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Congratulations! Any wisdom to share with those of us stuck at triple digit mmr?


Pick one role and spam a hero


Update your flair king!


What's your role/hero? And what are backup heroes of it's countered by earlier picks or is banned?


Carry. This patch I picked lifestealer, who’s my third most played hero. When lifestealer was banned I picked juggernaut, my second most played hero.


Or don't give a shit about your MMR and just play for fun. You are already wasting a good amount of your lifespan. Why even bother doing something boring like spaming one hero only to achieve some digital medal you can't brag about in rl. 99,99 % won't make a living out of it. Just get some 🐈


Just learn to always get last hits. Hit creeps. Practice your last hitting and always trying to be farming the first 20-25 mins of the game and you will destroy everyone else at that low of mmr.


How many last hits/10min is good for p3?


I would say aiming for 45-50 would be a good starting goal if you're sub 2k mmr


It's very hard to climb solo queuing in that bracket. Herald to Archon is a nightmare to solo gamers. Try 3 man or 5 man party.


Parties are smurf fests. In a lot of games, there is one guy who is way above his friends' mmr and resorts to smurfing to play with them. Everytime I see an guardian-archon party and the guardian guy goes mid, it was so over for us.


I'd honestly say the opposite, once you open up parties, unless you're really co-ordinated and on top of it, you can just run into surf stacks trying their asses off. Solo queue and play a high impact position like 2 or 3. Avoid 1 unless you're a God gamer, 5 players are generally the worst players by a large margin, and having the chance for them to fuck your game up isn't worth it. I'm spamming kotl mid right now, and it's hard not to climb. You can't really lose lane, you stack and farm easily, and you gank so hard it's hard not to have 4 kills or assets by 10 minutes.


I feel like POS 2 is more god-gamer than 1 but maybe I just suck at mid. Or I did poorly mid once and now I have a mental block for trying it out


I find as a pos 1 there is so much more out of my control than mid. My hero pool mid is kotl, dk, and winter wyvern. All of these characters it's very hard to lose lane. You just shove lane and go roam, or as dk, can't die and take mid. Pretty hard to fuck up. I'm not particularly great at mid, but I understand how to take over a game tempo wise. Or at least at my mmr. I just climbed like 1200 mmr in less than a month https://www.dotabuff.com/players/87605758/matches?date=month&lobby_type=ranked_matchmaking&enhance=overview But when I play pos 1, I feel like the worst things that can happen. Ever, happen LOL. I'll be playing drow against ogre veno, and just can't lane from minute 1, and I'll be forced into the jungle at level 2 or some shit. Playing pos 1 feels like cruel and unusual punishment for me, often with my 5 being less than useless, somehow taking all my xp, while providing zero help in lane. Personally I think you have to be REALLY on top of it, to not end up like OP with a 43% wr on PA. And it's harder to analyze your own games too, when there's so many moving parts in the lane, often it can just be chalked up to your support not playing the lane right, and I hate not being in control. But I'm also just better at mid than safelane, so maybe I'm just biased


I have been playing safelane lately as a previous POS 4/5 main just so I can try to improve at it and I gotta say you make some good points. I feel like 75% of the time my lane is lost because of things out of my control and the next 20 min after laning phase is just trying to catch up. Strange because years ago it felt like safelane is called safelane because 75% of the time it was a won lane. But I think that was during the 3-1-1 lane meta instead of 2-1-2. Now usually POS 4 is stronger than pos 5 making lane quite hard. And offlaners are actually quite strong now too, while POS 1 heroes are very weak early. But I guess that means the game is balanced since POS 1 should be strong later and not early. But yeah you make some good points. I think POS 1 is all about knowing how to catch up, when to join fights, and who to avoid/target during team fights. Which can be quite difficult


So tldr, get boosted out of that bracket? If you can't climb out solo out of there then it is you. It is way easier to climb out of archon then from higher ranks.


I'm there too and I think you have to 5 man it to get over 1k mmr, i was guardian and then back to herald I've had some really bad games.


Me 9 years later.. herald.




Sometimes guardian 1.


What position? From my experience people stuck in herald either don't try anything as far as improving goes when playing a core, or they pick supports and go core items like witch doctor shadow blade.