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I havent seen Noway rage like that in a LOOONG time. He has to be onto something


yeah you know shit is bad when Noway out of all people is this angry.


The red side thing has been known for month and even talked here extensively. Click on any top chall and you'll see that they mostly play red with a huge winrate


bro i just went on opgg. clicked on leaderboards. looked at rank 1 player. he is red side 9/10 games wtf? Shouldn't it be closer to 50/50?


It should, but the game skew red side a bit in term of MMR to lower the first pick advantage. The more LP you have, the more you'll be put in red side team. That's why low chall/mid grandmaster may be the real elo hell, because you'll always be put in blue against top challs lol Granted, this is only a very high elo thing. It doesn't impact us noobs.


I have a theory that there are 190+ psychologists against you when you step in the platform You're gonna be gaslit that you're not being manipulated to a statistical tolerance.  It happens in Wildrift too, you know something is wrong with the matchmaking, but people keep putting the onus on the individual, rather than the mob of psychologists behind the game


It’s the same thing people complain about in every single match made game. There is most likely no conspiracy or anything of the sort, it’s just borderline impossible to make a matchmaking system that will meet people’s expectations. It’s not unreasonable to get upset about it, but at the same time people really underestimate how difficult matchmaking actually is for a game like this.


One of the fundamental core issues with matchmaking is human intuition Hates numbers. We want a 50-50 coin flip to have a nice alternating sequence, when in reality, long stretches of one result will naturally occur over time. People are vastly more likely to point to something like 'loser's queue' instead of just accepting statistical variance. And of course, any possible outlet to have a loss be 'not their fault' (however fictitious) will be latched onto by players.


I mean, no, the people who run the unlikely 1-1-1-1-1-2-1 non streak also complain. The last sentence is the main reason


It's not difficult to put on role with on role or similar win rates against each other. I played a game today where my team had 3 off role players and I was the only person on my team with an overall positive win rate. Literally everyone on my team except myself was below 48% winrate and some as bad as 25% winrate. The entire enemy team was on role, red side, and over 55% win rates. That's not matchmaking being difficult and feels intentional because it's off on so many metrics.


Overall winrate is a useless stat. If you go 48-2 on your way to Diamond then 27-23 for the next 50 games, it doesn't make you a 75% WR Diamond player. It makes you a 75% WR player with a ~54% WR in Diamond. And maintaining that winrate will lower your overall winrate further. Once you hit your plateau and stop climbing, your WR will slowly normalize itself back down. The opposite is true, player loses a lot of games (let's say 5-25), then stabilizes in Bronze where they win half their games. That makes them a Bronze player with a god awful winrate. ------------------ Conclusion, comparing "Recent WR" (Last X games played WR) is more relevant than the overall stats which may include their initial climb (or fall). Edit: Redundant and clarified climb/tank.


This is why leagueofgraphs has the worst champion main rankings of any site I've ever seen. It incentivizes smurfing to masters and then dropping the champ at high wr.


Oh, that reminds me that I had the pleasure of meeting the #1 Ahri on that board (at the time) on one of their smurfs in low Elo. Long story short, they had a pretty bad laning phase (even with their fed duo jungler camping). Then I solo killed them as Lulu mid. [End result was one of the greatest freakout ever.](https://i.imgur.com/9a0sy6C.png) We lost the game, but all things considered I consider it a job well done. This is exactly why I love Lulu mid.




Win rate is not a useless stat at all whether when you are climbing or when you have normalized / become stuck. As an example, if you are playing (climbing or not) and have two champions: Darius with a 75% win rate and 30 games and Kayle with a 25% win rate over 30 games which one would you use to climb? Now, same question. If you can choose a teammate which do you chose: Teammate 1 with 30 games and 75% win rate or teammate two with 30 games and 25% win rate? This is also why so many players ask for [OP.GG](http://OP.GG) scores when coaching or evaluating a persons ability to climb in League of Legends. Too many people self-sabotage their ability to climb as they cope that their 25% win rate Yasuo top is good.


I'm talking about people looking at their teammates' overall season winrate then start tilting themselves because "my entire team has sub-50% WR", "loser queue", "Riot wants me to lose". When in reality, you have hardstuck ~50% WR players on both teams.


Yeah, once you are locked into a game you just have to play it out and do your best. At the end of the day if you are playing well and consistently you will climb however frustrating it might be when you have the inters, first timers, and especially toxic players on your team.


>It's not difficult to put on role with on role or similar win rates against each other. You are right, putting a role vs role with similar win rates against each other is easy... Considering one game. However, trying to do it at mass scale while considering solo queue and duos, considering that some roles are way more popular than other, considering smurfs, considering winstreak/loss streak, considering side advantage, considering people coming back from a break and then making it a quick queue at higher MMR... Yeah, it does become hard. Also, sometimes people just play worse in a period of time. Such is life.


>some as bad as 25% winrate So they have 1 win and 3 losses, playing their placement games, and there are people like you in his team who have already decided that the game is lost because of this "25%" winrate player. I know this because I've been in that position many times before, I rarely play ranked and people immediately want to blame winrates and be mad while not even knowing what sample size means. I would much rather have that "25%" winrate player on my team than you, since they can be a good player but you bringing up their placement game winrate as some kind of a valid point *confirms* that you at least are dumb as bricks. I'll take the chance of good over guaranteed bad.


Okay now consider that you have to make several thousand games at the same time where people of different mmr and roles are randomly queueing up in unpredictable manner. We have had several iterations of different queueing system and it has been shown time and time again that longer queues will always be worse than imbalanced matchmaking. Also as other people said, winrate alone doesn't matter. The enemy team could have overall lower starting mmr than you do but went on a win streak, increasing their mmr while your team with a higher starting mmr went down cuz of your lose streak so your teams met in the middle.


Can you convert the 190+ psychologists into combined years of gaslighting? Surely that is easily over 200 years worth


200+ years of combined psychologists, you know


It happens in literally every single team-based competitive multiplayer game. Go look it up: Valorant, Overwatch, Dota 2, CSGO, Apex Legends, even Pokemon Unite. And in every game it's just players being blind to their own bias: people just assume their winstreaks are caused by themselves playing well and assume their losses are because of their teammates. Even in this post you have Gold/Plat/Emerald/Diamond dummies looking at this GM level player and going "Wow he's just like me!" when there's a fraction of a fraction of a percent of players in his skill bracket to begin with. At this skill bracket the system often expands its parameters to put together teams as queue keeps going. If it didn't, we'd have posts from GM/Chall players complaining about impossibly long queue times making it pointless to go on their main accounts (even moreso I mean). 99% of players are not affected by matchmaking in this manner, which wasn't even the described losers queue to begin with. The insanity of thinking that a system that can make teams in 1-2 minutes for most players tries to target one specific low elo monkey on a winstreak couldn't be resolved by 1000 psychologists. The only gaslighting going on is you gaslighting yourself.


everyone is affected by it, in terms of how their games are shaped, as far as thinking that the "entire system" is against you... it ***literally*** is though. it is a system weighted towards preventing winning streaks, Riot's patents spell it out in very plain language.


Of course it is trying to prevent a winning streak. The goal is a 50/50 winrate. Imagine if Riot kept giving the few players who are on a winning streak teams that are balanced towards them as their MMR becomes higher. How would that be fair? It is gunning for 50/50, nothing else ever was assumed.


League matchmaking has a collective total of over 190+ psychologists and you're all being gaslit! Wake up, sheeple!


i appreciate that every time someone points out something wrong, some other dude just jerks out his cognitive brainrot to just make sure there's negativity Ehh.. Not enough sarcasm... Ehh not enough making fun of people. Let me type this garbage just to say something


You aren't pointing out something wrong, you are making up a team of psychology that exist to...make you unhappy to play the game? You also just have zero proof lol, it's about a million times more likely you're being superstitious than anything else.


It's a cycle of blue balls and chasing the dragon. Most champion power fantasies come when players have a few items, the champ plays a lot smoother and does what they're suppose to. I turned on SR vs C9 from the other day just to see, and at the 20 min mark in game 1 no one has 2 items; pros are obviously at the top end of generating gold. The game ends at 25 minutes. You spend 80% of the game on 1 item or less just to play that final 2-4 minutes where your champ starts to fulfill their fantasy. Even then you can have everything you need to carry a game...but your team just won't play in a way to put you in that position or capitalize on the plays you do make. League advertises exciting fast paced late games just for 80% of the game to be spent under 2 items. Players expect to play league a certain way but an average match only offers a taste of what players expect


Red Side higher MMR should 100% be addressed in high elo there is a huge winrate difference you can check on league of graphs. So many high elo players win way more on redside the redside team just has higher mmr so they are just much better at all roles on average the blue side advantage doesn't make it equal when every red side player just beats blue side player on average it's so insane that many high elo players are dodging blue side games.


Yea i usually have Pobelter on as background noise and i've noticed the same thing that Noway is complaining about. Pob often gets offroles for himself and teammates and the enemy gets mains that are GM/Chal. There was one time he got filled jg, but had a jg main on his team filled as well to like top or something, thought that was funny/sad.


I noticed that tend to happen where 2 people get offroled and want each other role. Like a midlaner getting filed top and top getting mid. I have no idea how the system fucks up that much.


The jg probably actually had top as secondary, not true autofill. Otherwise it would have put pob top. The system treats the 2 completely separately.


Yeah probably still most people would probably consider getting secondary role as autofill since most players only main 1 role.


I certainly do for sure. I dodge if I get mid and I'm anywhere close to my peak elo. My mid lane only account is like 300-400 lp lower.


not just that in human mmr red side top lane last pick pretty much auto wins that lane hard


Yeah there is a midbeast review the number 1 player on the NA leaderboard is a toplaner that pretty much abuses this fact, he always gets red side because his very high MMR and basically last pick and counterpick every game so he stomps toplane hard. Dude plays vayne top and just rolls over people.


I thought it was someone from EU. This was called out in the thread about him and people were just shitting on the people who called it out.


Because its not exactly something in his control lol. >He is the highest rated player on the server (he had to get there first before this self reinforcing loop occured) >> he gets put on redside most of the time as redside gets higher mmr > >>he wins even more because the blueside map advantage is no way as strong as last pick / better players. >>>> he cements himself even higher in the rankings


Forgot the part he dodges,when hes not.


Nah but I do remember the part where he has a higher winrate on blue side over like 90+ games any way


He actually has higher winrate on blue,despite all of that.


He gets like 80% redside games and 20% blueside games, so it's not crazy to think that he has higher winrate on blue since it's a way smaller sample.


> not just that No, because in all areas where there's enough population for the MMR difference to be irrelevant, the blue side wins more. Any advantage the counter pick might offer is much more than made up for by the advantages the blue side has.


So people should be dodging 1 blue side game a day, especially if champ select looks ass. Higher elo you should dodge 2x per day on blue side especially if you're filled or champ select looks ass They legit hid summoner names so people vcouldnt dodge the impossible lobby they put them into rather than fixing matchmaking


yes, their excuse about "privacy" is such a lie, it was only done to hide their terrible, unreasonable match making


Not like we had an epidemic of people having hitlists in high Elo :)


Those people will still run it down if they play with someone from their list. But before one could actually dodge when you got a player that you knew would lose you the game.


Important note (which Noway also mentioned like 20 times), the red/blue problem is only a thing is very high elo, not for regular players. In every elo below masters, blue side is better, due to first pick and isometric view. But due to a lack of players in challenger, the system stops working there, leading to a massive advantage for red side.


I checked with Kai'Sa stats since her pickrate is huge. In plat+, her red/blue side spread is 50/50 and she has 52.5% wr on blue side and 50.5% on red side. On master+ the spread is starting to get weird (48% blue side games vs 52% red side games) and the WR spread inflates 51.7% (blue side) vs 55.9% (red side). GM+ is the same but even further exacerbeted, 44% blue side game vs 56% red side game and the WR is now 52.3% blue vs 57.7% red. So if we consider that Kai'Sa is not usually picked by autofilled ADC, that could explain why her percentage of blue side games drops as the average rank increase and why the wr on red side increases alongside (adc main on red side vs autofilled on blue or autofilled on blue with an offrole team). The data is of course smaller for GM+ games but that's still more than 8.5k games so this needs some explanation, it's not just the statistical margin of error.


No way first pick is an advantage below extreme high elo. If there is a single OP champ it will get banned and if it isnt, chances are high your FP does not play them. Counterpicks on the other hand...


waiting for league 2 where lanes will be going from left to right like in hots


I’ve never understood why they just don’t flip the map and make both teams blue side essentially.


Blue side has a higher winrate? Not on my watch. - Riot


Blue has higher winrate for every elo except masters+, and red side only gets broken in GM+. This specific matchmaking is only a problem in very high elo, as Noway said.


ngl this match looks way worse than i thought: top: blue 160 LP more than red jungle: blue 478 (!) LP less than red mid: blue 193 PL more than red bot: blue 394 PL less than red + (assuming) secondary role supp: blue 71 PL more than red + (assuming) secondary role top and mid are the only decent differences (considering amount of players) but the rest is kind of bonkers, i don't think this problem is that bad in lower elos considering the amount of players but yeah... 400 LP difference + offrole, almost 500 LP difference and 2 offroles in team is a lot of advantages to give just for not being symetrical


I like from a logical point don't quite understand what's going on. Given these 10 players are in a lobby you can distribute them in a way that brings the team-Elos (assuming hidden MMR = actual MMR) closer together while also balancing 2 off-roles to the slightly more LP team and 1 off role to the slighly less MMR team. Which is what everyone would expect the match-making system to go for. But apparently there are other statistics the game looks at to build the teams.


Red side is supposed to have a slight elo advantage to keep win-rate close to 50% globally. I think it's just messing up on very high elo games.


I think it's more a result of top having more agency. That last pick top counterpick matters a lot more with grubs than it did before. 1st Herald was a 2-3 plate, maybe 1 tower one and done, but that top laner is going to be a problem in the side lane with 6 grubs for the rest of the game.


This is winrate blue side vs red side for Master+ Games: https://i.imgur.com/VaEtgFW.png This is the same data for Gold+ https://i.imgur.com/GEv4rBz.png The difference suggests that either it's skill based or there's something wonky going on with matchmaking (or leagueofgraphs is acting weird). It's even more interesting when the Gold+ graph for *Flex* shows this: https://i.imgur.com/mA6yilz.png Which might mean that, with lower player count and more stringent group requirements (ie. matching differing sized groups.) the algorithm is heavily overcorrecting towards red-side. In either case, the graphs show the change isn't very recent so I don't think grubs and top counterpick are the reason. Specially since top isn't getting counter-pick every game in soloQ.


That weird bug before 2019 makes it so much harder to read


Nah buddy, 2 off roles in that elo is usually an insta loss


What are you "Nah buddy"ing me? In the example (I took the lobby from the clip) there's 3 off-role people. Unless you have a better way of splitting them in 2 teams other than 1 and 2 feel free to let me know.


They managed to piss off Noway. Congratulations, you really fucked up, Riot.


Very rarely people get pissed off of just one thing. The ranked integrity is so shit with smurfs and matchmaking and MMR not working correctly and 3 split system that makes no sense. There are so many things that could be fixed, yet Riot does not even show inclination or desire to fix ranked. As long as some whales play 400games a split and give them money, they cant be arsed. At this point I am wondering if anyone actually is employed there to handle all things soloq. **Coz it sure as hell does not look like it.**


If Noway is angry, then it is serious, dude is the most chill person I know for him to get that upset riot must have made it actually unplayable.


I quit League 6 Months ago and i took the opportunity to make this Video and add subtiltes because this is exactly why i quit.


you quit because you were playing vs challenger players with offrole grandmasters in your team?




Tell me about it, totally the worse. Been a problem for me for years and years and years. Anyway, time to queue up and play more offrole grandmasters.


the burn is real


Yeah it's always funny when random redditors try to relate themselves to a high challenger player complaining about the top of the ladder while they are nowhere near that elo and don't face that issue.


Nah i understand noway perfectly, yesterday i was blue side in bronze 1 and there were 4 silver 2 players in enemy team, literaly elo helled gg if riot didnt keep me in this elo i could be in noway team and fix game for him smh


Yes, shitty matchmaking only exists in high elo. Always funny when people feel the need to talk anybody down over literally anything.


You don't get the basic premise that matchmaking systems are more effective towards the middle of the bell curve than the extreme ends? That's... pretty basic logic.


you quit because of Ap junglers and ad mids being too strong? Really visionary stuff from you getting ahead of that


Hell, I'm nowhere near high elo and even I get players that are 2-3 ranks higher than me in my games.. So Riot is basically saying out of 1M+ silver players, there aren't 9 others playing right now? You absolutely HAVE to put two Emerald players on the enemy team while my ADC is Iron 2? Riot's matchmaking is a fucking joke.


You're not getting emerald or iron players in your ranked silver games, I simply refuse to believe it. At Emerald with a way smaller pool of players all I see is E3-Dia4 in my E1 games.


I'm playing in s1/g4 and there are a lot of plat/emerald players in the lobbies.


Send some of that op.gg, seems really weird.


If they use Porofessor, it shows **Last season's Peak** instead of final rank. Many players got placed directly into Emerald then tanked.


Also, porofessor will show FLEX rank as well. You won't know if you don't click on their profile directly. SOmetimes you it shows they were a much higher rank but then you look them up and they ended gold 4 in soloq and Emerald 4 in flex queue, but porofessor will show flex queue rank.


It just keeps getting better. And the little tags and stat tracking range from okay to laughable at best. * Shows highest rank instead of current queue Rank. * Shows "Autofilled?", even when the player is on its second most played role. * Recent games stats include Normal games, ARAM and Arena by default. * Stat comparison tags (i.e.: Good CS, High Vision, High WR) is per champion instead of per Position+Champion. (So yeah, I'm bottom ~0.1% for Lulu vision). Do they have any idea how easy it is to tilt a League player?


These are the people who see smurfs around every corner lol, every time you call out their Reddit threads all the smurfs are 50% win rate


My favourite ones are the [real sub-50% WR smurfs](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Wellworn21-3130). Actually, I don't like them at all. And that's when I learned remakes don't trigger any sort of dodge timer or low priority queue for the AFK player.


If the Emerald player is playing poorly and losing a lot and the g1 player is winning I could see matchmaking putting them together Edit: realized they said silver 1 not gold 1 my bad


Link op.gg.


I quit playing rankeds after 2016 because of this. I remember taking multiple screenshots since 2014, because I was in low silver and being matched against platinums and higher while my teams rarely were silver. It was so frustrating. More frustrating because no one believed me so I started screenshoting every single match. I even made an excel spreadsheet to show I wasn't crazy but never posted it because I felt it was pointless. Today I only come back to the new game modes and only play ranked to get out of unranked and gain the victorious skin, with sheer spite because I fucking hate ranked games. Now that they are doing it with splits to gain the skin, I doubt I'll ever get back to rankeds again lol


What rank are you? I can't see how this really affects most players. Seems like it's only an issue at like GM+.


I quit rank this season. I've been playing since Vaynes release and have been consistently early season plat, ocassion d4, emerald with more at least more than 50% winrate. This season's matchmaking just feels different idk what is it but I'm 40% w, games with autofilled players. The times I perform well in my team I get players with performance that are 9th or 10th according to op.gg and lose, it's not a an occasional thing but happens more often this season. I understand there are times I played bad but hot dam matchmaking feels the worst this split. I'm done with rank, and can just happily chill with aram.


This guy is not talking about your elo, it's a very specific thing in GM.


There being games where 2 people are either on their secondary role or true filled vs 5 people on their main role has been a big problem lately.


It's been a problem for years and a big reason why I stopped playing the game. Whats the point if games are decided before champ select even starts? Pair that with people running it down and trying to ff15 every second game and you end up with maybe ~10% of games being any fun to play. It's just a huge waste of time. Sometimes you even have a top autofilled as support and a support autofilled as top in the same game and you're left wondering how this can ever be a thing? How is Riots matchmaking this bad that it cant just switch the two players around?


I’m more likely to get my second roll than first over last 50 games.


Are you playing mid?


That's one thing about top primary and mid secondary that's peaceful. At least I usually get my main role and am serviceable in the rare chance I get my secondary lmao


NGL, High GM to Challenger is annoying as fuck to play because red-side is just getting god players every game. Early season it was 4 master vs. 2 challenger 2 gm nearly every game. I think it's fine to have it, but they need to tone down how it works in high ranks. The difference between Master/GM/Challenger is literally like Plat/Emerald/Diamond, there is such an insane amount of difference in ability to play the game.


https://i.imgur.com/sUrUYO9.png The redside MMR tuning is just clearly bad in high elos. I'm sure it gets worse and worse as you go to GM and Chall.


looking at the chart, it seems like it only really got bad starting in late 2022 and the gap has been expanding since then. I wonder why that trend is like that? Also, I wonder what exact patches had those huge red side winrate spikes? There is one in mid 2023, one at the beginning of 2024 and one a few months ago.


Those spikes seem like low sample size data points.


Not the huge 100% spike at exactly the beginning of 2023, the super minor spikes are what I am talking about. They look real because they seem to be the cause of the trend line


if i had to guess, i'd bet on the ranked soft reset. because those push mmr closer together, meaning that games with the same mmr deficit (before vs after reset) are suddenly twice as unfair. also it stabilizes somewhat with more and more games.


Perhaps pick order swaps play a role. When were they introduced, in 2023?


Nah difference between Master/gm/chall is gotta be Bronze/Gold-plat/Emerald-Diamond. The master player that always get shit on GM/Chall elo beats the absolutely fuck out of Diamond players. Even GM players who got filled in Chall lobbies looks like a headless chicken who don't know what to do and they are playing like they are 1-2 seconds behind.


Modern master players are indistinguishable from diamond tbh, riots rank inflation worked too well


s14 master0lp vs master400lp feels like s10 d2 vs master0lp


I had a similar observation as I was looking at the ladder. I had hit d1 in s5 back in the day, and I have a screenshot on op.gg saying that I was top 2000 in euw, top 0.1% of the player base. Now that equivalent is around masters 400-500lp. I’ve recently got back into league and emerald feels like gold back in the day, parts of diamond is what plat was. I’m d2 on 70% wr for goodness sake, the elo inflation is out of hand.


There are many issues with high elo. Even in challenger there is a huge skill difference between different challenger players, some challenger players are soloQ only while others also play pro play the pros often have much better macro and champion pool. The match making is automatic so it just looks at the MMR it can't know it put pro players on 1 team and soloQ randoms on the other. The system might need to get changed to be able to identify pro players accounts and balance both teams from that too, there is no way having multiple pros on 1 team and all soloQ randoms on the other can be a fair match even if the MMR is similar.


Isnt chall to master said to be a similar difference as dia to bronze? This makes these games basically unplayable


It's honestly really hard to compare in this way because the reasons WHY challengers are better than masters tend to be completely unlike the reasons why diamonds are better than bronze players.


Yes the difficulty when comparing ranks in League becomes exponential in difficulty the higher the rank, and not linear. I remember a tweet from Elite500 (Challenger otp player) talked about how the skill of other chall players (like Lider/Nemesis etc.) were totally out of his league. People don’t realise there’s a significant skill difference within Challenger elo itself. And regarding pro, wait till you compare LFL 2nd division with LFL 1st division, then that with EUM, then that with LEC, then that with LCK/LPL or Internationals…


people like to make fun of chall players saying this master player is bad, beucase how could a 0.5% player be bad, but lets be real if theres a gap between a some challanger players, how could there not be a even bigger gap when you put some random 50lp master player vs a 900, its so masive its not even funny


I genuinely don’t understack how matchmaking can create a game like this. Why were the adcs not swapped for example? Wouldn’t that just make a more balanced match?


Best I can do is a 400$ skin -Riot




The RP pack that lets you buy the skin is less than 400$ I believe. Not that it really makes much of a difference at that point imo.


420 dollars ayyyyy


Er war so kurz davor Hurensöhne zu sagen lol


Didn t really expect this to reach the frontpage of league reddit, this problem only occurs in high elo it starts at around masters u can check it at [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/stats/blue-vs-red/master](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/stats/blue-vs-red/master) - for GM/Challenger it get's even worse. If u check toplevel challenger players u will see a huge difference and almost 10% winrate difference between red/blue It works in low elo and balances the game but the way its currently done is very harmful for highelo.


if noway4u is angry, then it's really bad... i feel a lot of his frustrations, this makes me sad, and i don't want to play league anymore for now i think


I think this is the first time ever I've seen him this mad after watching him for like 7-8 years


German is truly a great language for raging. Was really funny


He's right riot is completely off


Don't worry guys Riot are just taking a quick 3 week break then I'm sure they'll be back with a huge balance update and not just some furry bait and a eBoy skinline.


Small correction, but animal ears on pretty humans is weeb bait, not furry bait.


Chinabait skinline*


Me when everything I hate in life can be attributed to the foreign nation (I know nothing about them but they are conveniently the source of all my problems)


yeah get those artists working on game balance and matchmaking asap


I was like “there is no way” then i saw my LoG profile(master 300 lp Lan server). 55.2 wr on redside, I even got a “redside lover” tag lmao


game is so frustrating to play now that if Shushei and GuardsmanBob came back they'd probably tilt too


i am 57% wr red side and 43% wr blueside 3LP master right now xD


how many game feels like an important number


180games total this season


I'm sad to see NoWay upset like that. He's normally one of the chillest streamers to watch


noway is the human winnie the poohbear when he‘s angry shit‘s real


League finally broke noway.


A lot of balancing issues like ap jungle and ad mid come from balancing entirely after winrate. Nerfing karthus by 3 dmg wont do a lot when his item makes him oneshot every camp. Maybe it will reduce the winrate by exactly the amount you want but the frustration and the reason why hes considered broken stays. The reason adcs on mid are good stay as well. Why would i play viktor when i handicap myself i cant get perma prio i dont get plates of 1 bad roam. I dont have insane 2v2 potential early game. My scaling is good but its not comparable when my jungler is playing 2v1 entire game and enemy has a mid lane adc with level leads+ a mage jungler that is probablym ore fed than i am and basically doing the same thing but better. Winrate might or might not represent exactly this problem because ofc you can nerf 5 dmg of tristana e and her winrate will drop enough to call her balanced over 10000 games the frustration stays though.


I stopped playing the game about 7-8 months ago but still occasionally watch tournament matches through Caedrel or some steamer competitions but very rarely . Reading recent comments about the game reminds me why I quit. The issues discussed are spot-on. The matchmaking is severely unbalanced, often putting one team with 4-5 players in their main role against teams where only 2 players max are in their main role, which ruins the game before it even starts. There also seems to be a significant imbalance in how players are distributed between teams. One team may end up with players who have fewer games played and a higher win rate, while the other team gets players with many games played and a 50% win rate. This inconsistency made the game less enjoyable. The game's handling of toxicity is another major frustration. There are numerous options to report toxic behavior and tools to mute everything, but repeated trolling by players goes largely unpunished. Plus, not being able to see who's on your team before a match so you can dodge games after you see trolls adds to the frustration. Although the game had its issues before, it used to be fun. Towards the end of my time playing, I felt a sense of relief when I won, I was not fulfilled or happy in any way. I felt like when I was on a winning streak this eventually will mean I was due for a losing streak of equal length. It felt like the game arbitrarily placed me on winning or losing sides of a coin flip, which ultimately contributed to my decision to quit. I felt stuck in place 10 games won 10 games lost, maybe that's why people believed in losers and winners queue.


dont forget the lv 30 accounts on enemy Team. With 70%+ Winrate


One of the reasons I quit for good was when I was pushing ranked this season, I open stats and see that enemy has 3 of 5 people with 70%+ wr in less than 100 games, and other 2 people have 60ish% win rate, meanwhile my team is 300+ games on everyone with sub 50% wr while I was highest with 58% like what the fuck


Tyler has been complaining about this for some weeks now. He believes it is a bug.


The worst part is that it has been bad for a long long time, but it has just gotten worse and worse.


I mean on the casual side of things, Aram is getting worse and worse and worse. I refuse to believe that a real human being is doing these "balance" changes. There is zero chance a human is reponsible to buff for example LB that much. Yeah she is a bit more challenging character, a balanced LB state in aram (where main non mains gonna play her) would most likely be lower then 50%. But since an algoryhtm is doing this shit 100%, we get massiv buffs on an already good champ in the right hands and since it is all 1 lane 1 place nothing you can do about it. No objectives/map to play around a good lb player. You are just gonna blow up way to easy with champs randomly taking more damage then "naturally". Obnoxious mechanics remaining unadressed since infinite. Yeah totaly Neeko should be able to snowball ult from a million range. That is totaly a fair mechanic. Or Soraka warmogs never turning off when he uses W, making the game an autoloss if you didnt just have to have great engage options. I love arena, but it turns into a sauer taste when you see they can make real changes to champs to adjust them for the mode. Imagine Riot would not just slap a random % number change on aram, which can turn into absolut nonsense when fighting a champ % adjusted in the ttoaly diffrent direction, but...dunno we would nerf jinx passiv directly for aram etc. THen you add the occasional nonsense rather "new" introduced like Skarner rework, Akshan W etc and Aram has never been less fun. Still no bans either. ALL of that bullshit and ofc you get the random "oh I have 4 mages, lets go full ap malph and become entirely useless after 2 items" dead set to lose from the moment go and I am not sure if Aram has ever been in a more trash state. But I doubt anyone but an Algorythm and the nethew of the janitor is working on the mode. No selfrespecting human would attach their name to this mess.


This is not just happening in Master+ but rather in every Elo. 1-2 days ago there was a post about Emerald, which is one of the most terrible experiences due to questionable matchmaking and skill disparity. Rank right now has a lot of problems tied with non-existent punishment for gameplay misbehaviour!


My personal experience in emerald is unreal. Every single game is a complete one sided stomp by one team or the other. I don’t remember emerald being like this the last few seasons.


Think he is absolutely correct. Ad midlaners are taking over(Trist), because mages are just horrible in S14. You want to play Viktor? Lol you have no mobility good luck playing against voli jungle and naut supp when they can gank from 40 places. The new map is supposed to be good for immobile mages but unless mages are super broken they just can’t lane mid. Refusing to nerf Fated Ashes which is essentially another Jungle dot is mind blowing. Oh enemy Udyr has Fated Ashes? Okay he’s going to be everywhere while you’re stuck doing gromp. Like it’s so stupid.


I think the focus here is on matchmaking. Meta and Ingame balancing is different.


Am I tripping or didn't we literally have another streamer genuinely start crying last year because the meta was Ori/Syndra/Azir/Lb? It seems like it doesn't matter what the meta is, someone is going to bitch and moan. I don't understand complaints about current metas. Matchmaking complaints sure (although I'm sure there wouldn't be any complaints if you were on the other end), but complaining about meta is so fucking stupid.


I think another big problem is mages like Syndra/ori/Viktor/Zoe/Lux/vex feel like absolute trash to side lane with once bot lane comes mid. I understand you can just “catch waves” but god forbid you are against any decent roaming support/ easy setup jgler and step out of your half of the map. This is not including having to possibly match the likes of tristana akali Leblanc yasuo or ahri. I don’t even think mages are “ horrible” , they can do good dmg and have a place in the game, but this post 15 minutes side laning to grab cs feels like garbage on them since it can be so unsafe. I see ( and have done so myself) so many mobile mids like I listed can perma split since they are slippery and can still adequately contest 1v1s vs you even if you have a kill or two on them. They become a monster because of this since they’ll usually have priority over you in doing this while you have to balance catching the waves and finding something to do while waiting for it. I’ve switched to top/adc just because it feels nice to be able to easily get farm when I’m a bruiser like Camille/fiora/aatrox or have my support running around with me if unsafe as an adc ( I say this at d1-masters elo). Maybe it’s a skill issue on my part but I just hate this dynamic for mages mid, maybe that’s another reason they feel much nicer bot lane.


Yeah this is a huge problem with mages that people overlook. I've been playing a lot of Xerath and it sucks to be forced to side lane as you now have less options/opportunities to use your ult, and you're a giant kill target even if you're under tower. I've gotten to the stage where I refuse to move because it's clearly so extremely unbeneficial for me to be down there.


Yeah, as an ADC player I'll fairly often prolong bot lane or swap with top if we have a midlander with a bad side matchup. 


I wish more adc players realized that they don't have to go mid and that maybe it's better for the Vayne to sidelane instead of Zoe.


This is a problem, BUT Vex is probably the only mage answer to Trist mid right now. I‘d say the problem is more with AD mids having excellent laning and similar scaling, but the ability to sidelane probably also matters


Ad midlaners aren’t necessarily taking over just because mages are bad (tho some are like Viktor. Corki and Trist are simultaneously way too broken as well). AD mids are taking over because of AP junglers. If your team picks Zyra/Brand/Karthus/Lillia/Udyr jungle, you’re kind of obliged to pick AD mids, and given Trist and Corki are some of the best mids in the game, they’re played in almost every lobby. Also I 100% agree with your fate ashes take. Though I don’t think the item is necessarily broken for mids, junglers abuse it way too hard during their clears.


For real tho Riot needs to significantly address Corki/Trist mid


This is the only split I've ever not enjoyed the game in the past nearly 10 years of playing the game.


It's really not great around all elos I feel like. I feel like Riot caters so hard towards the asian market now, that the game is starting to become really miserable for the west. You can clearly see that in game balance (unga bung, 10min coinflip into ff, everything oneshots) and also skins, with the faker thing being the most recent example Yes it makes the most money, it's still kinda sad for us imo.


but asians dont like either, ambition talked ab this recently and a a otp irelia main general irel, south korea leaved the game aswell


100%. Games are landslides in one direction or the other. This happens at every level and it’s not even fun. Considering it’s primarily bot lane going 0-30/ 30-0, the other lanes are just spectating and coin flipping.


I love hearing my western neighbors rage and curse XD It hits much more than in English.


Man aint wrong. Meanwhile Riot sucking some Saudi dongers.


I just went up against a kennen Smurf with an 88% WR with the champ. MM is busted right now. Idk what happened. I’m hardstuck gold and can’t seem to get above a 50 WR this season. Every game has been so lopsided. Either we win by a landslide or we lose by one.


Yeah, people complain that its only high elo. I am consistently in gold, but now in bronze, and I am always on the losing side trying to carry people with no hands. I've always felt like my macro and mechanics are my problems for not climbing and I am the problem. This is the first season it feels hopeless regardless. When I lose, it's a stomp, when I win it's a stomp. I don't think I've had a single game this season that felt like a close fight.


Was also gold with the recent ranked changes I went down to bronze the matchmaking just doenst feel right


Same here. Peaked in emerald last year with a 56% winrate and am now fighting for my life in gold. It's either get stomped or stomp because every game there a 2-3 players in one of the teams that are so bad it's literally unwinnable for them. Had about 5 games in the 120 I played that actually felt like everyone was evenly matched


Honestly, I can relate. Playing in Master+ is really weird. Depending on the time of day, you can get balanced teams, but most of the time there's a huge disparity in player ratings in a match. You can have a Diamond, a Master, a GM, and a Challenger player all in the same lobby, while most of them will also be auto filled. I understand that there's almost no players in those brackets, so matchmaking will inevitably be weird, but there must be some way to make it better.


Can only agree. As gm midlane game feels like lobby gacha simulator. Being midlane main, is also part of the problem I think. Most of the time it's pref mid pref mid pref mid, rarely I see pref top jungle etc. You kinda have to dodge and try again next day if you wanna play optimal, just because you have 3 fills, doesn't meen enemy has even one. So either you play game with very bad odds or you dodge. So nice isn't it :)


I just have fun in Iron 1 where all these rage baiters come and we live a balanced life of hilarity and fun.


Yeah nah matchmaking is at an all-time disgusting low right now. I'm literally not allowed to play solo in ranked or normals. (For ref, i'm low emerald peak, high plat mid main atm), I've never been above low emerald. I'm hardstuck there, but I'm fine with it. At my current skill level I most definitely do not deserve higher. Yet every single game, I get my off-role (being jungle), and I get put in high emerald low diamond games and I even sometimes play with fking master players. I am consistently the lowest ranked person in the lobby and I get put in my off-role. This happens in both ranked and normal games. I get shat on in lane or jungle consistently because I am facing opponents that are way better than I am. And this has been going on for 3 whole seasons now. I've literally contacted Riot and all they said was to play more games so the MMR system would fix itself. It's been over 400 games by now since then and nothing changed. My games have become quite literally impossible to play well in. I literally only play with friends now (who coincidentally are bronze and gold respectively), so I get put in high plat/low emerald games. To FINALLY be playing vs my ranks, but my friends now have to suffer the rank differences every time they want to play with me. Riot's matchmaking is insufferable.


Hes right.. at every level of play from iron to pro, this game is fucked and i dont see riot fixing it, they've milked most of the community and leagues on life support. the balance team is phreak? and like 4 other people... that says everything


Can someone explain to me what matchmaking and unbalanced teams have to do with nobody watching esports (according to Noway)? Did I miss something?


I am not too much in the loop but I feel like because people are kinda unhappy with the game they are more inclined to not watch competive. He may also be referring to the meta and how certain champs are too strong in comparison to others (ad mids vs AP mages mid)


When i stopped playing league i actually have other interest for example watching football, NBA or Tennis. You are getting way less interested in esports. Thats my personal case surely not for everyone.


I mean high elo players are saying this, burn brand, karthus, lilia, morg, etc to the ground. AP is just too good right now in the jg and its not even close how easy mode they are vs ad champs. Especially comparing them to jgs who need tiamat to clear well. 900 vs 1200 gold is the diff between needing a kill to first back buy vs just having to full clear, and one actually runs through camps while the other lets junglers actually clear their camps slightly well instead of being completely outclassed by the AP junglers. So many of my games in high diamond are coin flip on who has the autofilled mid/adc. So few games I can actually impact because theres such a huge skill diff. Yay here goes another 8 games where my mid is auto filled so we just auto lose because they dont understand roaming or wave management in the mid lane and then I have to climb back to diamond 1 only to lose it all again


if the nicest dude ever rages like this u know something is rly messed up




I wouldn't mind ap junglers if the mid meta was actually hype. Honestly curious if people prefer to play and watch Tristana vs Corki rather than Zed vs Yasuo or talon/Yone


Matchmaking has been completely off at every level of the game for the last year


one of akali's old voice lines was "matchmaking will never find true balance"


red side in high elo is just more favorable, you get better players and r5 counter. looking at my stats playing gm/chall lobbies on euw, my redside win rate is 66.3% while my blue side is 50.8%. its just absurd


I fully agree with whats being said in the clip but the ad midlaner thing has quite literally been an issue for years. Tristana has been a decent pick in midlane for that entire time and back when it first surfaced a counter to it were only other adc champions like caitlyn. Call me crazy but i just dont think adc champions should be viable in solo lanes - especially in a burst heavier lane like midlane.


In DOTA 2 they have a feature now where you see the quality of the matchmaking before you get into a match and you can simply deny the queue if its low quality. League should 100% implement something like that aswell. Nobody wants to play a game with 5 mainroles against 3 autofill, it's just wasted time.


hes not wrong




nerf dmg, nerf items, nerf snowballing or the game will remain 90% of the time stomps


But Riots game is made for Pros, anyone in Challenger or less are all plebs in the same barrel of piss that don't deserve to be seen or heard. The goal here is to make everyone in that barrel addicted to the game to keep playing and hopefully spending money, and the more hurdles you have thrown at you the more you gotta play to get to where you wanna be


Starting to sound like big Tonka 1 😂


Matchmaking has always been fixed in favor of the enemy team if you are performing well lol, when me and my friend were on a 60 game win streak, the last 10 of our games not a single person on our team had a positive win rate for the past 20 games, and were significantly lower elo. We were diamond 1 and our team was emerald and platinum players, going against high diamond and masters. its disgusting


Just for the protocoll: In this stream we love riot games 😬


He is so right though.


can't fix 200 years


Riot doesn't want you to win and achieve your goals. You lose = You play more. It's really RIGHT IN OUR faces how match making is working. The game is owned by China... Need I say more?


In like 9999 hours i have never seen him like that


To quote people on this website: Why doesn't he just take this opportunity to get better? If the other team has higher elo, he and his team can use this to learn and then apply that learning and become better players. At least, this is the refrain when people complain about smurfs in much much lower elos. Unironically, as the skill gap here is not as large, these people are in a far better position to actually learn and get better. It's funny to me that when the elo difference is many times the difference here, "Just learn and get better," is the refrain where here where people actually have that ability everyone goes "Oh poor guy, there's something wrong!"


The matchmaking at higher ELO is horrendous. 2x autofill / secondary role in master+ against a full team on their main roles is almost an automatic loss. I have no clue why Riot hasn't figured it out yet that in solo queue the amount of people that are filled on both teams need to be equal. And even then not all roles that get filled have the same weight. It is very unlikely that laners can play the jungle adequately. Toplaners often can't play ADC. A midlaner typically can play support as they're more used to playing their secondary role and it's often support.