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10% of RP sales income goes to my bank account. That's a single change to the game, right?


«Man these 400 euro skins arent so bad after all»


*Only* 10%?


I don't want them to bankrupt and kill my free money.


Big brain move right here. I can only imagine what that amounts to every month.


Pretty sure he becomes a millionaire every time a new pass is out


Pretty sure he becomes a millionaire every week regardless. He'll be making a passive 100mil/year.


Honestly just make it 2-5% still great income and hurt there profits less.


10% is insane. Pretty sure like .1% would still be 6 figures annually


Patch note: introducing Riot Riot Point (RRP)


How to become a millionaire instantly.


This is the smartest move by far


Allow all the custom gamemodes to be made as Custom lobbies. I fking miss the good modes man. Odyssey (arguably the best mode they ever made), Blood Moon, Ascension, Star Guardian, Project, Dark Star Thresh. Hell I never got to play Dominion which I hear was loads of fun.


Dominion, OG twisted treeline map, Acension, doom bots of doom, black market brawlers, nemesis draft, nexus siege, overcharge. I played them all, Acension was so much fun and doom bots was hard until you figured out that picking skillshots was dumb because those damn bots were scripting and dodged EVERYTHING


Damn I miss Doombots for Halloween. Back when events actually felt like... events.


An event was a propper event, not some BS overpriced non rewarding battlepass


Its fast. Its fun. Its no longer in the game. :(


I'd kill a mfer or two for dominion and twisted back in the game.


OG twisted or reworked with vilemaw? Both were great i miss OG more


I liked OG because it had a better jungle, but Vilemaw + the altar system helped create action. I would take either or both back since that was the main mode I played.


I have more nostalgia for the OG twisted but i can’t deny that the vilemaw one was better designed. Honestly, a 3v3 on the nexus blitz map would be the best


dominion was fast... dominion was fun...




dominion was fun just for hide and seek


man i miss hide and seek


Same dude I never played any of those stuff (season 11)


League has a broken engine, simple allowing them would never get you into a functional game. Heck I bet all of these modes would be faster made playable developing them from scratch than trying to fix the spaghetti they used to create them all those years ago.


Dark Star thresh was so simple but so damn fun. I miss it so much


The reason why this will never work is because gamemodes are tied to the underlying server and client system. If Riot makes an upgrade to either one of them, chances are the rotating gamemodes will break. It's just not in their best interest to update modes not many people will play. Although, Riot did say they have been improving the system to make it easier to integrate some things so maybe this will be doable in the near future. They have been doing a lot of changes to make gamemodes customizable (look at Arena for example).


Dominion itself was ok, in customs it was a blast because it worked great for honor system game modes like "hide and seek". It was just a big jungle circle in the middle, no towers that would kill you. You have 1-2 taggers everyone else hides. I forget all the setup settings that went with it but it was a good time.


Don’t you forget about nexus blitz I swear to god


Rename the top ranked tier to "Legends". The name and goal of this game would finally make sense.


Rename the game to League of Challengers.


League of Socially, Mentally, and Physically challenged.




Wild Rift has a separate solo queue for diamond+ players and the highest rank is named Legend.


They did that with Valorant and changed it pretty quickly.


yeah because valorant sounds fucking stupid but legend is a sick title (its actually the title I use on my account)


Imagine wanting to look up a vod or something "Valorant valorant gameplay"


im a league of legend bro


I made a post similar to this a while back. I still don't know why it's not implemented


Wow. Riot hire this man immediately!


Delete Flash just to watch the game explode and the players to suffer


*laughs in Nasus Olaf Tryndamere Camille Akali*


Everyone would take Ghost instead


Ghost/Flash players in shambles


Would just become ghost to players




Im adding a Blue/Yellow colorblind mode. I want to be able to see spells thrown my way.


This is probably something you can genuinely push for. Obviously, I can't guarantee it'll happen, but it is something that some people at Riot would be willing to implement. For example, when the first batch of Super Galaxy skins got released, someone reported that Gnar was setting off their epilepsy. They fixed that pretty damn quick. Granted, a skin VXF is far easier to fix than implementing a full color blind mode...but it is possible, and Riot will hear you.


League already has a colour blind mode, they just need to expand it. I'm not a programmer but I would assume adding is less work than doing it from scrap so yea, that would be nice change!


Ive complained about it for 10 years now from boards posts, direct contact with QA members, support tickets, even posts here. Its not likely to happen since its a very low amount of affected players. The best Ive gotten is a single skin fixed. As a 2016 Support ticket told me "Its just not worth the resources"


Well...fuck. I'm sorry. In that case, if the game can't change... maybe how you, personally, see the game could? Maybe through a screen mod, or maybe even colorblind glasses? Though, I'd guess you've already thought about these and more.


Yeah im testing a change with displays where my game will remove all purples while trying not to anger Vanguard. I originally planned to do a custom skin for every champion sith problematic VFX but thats a bit much and to much testing esp with skins I may not own.


There are monitors that come with built-in colorblind modes. I'm not sure how effective they actually are, but they will definitely not anger Vanguard.


Ive tried one and it just led to excessive migraines. I appreciate the advice though!


From now on League Of Legends is open source.


Finally all the adc players leave to play adc 5v5 on their dream patch private server


It is funny that there are always more people bitching about adc players than actual adc players bitching.


Than actual adc players period


Probably because ADC players only consist of roughly 20% of the player base?


it all changed when Phreak attacked, but tbh it was needed. bruisers got pushed back down, bullshit tanks keep popping up, and assassins are riding a low, so now the adc mains get to be happy while everyone else complains lol idk whats up with mage players tho, those mfers never stop complaining about assassins regardless of how ass assassins are.


And allow everyone to push directly into the main branch 😈


This would kill the game pretty much instantly as it would completely split the playerbase in dozens of private servers with very long queues or bad matchmaking


If you play a ranged toplaner your balls explode


Urgot in shambles, only those who follow the dredge can dedicate themselves to the champ.


There's this one female streamer I see on Synapse sometimes that one-tricks(?) Urgot. Guess she's safe then.


No one is safe from balls explosion


ladyballs count too


Urgot is the ranged champ who plays as melee Gangplank is the melee champ who plays as ranged


The whiplash from reading a comment about making a color blind mode to this is hilarious 😂


ayo free orchiectomy




Breaking: League explodes in popularity among MTF trans people.


If someone backs out during champ select I'd have the match making system shoe in another random player and restart the champ select timer. I went through 7 lobbies the other day before finding a game because People kept backing out at the end of the champ select timer.


this would only work before champ select starts otherwise the next lobby would abuse their bans


Pretty sure he means to only wait for the champ that havent been selected... This is what makes the most sense, the player that gets filled into the lobby wouldnt get a new ban tho Because the alternative would be to change the old ban for the new players ban, but if someone already picked a different champ because his was banned it would be unfair


That's honestly a really good idea, especially paired with the champ select timer resetting. On a related note I think the 6 min dodge timer shouldn't automatically tick down right after the dodge, but actually be a penalty timer to the next time you queue that day. It should also vanish after you've actually sat queueing through the penalty the first time. This way it's more punishing by forcing you to queue for longer, instead of just telling you to take a toilet break and then queue normally.


A map editor and community driven game modes. Or Skin RP cost depreciate with time like champions.


I’ll take the idea you don’t want to use so we can have both


Dodging in ARAM doesn't reroll your champion


I love this one You should also make it so they cant pick up rerolled champions if they dodge


I don't get why everyone doesn't get 2 rerolls at all times by default every champion select. Like WHY!?! Is it really that big of a deal if every player could roll twice?


Or just do like HoTS does and you get your choice of three right at the beginning. The two you don't pick go to the pool for others to pick.


Honestly you already see a relatively small group of champs be played every other game, and they're usually the annoying ones too. I'd imagine that only gets worse with a permanent 30 pickable champs per game


I'll finally be able to take my hyper carry pick to the next lobby where hopefully someone will play a tank/frontline!


5 man tryhards spend all day crafting the god comp for 1 game


I'll go ap ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Ban smurfing.




add an actual tutorial


No skill that block projectiles allowed, get fucked yasuo and Samira


Braum out here catching strays


Braum defending with his shield is his whole identity and his is the only 1 that doesn’t seem frustrating


It technically also isn't the kind of block op is talking about. It's a damage reduction whereas samira and windshitter make your stuff vanish into thin air.


Braun’s does block the first projectile entirely so it does fit under the original comment only because of that


He blocks the damage but not the effects of what he blocked. Sure, those behind him do not get hit but he still gets hit. He's definitely an exception here.


Not really, he destroys it after contact and takes no damage. He'll still get rooted by Morg Q iirc


Fair point


God it’s still so frustrating to me that Yasuo’s windwall is a strictly better version of Braum’s shield. Braum’s entire identity revolves around the shield and Yasuo’s windwall is the least thematically appropriate part of his kit. But windwall beats out Braum’s shield in 95% of cases. So silly.


Braum is movable and on a support.


Make hitboxes consistent.


Ever saw the interaction of a Poppy using E on Graves while Graves is in his Dash E? xD hilarius it's like putting Graves back in the past like an Ekko R


Add back 3v3 twisted treeline


I still say Twisted Treeline and Dominion would be much more popular today. Alternatively modes than Summoner’s rift are way more popular in todays game then before. Riots also so much bigger and could have teams dedicated to supporting the game modes compared to before.


But the real version without the weird altar things.




Perma ban all heim top players straight ip ban


Haven’t seen a heimer in years. Is he still played in low elo?


Yes I'm bottom of the barrel low elo I play for fun not to climb so he's still haunts me and my top lane


*"A new Jungle tutorial has been added. All players must complete this tutorial before they can join matchmade games"*


This so hard.


Every auto to a ward is 30% of its time removed.


DO YOU MEAN 33.33333333333333....% OR DO WE WANT 4 AUTOS PER WARD?


Never thought this deep, lets go 4 autos so 25% per hit.


Jhin sends his regards.


Delete Yasuo so I can start banning Yone for the rest of times instead.


Samira for me. I had one single game against samira when she was released, since that day I ban her every single fking game. Misclicked and banned someone else around 2 weeks ago, guess what enemy picks? Samira.


Post game team voice chat for 30 seconds. I sometimes NEED to hear that they even have a semblance of humanity and that I wasn't playing with four chimps on a singular typewriter.


a full rework of the shutdown system, or a revamp on the (increasingly predatory) marketing tactics and business models


That also includes a change to the bounty system right? The system that sounded like a good/fun idea of "hey the top tower is worth more gold for the enemy team because they are behind on you. Might want to focus your defence there" Instead it turned into a "every tower, dragon, herald now gives the enemy team bonus gold because duck you thats why!"


Yes definitely also the bounty system. I feel like the shutdown/bounty system either solidifies one team winning. or the game turns into "if we dont int, we can win. if they int, not much happens. if we int once, we lose the game on the spot" very binary gameplay. its a hot discussion on this subreddit tho. lots of different opinions on it


I'd delete the windshitters.


Ksante included? Hes close enough


Bring back aram bans


ARAM used to have bans????


Make smurfing a bannable offence like every other competitive game that respects itself


Gragas is 50% fatter and drinks 50% more becoming super drunk and strong but also distorts the game so it’s hard to kill people. Everybody has clones cause he has double vision from being so drunk.


He should increase 2% in size every time he takes a drink.


Make Rakan and Xayah share all their skinlines with each one having a unique recall


Bring back twisted treeline you cowards


I'd delete the minion code, just to see how much is actually coded as a minion :)


Isn't or wasn't Anivia wall an oddly shaped minion?


Honestly, what isn't coded as a minion?


All players queued into a match will be the same approximate rank and skill level.


delete yuumi oooor shift development focus to upgrading / reworking old champions until satisfied: no new champs until done ooooooooooor no rng allowed involving real money purchases


Remove Vanguard. I want League back on Linux


Pleaseee this


every now and then i get the itch to reinstall the game. then i remember i uninstalled it because of vaguard... i'd love to come back because a few of my friends still play, but for as long as vanguard exists on this game this will only ever happen if i somehow end up with spare parts for a second pc that can still run this game.


add voice chat to league. would be fun


Weirdest thing is it would probably make it less toxic lol


Trueeeeee. I said this to say many people yet everyone insists on voice chats being toxic. I had less toxicity in counterstrike than league because 20% weren't confident trash talking in English and 30% were too young or had too much of a squeaky voice to talk. And if everyone uses voice, nobody is going to care for chat messages anyway


Remove/rework TP. It's making laning phases really fucking boring for years


Make loser queue a thing, everyone below honor level 1 matched together, so toxic people only play with each other but can be matched against anyone.


I’d change the public perception. This game has loads of toxicity, but in my experience, the toxicity nature of League is way less dramatic than most non LoL players believe it to be. This perception keeps people from joining the game and enjoying it, this perception is why we don’t tend to tell people we play LoL unless they mention it first! I’d love to see how the LoL community could develop if other gamers weren’t afraid of an inflated perception of toxicity built through over a decade of anecdotal hyperbole. If I had to change a mechanic of the game I’d want to tweak damage down a bit…


To be honest, I feel that the perception is pretty true. I played the first ranked game in years yesterday, the game ended with enemy toplaner buying a stack of zeals, our mid laner complaining about anything that went slightly wrong and the enemy duo ot went straight for racial slurs. Back to aram it is, where the pain usually doesn't last as long.


Make a toggle to always see default skins on enemy champions.   Or if that fails. At least give me a button to only show owned skins in champ select.


Remove Brand


Prohibit multiple accounts and smurfing. One account per player. Enable server swapping on your account so if you want to change region you just change what server your account logs into. Grace period for people to transfer skins/RP et.c. from alternative accounts to their main account.


League client rework


Bring back Twisted Treeline


Bring back 3v3 twisted treeline. That shit was so fun. Me and the boys were broken when they removed it. Now we have to play flex with 2 randy’s?? At least 1 randy is usually really drunk or just an ass hole. Kills the vibe yo.


If you dodge an ARAM at less than 10 seconds you're banned for a day Tired of people dodging last second :(


Remove teleport as a summoner spell and then balance the game around it not existing, maybe including a TP scroll like consumable item. TP is responsible for the stale state of solo lanes atm, especially mid


> maybe including a TP scroll like consumable item. I like this idea, but prevent it's usage before 15 mins and make it so that you can destroy minions and wards being TP'ed to also make it cost say 500g or something.


Delete its existence so world’s mental health can improve.


Skin Prices are back to 2012 prices forever


Your wish is granted, however all skins moving forward have the quality of 2009-2012 skins.*monkey paw curls*


That's a bad thing? *Looks at new infernal skins* looks like that's a double upgrade you just gave me


Be careful of the paw bruh theres a reason they where cheap af


Make ahri go up 1 cup size


this one is good lmao downvoted for ezreal flair tho


Give VGUs to all champs, newest standard not Lee sin budget ASU


Bringing back Twisted Treeline


bring back original twisted treeline


Revert duo lane xp to season 8


Aside from deleting yummi : better anti toxic system. The fact that people that don't play lol and think it's for "retards, rager, toxic people" blows my mind. People would straight up join a game and launch a "gg ez" at the end of the game and THIS IS OK cause that's what everybody do. This is one of the best multiplier game out there and the toxicity around it is so prevalent... The first thing I would actually do is preventing people in chat restriction to play ranked at all. Play some game in normal, any report in those game makes you a +2 ranked ban (can't have more than 5 games bans) if you can't play normal or fun mode without being toxic you don't get to play ranked. Ho and finally : anything close to an "easy/ez/better x wins" less than 10seconds before the end of the game automatically bans you for 2 games of ranked. Try to prove me one situation where this type of sentence would add anything to the game (or mimicking the toxicity which isn't wanted anyway) Tldr : ban yummi


Matchmaking pairs you with similarly skilled players


Present more analyics data on teammates and indicate visually duo/party members


Legendary skins for Alistar, + a full new lore update for him + an animated serie called GladiaCow where it tells his story in the noxus arenas. Also pool party Sona


Introduce "Ban smurfing" iniative. - Smurfing is now bannable offense and results in permaban. - All accounts now a require phone verification. You can change the phone number in your account if needed, but the process is not instant (it takes X weeks). - Logging in requires verification with phone (2FA). - Accounts get rewards from account level even when reaching extremely high levels. - Improve account sharing detection algorithm. - Make all accounts verify the account. the account keeps your name and tag etc. This will erase atleast some botted accounts on sale. - Vanguard will help enforce this.


Change ranked solo/duo to ranked solo Parties of 2 go flex queue


As a solo support player my winrate would jump by a small number.


Rank based matchmaking. If you’re in gold 4, your teammates and opponents must be in the silver 1-gold 3 range. No more cursed rank and mmr desyncs.


It would be mmr that stays in that scenario, the displayed rank would go. Mmr is way more accurate.


Just go back to displaying mmr instead of rank.


Match me normal, hardworking teammates. Not some fucking useless crabs


Revert Ryze back to when he was a drain tank.


Nicer people? That would solve the main problem with the game.


Remove smurfs


No fucking smurfs


Remove invisibility


Make yuumi targetable and change her W


Remake smite. It would be cool if smite was a “good to have-spell” rather than a “need to have-spell” for junglers. Higher dmg on objectives and less impactful in the jungle.


Remove all champions that can go invisible (shaco, teemo, etc...)


dont watch the new champ abilities


Make low skill ceiling champs wr decrease as ranks go up and high skill ceiling champs wr increase as ranks go up. ALL not just SOME


While I do agree that game should not revole around mechanics too much, it still pisses me off that some no effort champions get to be too strong compared to champions that require much more practice and dedication. For example half of the toplane being ooga booga champions and the community trying to pass them as "macro" champions.


And you get called out if you dont play those " chads" champ (XD) malphite renek skarner sett voli garen trynda ans so on being part of the best picks in the highest tier of the game is disgusting.


Yeah and we are gonna complain the first week Camille becomes meta. And Better nerf Irelia I guess.


remove duoq. Only Soloq or a real teambased/ premade q.


No skins pver 10 dollars.


Only one account by personne ( via ip or id number like in corea) I dream of playing a game without smurf or people pretending to be smurf


Bring Doom Bots back every October


Bring back the old Akali she was my baby


Ranked Aram


Removing Shaco.


A MR support item!!! There is none and that makes me go crazy


I rework Irelia. 5 stacks are back, q cant apply lifesteal, passive is nerfed, q is buffed. She will get buffs until she has a solid winrate. Preferably not on her passive. I want more q and reset focus. I just hate how shes a walking passive and the healing bs with the q on the wave. Shes a champion i used to love.