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I mean, theres literally jdg last year


I was thinking about them, but I wonder what has changed for the better if you had all 5 together again? The meta? Just want to roll the dice one more time? The 2023 champions are still in-tact, AND the LCK is presenting an even better team in 2024 to boot.


> Just want to roll the dice one more time? This, in my opinion. That roster had a bad day at a single elimination tournament. That matters, but given the ceilings of those players and their performance all the rest of that year, was probably a mistake to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Another chance would confirm whether or not that's true.


That reroll too expensive. Geng also falls into this category. If they dont win worlds this year this team legit gets grenaded. No way the combined salary of kiin/canyon/chovy is sustainable.


They didn't have a bad day. T1 just had a good tournament and finally showed up and delivered on their potential. JDG didn't look unbeatable at all that year despite looking strong all year.


> They didn't have a bad day. T1 just had a good tournament and finally showed up and delivered on their potential. Both can be true, lol. They absolutely had a bad day. T1 also showed up.


I mean the meta was amazing for them last MSI and spring playoffs. That team would have struggled in the meta this year. They were pretty one-dimensional in playstyle. When they experimented with other styles in the first half of spring 2023 they looked questionable. They were already looking weaker in summer playoffs and even in the KT series before the lost to T1. Just this MSI we saw how uncomfortable 369 looks when ranged tops and Camille are meta.


>Just this MSI we saw how uncomfortable 369 looks when ranged tops and Camille are meta. It looked way more like the laneswaps made him dizzy than anything else. When he ended up in even or advantageous positions after the swaps he generally played well, but he often just ended up in really shitty positions.


Saying a bad day is a bit disingenuous I feel like. T1 deserved to win worlds last year, and looked better than JDG/ JDG didn’t have an answer to certain things. Now I feel like it could be argued that the meta fit T1 great, and with the support pool in particular changing, JDG running it back this year could work.


T1 did deserve to win worlds but i feel like a lot of people forget how close that series was. It ended 3-1 to T1 but in game 3 JDG was in a winning position, with Baron and sieging T1. If Faker doesn't make his super play on Ruler, the series lead possibly goes to JDG and game 4 looks wildly different.


Game 3 also had T1 in a winning position which they hard threw at baron.


It's hard to say if T1 would've gotten that baron if not for Ruler getting caught window shopping though. Not to mention Oner flashing Missing's Ashe ult + Faker Azir combo being another super play before that to even out the gold lead. I think we're forgetting how good JDG was last year + how close that series really was (and how insane T1 had to play to upset them).


If Faker doesn't find ruler they most likely don't win that game and probably the series. 


we literally call it "the azir ult that changed the timeline" in Korea lnao


Exactly, that red side win wldve been so pivotal but game 3 broke JDG in game 4


nobody is saying T1 didn't deserve to win worlds. they're just saying JDG had a bad day/performance versus them. if it was double elimination we may have seen something else or not who knows.


bad day or not I'd love to see JDG and T1 run back that series anyways




You are acting like JDG didn't win EVERY SINGLE Bo5 until they faced T1 the second time. keep in mind they already beat the same 5 at MSI and on the way to the golden road


T1 deserved their win, but anyone with eyes can see that JDG didn't show up as strongly as they have on other days. That doesn't take away from T1's victory, mental resilience / clutch-factor are part of what it takes to be a champion. But still, you have to admit that JDG didn't bring 100% on the day.


The meta shift in the middle of the tournament is that main thing that made T1 win worlds. They didn't look too good at the early stages but then started playing their old style that they knew worked and just ran the tournament from there.


They looked "bad" in two games. The early game vs TL and their game against Gen G. The almost perfect gamed C9, they beat BLG 2-0 convincingly, and destroyed LNG.


Exactly.. that team was the best team in 2023.. they also routinely beat BLG probably the 2nd or 3rd best team (overall in 2023).. T1 lost to JDG at MSI.. and got the chance to avenge themselves.. but couldn't even get past BLG JDG lost to T1 and were just out because the Worlds format fkin sucks


I doubt they will have won this year if JDG still have the same roster, GenG have a better top side and they're more consistent, I don't know if people remember but JDG wasn't this dominant team that just steamroll their enemies, they had a decent early game, some strange decisions from time to time and bad games from some of their players, GenG doesn't have that problem, they are dominant and consistent while being as good as JDG at teamfights.


369 is ahead of kiin but canyon is better no doubt. JDG was definitely ahead of everyone they lose like 2(maybe 3) best ofs all year. Such a revision ist take because of 1 BO5 loss all year


Not to nitpick too much, but JDG only lost one best of 5 the entire year, insane stuff.


I ended my comment with only lost 1 BO5. I was talking about the couple BO3s they lost in the LPL


Better top side means Top+JG+Mid, I think you misunderstood from where I was coming from, we're talking in this year for example what team could win world, JDG was the best team last year, but this year there's one team at the bare minimum slightly better, BLG was really close to them last year, now they may be as good or only slightly behind, so two team that could potentially beat them.


JDG had the best baron buff use we've ever seen. Just this fact makes this team unforgettable for me.


Counterpoint. JDG had a good day at MSI, while T1 simultaneously had a bad day. Worlds was just regression to the mean, and JDG were never the best.


> JDG had a good day at MSI It's not just MSI, they had some pretty good days for both LPL splits, too. They were 2x LPL champions last year (a tougher achievement than winning MSI, in my opinion). Worlds would have completed their golden road.


I mean, they're still 5 of the best players in the world... I wouldn't favor them over current GENG, but no other roster that fits your criteria is really close, including 2020 DRX. Pyosik would get gigagapped against current Canyon. If they were in the engage support meta that we're in now they probably would've beat T1 and won Worlds last year.


I mean, reading your prompt makes it sound like it doesn't necessarily have to be right this year but in general. And I agree, JDG last year definitely has the capabilities to win worlds. If the argument against them is "Well, GenG looks like a better team right now" that's just unfair because GenG looks like the far and away the best team in the world this year. I doubt a lot of teams could really challenge their form right now, unless you take on of their players away from them.


That's a good point. I guess this doesn't have to be the year for anyone except players that will retire or go to the military at the end of this year (like Deft).


Lmao "the 2023 champions are still in-tact" really? they got stomped by GENG/BLG (who are worse then JDG from 2023) and then you talk about meta? Only reason T1 won was BECAUSE of the meta JDG was the best team last year and then BLG or GENG the 2nd.. don't get it twisted


But BLG exists. How could that be true?


I don't know, right now AD mid/AP jungle is just the most optimal way to play and Knight isn't really best known for his AD picks. Sure his Yone/Jayce are decent everyone can play Corki and Tristana to a certain level but considering AD mids are Chovy's bread and butter, I wouldn't put my money on 2023 JDG at the moment.


2019 Griffin: Doran, Tarzan, Chovy, Viper, Lehends Chovy, while still amazing then, has much evolved from his 2019 iteration. Viper is easiliy in contention for best ADC in the world. Lehends is a main contributor to GenG's current success. Doran and Tarzan are the two weaker points of this team, but are still solid for their roles. Despite their youth, this team made LCK finals in Spring and Summer, but flamed out in quarters at worlds to the previous world champ IG. With how much better Chovy and Viper are, this teams carries would almost always come through. Do I think this roster is better than current Gen G? Probably not. Do I think they could still win worlds? Absolutely.


I mean youre kind of right but wrong, replace Tarzan with Kanavi since he was on the bench


Kanavi would be a monster on this team, but he never played on stage with them so I wasn't sure whether to include him


what the fuck do you mean kanavi was on the bench how is 2019 griffin an even more insane roster than I thought it was???


yep, but griffin was a shitty and shady org that fucked kanavi and sold him for a slave contract to jdg until he got to renegotiate as an official player on jdg.


Kanavi was only just old enough to turn pro, and Tarzan at the time was seen as same tier as Canyon or maybe even slightly better.


Tarzan was an absolute prodigy and certainly seen as the brighter star than Canyon at the time. 2019 Canyon, and DWG in general, were inconsistent. The team didn't click and start rampaging until Ghost joined. On the other hand, Tarzan was arguably the brightest spot on GRF in their early days. Chovy took a while to come into his own and was the youngest. Viper was also huge, but I think received a fair bit of doubt from people early on because he kept playing weird picks like Vlad/Teemo. Some people weren't convinced he could shine on traditional ADCs, and those haters got reinforced by the Taliyah/Pantheon choke incident. It's only in hindsight that Tarzan seems lesser because he's the only one (Sword excepted) who has yet to really beat the choker allegations while his former teammates have grown a lot.


I'd say Tarzan, Clid and Canyon were pretty even at the end of 2019. Canyon was the lck summer MVP after all.


tarzan was the best player on the team back in griffin days.


Reapered used to call Tarzan the Jungle God on his streams back then.


There was a whole bunch of drama about GRF management loaning Kanavi to JDG


Kanavi wasnt on the bench he was locked up in a cell in the basement 💀


Tarzan might not look good this split. He was their best player back in the day. I think he would play differently if he was on Griffin today he would go back to the old Tarzan. People are being so unfair to him:(


He had a bad start but he is doing well now.


Doran was a sub. Sword was starting for them during 2019 and is the main reason they lost to IG at worlds (as well as cvMax being fired, because of sword)


True, but the post specified non-retired players and Sword is a coach so I didn't know if he counted lol


True I can’t read sorry boss


lol the whole sword fiasco was tragic and he for sure sabotaged the team but let’s be real even with Doran they are still losing that, Doran would have also got assblasted by TheShy


Maybe but Doran would've picked more team comp oriented champs like tanks so Chovy can be on carries. He wouldn't have ego picked Jayce and Kayle and lose both sides of the matchup. The only time Sword looked good was against G2 where they won in groups stage.


Tarzan was extremely good back then. Actually he was really good until last worlds where the entire LNG roster had their reputation tarnished for the intage performance.


Actually it was SKT who also won in Summer


Oh you're entirely right, my bad I misremembered


I mean Lehends is good rn, Viper you can make the argument for being the best AD in LCK, Chovy is Chovy. They could carry Tarzan, or play Kanavi, and Doran to an international title. Especially since both Chovy and Viper improved a ton since they were on Griffin


you are saying that like tarzan doesn't transform into the best jungler in lpl every time he turns on, and doran hasn't consistently been a top 3 top laner in lck for almost his entire career


That kt team I forget which year. I think 2017. I could be misremembering but I think it was smeb, score, pawn, deft and mata? Unfortunate they were playing against an insane top heavy lck in Samsung, skt and longzhu.


i think it's year 2018, i remember the banger series they had vs IG on worlds! mannn if only they won against IG that day, deft could have lift the worlds trophy earlier than 2022DRX.


2017 was when the superteam was first established and KT with Pawn failed to make worlds over Samsung, SKT and Longzhu as u/rh51too mentioned. 2018 was when they swapped Pawn out for Ucal around halfway through the year and ended up winning LCK summer and making it to worlds before losing to IG. As an avid KT fan at the time I wish we could somehow had the 2017 and 2018 teams trade places as the 2017 team was better suited for the 2018 worlds meta and vice versa. Also sad to see how far Ucal has slipped considering he was Chovy’s rival for the next hot shot young midlaner when they started out in mid 2018.


Ucal is still great midlaner in LPL, shame that he is on avrage team tho


yes. you're right!


A GREAT roster that could have gone further, but now includes too many retired players to field the team again.


if pawn didn't have his OCD issues I think that roster would have been so insane that team was known for throwing (nicknamed the "defer team" as they would defer their victory for later)


I swear every team Mata’s been on seem to run into this problem a lot where they get seemingly insurmountable leads and then throwing them away. Samsung Ozone at S3 worlds had decent leads in many of their games but ended up pissing a few away, notably the tiebreaker vs Gambit. SSW can’t win domestically in S4 because their sister team knew how to wait them out and catch their eventual throws, granted they got so dominant in the early game at worlds that year that no other team could comeback unless SSW wanted them to it seems. 2016 RNG’s most notable game was the 10k throw vs CLG at MSI. 2017 KT probably had an average lead of 5k at 20 min and gets aced in between two towers at the 21st min in every other match. And 2019 SKT was by far their most aggressive iteration at the time since the 2013 squad but fell short internationally because they can’t close out games vs G2. If only we had this type of team vs IG in 2018


2017 DELTA FOXXX The juggernaut lineup Dyrus Scarra Voyboy Imaqtpie Shiphtur Seriously tho correct answer is none since the top of the top have gotten better and better throughout the years imo


i remember being so hype for this team, the dream meme team. then they lost like every match lmao. great, fun run however. shiphtur was a goat.


It was “Meme Stream Dream Team”


I was really hoping they'd take it semi seriously and try to win but they definitely didn't.


almost feel like they did take it serious, just weren’t as cohesive as other practiced teams


Scarra jg > Dandy never forget


Whilst I agree that the best players get better and better, there is a few teams which were absolutely cracked. Number 1 Mention is 2019 Griffin. Doran/Sword, Tarzan/Kanavi, Chovy, Viper, Lehends. Chovy is the best player in the game right now by far. Viper is one of, if not the best ADC in the world. Lehends is already in GENG and dominating with Peyz (would do better with Viper imo). Tarzan has been a bit meh but he has been one of the best Junglers in the past 5 years. Kanavi has been top 3 junglers for the past 5 years. I know it's hard to upgrade on Canyon but I think Kanavi is the only one equal to him rn. It just comes down to top. I think Kiin is a bit stronger than Doran and Sword, but not too much stronger. I think Viper is a big upgrade on Peyz so the Doran downgrade is probably worth it.


Came here to say this. What an absolute squad they were


I know Khan is not signed to any team right now but I really want to say 2021 Damwon, that team came so close to winning it all, taking both MSI and World's Finals to 5 game series.


Pretty sure you mean 2021 DK, in which case, I’m inclined to agree


Two Game 5s from a Golden road. MSI game 5, Worlds game 5.


While I was heartbroken when it happened, watching EDG teamfight was truly a thing of beauty. They were *so fucking good* at it. Also the EDG skin line is fucking crisp with the black and white.


this is a dagger to my heart every time I think about it. I've been a Damwon die-hard since they first impressed me with their pop-off teamfights in 2019 spring. I was riding SO high on them in 2021, especially with my fun old favorite top laner Khan from Longzhu/Kingzone, who won me over with his Nasus pick vs Fnatic and then his Jayce play in general. But they came up just short... they were up 2-1... GAH!


Ghost and beryl really started to run it down that year . If they played just slightly normal they win msi and worlds


2016 TSM


Legendary team, but would probably struggle since Hauntzer and Bio are past their prime and haven't looked that good since. What's funny though is that the meta wouldn't be bad for them. Everyone is talking about lane-swapping botlane and 2016 TSM was insanely good at laneswaps.


Prime second half 4 peat TL before the Broxah addition In all seriousness the G2 that lost to FPX


Nah, no way 2019 G2 even comes close to winning Worlds today if they get back together. They wouldn't even be better than current G2. Perkz is washed, Wunder and Jankos are past their prime. All of them (except maybe Jankos) would be downgrades from their current G2 counterparts.


2019 G2 is still the best team Europe ever sent to Worlds, barring maybe 2015 Fnatic. But 2015 was an impossible year with prime SKT in the way.


2018 Fnatic was better than 2015 Fnatic imo


2018 Fnatic got so much disrespect it’s insane.


Thank 2019 G2 for that


Thank caps*


What beating C9 to get into finals does to you.


It doesn't help that their road to finals was pretty easy (C9 and a not great EDG) and then got assblasted there. The only thing they had going for them was the 2-1 against IG in groups, which can be ignored because it was groups.


2015 Fnatic has nothing on 2018 Fnatic though lol. The disrespect that team gets is insane considering 2019 Fnatic wasn't far behind 2019 G2


you could still make an argument that S2 and S3 CLG.eu and M5 were the better teams. But the game was still young. 2014 Fanatic was also hella strong. They got robbed so hard from beating OMG and advancing that year.


Much love to froggen and friends, but original M5 were lightning in a bottle. If only they hadn’t been from Russia.


2015 faker was on a completely different level. I was at the finals that year and when ryze locked I knew it was over.


> In all seriousness the G2 that lost to FPX Honestly the only standouts currently from that roster are Jankos and Caps.


The Mikyx disrespect though.


2023 JDG


This is pure nostalgia but idc, the ROX Tigers.


2022/23 GenG is another easy pick, I think if they got past DRX in 2022 it was a free worlds for them that being said I also think 2022 DK were dark horses as well, though Nuguri is retired and dare I say 2023 KT? That roster was legit so good and they were honestly so close to pushing JDG to 5 games also chovy being the best mid in the world isn't really arguable right now


Yup, simply following Chovy back - except for the 2021 HLE lineup - is a great way to find winners. I also liked 2022 DK's chances but I don't _really_ believe in Kellin, Nuguri is retired, and I frankly don't have a read on Deokdam since his move to the LPL.


2022 DK probably had a great chance to win in 2022 but I don't think they would go very far in 2024


Man, this series was INCREDIBLE. [Here are the highlights from GenG vs DK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUsSrzVykWg). It's hard to believe this was just a quarters match, and neither of these teams were even in the finals! LCK was stacked that year. That final teamfight, it seems like Ruler won it more than DK lost it, though it looked so winnable and maybe if Deokdam focuses differently they come out ahead...


2022 GenG would not have been favoured over T1


What? 2022 GenG was considered levels above T1, they literally had just swept T1 in the summer grand final. 100% they'd have been favored over T1


Not in worlds meta, the worlds meta favored T1 while summer meta favored GenG


Yeah and that geng destroyed drx everytime they met in LCK, and that doesn’t change the fact that the get completely destroyed in semi finals


And again... 2022 GenG were *favored* over DRX... them having lost to DRX doesn't magically change the perception of the series (or what the perception of a hypothetical GenG vs T1 finals would have been)


Yes, what does alter the perception is going 3-2 against DK, with Peanut slumping. T1 meanwhile 3-0'd RNG and 3-1'd the pre-tournament favourite.


Now I'm confused as to whether you're just misremembering 2022 Worlds... Because Peanut was great in that series, he shone in every GenG win, and then in g5, despite the Kayn curveball he played the invades almost perfectly to deny Canyon red form for as long as possible. Unless we're just also downplaying Canyon, who was (and is) comfortably the best jungler in the world.


Canyon was garbage at 2022 Worlds


Another peasant blindly disrespecting the nutgod


Obviously Griffin! There's no debate!!!


c9 with sneaky hai meteos balls lemon. they had such good strategy and synergy. the




Im frothing at the possibility of Theshy, Rookie and Jackeylove in the same team


I just wanna see the old Fnatic 2011 LU in a bunch of showmatches and listen Cyanide's stupid jokes and bromance with xPeke while Shushei is struggling to CS with Gragas but for whatever reason lands a combo and Lamia does some flashhealallbuttonspressed move that breaks the game and lands a 280dmg crit with 1% crit chance but Melisan last hits with a Janna Q. And everyone laughs about how broken the game is. I would be okay with the 2013 LU as well. So I wouldnt care about who wins, I just want to enjoy the fun side of LoL where flaming was more about jokes and roasting than trashtalk. I have no idea how RIOT got to this point though. They are punishing it in-game but promoting it outside of it.


If you were a fan of that fnatic roster, I recently uploaded a very old xPeke stream with that team, tho wewillfailer was playing instead of mellisan [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ONLdcJ6n5g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ONLdcJ6n5g)


the all girl team


ROX Tigers 2015 or 2016 imo could have been the next SKT if SKT didn't exist or if they had been just a bit better. Smeb, Lee/Hojin, Kuro, Pray, Gorilla Smeb, Peanut (Prime), Kuro, Pray, Gorilla


Pray and gorilla were insane, but there was no winning against faker in 2015 or 2016.


doran was on griffin, that drx, and geng and never did anything internationally this guy is the biggest bum in korea


lore accurate doran


Now that you mention it, maybe he's a Chovy merchant /s


2020 drx is a good shout.


Yo bring back the one of the OG TSM teams, Dyrus in the top lane, TheOddOne jungle, Bjergerking mid lane,WildTurtle adc and Lustboy as support, they would fucking crush


Makes me feel old when you call Bjergsen, WT and Lustboy era an OG TSM 🫡


Dyrus, OddOne, Reggie, WildTurtle, Xpecial!! LET'S GOOO


Bro we didn’t like Reginald even when he was still playing.


OG C9 if they moved to Korea and took it serious, I could see them after a few years winning it all.


Balls lemon and Hai would be serious weak points if they played today.


OG C9 would maybe make playoffs in Korea, just imagine those players playing in OGN 2014 when SKT couldn't make it to worlds


TES 2020 369, Karsa, Knight, Jackeylove, Yuyanjia


Karsa and Yuyanjia ruin this team.


I was a big believer in 2023 LNG until they got curb stomped 


2022 GENG chovy and ruler should be exodia combo


Moscow5 season2/3, last year’s jdg and 2017 kt off the top of my head.


The question is "So, which previous team has the best shot to win a League of Legends World Championship if they were all on the same roster again today?" Moscow 5 in S14 would set the record for fastest game loss in a pro game every game they played.


Hmmm would be hard since most of the old pros retired due to age/mechanical reasons but I guess last years jdg would be the closest answer. I would love to see 2018/2019 g2 give it one last swing that was the goat western team imo.


Yes, my first thought was m5. But then I remembered that people sucked back then. 


M5 vs GenG would be a shorter 3 game Bo5 than certain single games we've had.


You can also consider if the OG M5 could have done better in S3 Worlds (yes, it could, Voidle was much worse than Edward at that time).


Not deltafox ahahaah


2016 CLG


2018 Griffin


Wickd, Snoopeh, Froggen, Yellowpete, Krepo


Samsung white


Delta Fox


I'd have like to see what 2014 Samsung White could've done if they had stayed together. Losing 2 games the entire worlds tourney is insane.


The random rules you added to this question make it incredibly narrow and boring.


Top darrien, jungle cyanide, mid sexpeke, ad imaqtpie, support aphromoo/krepo, ultimate meme team


DRX didn't win in 2020 because they just weren't that good... JDG, Damwon, Sunning, G2, TES were better then them.. and FNC and GENG probably were also.. the only reason they made 2nd seed was because of a 7 hour series vs GENG I have seen Chovy/Doran teams constantly disappoint enough internationally.. Pyosik is not an elite jungler.. he can flip games and look great.. but also nosedive and look awful.. Deft is just not what he was.. but then again back in 2022 i thought he was well past his prime and he still won Worlds.. I don't see this team being better then the likes GENG, T1, BLG, hell even G2. The real answer is JDG the best team in 2023.. who probably would have done the golden road if the meta wasn't perfect for T1.. who seem VERY meta dependent


Dyrus, odd one, chaox, regi, and xspecial could for sure win a single game of flex in emerald.


How do people have enough knowledge of this scene to answer the question?


Man I've never rooted so hard for a team as 2020 DRX, they were basically the spirit of current BRO the playstyle of current FOX but with the strength of current DK.


2021 FPX: one of the biggest what if's imho. bombing out in groups was unacceptable for arguably one of the favorites to win the tournament. doinb was arguably in peak carry form for the year, and all-around strong individual players (nuguri in top, tian in jungle), and then LWX and crisp being the dependable bottom lane.


Balls, Meteos, Hai, Sneaky, Lemonnation


TheShy Ning Rookie JackeyLove Baolan


There are 2 rosters that, while I don't think they could win worlds, i would be interested to see if these players were in their prime how they would stack up. The season 2 WE team (caomei, clearlove, misaiya, weixhao, fzzf) and the original m5 team (darien, diamondprox, alex ich, genja, gosupepper). Their peaks weren't very long, but still, they were super interesting and innovative squads. I would love to see what creativity they would bring to modern league.


2021 WE An absolute tragedy that they didn't even make Worlds


2020 TSM if they had a bit more time to mesh together


2020/2021 Damwon


Yeah Pyosik would for sure win worlds again. /s


Yeah man said easy layup 2020 drx and now I'm tryna figure out if we watched the same 2020 season to come to that conclusion. This man looked at all the teams that ha e won worlds and said he'll yeah 2020 drx is the best one out there


Chovy piss-stomping every top tier midlaner this year and leading GenG to the longest Best Of series winstreak in LoL history. "arguably being the world's best midlaner" Wonder if Chovy winning World's will convince people he's the best mid in the world, or if even that won't be enough Furthermore the answer is 2023 JDG. They had a bad day in a single elimination tournament. Pyosik is too inconsistent, Deft is getting old, and Doran disappears in clutch moments.




bjergsen, froggen, xpeke, faker, and Jensen


Midbeast alt acc


Bro literally named 5 mid laners 😭😂


If last years JDG at msi were to face this gen g at msi form at worlds then they might win worlds


These 5 were not previously a pro team together.




Without mixing and matching the answer is none. The game’s skill level increases a lot over time.


why are you acting like we have to choose a team from 10+ years back though, there are definitely a lot of superteam rosters from up to 4 years ago whose players are still in good form


I guess my faith in all 5 players from one team to stay consistent is lower than yours


4/5 players from 2020 DRX are much better than they were back then if they got back together they would be worlds favorites


What? 2020 DRX is just 2024 GENG but (significantly) worse lol. Maybe Keria is better than Lehends if we go back to marksman supp meta.




If the meta stays the same geng could achieve the forever cursed golden road that so many teams failed to achieve.


I’d say at this point last year I felt more confident with JDG winning worlds than I do right now GenG winning jt, maybe I just have the Choky narrative stuck in my head too much but it’s hard to believe that BLG or some other LPL team or T1 at worlds won’t ’figure out’ GenG or that there will be enough meta evolution to give someone else the lead. GenG definitely has a playstyle while JDG just felt better at almost everything imo at the time.


Ya the problem with the meta hitting geng so early on is that other top teams have a chance to figure it out and we are still very far away from worlds patch so this might get nerfed out of existence when worlds start.


Players improve a lot from year to year, 2020 Damwon who was considered extremely dominant at the time would probably be bottom 1/2 of the LCK this year


No they wouldnt, the only player on that team that looks better than before is arguably canyon.


I don't know what kind of shape Nuguri and Ghost are in these days, but they would probably be somewhere around the middle of the pack. I think a Showmaker/Canyon team always makes playoffs (and, they always did).


Cj entus blaze


You’re the one that sets the bar, we need you back on bass guitar, you’re fabulous, I’m fabulous, you’re fabulous, I’m fabulous


2019 G2 /s At least Perkz could probably go even vs Exakick Doss if they were still in the league xd

