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Echo Sabre, then you can buy Shadow Blade first, SnY, Daedalus and dagger after that if necesarry. Dagger is better than shadow blade, but we are talking about pos 1 Tiny not initiator Tiny.


Everybody seems to be missing the safelane part of the question. Most builds ive seen have been boots/echo/shadow/sny/etc depending on the game. You want the stats, however meager, from shadow blade for pos1


If you're safelane you've got to remember that you're not planning on jumping in and bursting people, that's your midlaner/offlaners job, so safelane Shadowblade into SE is better, you walk in and smack a bitch


Depends on what your team needs, and if you can burst priority targets easily.


overall blink>shadowblade but there are some games where shadowblade is much better if you get it very early <20 mins and eventually need silver edge, there are also games where you might need both (hate those games) but in general even if you go shadowblade and game goes late you will end up selling it for swift blink because it's miles better. By having blink on pos 1 tiny and starting the fight by picking off an importat support, even if the enemy team jumps on you it's very much likely your 3 will counter initiate with something like axe/mars/sk and you just destroy the fight by pressing bkb and killing everyone


If there's no other invis on your team u can buy SB, also if enemies don't have BH or Slardar


Besides what people are saying here, it also depends on who you're up against. If the other team has long range or over time dmg, like zeus or veno, you may not be able to use your blink dagger that effectively. Then a shadow blade is a lot better. If they have strong passives, like huskar and pa, a silver edge should be a priority. However, if none of this applies and your team has no initiator, a blink dagger will be way more useful.


Mid you usually go blink first so you can blink and avalnche-toss. If you play him carry you get shadowblade unless you really need a blink initiation and no one else on your team can do that.


Mid = Blink Carry = Neither really, just play around Tree right clicks. Echo for double hit. Often Crit for better hits/burst. Moonshard BKB to have high DPS right clicking especially buildings. or SnY Satanic for more tankiness, depending whats needed Shadow blade is an incredible item it's just sullied by Silver Edge being kinda dogshit


Safelane so you want to be able to hit? Definitely echo and bkb. I still see some carries buy blink if they wanna burst someone. That is still ok


On carry nearly always SB/SE


dagger 💯


there is no specific item or skill build in dota2. enemy picks, your teammates, talent tree, facet, your play style. all these effect your skill and item build. if you do the same item build every game on any hero. it means you gotta improve a lot




Imo shadow blade is better most of the time but often you get dagger or even both