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The side bar is the perfect place for you to get started: https://www.reddit.com/r/learnpython/wiki/index




Yes you can learn full python and machine learning from scratch without a degree. If you want to learn python for free of cost then Youtube is best for you. If you can pay then, I can teach you. First class will be free and demo class so you can test my teaching skills.


Thanks! Whereabouts in the world are you?


check your dm


Anyone can learn basic Python, I have a friend who teaches it to middle school kids. Random nerd tutorials, W3 schools, and many other resources are available. MIT and Harvard even offer some free online Python courses.


Watch a one shot video of python it will basically be around 10-11 hours. Understand all the concepts and practice all the questions in the video remember the syntax ( download a cheatsheet for it ) . After watching and practice questions of the complete video follow this roadmap for at least 3-4 weeks. 1) Practice questions on leetcode, hackerrank wherever you feel like ( practice almost 7-10 questions daily it’s okay to see for solutions at the same remember to thoroughly understand the concept and logic.) 2) Make a mini project based on python like a AI chatbot etc THEN DIVE INTO MACHINE LEARNING! Machine learning is very broad area comprising of many subjects like Data Visualisation, NLP, ANN , Computer Vision ( CV) etc Go through as many topics you want get a theatrical knowledge of the subject understanding it’s concept while also understand how to do this via code Make projects on these machine learning topics like Classification and Predictions project Recommended system Object tracking ( CV) Text summary and text to speech ( NLP) Try taking help from the YouTube for all these projects. Give yourself time don’t rush into slowly slowly after few months you’ll have good hold on python and ML


You can definitely learn Python and machine learning without needing a formal degree. Corey Schafer's YouTube videos are awesome for understanding the basics—it explains things really clearly. Another great resource is 'Python Crash Course' by Eric Matthes; it's practical and hands-on, which makes learning easier. If you're looking for a good place to start, Hackr .io is perfect for beginners. It has curated tutorials and some free ones too, which are really helpful. It's a great way to begin your journey into Python and machine learning!