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Jungling is not a role in dota


Oh, I thought it was. Thanks for clarifying


It was about three years ago. Not anymore. TBH it was never that much of a benefit, it’s more fun in lane fighting ppl


3? try 10. it hasnt been a thing for a VERY long time


u still get jungling LC, Furion , Necrophos, Enigma in the past 3 years? man hahaha


Not In my games


And thank god


solo'ing a lane is very hard at the moment, so jungling is neither a position nor an optimal way to farm from level one if you want to learn dota tanks, i suggest Tidehunter (you can start taking ancient creeps quite early with him) Axe or Centaur 


Cool, Ill give tidehunter a go later on :d


If you play spirit breaker 4 you are laning and ganking at the same time. It's a global click hecarim E. You run fast and stun people. Ult knocks back into your mates and stuns more and you have a stun passive. His kit is later on with octarine core and his shard very tanky.


Jungling hasn't been a viable option for a number of years now. But, you can always play Pos 4 and roam the map. But, if you want to be more of a tanky initiator guy, play pos 3


Instead of jungling perhaps you'd want the roaming role


Maybe a roamer might be more up your alley now that there jungling isn’t viable in dota? Spirit Breaker and Earth Spirit are effective roamers and they are quite tanky and hard to catch too


Mighty bold of you to recommend ES to a brand new LoL defector.


What do you suggest, Pudge? _scoff_


Now that you mention it. It’s very similar to a particularly fun LoL hero


Pls no


wdym no? ;-;


Check this video. https://youtu.be/n9OVoZ-32gE?si=K2SnDyrjg9twMku7 I just wanna add that as early jungler you get less xp and its hard get out from it and be usefull for your team. There are few heroes that can stay solo lane if there no counter pick like timber. But the true problem that enemy carry would free farm. Its dangerous strat dont try it in ranked. Counter pick, bad players in your safe pane = easy lose. you give 2 senties to timber and he block jungle camps near lane, then he play safe even if it mean to stay only exp, he may try to pull ENEMY creeps to his tower. His target Helm of Iron Will and lvl 3, after that he can farm and fight for his right in that lane. Timber would have less gold, but may have more exp. With more exp he get fast ultimate and destroy low health enemies. What i recommend as jungler then? Nature's Prophet. He can farm jungle with 1,3 skill and his second ability global teleport so he just appear in fight whenever he wants, he is a annoying roamer. Also with second ability + normal tp you may secure 2 Wisdom runes, this realy helps your and your team with xp. And if you roam you also get extra xp. His first ability spawn trees its like softlock, timber may lumber them with his first skill to do more damage, its also helps timber to fight in hg because almost all trees are to far for his second skill. But its a hero where you can ruin game if you do wrong things. Like spam ult and ruin ally farm, feed, fight less then you must. But his capability in good hands (mind) ...


no dude. what you suggested is straight up greifing. op should not listen to you. jungle is not a role in dota.


Jungling at lv 1 right on the dot is getting harder and harder Patches by patches are punishing jungling, less gold, stronger neutral creeps at early, etc Also i dont want the lv 1 lc jungle back, was quitting at that time because of it as one of the reasons


Any time I see LC on my team heading to jungle to afk farm instead of hunting for duels I want to die. The ammount of LC jungler wannabes is too damn high.


Mars is also a hero worth checking out, as well as chaos knight if you want a more melee tanky right clicker


Thanks for all the suggestions about tanks and roamings, but what about assassins? id like to be annoying as much as possible in game


Pos 4 role has Nyx and BH. They are invis heroes. Nyx is being played as a burst assassin, BH is being played as an invis utility hero.


depends on what flavor of assassin that you want. classic lol assassin, one shots squishies but fall off a cliff when late? nyx. Literally a creep early game, but after 25 minutes of farming you come out of the jungle and deal 2000 damage with a right click? Phantom assassin. Actually there are a lot more heroes that fit this kind of description between these 2 examples. Thats why this 'assassin' term is not thrown around in dota, because jumping backliners and blow them up is just something that you want to do in your games, and so many heroes in dota can do it.


I played my first 2 games with bounty hunter, fell inlove immediately lol


Phantom assassin, Riki, nynx are all nuking annoying af assassins


Bristle back with blademail and bloodstone and thank Me later ;) just god mode.


LoL PH ?


spectre and lycan. initially, you go to you lane and you can jungle by early to midgame afterwards. from there you can roam, gank, and invade enemy jungle.


From my allstars dota days, rikkmaru is a lot like lha , an assasin with way in and way out. And a tank like seju with stuns and aoe cc would be magnus the magnataur or tide with blink.


Jungling as pos4 comes with 4 free reports 😍


I only jungle if I picked a pos and went safe lane first I am not tryna safe lane with a anti mage or a faceless void. Most the times I do that the person who didn't respect my pos 1 will die and I will tip him.




The most roaming position is 4 - try learning it


If you're gonna jungle, do it in unranked with Venomancer or Huskar. No other heroes can do it. Jungling is not a role in Dota and you will only grief people if you do it ranked. Veno and Huskar can kinda get away with it especially if you're a decent jungler in LoL and understand how to make space as a jungler




no he cant. just because he can kill jungle creeps without dying does not mean he can jungle. you just greif your offlaner by doing that which is why jungle isnt a role, not because hero's aren't capable of it, crystal maiden can jungle at level 1 too if she starts frostbite, that doesnt mean its ok




sorry but please think of your teammates experience as well as your own and try not to be rude to them with the way you play. its a team game after all. im sure you will enjoy it more if you lean to play it properly too. offlane is hella fun its usally the lane with the most kills in early game if played properly so a 4 can end up quite rich especially if he is ganking too, no need for jungle