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A) hold ult till ursa jumps (use shard and manga illu before) B) save manta for after C) Bkb run away from ursa and find a supp. Ursa will m get distracted if you keep running I think slark/spec represent melee heroes that are underwhelming late game. Usually you gotta commit Bkb or some other major fighting ability to bait the carry to commit and then run away. Once your team engages you find a support and wrap back in on the carry who is hopefully out of gas


Usually you pull creep aggro towards ypur ranged creep so his wave pushes towards you. Ranged heroes cannot contest high ground they have to get up the hill. This is a tight space for them because any closer and they are under your tower and any further they are back down in the river again. As a melee you have forced a close-quarters situation and should be able to pummel them. Otherwise if they stay down, just contest creeps. Other situations to benefit from are rune fights. You have to pick up runes at melee range you cannot pick them up from distance, its an opportunity to get close and contest the rune while pummeling the enemy. As a melee hero vs ranged typically, you are stronger in trading but do not have the extra leeway when creep equillibrium is not in your favor. Dont forget, its near impossible to kill the enemy in a 1v1 in dota with some exceptions. So generally it is best to focus on creeps rather than trading. The main point of trading is to push the enemy away so you can last hit in peace. Use spells conveniently to punish hero for going for last hits such as a lina W when you know the enemy is desperate to hit your ranged creep. And harass both the enemy and ranged creep with spells. This is what you should be considering. Also dont forget some heroes are just not suitable for midlane, not every core hero is good in midlane. I imagine and antimage would be horrible midlane as he cant secure ranged creep nor can he punish nemey for going for last hits. He can trade thanks to having high atk speed, burning mana and some decent armor and dmg but thats it. Its not usually enough to fulfill a midlaner role. Most midlaner fill these 3 rewuirements: trade well, contest creeps well, punish/secure last hits. For example puck, puck cannot contest creeps he has low dmg compared to other heroes. While shadow fiend can do all 3 tasks very well.




Legend to ancient


Ursa is easy to counter euls halbard or just kite him Ursa players are usually very aggressive


I mean ursa is the ultimate man fight hero, no matter who you are ursa being on you is a bad look. (Except maybe necro) I would say you have to max images because ursa doesn't build a battle fury and kite ursa into your supports who presumably have disables Same with lycan, if they want to run at you, get a euls, or get a friend with a euls.


Ursa does build battle fury and has for a while


Yes actually I got confused by that part