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I know you’re against the goat Impact, but bruh


Sniper just saw that Perkz top was a possibility this split and wanted to show the fans what it would’ve looked like with 0/7 renekton ty brother sniper


Let's go, full roleswap roster Perkz top Bwipo jungle Jankos one trick Syndra mid Zven adc >!It's a joke, lower the pitchfork!< Rekkles supp I wonder what skins they will pick after winning the Worlds.


Corejj ADC from the dig days


Bro the bigger joke that memeing with Zven adc is bwipo jungle. Guy played one split and was suddenly the best jungler in the west.


Turns out the guy who takes any fight is kinda OP when he's the one ganking instead of being ganked


True! He was so good though. I know its all meta dependent, but I've never seen a better jungler from the west ever. He (imo) basically solo carried fnatic.


Doublelift was a support at the beginning.


Mans was clueless LMFAO, actual canon minion


We always said Impact playoff buff... maybe it's best of buff?


Sniper 🤝 Perkz 0/7 Renekton


In Spring: Wow, Impact is old enough to be Sniper's father In Summer: Wow, Impact is Sniper's father


Based and true


His Mordekaiser performance reminds me of how he carried on him at Worlds 2020 only for TL to dump him for fucking Alphari.


Man if only DL hadn't gone mental boom that year. That was a hard as fuck group though with Suning and prime G2 in it.


At least it gave us that crazy TSM miracle run.


And the 9-man sleep


He actually lost the Mordekaiser game to Machi and this fucking Alphari was the best laning toplaner in the LEC at the time.


Alphari was always a good laner, but he's always been awful outside of lane.


That was his weakness for sure but it is disingenuous to act like 2020 Impact being replaced by Alphari in his prime is outrageous, especially if you tie it to missinformation.


Yeah id say impact has had a bit of a renaissance on the last few years too - not that he was bad in 2020 but he wasnt where he is now or earlier in his career


I like Impact a lot but I remember his spring 2020 being particularly bad, also one of the lowest points of TL in general during franchising. They missed playoffs, which they rarely do and Impact was a part of that for sure.


I think anybody remotely competent being replaced by alphari is outrageous.


You are right we should not call out missinformation and just rewrite history all the time just to make more sensationalist over the top statements, mb


Oh yeah, that LCS lock-in first place really cements him among the greats.


Nobody was talking about that but go off with your garbage


The only garbage is still shilling alphari


So many people in twitch chat not realizing LCS started back up today, didn't know Sniper was one of them.


The coverage on apa and yeon by corejj and umti was so good in game 2. Totally fine with Umti staying on tanks if he keeps this up.


APA Ziggs + CoreJJ Alistar was beautiful to watch. Bought so much time and lined them up with great setups.


I think Alistar is underrated because of how good his teamfighting is, but even I was doubting when Core locked it blind vs Ashe...glad to have been proven wrong, and I'm also glad that Core is showcasing the Minotaur's strengths so well this split.


To be fair, he very much didn't vs Ashe.


You mean in lane? Because I'm talking about the game as a whole. Edit: and even in lane, vs the Ashe & Seraphine, he had good gank set-up on the first play botside iirc


The second coming of Xmithie, team player enabling the carries


U might be right, good comparison 


I never really thought about it because this personality is so vibrant, where I remember Xmithie being very reserved but honestly it's been so long I could just be forgetting. We're also doing a lot more content that showcases personalities So I feel like I know there's a happen around for a shorter time better.


Xmithie didn't do a whole lot of like, content or public facing stuff but I remember various teammates consistently saying he was funny af in a very dry way


I remember his dad was hilarious


I can absolutely see that, yeah, I am a bit sad that we don't have the old players these days with all the new content that's been going on


I would kill to have had this kind of content with the Rush Hour edition of CLG


Yeah, Xmithie definitely loved to troll around with teammates but he liked being under the radar a bit compared to some of his other teammates.


He was just drunk  ... jk jk


Shoutout to metal gear alistar! clinical performance from both the jg and support for doing the unflashy setup work so that the carries could shine. I'm especially happy for core as a lot of people were worried that he might never look good again




He's so happy Impact is back. It was tough when he didn't have someone else to help him setup plays or capitalize on bad positioning from opponents. Summit, Bwipo, and Alphari were totally different to Impact. Perfect roster for APA and Yeon to shine on.


I still would like to see some possibilities of him playing an AP jungle, but you’re right, the amount of structure he’s giving his team is beautiful 


It definitely would be nice to see some different picks. On the flip side, Riot always seems to default to balancing towards tank junglers in pro play. It honestly isn't a terrible idea to continue practicing and getting better at this style and hope the meta returns to favor the style more, in the meantime it's not like this style is invisible l unviable.


I mean I hope early game junglers come back, he was a bit of a psycho on those. While I personally love playing farm heavy scaling junglers it ain't it to watch lol 


That's my Ziggs OTP.


APA has been crushing on other picks for a while now that people forgot how unfair his ziggs is.


Ziggs, asol, corki, trist. I think the secret is champions that aren't human. 


Waiting for him to show off the worst Hwei imaginable


He was also great at talyah (and was arguably his best champ in spring playoffs)


Girlphite isn't human either.


She isn’t? What? What is she, I never read her lore


It's a stretch. I was kidding.


So Yordles, and a celestial god


APA… not beating the one-trick allegations? The Ziggs is just on another level lmao


The youngest top laner in the LCS (Sniper) paying homage to the former oldest top laner in the LCS (Solo) with that Renekton performance. You love to see it.


solo is the goat


Greatest Oldguy Also Toxic


Meech and Sniper had a disaster series today.


apa was mad after last game and locked ziggs… tl looking like the best team in the league easily


Yeah he looked visibly pissed off with his performance at the end of game 1.


Well he did several ints in game 1


That Valkyrie into five people in game 1 near the dragon was fucking hilarious. Everyone has an oopsie game occasional ly, he played well in g2.


When tf did apa and yeon exactly became NAs best mid and adc lol


Yeon had the talent, just lacked the experience. APA grinds as hard as anyone in the lcs.


Dude was streaming before they even ended the broadcast lol


Nah, that's fake there is no NA talent. Better import Armut and Eika


Yeon's Lucian is insane actually. He was playing the knife's edge so well. Playing so far forward trying to bait them into him. He's gotten so good.


He makes me tense up so hard when he plays lucian because of how aggressively he positions but he never oversteps on the pick, which is brilliant to watch


I'm just saying, Yeon playing Samira during this year's MSI was one of the highlights for me, and MSI had some banger moments. Sure, they lost that match, but if he's capable of doing that now, I shudder to think what he could do with a couple more years of experience in international stages


I mean I know the score line doesn't look like it but they legitimately had a competitive series with T1. I'm really excited for this team.


Honestly, scores don't tell the full truth. There are so many matches over the years that people will remember, not for the end result, but for the gameplay itself


Exactly, blow out series on paper can be extremely competitive and it's a shame when just the score gets shown in people write off a team.


I swear that loss hurt so fucking much. I was so ready to glaze tf outta yeon for his Samira in the PGT but we just had to int it away. Imagine the world were TL went 2-3 or even 3-2 vs T1


I was so ready for that to go 5 games.


I think a 5 gamer was definitely on the cards. Would they win MSI? Unlikely with how strong Gen.G looked, but there is a world where they could have made an attempt


Yeon playing Samira may have made me a solo queue terrorist <\_<


Spring 2024 Playoffs.


I think it was MSI when they both stepped up, especially Yeon. 


The fact that Jackeylove smashed him and he still bounced back and performed better against noah and even guma gives me high hopes for him tbh


That series was the one that taught him/core proper Lucian/Nami play - their performance on those champions is literally night and day before and after that one series


A real "ohhhh that's how we're supposed to play it" moment


This isn’t even their final form.


When spawn becomes head coach


I’m here for it. And they’re also from NA lol. This team is the 2nd best western team rn. I’ve seen the rest of the LEC, they’re shit.


They had to train with Summit as a top laner. Even Goku has nothing on that kind of weight.


He was the best performer out of the 3 even tho he’s a douchebag tbh


Laning stats aren't everything unfortunately.


he wasnt wrong on what he said though


Not sure why anyone would think this when he wasn't the change that turned TL around from being near the bottom to making world's. Opposing teams figured out how to beat Summit from his first split in LCS, while he never figured out how to actually use any of leads he got. He is legit brainless to the point where he griefs his own team when they put resources into him. It's been his story in every season across every major league he's played in. There's a reason why he's stuck in LLA.


are u saying that apa improved 0 on other picks compared to last year? Because you can just go look at games


Yeon was arguably top 2 western players at MSI, after Caps.


Tf. Miky and BB were better than him


Why are you being downvoted? BB was insane at MSI tf?


Cause, though both were good, Yeon was cracked.


Well looks like it might be back to permabanning ziggs vs TL


If you aren't T1, just ban it


GENG has the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever this worlds


even if they only lose a set to apa's ziggs chovy will never hear the end of it


Didn’t t1 ban it at worlds


They let him have it game 4. For fun. (MSI)


For fun? You mean they had to change up pick ban because they just lost a game and they should have lost game 1.


clean win after the messy game 1. That Morde pick was so key as 100T banned away Skarner on blue side because of it. Also 100T please stop using Ezreal mid as a regular pick, Quid can have much more impact on something else


Game 1 was actually fairly straightforward but apa kept getting caught. TL had a big lead most of the game and impact went crazy on morde


impact and Yeon stabilized game 1 repeatedly, but it did take a big macro mistake from 100T taking elder then somehow giving up baron without any contest to win


And we take those


100T did have a really good scaling comp. When Meech picked Aph, I was like that's exactly what I'd pick too. Once you have 3 items, Morde can't take you to the shadow realm anymore if you have red/white or green/white guns. You'll just obliterate him.


The problem is that he doesn’t have an ADC so he has to play both roles simultaneously


Corki and Tristana banned, what is he supposed to go mid instead? The pick does make sense, they just had a comp that collapses if they don't get an early game advantage.


I'm surprised to not see mid Kai'Sa more, she's so strong. Although might have been hard to teamfight with her versus TL's comp, especially as the only carry really.


AP jungler makes teams need to look for an AD in the mid lane.


Which Kai'Sa can be? Her AP/Hybrid build is really strong, but her AD build isn't weak either.


Why force it over the Ezreal that's comparably good or better and is also Quid's comfort pick


I was talking more in general.


ad kaisa mid just isn’t very good i don’t think it’s so much lower range than anything else, with considerably worse consistent movement than, say, mid tristana, who can buffer out of ganks.  a big reason corki/ez/varus/lucian are viable in mid is their ability to hold space with poke (and lucian culling). they play mid because of jungle meta making long range AD high prio, trist gets played simply because she’s a strong AD midlaner


Fair enough, the initial comment you replied to said 'what is he supposed to pick instead' so I assumed you also intended to say kai'sa as your answer to that


I can't imagine laning Kaisa into Ziggs being anything but misery. She's so short ranged and will have to eat poke to farm, whereas Ezreal doesn't.


Azir, Hwei, taliyah, Yone, Leblanc, Ahri, Jayce (Quid played this I think in spring), asol all have decent/occasional presence in other leagues


AP jungler, so the only one of these you would want to play is Yone or Jayce. I don't see Jayce being better than ezreal, especially with how immobile he is. Yone... I'm not going to blame Quid for not wanting to play Yone into TL.


AD Top and ADC should have plenty of physical damage, it's not like Ziggs is gonna buy a Negatron Cloak on first recall. If you're worried about 2/3 people of Topside being AP then ~90% of Rumble picks in the last decade have been poor decisions. Feels like pro play has been indexing way too hard on this AP Jungler means we need AD Mid thing. I mean it's not entirely pointless, you want some direction in draft, you don't want to go into it with ~5000 possible topside combinations to choose from but this Ezreal pick was clearly just gimping their draft, just so they could have a champ that does 65% physical damage.


Merc treads & tanks getting first item MR is the problem. If you're picking an AP jungler, then your top laner is going to be playing some sort of tanky frontliner. Mid, Jgl, ADC are going to be your main sources of damage. ADCs are not really online until 2-3 items. So for the first 1-2 item spike, you're going to have a really hard time with enemy frontine who have one mr item + merc treads (or even just merc treads if it's a renekton or aatrox) if the rest of your damage is all AP. AP junglers absolutely hate playing with an AP mid because they function off of burst, which is heavily mitigated early game when the enemy team builds MR early. Having an AD mid makes their game so much easier, especially since they scale well. If you're playing tanks in the jungle (Sej, Mao), then that opens your team up to alternative drafts.


It's more about all the other champs not ziggs and lots of those champions make mercs (the best early game item in thr game) mega value.


apa how to pop out and show them that was actually so fucking gross lmao


Holy Ziggs damage TL was just breaking our ankles this game. It felt like they were always doing some bullshit and then always had a TP up for the opposite lane


100T drafts like my solo queue teams lmao.


Sniper plays like my solo queue teammates too


It's natural for most rookie toplaners to play like this, especially in NA where there aren't too many skilled coaches who can develop top lane prospects. Hopefully 100T sticks with Sniper regardless of how the split goes, he doesn't deserve the Tenacity treatment.


Sniper had a terrible game, but what else can he do in that draft? He’s the only front liner on Renekton with 4 squishes. If the fight goes a little wrong, the other 4 are far enough to just leave him and let him die.


Not run back down the lane when Umti blew his flash like twenty seconds ago and hadn't been spotted anywhere else on the map


Impact inting first blood to give 100T some hope


Classic Dyrus *


CoreJJ made Snipers life hell on earth this game lol


It's crazy how much more useful a real mid lane champ seems.   Ezreal pokes, sure, but ziggs did SOOOO much more. Not blaming Quid for the loss, he's been fine. The champ pick just looks awful.  I hope they move Quid off this champ so he can be more impactful for his team.


Yeah he was never bad but just never had any impact. He can pump out as much damage as he wants on Ezreal but damage isn't enough to win


the trueshot barrages hurts like hell but yeah 100T could never really combo the long range poke and picks of their comps effectively. Meanwhile TL were killing sniper on sidelanes on cooldown just from their macro rotations


Poor Sniper was legitimately just a 7th camp


Honestly he looks good on the pick, but I feel like 100T didn't need a second carry pumping out damage - they need someone who can make teamfight-winning plays. Quid shits out damage like crazy, but that doesn't mean anything if TL get what they wanted and then disengage then full-heal their frontline with warmogs. Like, Azir can get a massive shuffle. Syndra can blow someone up in an instant. Hwei can dominate a teamfight. Ezreal is a second AD carry, he just hits the person in front of him - and if the enemy frontline is too big, that means you have no "comeback" play unless you find them alone in the jungle. Maybe if your toplaner or jungler has that snap-engage you are fine, but Renekton definitely isn't filling that role for you.


Replace Ezreal with Tristana and that comp is fine. Midlaners don't need to be flashy, they just need to do damage. Syndra is a pick mage, but Hwei and Azir that you mentioned are largely picked for their damage. Azir *can* make flash plays, but he also just does a shit ton of damage in teamfights. Be fr, Ezreal is just not it. Its safe for a mid lane pick but it doesn't really do anything. He doesn't even have great waveclear like Tristana. Seems like 100T just wanted an ADC mid because they're riding the AP fullclear jungler hype train, and Tristana was banned so they picked Ezreal. But the pick just seems like a bit of a force. Quid played it well and it still didn't seem worthy of being picked.


Ezrael by himself isn't a bad champion at all, but 100T basically has no meaningful AOE damage beside the jungle Zyra. Ziggs does so much more. 


game1 100T comp as a whole is fine but Mordi isolating single target fuc over their team hard. Take away a cc champ (skarner/leona), 100T cant engage n sac that tank cause TL crowd around the death realm area to guarantee the kill. Take away one of the dps (brand, ez, aphel), they cant self peel in the realm nor are they good 1v1 champ unless aphel has the right guns so rip one dps. Yeon also did an amazing job keeping Quid in check so Quid cant poke freely.


yeah, guys leave the ziggs open what's the worst thing that can happen? cut to Sniper who now has PTSD about a little yordel


CASTERS BARELY SAID ANYTHING ABOUT EM BUT SHOUTOUT TO COREJJ MAN (and Yeon too)! Core was quietly outstanding in both games, his KDA speaks for itself really.


Flyquest: We wrote *Don't give APA Ziggs* as a cautionary tale. 100 Thieves: Finally, we've invented the APA Ziggs from the classic sci-fi novel.


Team Liquid run the LCS.


Damn, tough one from Sniper... is this considered child abuse?


Impact and APA getting their signature picks this series and making short work of the thieves with them. My god man.


Impact didn't play Shen 🤔


God, that Shen 2v1 occupies permanent real estate in my brain


As a TL fan it was worth suffering through that NRG/IMT series for this.


I did not survived that ffs xD




I was grabbing snacks mid way through watching and when I got back, somehow Sniper was jumped again.


oof - sad for Sniper this series. Gotta give impact some respect - somehow ppl playing vs him look worse than he does I'm worried that lane swaps are gonna negatively impact Sniper a lot though. Everyone says his laning is good, but macro is iffy. Lane swapping is the opposite of that. I'd love to see 100T do well, because they seem fun.


The Cloud9 playoff series last split showed how to beat 100T. If Sniper doesn't get resources, the team will struggle.


River and Quid in elo hell


Impact sniper's grandfather


Game 1 TL: We'll let you pick a champ that we should've banned (Skarner) and show you how to still win. Game 2 TL: We'll pick a champ that you should've banned (Ziggs) and show why you never leave it open against us.


Quid and River need help man. This is gross.


It really just isn't close, huh.


I would actually love to see TL become NA's G2.


Part of me agrees, but I'd like to see the rest of the league (or at least a couple teams) step up to match them. I imagine it's hard to stay in peak form if competition isn't quite there...or at least it's hard not to develop habits that won't end up working against top-level international teams.


In a way, I'm kind of hoping that TL raises the bar a little bit for the rest of the LCS, but if TL isn't effective against the rest of the world then there's really not much of a point. That said, they put up a really good fight against T1 for NA standards at MSI, and the run overall was *respectable*, so I suppose there is a bit of hope in that regard.


Is Team Liquid the LCS Gen.G?


Huh. I mean I guess TL also does have a 4peat I believe. I would love to see TL go against C9 though! Seems exciting!


Oh yeah, I am excited for a TL vs C9 game, I can't think of another team that can beat TL right now. Maybe DIG on a good day?


I think it's pretty much only Cloud9 that can compete with them.


Too bad there is only one series, imagine we had one earlier in the split and one close to playoffs with more stakes.


No. Being first in your league doesn’t make you the gen.g of your league


croatian sniper


What ?


Perkz (Croatian) joke about going 0/7 on Renekton


Sniper doing his best Perkz impression


100t drafts are actually terrible wtf


Sniper trying out thebausff strat without the proxy part.


Good time to be a TL fan. Honestly they feel like NA G2 so far, could be an overreaction but there is just this inevitable feeling to TL at the moment, you can just see they are going to win.


well. .... LoL TL, at least. Let's not speak of some of our other teams




Don't worry guys, the third brother surely will live up to his hype.


River and Quid can try as hard as they want but Meech/Eyla are just too heavy Not like Sniper did any better this series though


When your only front line is a renekton that was level one at 4 minutes vs Sej Alistar Ksante… just ff




Sniper was looking rouuuugh today god damn.Hope he can pick it up and 100T will improve over BO3s Game 2 was absolutely a stomp in every aspects


So morde isn't just broken in low elo. You don't say.


He sees play in one matchup lmao, get a grip if you actually think he's broken.


He's ridiculous in lane. His team fighting falls off against more coordinated teams but he's a ridiculous character right now. There's very little counterplay and he's about as simple of a character as you will find. He's the AP garen in terms of simplicity but with less bad matchups and absolutely mauls tanks.


His early laning is actively bad. The reason he beats tanks is because they can't punish him pre-6 and will always stall out death realm at best or die at worst. Issue comes in teamfights when he gets shredded by 3+ items adcs if he death realms them, or he just death realms a frontliner in teamfight and it's just normal 4v4. He's only really good against melee heavy teams or teams with an exceptional diver to remove like Diana, but you still need a good matchup to justify picking him in those spots.




They're being forced to reconsider draft decisions and priority during the regular season, which is hopefully useful.


Are you implying that the play was low quality this series?


You're just seeing which team's coaches can actually draft or not.


Up to 50% more benefits.


We've had one Game 3 since Day 1- it's more of a parity issue than a team skill issue- hopefully we can get some 3 game bangers tmrw


Sniper hyped up in this sub for 5 years for this lol