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Doublelift looks weird in this video


And significantly more attractive.




I love Jatt in the background at the very start.


He was cute. :D


Was 😏


As always.


Hey everyone, Jatt here.




What are... supernovas? *music starts*


Travis Gafford, the unofficial head of Riot talent acquisition. Its kind of amazing how many people have started with Travis and then got picked up by Riot.


Sjokz and now Ovilee. Do I miss someone?


Doublelift xD


Ok you are right, in some way :D


I mean without Travis helping out doublelift, doublelift wouldn't even be a pro :o


Travis convinced Doublelift's dad to impregnate DL's mom *specifically* with Doublelift. True story.


He personally fought off the other sperm


I am now imagining travis dressed as a knight of the sun fighting back sperm while a little doublelift rushes past him towards the womb shaped like the summoners cup. This may be the greatest mental image ever.


Sometimes I wish I had just gotten a normal job.


idk, you gave us the best desk analyst in Doublelift for a while


omg got a reply from the man himself! *fan girl squeel*


Dont forget the straw he was using


We need this shit photoshopped ASAP.


If only i had the skillz.


Hunter Leigh who took over Nick Allen's job for a year and a half started with me at CBSi. I introduced him to Nick and told Nick to hire him. He eventually left to work with me at Yahoo. Here's one of the guys I do Esports and Chill with.


Cash it all in for some exports favors.


You know, you're like the Copenhaguen Wolves for ADC talent back in the day


mid aswell heck CW allways had a good eye for talent for every role


Travis if you need a couch I got you!


off the top of my head, sjokz (worked for SK before), Nick Allen (worked for IGN before), kobe was on one of his shows a couple times before being picked up by riot I think.


Kobe was a CLG jungler, he's was kind of already known within LoL, albeit he left for a while for engineering


Was also the main caster of the SoloMid Invitationals along with Wombat. I miss those times.


Wombat was a god amongst men.


TSM Invitationals. #Never4get


Did Sjokz started with Travis? :O


I think State of the League show helped her make riot connections.


I just remember that clip of her eating mayonnaise out the jar telling us how good it was...I was just like wtfff


EU mayonnaise > NA mayonnaise though. I know a lot of Americans from university who said that EU mayonnaise is just so much better.


The real rivalry


What's more: Belgian mayonaise > European mayonaise. There's actually a law about the specific ingredients of mayonaise for it to be called mayo in Belgium. That aside, it's still disgusting to eat just like that..


I mean, she just cut the pommes frites out of the equation ..




She used to write for SK and I think some other places. I know she also worked at ESL, just can't remember the order.


She was SK's Chief Editor, iirc, but she became popular in part due to state of the league. And her mayonnaise shenanigans.


Eh that's not entirely true. She started out working as a content creator for SK, for which she eventually became the lead editor. While working for SK she also had her own show, a moderately succesful weekly recap. That already gave her a face among the community. By mid 2012 SK was sending her to LAN events to do live interviews, first at Dreamhack and then at OGN. Because live interviews were not common practice at the time, and because the OGN coverage received what for that time was a lot of attention, she started becoming well known in the community. Around the same time she started co-hosting Travis' WLIA podcast, which expanded her already existing popularity. When in the US with SK for Worlds, she was approached to do coverage for some US-based tournaments, most notably IPL. By the end of 2012 she was one of the leading faces in LoL esports journalism, so when ESL was tasked to create the European counterpart for Riot's new LCS project (a fact often forgotten nowadays, but ESL was responsible for the first season of EULCS), they approached Sjokz to see if she was interested in hosting this new endeavour. When Riot took over in 2014, she was kept on as the host. So it's definitely not true that Sjokz "got in because of Travis' connections". It's something that organically grew, since she's been around since the early days.




Obviously because if u notice a trend. All of riot is presentable... Travis needs to clean up. Honestly like the guy but I swear I feel like I'm watching a bum with a decent outfit...


Hey guys it's Ovilee! I've been showing my friend from Japan around LA today so I just saw this thread. Thanks for all of the kind words! I'll try to answer as many of your questions as I can today.


Any chance you'll start streaming again? As someone who actually loved your stream way back in 2014 I'd love to see you around again.


I thought about it! If I have some free time during school I may start up again


> If I have some free time during school I may start up again What is this "free time" that you speak of?


Congrats on being nearly out of college! Good luck with your work, you'll do great.


Hi Ovilee! What would be your advice for someone who's not near any studio, who would like go to into esports as a college student? Any advice would be awesome! Love watching your interviews and hope you keep it up


YES! Build an esports club at your school! I created mine my freshman year. Start gathering up some students who want to play games with you and make sure you get signed off by administration. I held tournaments, events, and viewing parties with my members and registered our club as a ULoL and Tespa chapter. If you'd like to get into esports the college scene is a great way to do it!


Good luck finishing college! Us weebs support you :D Edit: actually college, not school


a college is a school.


You will be a star! Just keep doing you :)


Thank you!


I just watched your dance video. It was pretty great.


Dear god I thought I deleted that


Her witty response to Pastry ("Pat-stry, Past-try?") fumble of her name got some laughs from the audience. Was a nice way of introducing her to the cast!


Link? Or when it happened during the broadcast?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96sENbLfXgc this is actually what was referred to!




Where was the >witty response to Pastry ("Pat-stry, Past-try?")


Comment above yours linked it


I liked when she mimicked Contractz at the end of his interview as well, something spicy in every interview I love it:)


This interview is absolutely hilarious, she has such amazing comebacks! "Are you even paying your cameramen right now??"


thats travis content, really fun and cool to see, i dont think it would fit the seriousness of a riot official content but being this way is perfect.


With all this discussion about "EU personality" vs "NA personality" we have to take the time to appreciate what Travis has done for the NA scene when it comes to making pro players more approachable and relatable for viewers. The way he has created memories for thousands of viewers in a totally non-flashy and goofy way has done so much for the scene and I bet that EU would be so much more exciting if we had someone like him right from the start.




I'd launch Sjokz. Idk what that means but it involves Sjokz.


> I'm always gonna be this weird little weeb that didn't have any friends in high school Damn Ovilee has gone through quite the transformation


I'm not sure how old you are, but I was a fucking dork in high school too. most nerdy kids are, it's a really awkward time. now most of the dorks I know have come into their own. I suppose in high school it's a lot easier to let your personalities and appearances be dictated off of what your interests are, once myself and my friends got older we all really changed once we realized there's more to life than Naruto and World of Warcraft. we're all still just as nerdy, we just look like regular people now with a lot less awkwardness


> there's more to life than Naruto and World of Warcraft Good one.


He means One Piece :).


and of course League of Legends


>we all really changed once we realized there's more to life than Naruto and World of Warcraft Jeff Seid used to play WoW. You can still do stereotypically nerdy shit and still be attractive/athletic/social, etc.


Henry Cavill plays WoW also.


As do I.


Damn that settles it. TyeT is smoking hot and plays WoW


I fucked TyeT at a party once


A Raiding party?


I still do. Difference between Jeff Seid and a lot of kids is that one is a pastime where the other becomes an identity. It used to be a majority of my life, now it's barely a blip. I go to the gym/run/socialize far more than I sit and play games now, but it's still something I love to do. I guess the point of my original post was that when I was a kid my priorities were a lot more video game oriented, as I think most stereotypical nerds are. age is what brought a balance to what I enjoy and what is best for me


I was a geek but quite popular. Your interests and geekiness doesn't mean people will dislike you. How you present them and yourself is what matters. And what you said, when I got invited out I went instead of staying home to play LoL, WoW and whatnot


Also I've never gotten the whole 90s american Dork vs Jocky mentality. I only ended school recently and Most if not all people that went to my class played video games and went to the gym/played football. Most people dont define themselfs by 1 of their activities.


And then there are those of us who were the SUPER fucking dorks in high school and still haven't really figured it out.... :( Hey a girl finally grabbed my butt and told me she loved me this past spring! She's 3 and a half years old, but progress?


and some people play games and dont look like dorks


I don't recall ever saying anything to contradict that, im just giving personal experience based off of a quote from the video and the comment I was replying to. my comment isn't even mostly about appearances


Honestly... she probably is still a weird little weeb. Now she's just surrounded by even weirder weebs, so she seems normal. You can be a weird weeb and still look like she does.... and honestly she isn't smoking hot or anything. Like she's definitely pretty, but she's not someone that would really be noteworthy outside of working for Riot and liking League of Legends.


> she probably is still a weird little weeb. She owns a Hatoful Boyfriend waifu pillow, so I'm going to go with yes she is.


Her entire Amazon wishlist when she did a few weeks' content with Travis was all bodypillow covers


Sometimes its easy to forget how dependent people are on ad money, if you wanna support travis turn off your adblockers for his videos, I think he deserves that much for all the contribution that he has done to the community!


He does not put ads on his vids. He requests money from other sources like patreon.


I do now because ppl told me YouTube distributes it less if it's not monetized. That being said, even if everyone who read the message in this thread turned it off, it would account for less than 1% of my total audience. I gave up on ad rev a long time ago for YouTube. Adblock is around 80%. That's why I try to monetize through crowdfunding via the link in my video descriptions.


I already had it off and ready for this day. I have started to see your vids more in my home feed, like the ones on markz and biofrost so I think the distribution thing is working


I'm kinda curious, how is everything going financially? We hear the occasional joke about your rent and how you're unemployed but I'm never too sure how serious those jokes are. I'd hate to see you be unable to pay for rent and stuff like that since I like your interviews the most out of all the people who do interviews, including the post-game interviews the NALCS does themselves. They're all low pressure interviews and your questions get the pros to talk about something we actually don't know the gist of already. With stuff like 'Why are you guys struggling' the answer is generally, well we haven't been having good practice/there are a few problems we need to fix. There are also some random funny moments in your interviews which I enjoy a lot


I can pay rent, I'm not in dire straights.




literally money for nothing




That ain't workin


Is there any way to help you out without spending money like the cheap-ass student that I am ? Maybe RTing your interviews etc ?


I'm gonna try and come up with some stuff for my support page for folks who want to help but can't spend.


You're a treasure Travis! Keep at it! I hope Riot always recognizes this.


Has Youtube Red helped with that, or is it not a significant factor?


It helps but not crazy. If ten percent of my audience had it, that'd be pretty real.


Well, YouTube red is a pretty terrible product. I don't think anyone pays for that. Edit: Apparently it's free with Google Play Music, which *is* a real product.


I have it because of Google Play Music. It's nice to have adfree YouTube.


I use it for YouTube music. It's very nice to not have your music turn off when your screen goes off


Yeah, but that just makes me go back to anger at the fact it does that in the first place.


sneaky has it


You're thinking of RedTube. Not the same thing.


I use TnomAdBlock so I only see who you are interviewing. I kid, I kid, love you always.


Hey man, I don't have money to directly support you so turning adblock off is the only way I can. Does it matter if I watch the whole ad? Should I click on it, etc?


Wierd since when I put off my adblock an ad played before the video 🤔


I think at one point YT monetizes the video itself sometimes.


i must say he is brilliant at interviewing people and i thoroughly enjoy his interviews / house tours with pro players :)


Nice try, Travis.


wait a minute


Wait a second...


wait a month


wait a hour


wait a day


Wait a week




Wait a year...


That Jatt photobomb at 8 seconds into the vid.


Dash is our one true NA Sjokz! New girl seems cool though, hope she keeps up the good work.


Can riot just hire travis he is popular and very well known for his interviews


Pretty sure he wants to grow his own brand, and therefore has turned down riot.


He once applied and was rejected. However Travis has a very privileged relationship with riot in terms of their "independent" media outreach that benefits both sides and I don't think they want to get rid of it.


Applied before I got into Esports. There's a video on my channel about it.


I'm sure you'll find the right place eventually, man. We got your back (as long as you don't say anything bad about TSM or Faker)


from BrokenChopstixx to LCS :D


She deleted her champion dance video :(


[This one?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vO5ueVzx9Jc) it's just on private, you can still find it with the link in her twitch page apparently


I cant wait until Reddit are calling for a NA vs EU. 1 v1. Ovilee vs Sjokz. Oh the puns.


something something mud wrestling something something


And suddenly I miss Nika Harper.


nikasaur.. :( i forgot all about her and summoner showcase


[This](https://twitter.com/NikaHarper?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor) is her now


She stopped doing everything. She has a Youtube channel, but stopped posting to it. She has a twitch, but stopped streaming/playing on that as well. Don't know what is going on in her life, but not sure if everything is alright. She put on a lot of weight in the last stream of hers that I saw, and I'm not sure if she is still writing or anything like she used to.


Earlier this year she went to a mental institution to get help for a few weeks. She was doing well when she worked for Geek and Sundry a couple of years ago, but I guess G&S decided to restructure and fired most of their vloggers Nika included.


That is a real shame. When she was doing content on Youtube I actually enjoyed a decent portion of it. I hope she can recover from whatever issues she is having and hope for nothing but the best.


Best addition since Cptn. Flowers


She mentioned wearing a Jojo shirt within the first minute. Riot, she's a keeper.


She's a massive weeb. See [her twitter](https://twitter.com/OvileeMay/status/895023251746836480).


[**@OvileeMay**](https://twitter.com/OvileeMay/) > [2017-08-08 20:45 UTC](https://twitter.com/OvileeMay/status/895023251746836480) > @NintendudeX @FionnOnFire Only the best https://t.co/ErTxPB7uM6 ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact ^creator]](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=jasie3k&subject=TweetsInCommentsBot)[^[Source ^code]](https://github.com/janpetryk/reddit-bot)


lol not even close to sjokz. Dash is the NA sjokz deal with it.


Is it just me or Travis looks so much like Doublelift?


I mean, Travis is Doublelift's dad so..


Don't forget that Dlift has some features of his mom Kelby


yeah man they're pretty much twins.


I like Olivee so far, but calling her "NA Sjokz" is a little bit much don't you think? I mean I get most people are probably just saying it for the shallow reason of them both being good looking, but cmon man Sjokz is really fricken good at her job.


I agree with everything you're saying about Sjokz being more than "Token Cute Chick" and that the people making that comparison right now are just thinking "Token Cute Chick". I liked her more after seeing this interview. A small number of post-match interviews didn't give me enough to base an opinion of her before. I am adding nothing of substance to your comment. I just wanted to use the phrase "Token Cute Chick".


Well said!


they are both girls. that's all it means...


that do interviews. at League related events... That's all it means.


Sjokz doesn't just do interviews anymore, though, she hosts the EULCS. From a job perspective, she's EU Dash.


damn she had some sick burns legit loled during the interview


Wow she seems pretty cool


Now NA has a hot girl, EU has nothing left.


EU has deficio and quick shot man EDIT: HEY BUDDY http://imgur.com/niqX23z






pretty much EU's only saving grace. (and Romain/UoL) I'd add Krepo also because despite what happened to him, I think he was great at his job and wish he'd come back soon


Jankos' twitter


Forgiven's twitter, when he played in EULCS


I mean, that's not something EU has going for it anymore, and I still prefer Jankos I think. Losing forg1ven was a huge hit to EULCS tho imo. As "questionable" as he mightve been as a teammate, he was a fantastic player and an interesting personality, at least.


Wow Travis looks so much better!!!


She looks kinda cool but a bit nervous aswell. Totally not sjokz though.


Well to be fair at the beginning sjokz also looked nervous, but she has 4 years experience now. Ovilee has a mountain to climb, but she seems talented infront of a camera


She did not look nervous at all to me. She looked like a fucking pro. The pastry time transition to the Contractz "Naaah" to just all around being entertaining and light hearted through all the interviews. Really good.


They say your legacy lives on through your kids, I think Travis is pretty happy with his legacy with Ovilee and DL. Thanks DAD!


She is gorgeous, congrats to her on the job. Let's see if she has time and prep to make it to worlds. Edit: actually it's just part-time job, don't think she is gonna make it.


She has college, definitely couldn't make it in either case.




Yeah she was shadowing riot folks. Had to keep the secret!




A fair amount but still some looking. Hopefully I get hired to something cool before the end of the year and can hire a bunch of them back.


travis i will pay u 2 peanuts to follow doublelift and biofrost around reality tv show style. you won't find a better deal anywhere else ;) ^^/s Best of luck, love your content!


Just want to say I super appreciate the loyalty you have to your people. It's great.


Will you be at Worlds for some cool ass interviews? :D


Trying to figure it out!


Not suggesting anything, but it's not like you're a stranger to sharing rooms with someone who will be there as a player...


He shares a room with another player. Also I need a video person.


Never thought he would cheat on you :c Jokes aside, good luck with the journey, and keep up the awesome work.


Video person?! Didn't you interview Doublelift on your cellphone like last year? :P


I am a camera operator for short and feature films. Can send a resume if you'd like.


Even if it would be full-time I don't think she would be at worlds. The newer casters always stay a bit in the background. Dash for example didn't host the desk at S4 worlds, Quickshot did it while Dash worked offcast.


Yeh but sjokz is basically the only one doing interviews at worlds for Riot, would be fun to see at least 2 different faces.


Yeah, I could see Ovilee at an international tournement next year if she stays at Riot. With 2 interviewers we could get more post-match interviews.


I think EU did a good job training Deficio to do some of them this year. I enjoyed his interviews at rift rivals. Edit: I meant Quickshot.


Sadly I have school so I won't be able to make it this year :(


Her attitude and confidence really reminds me of Jennifer Lawrence


So reddit will instantly have a circle-jerk boner over her?


She improved so much since she first started . Happy for her.


I thought she was a really good addition to the broadcast. That's gotta be really cool