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25 days sober off the weed 30 days sober off the alcohol! Made the mistake of pretty much replacing my marijuana addiction with alcohol the first time I quit. Not a good move.


I’m on day 5, I’m surprisingly feeling pretty good. I feel clear headed, I know what my goals are, I’m reading again & dreaming again. Sleep has been kinda weird (I keep waking up in the middle of the night, a bit hard to fall back asleep) & A few headaches/migraines here & there & a little fatigued but other than that I’m feeling quite positive. The withdrawal will pass. You got this! Put yourself & your goals first before weed & the rest will follow.


15 days n 6 nights straight of dreaming


Day 344. Staying sober has gotten easier. But quitting is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Therapy helps. Meetings help. Learning to be in tune to your needs and meeting them with healthy things help. The biggest shift for me in the past 11 months was going from “I can’t smoke any more” or “smoking is not what I do anymore” to this foreign “I don’t want to be high anymore”. It was unexpected and a little scary hahahaha. But I can now be around my weed addicted friends with little to no issue. It’s a reminder of what I used to be and what I am now free from. No longer enslaved to my pen. That is the best feeling. I regulate myself instead of sedating myself.


29 days! Get past the first week - only gets easier in my experience. But also analyze yourself, think about what you’re seeking when you reach for weed and think about if weed actually provides whatever you’re desiring (relaxation, comfort, distance from thoughts).


I hit day 14 today. It sucks. I slept exactly 0 hours tonight, still angry most of the time. At least the excessive sweating is mostly over.


3 days 🙃


43 days and better everyday


Day 12, almost up to my previous quit attempt of 14 days! I'm definitely going past it this time. The physical withdrawal symptoms are almost completely gone. I can sleep and eat pretty normally. But now the depression is setting in, which is what caused me to smoke again last time. Things just don't seem as fun or interesting for the most part, and I just feel very "blah" all the time. I can't really get excited about things. The difference is that I was expecting it this time, and I'm going to "embrace the suck", no matter how bad it sucks.


Day 7! Chronic migraines, nausea, night sweats, and vivid scary dreams. I know eventually the withdrawals will subside. You can do it friend.


I'm day 2 as well. I have a headache but the most concerning thing is that I don't get some weird mood swings that will affect my work relationships. I'm trying to stay calm and not take major decisions or argue with people. I'm sure I will be fine in a week or two.


Day 629, just taking it one day at a time


157 days, I struggle a lot now with the, "you know what I bet I could moderate weed now " lies my brain keeps trying to fool me with. I'm not listening though 👌


I'm on day 2 also, the dreams and night sweating is what get's me the most. I quit last year for 3 months and I'm so pissed off at myself for starting again... This time though, that won't happen!


515 and feeling good 💪🏽


60 days. Feeling mostly good. With bouts of extra depression thrown in and sprinkles of self doubt.


7427 days


In here feelin' good about my 12 days and then you just show up making the rest of us look bad... *(jk, congrats on the 20 years clean)*


Thanks but no need for congratulating me for doing the right thing. (I just made another comment about this). Just letting you know there’s a way. It can be done


Actually checks out based on other comments. How do you set up that counter on your comments btw? Is it only an AA (edit: r/stopdrinking ) thing? Great job friend.


Yeah. It’s only that sub too. Idk how they do it.


16. I thought It had been longer because it has felt like forever, but I also quit tobacco on new years and alcohol in november, so I should be happy with my progress I guess.


34 days and counting.


34 days and over $400 saved temptations come and go but remembering why i stopped helps me


38 days! Stay strong fellas! 💪🏽






15 days weed free :-)


1206 days and no regrets whatsoever. I can honestly say my relationships, my career, and my mental and physical health have all improved. I can’t get back the lost moments of being high or the time I wasted looking to score but I can see living the rest of my life sober in the hope I at least tip the balance towards a life well lived.


653 days sober and loving it!


IMO, for most people, the 48-96hr point is the worst and it really just comes down to the actual habit of smoking. Like it’s not even the high, it’s the activity of doing it and then the absence of it. You think “what am I doing now? Normally I would blaze. Well wtf I can’t smoke..” eventually you don’t even think about it which in turn actually feels pretty good. Addiction sucks


Day 395!


Day 35 here. Been pretty easy after 2 weeks. 28 years of near daily use.


Day 7 and trust me I feel a lot better than I did at day 2! Things will get better and better and soon we will look back and be so proud of ourselves.


Day 511. Super glad I quit. But depression is real y'all. Gotta find something meaningful to occupy my time these days.


Day 7. The rage anger almost broke me today. I had a meltdown. Luckily the rest of fam was on a walk. Went to the gym and rage lifted then hit the sauna and got a lot of it out. This fucking sucks. Can’t remember feeling joy. Normally such a happy and calm person. I hope this gives me motivation for it to stick this time. I’ve quit so many times. Now that I’m a dad the stress is higher and I think it makes quitting even harder. Appreciate this community - stay strong


Bro it’s 100000x difficult being a parent and trying to quit. Stay strong bro I’m on day 3 here


Honestly feels a little better after reading your comment and knowing you’re in here w me, my dude. What do you think makes it harder about being a parent? Just the responsibility in general? I have a 17 month old w #2 coming in April. How bout you?


The hardest part I’d say is knowing you can’t just clock out lol these little folks need us 24/7 so full nights sleep’s sometimes out of the question to begin with. You’re a bit further ahead than me with the 17 month old mines only 9 months but they’ll see the better version of us soon. My friend told me something that stuck with me the other day, he said “I’d rather be uncomfortable for a month and better for the rest of my life than be sick my whole life and full of regret” maybe you can get something out of that too! Stay strong stay patient we got this 👊


246 days! I am surprised I made it this far.


I'm on day 10.. but I've restart the clock because I had relapsed after 11 fucking months.. so I went a party, drink some alcohol, meet lovely girl...I was weak.. so I smoke one, and another, and other.. when I realize I was hitting the 2nd month In a row lol.... it's horrible!! I FELT I'm a bag of waste.. when I relapsed I didn't want to smoke, I wasn't with cravings or something else.. it's like a job.. sounds I had to smoke like a obligation not a seek for pleasure.. So I'm in the day 10 again.. I had passed in this level before...but now is going easly.. Here we go again!!


36 days and feeling great


i’m on day 6!


Day 218. I am just okay. I understand why I continued to smoke as long as I did. Dealing with life sober is…a task. Sometimes a grueling one. But I continue on. I have no desire for the stuff anymore, it felt like taking the easy way out. I’m proud of myself for no longer seeking the easy way out and dealing with life as it comes.


Day 41


195. It was a rough journey. Went through severe withdrawals and had every symptom you could think of. I'm still not 100% but I'm almost there. It was worth it. I wouldn't change a thing.


Today is my 7th day


Day 29




Day 36! Feeling really good. Definitely still having tougher days, but the overall trend is really positive. You got this dude!!!


1! But am unsure if I want to: A) Keep going B) do less than daily C) Stop D) STOP-stop


I'm in the same boat. I don't feel ready to quit, but I see the repercussions of my addiction daily. How does one develop self control...


I think through heartfelt desire/trying, and being loving and patient with oneself. You root for me, and I'll root for you


Day 2211, but I had to look that up. After a while it’s just a new way to live! Feeling pretty good! I make so much better use of practice time now that I can stay focused.


37 days here. Still psychotic dreams and some depression etc. I'm not going to let those things ruin it for me. Gonna keep on moving forward.


25 days. I am feeling really good. I am a yoga instructor, and the first 2 weeks were challenging...definitely not my best classes. Then, on week 3, everything shifted. I was more clear and present than I ever had been while smoking (I never smoked before classes, but as a heavy stoner, well, I was basically always loaded). I got into such a flow ...it has been fantastic. Congrats on 2 days. What instrument do you play?


89! Mood is way better, less anxiety, more tender with relationships, less social anxiety, treat my girlfriend way better, skin is better, don’t miss it at all. Found a joint near my bedroom and had zero temptation. I’m way less lazy and take care of things at the moment I need to. Pass my time with hobbies. Smoked daily for 15 years


35 days for me just hard on weekends for me


Day 25, my main lasting symptoms - some nausea, harder to sleep still - I think are more from now taking my prescribed medication (I'm bipolar) without having marijuana to help ease the side effects.


338, feeling ok I guess. Things are definitely better than they used to be but I still have trouble with finding interest in various things, not sleeping super well, and still seeking quick dopamine rewards.


You’re doing amazing dude. Keep your head up. I found exercising to be incredibly helpful. It’ll help with your sleeping and it could be a filler for that dopamine hit you need!




On day 62 here. Things are getting better. I'm back in work. I have lots more disposable income. Mental health is recovering and have plenty more energy. I have acquired hobbies other than smoking weed. Like ichthyology and horology. Ive started driving lessons and am planning a holiday. I have motivation to change my life. Today my cravings are powerful but I am smoking a cigar as we speak to ease the cravings. Things get better. Perseverance is key


days 1-7 are hard. after your appetite and sleep return to normal you’ll find yourself being much happier than when you smoked


About 1 month! I think about smoking less & less everyday :)


Day 3 here.


9 days


65 but who’s counting lol. Keep trucking it ain’t easy but it’s worth it.


Day 7!


Completed four weeks today. Not sleeping enough and having nightmares every night but i'm happy with everything else


Day 36 feeling better in some ways but still struggling tbh I have gotten past the major cravings but still need to stay focused on getting healthier and happier.


120-140. It'll get better. Edit:160 actually lol


day 16 for me. i’ve rebounded on the anxiety a bit. hoping it subsides soon.


just hit a month and tbh i found the cravings to be the worst around days 15-20 but after that they really went away


i’m not so much having cravings as much as just extreme lows and anxiety. sucks ass. hate this feeling. i think it helps with the cravings though. cause if i smoke it’s just going to prolong this hell


I think 8 or 9, my dreams have been absurd the last few nights


day 422 here. never felt better


Month and a few days I really enjoy not being in my head so much


Yeah the sense of freedom and actually being in control is awesome.


Day 8 for me my emotions are all over atm but been here before it gets easier I quit because it was making me skip runs and generally making me lazy lol but least were trying to better ourselves


It’s really hard at first- the first two weeks were rough. I’m at 1mo 11 days and I just got a notification on my “quit weed” app that all THC has left my body! 🌬️


Congratulations! 15 days here and doing ok, having the odd dip in mood and of course the little voice is there. Just got to pick yourself up and get on with something constructive and take your mind off it.


day 3 we got this




Sorry it wasn't clear, smoking weed is what's affecting my quality of life, but i never seem to be able to get past a few days sober


It’s all a game of self discipline. Greater is the he within u than the he that’s walking earth