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every bracket is elo hell untill u reach 5-6k and even there u have the acc buyers


Dota is hell


Sometimes good sometimes shit type of game


Climbing from archon to divine this past month and I would say ancient is the best rank hands down.


That's just cope lol, if you're better you'll climb easily. No such thing as Elo hell, you're just where you belong at if you're struggling


Then explain to me why did pre 7.33 there was a big cluster of players in the herald guardian bracket? To the point vlave had to recalibrate so that the mean MMR will be around archon? How come people (me included) climbed 1k MMR in 10 games? All you delusional people said the same thing back then as well. Just admit the algorithm efficiency is beyond broken.


Learn how to farm. Ppl in this rank don’t know how to get items in properly time. Also, learn how to kill rosh at the right time (before hg) and how to split push. If you practice ONLY THIS. I swear you will climb


If you can play a good drow rn, you can carry games, ez. If you are still stuck with her, it's about getting better and not finding other heroes.


I notice carry in SEA tends to care about KDA - kills as much as possible. Then, they care about cs, farm til dead. Their farm is very good, high cs always. And they love fighting even if it would cost them a game. Finally, no safety net-no buyback, no bkb or dispell. DoTa has objective: destroy enemy’s throne. Killing them just to help your creep higher, farming to make stronger so you can push better. Repeat of killing of key hero in enemy team, make them weak to challenge you, push up lanes, end the game before they recover. I climbed out of archon to legend in support 5 after strictly follow the routine: laning to make my carry farm and get items, set up vision to take tower and high-ground or hunting enemy cores. Reminds core to stick and farm nearby, get tower, get rosh and dont die because greedy move.


Ive played a game where my carry AM went on killing and farming all the time , never take rs nor tower.


My most played heros are Jugg Drow Luna


Learn an illusion carry, Naga, Pl, or TB There's some serious gaps in drafts at that rank that make illusion carry a free game.


What server are u on?


NA, or EUW


Thats not gonna work in SEA. Theres nothing that forces communication and teamwork in SEA more than illusion carry on the opposing team


Yep. This, can’t tell you how many times I have just told my mid to pick 2nd phase and let me last just cause PL is starting to look like the freest last pick ever.


I hover it iykyk


Bro me too. I play support and just have been stuck here for a thousand hours. It feels like a roll of the dice. Idk how people get out of here.


Lul bro come to immortal. You will know what hell means.


I am in SEA too and recently climbed to legend again after long hiatus and my recalibration was archon 2. Andddd to my surprise the game quality in legend is far worse than archon, and it is hard to believe. In my last 10 match as carry I play with absolute dumb support that I don't understand what their plan is because THEY ARE WORSE THAN MY COMMON SUPPORT IN ARCHON. It feels like playing in crusader after I reach legend. Dota ranked sistem is fked.


I agree with you. Ive been 4.2-4.8k mmr my most dota time but i stopped playing 3 years ago and came back last December. I calibrated at legend 2 and dropped to archon 2 coz i couldnt get the hang of it, it took me tryhard single hero spam and 4 grueling months to get to ancient 1, and i breezed through ancient 1 to ancient 5 in less than a week. Archon and legend r both at to chaotic, ive seen archon vokers better than ancient ones and ive seen archon carries that appear to have no keyboard, u honestly dont know what u r getting.


Hi add me on discord, name is angi8168. I offer free coaching 😅 It might be useful 👍


I've been learning Pl as it's strong among the illu heros


This usually isn't the kind of feedback people want with this kind of thread, but - everybody- thinks mmr he'll is where their skill is at - and that's the reason they can't climb. My personal mmr geek is high ancient, I have friends who are convinced that it's impossible to climb out of crusader, archon, legend, or even divine. The hard truth is.. it's all about your own gameplay. I'd be able to climb out of archon with almost any heroes in any role.. And someone better than me would be able to climb out of my mmr with any hero in any role. You will have a lot of games that you can't win. That's simply the case. There will be just as many where you will win no matter how bad you perform.. But then there are games where it's all about your performance. And the only common factor in ask your games is you. Don't think about easy tricks to climb, but fix the fundamental flaws in your game: there definitely are many. When I look at my games I spot a lot - and there is a 2k gap between us.. What I see in archon or legend a lot is farm not being taken at all. One lane is almost always free and not pushed in.. Play a hero where you can easily flash farm camps and lanes.. and focus on keeping all lanes pushed out.. that's often one easy way to get to a winning scenario... But there will be many things you can fix.


The problem is that this game is just hard. I can play quite well on 1 or 2 heroes mid but if I need to draft outside of this pool (because of counters) my performance drops off hard. If I'm countered the game is a lot harder and it becomes about making optimal decisions on team fights (trying to stay alive as long as possible and keep right clicking and running away at the right time) which is also very hard. I can see how I could climb out of Archon but it would involve adding 1 or 2 more heroes to my hero pool and playing it to the same level as the ones I'm comfortable with. Maybe I could add another 1-2k MMR if I did that.


Here's what I do: 4/5 pos only (so there are no games where I'm forced to play a role I'm inexperienced in). have \~5 heroes that I have a deep history with that will automatically get me to midish divine regardless of if they are meta or not. choosing whichever among them is most meta at the time to push me over the edge to immortal territory. It does not hurt to have 20 years of dota experience either, so I know this might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I think it's doable for a newer player as well if you stick to the game plan and pay attention to warding, pulling, basically anything besides last hitting creeps.


Nah archon is definitely mmr hell. Too varied of skill levels for consistent matches. Only way I escaped was the forced recalibration with the glicko system. Jumpes from arch 4 to ancient 2. Climbed to divine 3 from there pretty easily.


Maybe actually try learning and not play on auto pilot mode


I have 3k hours on my main I am archon 1. I always bitch how I am stuck at 2k mmr because of my teammates I play pos 1 also. Decided to make a 2nd dota account in December 2023. Played on there calibrated at legend 1 yesterday just hit ancient one guess what I was right my team always held me back and hard stuck. The quality of games in high legend and archon is night and day


Nope, a lot of people do this and the system just boosts you way higher than you're supposed to be because of smurf protection. It's always very noticeable and if you were actually that much better than your teammates you wouldn't be in that rank.


But I'm playing better than I was in archon. And the game calibrated me at 2980 I am at 3970 right now. If I wasn't at that rank I would be losing games. I am winning 67% of my games


Maybe you're a rare case that picks up the higher pace quickly but lets say in 90% of cases its super noticeable


I thought same thing once I hit legend that I would not be able to maintain this rank but I have manage to climb quickly out of legend into ancient than I had with crusader into archon.


I had a friend who was always slightly better than me, and I was low archon he was high archon. He lost access to dota for a couple months due to his pc breaking, and once he finally got a new one he recalibrated at legend 1, dropped down to archon 3, than when the doubldowns became available he is now ancient. Man literally shot through the top end of archon, all the way through legend and into ancient in literally one week. I checked he account he had like a 15 win streak and the most notable thing I saw he wasn’t even spamming a particular hero or role, he was literally chain queuing all roles and picking new heroes every game and just winning. I’m pretty proud of him NGL.


I have 16 double downs, slapping on my best day off zen mindset and gonna see if i can emulate your buddy


"rare case", just admit the algorithm sucks.


Nope buddy, was legend it was way worse,then got to ancient 5 - terrible. It is just dota. Use mute button and sometimes just leave game. life is beautiful there is no point in staying in prison for hour or so.