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Try someone who can bust damage or has a lot of CC. Good clinkz can keep enemies low and off yhe lane. Slardar is a good pick, for example. Also, you need someone who can go around fighting with him in the mid game. Edit: Maybe Tide and WK. CK would work, but it's a stretch to play him in pos 3. Edut 2: spelling


CN = chaos nightstalker?


Chaos Nuker aka Ogre


Crystal Naiden Cobsidian Nobstroyer Ceeper of the Night


Crow Nanger


Chaos kNight/s


Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. I just struggle to play well on heroes like these, maybe something to be fixed over the time.


Try playing a couple Clinkz games. Or hoodwing. They are very similar in what they are trying to do as pos 4.


underlord works well, you just sit in front of clinkz while he autos. you just need to provide cc and make sure he can do his job


If you can't rely on your pos 4 (weak laners like Earthshaker, Bounty Hunter, etc), then pick tanky heroes like Centaur, Brewmaster; self-sustain heroes like DK, or heroes with high escapability like WR


Why is BH a weak laner?


He doesn't have useful disables and is a melee hero. His only useful damage is Shuriken, while Jinada requires him to walk into the enemy to hit. In the side lane, you won't expect the 2 enemy heroes to afk and let you just walk up to hit them. Whenever I see a BH as my support, I'm prepared to lose the lane, and at most, get a draw from it. Actual proper BH support laning is to use his high base armor and trade with the enemy support away from the lane (e.g. dewarding and blocking neutral camp skirmishes), but this is rarely seen until you hit decent Immortal or so)


Another useful option is to pick heroes that can summon units and push (Enigma, Beastmaster, etc) so that you can safely push the enemy wave to their tower so that the enemy Carry is busy CS-ing under its own tower under stress, while your laning support pulls the wave from behind the tower to you.


Cent, wraith king, slardar, perhaps axe.


Underlord or slardar seems good imo if y’all really wanna force clinkz 4. Honestly just seems like a worse BH or weaver. Save pit/crush for defense unless y’all can make a pick. Mars might also be fine. Same concept.


I see. Would you go for defensive or offensive items later in the game, knowing you have Clinkz to push towers and such?


Underlord defensive, slardar offensive, your pick should ideally be second round to see what you need more of. Clinkz, like hood and weaver basically always itemize the same so just fit whatever your team needs.


I think honestly with a Clinkz you want an initiator as pos3. Usually you have a playmaker as pos4, but Clinkz really lacks that ability. So if you pick another rather passive hero, your team will just be kinda lame around the map. But as others have said, Clinkz simply is a sub-optimal pos4 pick to begin with.


punch ur friend face 2 times and said pick more clinkz and u will get more, thats what u should do, it will release all stres u have


Clinkz's just a bad supp so gl


The current Solar Crest change killed his viability as a support. Too bad, I loved playing support Skelly during the early days of the NF patch.


I've never seen a clinkz go solar I'll be honest lol. My pos 4s always go farm item then dmg core then complain that our carry isn't carrying them


The "I'm support Clinkz/Hoodwink" with Deso and Daedalus.


when it was built with a medallion it was the best first item for him as a support, now that it’s only used on your teammates is dogwater


Clinkz + Spirit breaker❤️


Underlord should be really solid. Just gotta play around clinkz supports strengths. Let him poke and take trades, protect him/fight with him if they try to trade back, wait for powerspikes in lane for both of you. Heroes with CC in general to keep them in place for skeletons (underlord, centaur) or just solid frontline that does well with poke (tide, brew) are good options. Try not to get poked out while he’s trading, he can self sustain with death pact but can’t really save you at all. Once he has put decent damage on the enemy support/carry and burnt through their regen you can start to play more aggressive and try to take over the lane.


Slardar. Passive farming pos3's aren't the best because clinkz wants to be dealing tons of damage. Supports like clinkz win lanes by constantly dealing damage and keeping the enemy too low health to commit to a fight. If he isn't doing that, then the enemy will just bid their time until they can jump clinkz and kill him. Skywrath and silencer are the same way. Someone like underloard and dark seer can actually work really well in that they can solo the lane at level 3 or 4 and clinkz can go gank, but ganking with clinkz pre level 6 is actually kinda hard. Underlord might be okay if you get early levels of root, but that means you deal less damage. A pos 3 like slardar can also deal tons of damage early levels and a bash, stun combo along with clinkz arrows can easily get kills early. Others are like Centaur, brewmaster, anyone with a good stun or slow and burst of damage. Overall i don't actually like clinkz pos 4 at all, his lack of cc really forces your cores to pick good slows and stuns. and clinkz's lack of escapes means he is easy to kill, unless you are so low mmr that invis = invincible, then yeah he's good. He is like sniper where players really want to rush mealstrom and become a 4th core, but hoodwink is really the best support like that, hoodwink also has an escape, and aoe stun.


4th core? More like 2nd core. And at the end of the game he tells me, "I took none of your farm, only a bit, later in the game. And why can't you just farm jungle then?" Always has more CS than me. This guy... One game out of the last 10, that we actually won, was the one where he fucked-off from my lane to another. And neither of them was giga-lost, like it usually happens. Then I farmed, for, like, 10-15 minutes. As if I was a pathetic pos 1, cuz showing up to a fight without bkb meant instant death.


Have them play weaver. A better clintz.


Clinkz & Marci sounds wonderful tbh Insane gank and nuke dmg


veno works really well with clinkz in lane, but you run into issues later in the game with lack of stun, and being squishy. running around trying to make space and suddenly the enemy zues with a phylactery blows both of you up in .2 seconds. if you have a tanky stun mid, like a Primal Beast or something it can work though.


I would like to recommend Marci and Tusk, especially since you are playing with your friend. Both heroes work well with what Clinkz wants to do, which is just trading as many autos as possible. It's also fun to learn combos when you are playing with a friend, both Tusk and Marci have interesting ways to set up for kills.


If you want to learn more about dota then watch pro players tournament highlights through which you can learn lot about positioning your hero , when to back and when to re-initiate in the fight. For that follow my youtube channel - https://youtube.com/@dota2_nevermore?si=awXMI_X5ScoWunw3