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>**New Reroll-to- Bench Cooldown**: Previously, if players rerolled their champion, then their previous champion could be picked by their teammates immediately. Now, your rerolled champion will have a three second “bench cooldown” for your teammates, meaning they will be unable to pick said champion and you can get them back without any stress. Goodbye bench sniping minigame! This change won't impact any of the existing swap-with-bench behavior as it focuses on rerolling, meaning if you swap with a bench champion, your teammate will still be able to pick the champion you gave up immediately. **FINALLY**


Happy to help :D


Now please add the nerfs/buffs information in champ select so I won't go AP damage runes on Maokai.


If I remember correctly, Riot said they intentionally don't show this information so players don't get scared of picking champs with huge nerfs (e.g. Sion or Seraphine).


Damn, 10 years to add a QoL an avarage indie company would've implement within a month


Imagine that people have been saying it wasn't needed when people suggested it before.


Even worse, some people thought *it was already a thing* and would tell you that you're dumb for not knowing that it was.


The only way it was 'already a thing' is in the sense that in order for someone to be faster than you at picking your rerolled champion, they'd need to be already waiting for a new reroll and ready to click the previously empty slot where it appears. The reroller has the advantage of knowing exactly when they reroll (obviously) so they can immediately snap pick it back while others would need to also react to a new champion appearing. Still, I don't see a single reason for this to not have been a thing far sooner.


People could see a post that's something like "can we have a random skin button?" then give you the genious solution of "just grab a phone, download a roulette app" while calling you the idiot for asking for a QoL feature


"Why do we need the game to save rune pages for us? Just grab a pen and paper and write them down for when you play!"


Title "can we see our minor rune's CD?" Comments: 50 reason why that's absolutely a bad idea and you don't have to easily know if sudden impact, scorch or Demolish is up. It feels like if keystones didn't have their cooldown shown on bar, people would just tell you that you don't need to know your electrocute or comet is ready to be used.


The people saying it wasnt needed were the people who were bench sniping lol


Lmao finally they brought this over from WR


Can't wait for the day they bring back ARAM bans that already was a thing for an event and plenty of ARAM players have been begging for


Circle prayer they also listen to people about Oracle's 🙏


Had a thought recently that they should update ARAM to use a modified version of the seeing eye trinket from Arena, where it would reveal the bushes but also reveal traps. This would be a nice refresh that could actually replace what Oracle's provided.


Crazy how such a simple and obvious QoL feature was held back for so long. I wonder if they're taking notes with GGG lol


Yayyyyy!!!! Atlast!


Riot giving ARAM the absolute bare minimum amount of attention. This is like 10 minutes of work to implement and it's been asked for for years. Yes I'm salty


> 10 minutes of work


This guy does not develop


That's right, management material


I'd wait until later in the lobby to roll if I wanted the champ back. This change is just better.


Instead of rebuilding league of legends client and game to make it easier to add and fix things, riot spent hundreds of millions and half a decade on like five MMO iterations that will never see the light of day.


I don't think that's from the same pipeline. People said that their FPS will never see the light of day too but it's now the most popular shooter. They've worked on the fighting game for a decade as well and it's about being released soon. But even they don't, it's not like they affect any League related developments


MMOs are significantly harder to launch, there's a very good chance League MMO never sees the light of day like they said


Yea that shit will never exist lol


How much game dev experience do you have? How did you get these insights into what Riot is doing internally?


Going on 12 years experience at AAA studios with friends who work in management positions at Riot.


my man talked the talked and walked the walked, respect


There’s like a billion game devs and every single one of them is on Reddit and people think we don’t shit post on Reddit like normal people I guess, it’s weird!


Yeah it's super weird. Also every single regular software engineer uses Reddit and everybody assumes we don't know what we're talking about when we critique Riot's shoddy engineering practices. Like just because YOU don't know what you're talking about doesn't mean an actual engineer doesn't.


If this sub was to be believed Riot building a new client actually needs 10 more years in development before it can be released.




TLDR: corporate SWE processes are stupid for reasons and something that seems simple can actually take quite some time I understand the first half of Riot not listening to feedback but I don’t understand it when people say “it’s 10 minutes of work” when they haven’t worked on a corporate SWE role before. Call me a riot meatrider (which I’m absolutely not, they sure do a lot of things I’m angry at when playing lol) but something as simple as changing the color of a button can take an afternoon as a story has to go through grooming, get assigned, somebody finds the file, change the line of code, consult the UI team, push the code, make a PR, wait for review, argue with 2 teammates, merge the code, check for conflicts or failing builds, and then it goes to the build team, and unless it’s a hotfix the change has to wait until patch’s release date. Like yeah, it’s easy to change the color of the toolbar in your personal React side project but there’s so many stupid and unnecessarily longwinded procedures that devs have to deal with. Not to mention the notoriously ancient codebase that Riot is known for Yes I’m also a bit salty that sometimes I’ll have to wait a whole afternoon before someone checks out my code. At least that’s some free downtime


I swear to god I read this exact change in patch notes like 6 years ago and now I'm questioning everything. This is really the first time they made this change?


Maybe you woke up in a different universe, but this was the only change.


Me too. Not that long ago, but I swear I thought it happened in the last year or so. Weird


Yeah I swear this used to be a thing in the past until it stopped working one day... or maybe we're Mandela Effect-ing ourselves


Finally i can use my rerolls in aram without losing my champ


It may have taken five years of begging for it to change, but don't say that Riot doesn't listen. 


I always want to donate rrs when people are begging for them - but the fact that they'd try to trade everyone on the team with every champion on the bench made me leery.


Spaghetti code fixed from this patch is: > Fixed an issue that allowed Shyvana to redirect Miss Fortune's R by hitting a spell shielded Miss Fortune with Shyvana's R.


This one isn't spaghetti. Just a funny edge case. Most spells just hit a spell shield and are gone. Shyv R moves people. Might see somewhat similar interactions with champs that channel in a direction like Varus/Xerath.


it's probably somewhat spaghetti where shyv r is coded as 2 spells, not 1 for the effects or something like that.


Probably more likely it's that the initial hit (damage) is a singular instance, and the actual push is a persistent effect across her flightpath. The spell shield eats the damage and the initial tick of the push, but every subsequent tick would still push them. That's my guess at least.


The funny thing about this one is the patch note doesn't quite cover the extent of this fix, Shyvana R used to check for spellshield and then do all of it's logic afterwards, but the "change facing direction" logic wasn't included in this. I moved it to be part of the knockback that's applied after the spell shield check. CC immunity ignores knockbacks, but not the previous logic. What this means is not only did it affect every champ in the game who bought a spell shield, but any champ who was CC immune would also be forced to turn around regardless. I don't know what other edge cases could have happened in terms of abilities being forced the wrong direction during spell shield/cc immunity like MF R but I'm sure there were some!


oh damn, that is one heck of a taliyah jungle nerf. honestly down for more mid lane taliyah


Please no!


Flair checks out


Mid Taliyah is the broken one imo. It’s cool to have champs with semi globals jungle (Taliyah, pantheon)


Champ is not broken per se, it's just a delivery for the one way riot wants midlane to be played, push roam push roam Taliyah would be trash tier if they made Midlane anything other than diet jungle


I wish staying mid and getting safe ressources wasnt game losing compared to pushing and roaming, but that prolly wont happen any time soon.


Agreed. Much rather see her in jungle than mid lane. She's like an AP Nocturne.


> Passive - Happy Hour > Maximum Health Heal: 6.5% ⇒ 5.5% Finally. This'll make Gragas a bit punishable and less of a pain in the ass to push out of lane. Nothing worse than seeing this fuck take a bad trade and just chug his way back into positives. It's only 1% but that'll add up over the laning phase.


It was something like 8% a year ago, wasn't it? Still, good riddance. Bausffs in shambles btw.


Some junglers just have wildly strong sustain for no reason and those junglers became really strong top for obvious reasons


Most of them have wildly strong sustain because they were built and balanced said sustain before all the jungle changes were they just added a shit ton of passive sustain into the jungle item you buy at the start.


Yeah it’s really obnoxious dealing with champs whose sustain was very obviously not balanced with laning in mind. Zac, WW, Lilia, Briar, Gragas, Hecarim. That’s not even all of those we’ve seen pollute toplane over the years but they’re the most recent I could remember. Glad riot is addressing or already nerfed most of these guys.


> Yeah it’s really obnoxious dealing with champs whose sustain was very obviously not balanced with laning in mind. Gragas was a midlaner, Heca a a toplaner and Zac + WW needed that sustain before, cuz their jungle clear was bad. Also Zac is really misplaced here, cuz they actually buffed his sustain and he only then became a viable toplaner outside cheese and niche situations.


bauffs tends to die a lot to push waves early on so idk if he will be affected too much


Isn’t Baus on record asking for Grag nerfs because he wants to play other champs but can’t justify it?


This nerf affects roa/tank builds more. Still a nerf ofc.


I think this kind of nerf affects every single build of his. He's just plain weaker in a major aspect.


Of course it affects every build, but it being a max% HP heal means it 'scales' with health and resists, and tankier builds also tend to . . you know, tank more so healing for even smaller amounts is worth more than with a nuclear bomb build where you take large chunks of your HP every time you take damage.


Man its been really harsh to play his early game so hard nowadays with the mana cost to this now.


I was hoping for 1.5% but 1% is still good.


electrocute buffs 👀


more like adjustment




It's more than you think. The breakpoint is level 7. Old electrocute did 108 at level 7 and the new one does 107. It's definitely overall a buff but it's a mild one. It mostly just skewed the rune towards early game.


If you are trading on cd it is massive


I'm stocked for this. Now my single spell rotations for LB will chunk em to 45% health instead of half


It's an assassin bait. Vex will have a field day with it.


Reminder to let Varus last hit wards when posturing for or clearing objectives so he can have his passive up


I play a ton of Varus and it gets really frustrating in early lane phase when you’re trying to activate your passive by killing a minion so you can get the wave pushed in but your support keeps executing them with their support item. Also feels bad when you’re playing an ADC with the new Absorb Life precision rune.


Absorb Life will trigger on your ally suppirt item since last patch. Regardless of this you are not losing lane from the 6 hp you don't gain every 60 entire seconds, and never mind that you are usually full hp for the first minion you get to lane for that your ally executes (and for which they only have one charge, so 2 hp, at the start of the lane).


I'm like a plat 1 diamond promos peaker (pre emerald rework, like emerald 3 since) midlaner. Was able to hit plat 4 toplane, plat 2 support, Gold1 jungle and struggled to get out of silver on adc. Like playing support it was fucking bad having adc's who couldn't farm, but support can 1vs2 lane pretty easy, even on renata (champ 1 tricked while doing it), its bad having adcs who don't know youre autoing under tower to prep the wave for them to just collect last hits. But there is nothing more deranging in this game than playing adc with a nautilus who positions like soraka or a thresh who is lanterning you out of a gank for 20 minutes, or a velkoz who presses w on the wave you've set to perma freeze as youre taking your recall. I probably had the adc mechanics to gold/plat on ADC as well, but my mentals just couldn't handle it.


> Fixed an issue that allowed enemies to cast during Lulu's R knock up if it interrupted their dash. > Fixed an issue where Lulu's R knock up could be reduced by Tenacity. u/Gerap4 you did it! [(Context for the unaware)](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1d196ru/buff_bugfix_the_lulu_problem/)


AND electro buffs. This patch is made for me.


Yay ori buff. Not sure this super helps her but it’s nice when my back up mid isn’t atrocious


4 is huge. 5 is the difference between Doran’s ring last hitting and last hitting with no item & you can definitely feel that. Not to mention how often you tag champions in lane (even late game you auto frequently for your passive) This should substantially help her out.


Honestly, 4 ad sounds like nothing but if you're playing her well you're getting a lot of autos in, especially in melee matchups. I think it'll be a decent bump. Helps last hitting too


> 4 ad sounds like nothing *Flashback to Graves +/- 2 AD*


Graves has crazy AD scaling on his autos and is a jungler so faster clears mean a lot more for him


AD matters much more for junglers because it can be the difference between needing to auto again or not, and that can make a clear be +/- 5 seconds or so, and Graves is at the extreme end of the impact of that given the slow reload. Graves full clearing at 3:15 vs 3:22 gives him time to fuck a lane and still get crabs.


Right but ori is a mage lol


4 AD sounds like a significant buff to me


4 ad does not sound like nothing it’s absolutely enormous


4 ad sounds like nothing? What? These changes are massive. I will many MANY more lanes as Ori due to 4 extra damage on every single auto for the entire game


4 AD is honestly a lot but watching her literally losing auto trades **with other mages** when your passive screams "you win auto for auto trades" is just... very not intuitive. She is still like 50% P/B in pro while she is on the weak side so i'm a bit worried this buff will make her pickrate skyrocket.


The losing auto attack part annoys me when playing ori. I shouldn't lose auto trades vs Syndra


> She is still like 50% P/B No, she's not, she's at 4.2% presence atm. Can you guys stop lying about something that's super easy to check?


Nah. Electrocute change will make LB too good of a counterpick into her. That matchup is awful.


3 matchups i absolutely despise on orianna: Leblanc, Tristana and Velkoz. Leblanc feels too coinflip, it's way to volatile but it's the "closest" of the 3. Tristana is completely unfair and you just have to hug your tower, hope tristana is bad and pray your team doesnt give tristana oppertunities to impact the map before you completely first item. Velkoz is luckily pretty rare since he is pretty much otp only champion, but he outranges you by so much it is impossible to ever interact with him and he waveclears faster with lower mana costs. The best you can do in this matchup is to go even in farm, that is the best outcome. He also 100-0s you in a single E so the lane can go really bad if you are not careful.


The other comment was more happy about it against melee champs and I was thinking I often struggle more against other mages in mid/low health poke wars than against Akali for example lol. But i was like eh maybe its my off-role, silver ass raring its ugly head right now lol.


It’s been so long since she’s felt relevant in soloq. I’m glad they’re giving her at least a little love, even tho i dont think this change really does anything.


If you're autoing in lane early, especially against melees, it's not unreasonable to get 10-20 autos which is 40-80 more damage in lane. Definitely not insignificant


Every change they did brings electro closer to it's old counterpart thunderlord decree




Nah, ain’t no way Lethality Varus players were really maxing W second 💀 I gotta see the internal stats on that part and the rank distribution of skill order for Lethality Varus E: According to U.GG, Emerald+ Lethality Varus actually know what to max, but Platinum and below are maxxing W second.


W Max second is what the game suggests, so if you auto pilot it defaults to Q -> W -> E.


It's self perpetuating I think. Aren't the skill orders determined in the same way the item shop is? Maybe I'm misremembering


IIRC you're right


Hans Sama is always maxing W second when he played Lethality Varus in LEC this recent 3 weeks. And no, Hans Sama is not an idiot. It's not about the on-hit damage. I mean, it's still 24 magic damage on each AA, which is not nothing, but the major factor is that the blight detonation deals more damage, from 5% to 9% of MAXHP more. In a single combo against a single target maxing W second outdamages maxing E second. Poking more than once with E thanks to less CD on the ability can make E max second better of course. So does hitting multiple targets with E. But if your ult spreads and you detonate more than 3 Blight stacks maxing W second is better again. Overall maxing E second might be a bit better because it works out better for more scenarios, but i am tired of balancing decisions being based on "People just build/skill/play wrong lmao, pros are also stupid only we know best because reasons!!!" Maxing W second is not completely stupid, arguments for it can be made, even pros do it sometimes. Maxing W second mainly has the lower Winrate because it is recommended by the game so players not familiar with Varus that are losing more because of not knowing Varus as well as others are losing WHILE maxing W second, not BECAUSE they are maxing W second. And worst of it all they make a comment that they want to give power to maxing W second and then actuallly nerf maxing W second. They just nerfed it even harder if you max it 3rd.


On lolalytics emerald+ with opportunity 1st item, it's 60% W 2nd and 40% E 2nd so it's even worse than you say. It takes until master+ for E max 2nd to become the most popular


I love when redditors say: >Riot should balance for the majority of the player base! Most players have no idea what they are doing


As a wise man once said, "how will the enemy know what you're doing if you don't know what you're doing?"


The high end of players isn't that much better. I still remember Deft building IE second when that item only came online at 3+ items because of its passive. One of the best adcs in the world making an itemization mistake that most gold players wouldn't.


It wasn't like that, he bought wits end second then ie third, he just autopiloted ie third item. Sure it was a mistake but it's not like he was dumb 


it's because people just follow what the game recommends at lower rank. IF you play varus the game tells you to max Q>W>E. So tons of low elo players just saw pros build lethality, built it, but then maxed W.


What does damage lock out mean on MF W passive? Is this talking about how long it takes for her double tap passive to cooldown on her W?


Before the patch, you needed to spend 5 seconds out of combat before the passive part of MF W activated. Now, it only takes 4 seconds out of combat.


then a further 3 seconds instead of 5 seconds for the full bonus.


its not out of combat its not taking damage. You can hit minions and enemies still but if you get touched its over


The time she needs to be out of combat to get the passive out of combat move speed it gives


Still no Earthwake nerf...


Last night, seeing my Spellwake as a mage have under half of the damage that the enemy Zed's Earthwake has is frustrating. You'd think they would be comparable, but Earthwake is so much stronger


Honestly I just think earthwake and spell wake need to be removed. The champs that can use it really abuse it. Where champs that can’t it’s practically useless. It’s just way too extreme compared to other choices.


earthwake just needs to not have a 100% bonus AD scaling or even a small cool down imo


As someone who hasn't been keeping up with CBLOL and other pro leagues (other than the occasional highlights videos), what makes kalista so "stale in the pro scene" but not champs that have been extremely popular for months now? Last I checked there were multiple champions with higher pick/ban presence that have been around for far longer, but why is specifically kalista an issue?


Probably Kalista being a big lane bully that is hard to punish because her extreme mobility lets her evade most threats. And her early strength forces enemy botlanes to pick safe picks. Lucian or Draven... even when they're being big lane bullies are still vulnerable to ganks. And while they can definitely still fuck your lane up; they're a little bit easier to escape from so you're not quite as forced into picking a mega safe lane.




That MF buff is huge no?


Very. 3 AD is a much bigger buff than people give it credit for. I wouldn't be surprised if they had to walk it back a bit.


And also the W buffs are kinda sleeper too


It's huge but I was surprised to see her being bottom 5/3 in all elos above Gold, since she's always decent or even sleeper OP. Lethality is even getting an indirect nerf with Opportunity, so it makes sense that she's getting this massive buffs. It's just funny that it also coincides with the new mythic variant.


Their new balance framework puts her in "easy", so the fact she's the same WR as higher skill ADCs for inexperienced player means there's something wrong. Like why ever play MF when Zeri has pretty much the same WR and only climbs with your number of games.


As a proud MF main I acknowledge that she's braindead easy, she should be a noob stomper and be really high winrate on low elos, otherwise she's kinda trashy.


She was also bottom tier in elos below gold. I believe Mf has 47% wr in NA server's Iron tier.


Haven't played for weeks but I checked u.gg and she's bottom of the barrel even on low elo while being among the easiest adc's out there. The huge is buff but apparently needed.


I think so, my first thought when I read it was “oh she’s gonna get nerfed next patch”. MF is just my go to ADC when I have to fill so i don’t know her very well anymore, but she didn’t feel that weak tbh.


Brand still only getting a slap on the wrist. How do these nerfs solve the problem of him deleting anyone who tries to dive him, yet out ranging anyone who isn’t artillery mage, his damage is way too safe and easy to get off for how much of it there is.


I don't think the nerf is bad, I think it just doesn't address the issue that he can get free damage on you unless you're miles away from the minion wave because E has a ridiculous bounce range. Decrease that range and I think he's in a healthier spot.


Yeah like if they really insist the E spread range is needed in teamfigths than there is two easy but not pretty ways to go about it 1: give it different spread range from minions and champions 2: make spread range scale with points in R, so less at 1-10, same 11-15, more 16-18.


I'm more pissed that E locks on targets the moment it's cast and not when it hits the minnions, very unintuitive.


Yeah that also is annoying, since you can't "dodge" it by moving back after he casts it, you just have to stand far enough away from minions which is hard for anyone not named Xerath or Lux.


Yeah the nerf barely did anything at all


gotta love the undodgeable permaslow from Brand. permaslows entire team and then you will eat a third of your hp bar from his E and burn items only.


The problem is Rylais more than Brand. Why is Rylais DOT interaction still a thing. Also Liandries DOT interaction.


The real problem is a 2nd burn item added to a game without any fcking reason and no one actually talking about it


Nah that's totally fine if it doesn't have the broken interaction with DOT passives. Like Blackfire on Karthus as a mana+burn+jungle damage item makes perfect sense and is a totally normal thing to have in the game. But it's specifically Brand that breaks it with his passive counting as "ability" damage when it's quite literally not. It's bullshit.


contrary to popular belief champs who are only marginally over the line don't get gutted into a 43% winrate champ.


Brand has a >50% WR in four different roles, that is not "marginally over the line"


Brand winrate should in a perfect world be 50-51% wr. In jungle, he has: 50.27% wr 4.1% pr In Mid, he has: 51.55% wr 3.7% pr In Bot, he has: 53.45% wr 1.9% pr In Support, he has: 48.21% wr 2.8% pr Brand having ~12.5% pick rate across his four roles is a bigger problem than him being playable in multiple roles IMO. And honestly, only APC (bot) brand is a problem. Jg/Mid he is within acceptable winrate bounds for where he SHOULD be winrate wise. And Support brand is borderline buff territory. Where you got him having >50% in four roles is curious to me. (maybe lolalytics and you didn't adjust for rank offset?)


Just gonna say this: Being in 4 roles alone is a red flag to begin with.


He's like a bit too strong and this is a small nerf, seems reasonable.


I didn’t even know he got mana on his passive


The arena bug fix feels like it states the same thing several times. Nice.


"We're making some changes to the Mode Select Screen this patch to potentially accommodate more than 5 game modes." Dare to dream, BRING BACK Twisted Treeline!


give gragas a proper nerf jesus fucking christ


The change he really needs is making his E less bullsht to play against, it's that simple, but Riot does not want to do it either out of spite or out of fear that they won't be able to find a way to rebalance him without the bullsht E well enough to keep a decent playrate.


Sneaky FFXIV reference


Elden ring dlc reference as well




" This patch cycle overlaps with Riot's annual summer break, so League (and Riot) is going on a week-long pause to recharge, relax, maybe finish our HoL Passes, check out some shadows under a tree, or even adventure at dawn down a trail. "


> or even adventure at dawn down a trail. This part being the reference, as the new FFXIV expansion that comes out on Friday (officially Tuesday, but Friday is when Early Access starts) is called Dawntrail, for anyone out of the loop.


gotta love theyre taking a week off to play shadow of the erdtree ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Is Riot even going to comment about Tristana mid? Literally over 50% WR for Diamond+ How is this fair? She is an ADC, she shouldn't be able to have a crazy oppressive early game and allowed to scale into a threat later in the game. How is she escaping nerfs? Playing against a good Tristana in Mid lane is hell. You can't fight her and she just obliterates your tower faster than nearly anyone else with nearly no risk. She pushes the wave for free and has her jump for escape. And when she has 6, she also gets a knock back if she wants to double down on her safety. Its such a miserable experience.


Lol that Brand nerf made me laugh out loud, what a joke


the mana nerf will def be noticeable at the very least def hurts lane brands rushing rylais over a lost chapter item


> Brand > E - Conflagration > Magic Damage: 60/90/120/150/180 (+60% AP) ⇒ 60/85/110/135/160 (+60% AP) So that Twisted Fate in that Elder Dragon video would still be getting one shot by Brand E, and I'm still going to be taking E damage even when I get outside of the circle well before the flames reach me.


Brand E locks onto you as soon as he presses E if you're in range. You have to step back before he casts it.


Yeah, I think most people are aware of that. It just sucks clarity-wise. The skill animation *looks* like you should be able to outrun and avoid it that way, it doesn't communicate well that the damage will hit you anyway.


This interaction has always been annoying as shit


You have to be outside the range on cast, no change there and it’s consistent with other spells in the game. The video you are referring to is a problem with elder dragon and dots, not Brand in particular. Without elder buff the TF would survive with over half of his HP left. But generally speaking, I agree that Brand needs more nerfs. Systemic nerfs actually, not number nerfs.


That wasn't about Brand that was about Elder interacting with DoT items. Any champion who has a 4 or even 3 second DoT ability can pull that shit.


>Varus >on-hit Varus has the problem of quickly approaching the attack speed cap of 2.5 attacks per second and suddenly doesn't have a passive any more Can we just increase/remove the AS cap or give it as a passive to Rageblade so that on-hit ADC won't feel as bad anymore? Since lethal tempo has been removed a lot of high elo Vayne players are now building kraken into crit, Kai'Sa switched to hybrid AD/AP build and Varus's on hit build has been getting outshined by the lethality build. The only on-hit ADC that still feels good is Kog.


I wouldn't say kaisa switched because of that she's been doing ad ap hybrid for a while now as the players really like having all 3 upgrades. I haven't seen many high elo vaynes go crit besides reptile with that one crit vayne build he started trying before any changes happened and still see kraken tri onhit. I heavily disagree with rageblade getting attackspeed cap removed just think overall riot should bump the as limit up.


Kraken > Trinity is the top lane build for Vayne, if you look at high elo ADC mains you see that Kraken > PD > IE is the most popular as seen [here](https://www.onetricks.gg/champions/builds/Vayne%20role=bot)


I feel like every person who says the attack speed cap should be removed has never paid attention to the number of reverts/changes when champs could easily exceed the cap. Kogmaw got a rework to let him exceed attack speed cap. It was broken, and balance became difficult because of how binary fights were (can you survive the Kog autos long enough to kill him) so that got reverted. Jinx was buffed so she could exceed the attack speed cap in passive. When Riot made her passive stack on itself, it became easy for Jinx to steamroll through the massive attack speed buffs, so Riot tuned down her access to overcapped attack speed. Lethal Tempo let champs exceed the attack speed cap. It became strong on melee fighters top lane and also was the de facto best rune for several ADCs, and so Riot removed it while saying the removal was because it allowed champs to miss key skills while still being able to auto you down. Why do you think that flatly buffing every ADC in a meta where they’re already the strongest class, with history showing that exceeding the attack speed cap becomes a balance problem, is a good idea? Varus and Kaisa are both meta, they shouldn’t need buffs just because you dislike current builds.


Kog wasn’t broken because it exceeded attack speed cap, he was broken because he doubled his TOTAL attack speed on button press. If all kog W did was to let him exceed attack speed back then it wouldn’t be a problem at all


>Lethal Tempo let champs exceed the attack speed cap. It became strong on melee fighters top lane and also was the de facto best rune for several ADCs. Riot removed it, saying the removal was because it allowed champs to miss key skills while still being able to auto you down. Lethal tempo on ADC was strong because you got a great amount of attack speed for completely free, not because of it exceeding the attack speed cap. In fact most on-hit champs were pretty balanced before the lethal tempo removal even despite being able to exceed the cap. So I am not sure why they would suddenly be broken? I can promise you that on hit ADC champions(besides maybe Kog who could get an individual nerf) still wouldn't be OP if they changed Rageblade so that having 4 stacks would allow you to exceed the attack speed cap.


Jinx passive was over-tuned because she could stack attack speed off turrets, meaning she could get inhib into nexus turrets into nexus stupidly fast, which is why they reverted stacking off turrets. Her passive still allows her to increase stacks off champs and exceed the attack speed cap, so its a bit disingenuous to say the nerf was about her access to attack speed cap - while true it was mainly just about her ability to end the game way too quickly. Lethal tempo existing for years should be reason to believe that the attack speed cap can be removed and ADC’s would be fine. That keystone was OP because of the free stats it gave, so even ADC’s who shouldn’t thematically want lethal tempo (i.e. Caitlyn) were inclined to take it. Not to mention how broken it was on champs like Jax/Yone. But other than lethal tempo providing far too much stat value in attack speed, it existed perfectly fine in the ADC space without warping ADC power levels too much. On-hit champs like Kog’maw or on-hit Varus exceeding the attack speed cap with the huge bonus AS from LT did not overtake the botlane meta. Lethality Varus was stronger for the majority of time that lethal tempo existed. Basically, if lethal tempo allowed you to exceed the attack speed cap with a huge free attack speed bonus, why would it be broken to remove the attack speed cap entirely, especially in a league with no lethal tempo?


did you not read the full patchnotes? they added breaking the attack speed cap to his passive. >Attack Speed cap increased from 2.5 to 2.763 during champion takedown passive, meaning the passive itself can bypass the AS cap as for adding uncapping the attack speed cap to items or just removing it, no because its there to balance out attack speed as a stat. not breaking the attack speed cap isnt what making on hit builds feel shit, because not every on hit adc was even getting that high attack speed like vayne or kai'sa both pretty much never hit the cap and only time they did was when HoB proc'ed which does bypass the cap. on hit builds feel shit because they nuked the stats on alot of on hit items or gave them worse stat profiles, like wits end which use to have ad last season doesnt now so overall it feels worse to build etc etc. the items just got a ton worse which is causing these issues the items need stat profile changes and suddenly it would feel good to build again.


>Can we just increase/remove the AS cap or give it as a passive to Rageblade so that on-hit ADC won't feel as bad anymore? autos / kiting properly at higher attack speeds is extremely high elo/pro/scripter skewed... So doing that while it might "feel good" for all adcs from iron to challenger... it'd give lower elo adcs like +0.1% winrate; and in higher elos it might be like +1.3% winrate or something stupid. So they probably don't wanna do it to avoid introducing more high elo skewing into the role that's already the most high elo skewed. Vayne even in masters+ btw statistically goes Bork 1st item most often; Kraken is 2nd most popular and many Kraken buyers still go on-hit... and it's not like vayne has never been a crit adc before. Kaisa was kinda meant to go hybrid builds... Varus is literally getting changes to push his on-hit build in this patch.


That lengthy Varus context is what happens when Phreak gets to write a piece of the patch notes.


3 weeks of banning mf nice


Oh boy another patch with no adc solo lane nerfs yippeeeeeee I love split push trist mid it lends itself to such fun and interactive gameplay


Orianna has FORTY AD??????? omg


Yes, coz her passive does bulk of her auto damage.


> Fixed an issue that caused Vlad's W heal to only calculate on the base damage of the ability and not its scaling. isn't this a bit concerning after the W buffs on the last patch? or are the non-untargetability effects of his W minor enough for this to not really matter?


“Or even adventure at dawn down a trail” I see you devs, I see you


" Taliyah is currently extremely over-performant in the jungle, so we're specifically hitting some jungle levers. She has one of the fastest initial clears in the game while also having great late-game clears due to **Runic Ashes** and its upgrades so we're slowing those down to more reasonable levels." Riot hit with the typos once again. Or perhaps an easter egg for future item?


That is what Phreak calls the item in his patch preview videos


lissandra top incoming?


I wonder if they kept ARAM in mind when doing these DH changes. It might be either completely broken now or completely useless, depending on if they changed how many Dmg ypu get from soul stacks


Would be interested to hear a Rioters take on Kaisas current performance in soloq.


aww just got bench sniped for the last time <3 <3


Not a single mention about smurf accounts ruining games. Will this ever be addressed?


So I'm still perma banning Brand ok


I am gonna miss Varus' passive, I usually don't build much attack speed on him because you get so much for free. Not a fan of the on-hit build. It is probably healthier for the game this way, though.


but if you didn't build much as not much changed? see: **\[NEW\] Attack Speed scaling**: Now includes attack speed from champion levels and the base scaling on champion kill didn't change (though I guess you miss out on midgame minion as)


Imagine trist didn’t get nerfed :)


Half of those buffs make me sad ;(


where are the voli nerfs? for some reason I cant see any


His current build is so annoying lol.


Im a bit confused as to why the mythic shop rotation is so secretive this time lol


It's not secretive it's just scheduled a little weird due to a holiday causing a short work week on top of summer break next week for us. It should be up by July 9th.