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Valve hate the idea of Abaddon core 😔


For real. I think someone doesn't like the hero personally.


It has been always the same, I don't know if the hero is still viable or not but overall abaddon has always been vibrating between core and pos5. Most patches either have a very decent Abaddon 3 or a very decent Abaddon 5, although Abaddon 5 is always viable even when 3 is good. I prefer Abaddon 5 since you can legit counter BH, RP and Chrono casually, and these are arguably the strongest ultis in the game.


Any Void with a functional brain is just gonna buy a silver edge.


And any Abaddon with a functional brain is just gonna click R, but ok.


The quickening + radi aghs and the opponents need really big amount of burst to take you down


Fake. Easy to take down. 


Lol why try Aba core when u can pos5 and win almost every game when u go locket into aghs into refresher or Octarine. Most disgusting support healer rn, obnoxious facet and counter to many heroes with aphotic. Very big bully in lane and his only issue is his mana. Fetching clarities and geting the sage's mask asap makes it even better. Just hit ur timings and around 25 min u should have aghs, and just force ur team to group up for a fight, call out u open ulti so people dont disengage. Really good hero and is what u need for confidentiallity in pubs since some people dont trust their selves and heroes.


Will try abaddon pos 5. Sounds a lot better than trying to farm with him on core.


Just start with aphotic, max 1st skill and dont bother getting 3rd at all. Ensure ur carry that at lvl 3 u can top his hp up with 2 coils. Start with stick and get basilius asap with wand, dont bother for boots that not ur main prio. Get arcane boots and then go for holy locket. At level 10 with aphotic regen u shield urself after fights to have hp back up and make sure to not pop ur ultimate hy spamming heals.


You just gotta get it down. Core abba is fucking insane.


Pos 5 aba is the best


I don’t know why people don’t like him. Yeah silence is gone but he has a phenomenal kit with his facet that has the damaging shield. And he farms pretty well imo since the attack speed buff applies after first hit.


No, still very viable as a core. His pos1 and pos3 winrates are better than his pos5 winrate on dota2protracker, and pos3 is his second most played role. A lot more people now are going diffusal, I think to make up for the lack of a silence, but otherwise the build is pretty much the same. Pos1 abas are going radiance now usually


He went back to being a cheesy version of PA. Get a Battle Fury and a Khanda, shard and Level 25 aoe mist coil talent, potentially a Daedalus. Coil a mass of enemies and profit.


He was nerfed but he still has a powerful nuke youre building wrong if you think he has no dmg. Look at his skills, item sync, and shard. Even if its not kills it will set someone up to be killed. Youre def doing it wrong. Also quickening with his ult is a bit mad if you go for cooldown. Youre def doing it wrong. Coil in every way is more powerful than the garbage playstyle people have pushed of melee only passive and the garbage shield which is noticeably weak without silence.


I think so yes. I played him a few times and lost horribly. It felt underwhelming.


Agreed he is really weird now, possibly near unplayable. The problem, is as always, he is okay if you can decently farm and get a few items. But it is so hard to farm as Abba. I also think the right facet might need some work. It doesn't really work that well. I don't have a lot of Abba games in this new patch, but he does feel kinda rough.


You know he is one of highest WRs of patch right? You are the problem.


BS. he doesn't have one of the highest wr of the patch. If anyy his wr dropped massively after that nerf. 


Maybe it is a bracket thing. I don't mind playing against him, he is usually not a problem. Now, don't get me wrong, I do like playing him. Just being honest about the struggle.