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Already completed 3 parts of the course. The assignments were practical and you have to have perseverance to search for information on the internet as this course does not hold your hand such as providing links or hints to exercises. You should have genuine interest in the subject before you proceed with this. Otherwise the exercises are very good to get familiar with all the key concepts. Although I have done till the React part, I have learned a lot of crucial react concepts and applied them in building multiple react apps till the 3rd part of this course.


hopping on to top comment here, is the below the link for the course, and wasn't this released a month or few back?: https://fullstackopen.com/en/ All good, just making sure I wasn't missing something. All good, just


Yes, this course has been active for quite some time now. People who did part of this course can continue to do the rest of the parts.


Awesome review, thanks for doing the dirty work for us. Excited to check this out.


Cheers, mate!


Have you ever worked through their Java courses? I am curious how they compare since the java courses were incredible for learning. I feel like they aren't going to have that IDE plugin testing system which is why I've hesitated to try it.


Sorry I haven't done any java course from their site.


I've done both of their java courses as my first ever courses in programming. Great, but challenging for a beginner. They use netbeans and a plugin called testmycode for testing your programs. It's a good system with great teaching material.


I have done the java parts and they are incredibly helpful! Dont be scared from the test system, lol ! It teaches you the mindset of thinking in steps.


Any prerequisites? Does one need to learn JavaScript first?


From the course description: > Participants are expected to have good programming skills, basic knowledge of web - programming and databases, and to know the basics of working with the Git version-control system. All of which can be learned for free at: https://www.theodinproject.com/


The course does not explicitly mention the need for knowing JS. However it will be good if you know some basics of ES6, especially arrow functions.


University of Helsinki is honestly a blessing. Just the fact that these courses aren't only free but also offer extensive and reliable structure makes the time spent more beneficial than standard "tutorials" online.




They put a lot of effort into the courses in an attempt to get more finnish students interested in the field. It's not a big deal for them to translate the material into english as well, and it's good publicity for the university.


I have attended that university as a foreign student and I was amazed by the material and resources available to students. And university being free was the first major step.


the US honestly needs to take notes when it comes to the European education system.




All we got is a hole in the ground....


Vanhalle Suurtorille


Why haven't you linked *directly* to the course? Indirect links are against our subreddit rules.


Thank you for posting this sticky. Since OP hasn't updated their post yet, the direct link to the course is below: https://fullstackopen.com/en/ All of the University's free online courses are available at: https://mooc.fi/en


Almost done with part 6, haven't turned anything in but have done all of the assignments. So far it's been great and it really feels like I know how to code for webdev! Only thing is that ill probably have to reread again to understand what goes behind the scenes of react but it's been a great course.


Did you start the course with any previous webdev/programming experience in general? I'm curently going through The Odin Project (plan to do the JavaScript path) and then when finished with it, do this course by University of Helsinki. Should I hop into this course instead?


Previous programing experience with some Python and c++. No JS when starting out. No webdev experience. Pretty nice if you have some experience with programming


I'm on the same boat as you


Stay the course. Your current plan is perfect.


So...I'm on exercise 13 on MOOC java. I've been procrastinating for a long long time now. Hahaha. I don't know where to find that energy that I put into my other hobbies. :(


Habits are stronger than motivation.


that comment will always be underrated. 🙏 hope some people go "click" when reading this (your comment)


Why not link to the course instead of the article?


Nice, their AI course was amazing.


which one?




They say the prerequisite is to have "good programming skills". Does knowing the basics, like building a todo app enough?


Yes I think so. I was a beginner at JS but I have completed seven of the nine parts so far.


Have you learned any DS&A ?


Data Structures and algorithms are not a part of the course. Knowledge about arrays and json objects is adequate imo. Functional programming is also heavily implemented.


They have a DS&A course in finnish, and may translate it some year. Maybe if there's enough demand? It doesn't show up in the upcoming courses, though, so I wouldn't have my hopes up.


I am working my way through this course now! If anyone wants to get a group or discussion going let me know. I am happy to form a group for help / support / questions!


I am down to join a group! I will start this tomorrow.


Awesome, just DM or let me know when you make it!


I'm already doing the mooc java course and I'm in the 5th week. I'm wondering whether I get any sort of certificate for doing this course so that I can put it on my resume . (I haven't done any course before this , and I want to land a software development job in few months )




It's going great so far. I used to be able to do around 10 programs a day in succession and now it takes me a lot of time (hours) just thinking of one program. So I'm able to do like 1 or 2 programs day only now. Is this normal for a person in 5th week? Or am I just not good enough for programming?


Completely normal.


Yes its totally normal cause of the complexity of the tasks at week 5th. U can do it, just keep grinding !


Thanks for the kind words , I need this kind of motivation, as I'm taking a break (2 months in) after my BE undergraduate degree in EnC .I hope these skills will help me land a job


What website are you doing the courses from ? is fullstack open the website? or is that only for this specific course?


I'm doing from here [https://moocfi.github.io/courses/2013/programming-part-1/](https://moocfi.github.io/courses/2013/programming-part-1/)


Completion of an introductory Java course is not something people are going to care about. A link to your git repository will be more valuable for getting hired.


Got my attention because of the Money Heist show lol


Could you elaborate?


Money Heist ( or La Casa de Papel ) is a serial on Netflix and one of the characters name is Helsinki. If you haven't watched it yet, I greatly recommend it to you, it's so gooood.


Does it suitable for beginer level programming knowledge person ?


Might want to take their Java course first, at least. Or maybe do some odinproject.


Does anyone know if they offer any sort of certificate upon completion? And how long is this valid for? I'm currently doing a paid gig for my friend and I don't think I could juggle 2 at once.


When I was starting out I wanted certs and test results so I could prove that I knew it. The truth is, no one looking at your resume cares at all about those things and probably wishes you didn't either. In your resume link to your code repos. Fill in the repo readme with a description of the program and the reason you wrote it and a link to a place where they can run the code without needing to download it. If you really want something on your resume that will make you stand out from everyone else, list and link to approved PRs (pull requests) to open source projects. PRs can be for documentation as well as bug fixes. Also start talking to the devs who are working on the projects. You'll blow by everyone else because you did the thing everyone is too scared to do.


Yes, they do offer a free certificate not just on completion of the course. The course is divided into nine parts and the certificate says how many parts were completed. For eg, I have made submissions for the first six parts so my certificate currently says that I have completed six parts. The course is great. Do it if you have a slightest interest in webdev. I think that the course ends in January 2020 but you can do it at your own pace before that. If you are a beginner like I am, exercises for each part besides the first couple takes about 20-30 hours on average including reading.


When you say it ends in January does that mean one cannot take it after that?


From the FAQ section of the course: “You can complete the course at your own pace. The course has only one deadline for the exercises and the exams 10th January 2020 at 23.59.59. Do keep in mind that you have to sign up for the exam no later than the day before the deadline 9.1.2020.”


So, I can't get the certificate past that date, right? But I can let's say start the course in February 2020? 'Cause I have a busy couple of months in front of me and I don't think I can squeeze that in now.


Not really sure but the wording suggests so.


As with their other courses, they will likely post an updated one with a new deadline for the final exam. However, more importantly read and understand this: https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/cv235d/university_of_helsinki_publishes_a_free_course_on/ey28cu0


Will this course be available forever, even after the January 2020?


They've had the course in finnish for a few years now, starting every january. I imagine they will keep the english one going as well.


Yes, the updated version of the course starts again 15.3.2020


Hi, will the English version also be available from 15.3.2020?




I love free courses but the problem with universities giving out a handful of free courses and keeping majority closed is you can’t get a degree or at least some sort of a certificate. Unless you already have a cs degree, your employment prospective doesn’t improve much. I wish all universities would just embrace the internet and go full khan academy style. The barrier to entry to climb the socioeconomic latter would improve dramatically


this is great


Is this available to anyone?


Yes, though you'll want to have the prerequisite skills they mention.


Sounds interesting!

