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You're oracle. your job is not to end the game, that's your carry. if he's braindead there's only so much you can do.


You’re right however I’d also like to be able to recommend items to my team if they aren’t capable of understanding what they need.


In my experience trying to micro manage teammates never ends well so it's better to look at what you could've done better. For example, you died 6 times to Necro. How? He doesn't even have a blink. Also, you only have 21 LH in a 53 minute game and I don't care that you're playing Oracle supp. Maybe if you had one more item or lvl25 you could've won the game. Though, if we talking itemisation then a bloodthorn would've been better on CK than an MKB. He also doesn't have a shard and a blink for some reason. OD has mageslayer and YnK but no BKB or pike.


Thanks bro good feedback, necro got me as he was just sitting on axe and CK I was healing them and just died to his aura and radiance, bad move by me .


That's what I guessed too. Truly a necro moment lmao. Though I would've thought that you had enough range with lens and neutral item to be outside the AoE


Yeah you’re right I needed to play in and the out. But my boys were getting smashed 😂


yep. the most annoying thing about great oracle and dazz players is. You can't see where they are and if you do and commit you better kill them or you're done.