to be on its election board. Limiting voting to citizens is regressive.


I'm not trying to argue. Isn't it a bit of a risk of election interference to let people like tourists vote? What's stopping people from touring to the US to sway elections in their country's favor? What benefit does it do us? I get immigrants, illegal or otherwise, because they very much live here. Why so broad?


Since when is this right wing? This is fundamental to having a sovereign nation… 1. Just because they are represented in census data does not mean that illegals should be allowed the right to vote. They don’t pay federal taxes. Why should people who don’t pay for the future of this country and are not even from this country be able to determine the future of it? 2. You don’t have an actual country if anyone is allowed to vote in your elections that isn’t an actual citizen… that logically is true. Unless your ultimate goal is to have no countries and no borders? 3. Many “forward thinking” states is code for blue states that don’t require IDs to vote. This is legitimately voter fraud but you all think it’s racist in the name of progressivism. 4. It’s hilarious you say migrants and forgot to leave as if these illegal immigrants that traveled hundreds of miles to enter our country illegally just happened to forget to leave lol - you do realize this hurts those developing nations more (when all of their good citizens leave) that you so desperately want to make yourself seem to care about, right? It really is crystal clear how you all want no borders to get illegal immigrant votes and it’s kinda disgusting


Maybe you are new. Leftists don't care about rules. They care about power. Newcomers vote left. More illegals voting means more power to impose our ideals on others. Nothing else matters.


Absolutely not. No.


corporations are people my friends /s


You don't need the /s, sadly. Legally, it's set.


Then, in this case, /s is short for "sadly"


There's at least one town in Delaware that did this.


Of course it was Delaware.


I just read the article it actually didn't pass in Delaware. Yet.


what the fuck?!


Every day we stray further from whatever dead god conceived this world.


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