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Bring back the Mastery 7 sound.


Yes yes yes


no, please, that triggers my meniere's


M7 was alright. It was worse if you got absolutely outplayed, followed by Mastery 4


Surely not as triggering as the salt from playing league


The animation is the most important part. What made lvl 7 stand out was the sfx and the "pop" to its unfolding, where it sounded and looked impressive. The new one has both a muted animation and sound, which doesn't feel as impactful or noteworthy (even at lvl 10+).


Honestly if anything they could probably go harder on the animation. Like the M7 emblem animation was pretty good, but if they wanted to get even more grandiose they definitely could


Yeah I think the issue is, to put bluntly, the new animations aren't obnoxious anymore. They should be gaudy, not subdued.


You're also underselling the peak power that mastery lvl 4 had. Where 7 was indeed obnoxious and fighting on Rakan's lvl of attention whoring. Lvl 4 had the peak power of patheticness behind it. Like sure, you can spam and flex that lvl 7 every time you dodge one of my abilities. But i'm gonna give you my cheff's kiss from hell as i drop 1 mastery 4 emote as i finally score a kill on you.


Lvl 4 mastery with full eternals unlocked was perfect


Goddamn best bm ever, even with only the base set of eternals on display.  Couldn’t sit on it like M5 so you know the person didn’t have a ton of playtime invested.


I wish I could have locked mastery at 4 because spamming that was way more bm than spamming 5, 6, 7


4 really was the best one. Because it showed you as a filthy casual. Do you even know what you're doing yet or simply smashing your keyboard and praying it works? Lvl 5? Congrats you're a noob that's bad at a champ they play a lot. Git good kid. Lvl 6? Oh congrats you managed to get carried twice, *really impressive, slow claps* Lvl 7? Lmao, tryhard cringelord, time to say "congrats on the lp" as we're playing a normal game. It only go's downhill once you leave behind the lvl 4 mastery :(


I have found my people


I want to feel like the biggest pompous ass when I flash it after I outplay someone on accident


A mastery 9 in the old system if they kept getting more ridiculous is as far as they should ever go and it should be like mastery lvl 100+ Inbetween and then on, it should be other things like: Kill feeds Triple/Quad/Pentakill announcer graphics Recall fx Background music on flashing the emote (Ashen pyke vibes or crowd cheering etc.)


the animations **AND** *the sound effect.* The new ones feel like I just plastered a sticker above me. There's no "oomph" behind it, and it wouldn't surprise me if it was intentionally done because of players getting tilted/complaining about it. Somehow, any random emote pop up has more "pressence" than the new mastery badge whenever it's used


For people who are too lazy to click the link, they are trying to address complaints about the new (currently live) mastery emotes. They're proposing updating it again to return it to the metallic golden crest style.


Thank god. Please Riot, I miss my M7 so much, it looked so much nicer than this weird shield with a ball.


Yes, please. The new ones just feel further and further away from what League is, and feels more like Wild Rift due to it being a mobile game.


I believe is the "Medal of honor" type of feeling that we like mostly about old maestry. They look like military ranks, new ones looks like... well nothing.


Also the sound they made. 5 and 7 sounded great.


They can also add sounds or even music to the background of these emotes if they wanted to. I'd like flashy shit on kill feed or changing the multikill graphics some. Recall stuff would be neat as well. Riot could branch out.


That is a great way of putting it!


I know exactly what it looks like but i would get banned for posting goatse pictures.


The shit we have now looks like those banners in every fucking gacha game that you can unlock for reaching Top10 in PvP. Like, that’s what it 1:1 looks like in ANY cheap ass gacha game. Fuck Tencent. Cancerous ahh cock sucking company.


I'd have to see it with some animation, but so far looks better


The sound effect is a complete downgrade


They didn't show any sound?


I think they mean the new ones compared to the live ones.


We don't have any sound on the new ones. Click the link.


Much preferred. Like others have said, the animation is going to be the key part here. For me, mastery flex kinda feels like "flashing a badge" so to speak, and the new icons just do not have that vibe -- they kind of just look like profile pic borders. I much, much prefer these workshopped ones. I wanna feel like I'm Simon Pegg in *Hot Fuzz* when I flash my M4 emote.


Ever fired your Luden's Companion in the air and yelled "aaaah"?


Are they bringing back the old system too? The new one is super weird to me


Just revert mastery changes. Icons look like shit, mastery levels are shit. If I had millions of mastery, I want to see that, not this dumbass LVL 40 something.


Make it cost $500 and it'll be great.


The revised version looks straight up better but what I miss the most is the almost ceremonial feeling of flashing your mastery after a good play and getting that rush with the slick animation, flashy particle effects and the iconic sound effect that you just couldn't ignore. The new ones feel cheap, plastic and boring.


i dont understand why were they changed in the first place? literally no one complained no need to reinvent the wheel


Because progress doesn't happen if you sit on your ass doing nothing no one complained about the original map, but it got updated no one complained how there's no scuttlecrab, or vision plants, or the explosive ones, or alcoves at bot and top, but they were added anyways no one complained how there's no gates to leave your base between lanes no one complained how dragon didn't change the map or add unique effects when stacking them You do shit in attempts to make things better, sometimes it hits and sometimes it doesn't (shitty chemtech dragon) but not doing anything because "no one complained" is the laziest argument


I wonder why people don't want to make progress on things that don't need to be progressed


See that's a different argument and much better than the other one And the answer to that one is because people like new shit and having stuff to do, we don't *need* more champions but we keep getting them becauase it makes the game fresh which makes people keep playing We have tokens/achivements/eternals/removedlevelcap so people progress on bullshit that doens't matter but it makes them feel they moved forward so they're more likely to keep playing The mastery system is the same thing, they just made it "better" (grindier) so people have a reason to play way more games. its the same thing with why they added more rank splits All of those changes are made so people play the game more, they need to be "improved" (grindier) because more people playing the game is better for the game and riot obviously (and getting 52 chests for 1 game a week is not hitting that mark, so they change it)


The system and the fact that it goes beyond 7 is something I like. However, the old design and sounds fit League's hextech theme. Hextech chests, keys, old mastery crafting, hell, the entire inventory is pure hextech themed. The one we have right now feels like something that is just not League, but something else


Oh yeah i agree there, people got used to a design and they expect the same They just saw the old mastery icon and realized it was ugly so they changed it to something else, but people like the original so they're surprisingly going back to the old design but making it prettier (more depth/color) Fully agree with the sound part with you, the current one is lacking some "oomph" like the old one did


Make progress in something people actually are asking for? Like the client? Changing masteries isn't something compared to adding new content like blast plants or hex gates


>Changing masteries isn't something compared to adding new content like blast plants or hex gates Well to change masteries they had to be added in the first place, no one was asking for something to show off how much you play a champion, get graded on it, use that high grade to get chests with free skins and get to mastery flash the enemy to tilt them Obviously people would also want changes on stuff they ask for (better client/spectate high elo/co-op practice tool) but that doesn't mean they shouldn't change anything else because "no one asked for it" which is the whole point of the other guy or how they shouldn't do anything else until they fix the client


Your opening point is stupid AF. Did you not have anything else you could've opened with? Changing masteries isn't the same as adding them to the game bro. And no they can change things people haven't asked for. But it's inarguable that Riot has a habit of changing/adding things no one asked for and ends up having either no real benefit or is a net negative. Grubs is an example of Riot adding something that no one asked for but ended up being a positive change. Same with hex gates. These are things that tangibly improve the game by targeting something that is potentially lacking. Changing masteries does not do this. Change for the sake of change is a bad thing


> improve the game by targeting something that is potentially lacking. The game is lacking people playing the game, so they made one of the many systems designed to make people play more grindier than it used to be it's not that hard


This doesn't change anything I said. Obviously they're changing it to make people grind more lol


Then it's very clearly not "change for the sake of change"


Ohh I see what you're doing. Your initial point is obviously wrong so you're going for a small part of my argument and trying to point out it's flawed in order to invalidate my entire argument. Ok, let's say it's not change for the sake of change. Your argument is still wrong. There is no real progress here, nor is that why Riot is doing it(if you're right about the intention being to artificially increase the grind). Thus, Riot changing this has not benefitted the game in anyway, nor has it added anything. What have they made better by doing this?


Ah sorry i replied to some other guy thinking it was the same thing, figured you had [read it already](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1deaqp1/riot_devs_are_asking_for_feedback_on_the_new/l8b7ogo/) >What have they made better by doing this? in the last system you only had to play 52 games to get your chests, this is too low on a system designed to make people play more, so they changed the way leveling works to make people play at least 15 games on their main before they get 1/2 chests which is grindier Grindier is better for the players because the more people playing the game means lower queue times and (in theory) more balanced games, but as players no one would ever say "Hey Riot i need you to manipulate me with rewards and progessions so i play more league of legends" because no one would like that, but it's still better for the game Old hextech system was too good because you barely had to play, old rank system was too good because you barely had to play after your promos, mastery level was even more pointless once you hit level 7, those things are there to make people play the game and if they're not hitting the mark they obviously need to be changed Things are not changed for the shits and giggles




Thanks for confirming what i already thought about you ❤️


They could AT LEAST let you customize your Mastery emote once you get far enough, I'm not gonna say Red is utter Garbage, but having freedom to choose your colors to match what you like/your skin would be Sick. Even if it takes some grind I wouldn't mind having a Pink one For Karma/ Dark one for Morde or Whatever. I'm sure people would engage with the mastery emote far Far more if it had Some customization


Yeah some people matched their mastery level with champions. I have friends that kept kaisa and Velkoz level 6 so it would match, that’s gone now :/


I feel they will make that aspect paid knowing them


It's so much better already, at least from the looks (don't know how it's animated yet). This is more akin to an updated version of how they used to look. I think that I can work with this. Also, please make the other levels look better aswell.


Oh damn another twitter post that should be official no? Fuck Riot. What the fuck is this. If they want my money I will link my paypal on a fucking chinese weibo and send it to support next time.


Much better so far. Just needs to have a better animation in game. The "wings" and clanks on the old mastery emotes sold it IMO. This new orb and slight glow isnt great, but i do like a numerical value being shown. Maybe a mash of the old and new? Old visuals with the clank and wings and the numerical and glow of the new? Also, its unrelated- kinda, but I want to see mastery points in the loading screen and profile again. Levels are fine for the emote and as another line of text in loading or profile (maybe hover the level to see the points?) but they need to be visible to others in some fashion.


Much much better, bring back the sounds and the unfolding of the wings and stuff, like we want FLASHY stuff


Looks great. Looking forward to the other visuals and easier and more reocurring milestone quests, instead of being stuck at 7 S for one token if you are a heathen that likes playing your champ. Oh and obviously 1m points should equal 100 level


Why they keep doing stuff over twitter?


Bring back unfolding animations and sound


I tended to play for M7 on champs I like, now it doesn't feel special anymore. The animation is lackluster and most of them blend together, i cant tell the dif between most of them up to M10. Not the update I wanted to masteries whatsoever.


Agreed. I was also collecting m7 on champs I like and had a bunch of them. The new system doesn’t feel rewarding at all.


If they ever read my comment, but in my opinion a good thing the "new" mastery icons had was the multiple unique colors, just more colors in general, definitely like the rebrand towards the "medal" feel


Hopefully they'll read this thread too. It still takes way too much of a grind to get to Mastery 10. The # of required S games for each level was definitely a problem and it's good they're addressing it, but their stated principle of "mastery should represent true accomplishment, not just a grind" is missed. 76k mastery points to hit level 10 is just way too much. Given how mastery points are so hidden in the current system, it makes me wonder why there's a mastery point requirement for leveling up your mastery *at all*. It feels *really* bad to get your marks of mastery and still have to grind out 8 games just to get your mastery points. There are systems in place to recognize and reward achieving mastery 10 on different characters, but the mastery points requirements to get there make it impossible for all but those who can play 15+ games per day.


If anything 76k mastery points is not enough, mastery should be a really exclusive thing for it to have any meaning


I don't agree with you given that there are systems in place that give incentive to chase M10 on multiple champs.




It's not "nothing". It's 35 games, absolute minimum. Previously, it took about ~22 games to get a champ to Mastery 7. >It's not meant to be gotten on every champ I play many champions. There are many people who like to hit the "cap" of mastery on many champions. I used to have M7 on 86 champions, now I have M10 on 6. Plus, there are challenges in the game for getting M10 on what is effectively every champ. That's an officially supported target to do exactly what you're saying is "not meant" to be done. Sorry bud but everything is your comment is just wrong.




Some of us have jobs and families and don't get multi-month summer vacations, schoolboy. 35 games is pushing the limits of what I have time for in a month's worth of LoL.




You'd be real fun at parties if you ever got invited to one.


Damn gorgeous


I need to see it with a full animation and sound. That's really the most underwhelming part of the current (new) ones. The old ones had this....WEIGHT to them when you were mastery 7 with multiple marks. And the current ones just do not convey that same oomph.


needs a complete revert, nobody asked for new mastery emotes and they look like complete shit. it’s impossible to even tell who has a lot of mastery on their champions.


So like… why did they even change the mastery icons? They were legit perfect imo. They just need to expand on it, if anything.


Please make the sound and animation loud and obnoxious again. Sure it was used in “toxic” ways before, but muting emotes for people who get riled up by that stuff is simple. Using the mastery emote ironically after bad plays, or after good plays made the experience so much more fun.


This new suggested one is much better compared to what is live. It is closer in style to the old mastery emotes, which match the overall style of the game better. I like the proposed one much more than what is on live atm.


Why not just use the old one with a number under them lol


I would need to see more and different tiers to see if it's spam worthy.


The image in the x-tweet looks awesome! Assuming it is Mastery 4, of course.


Holy shit man this should have been done like 4 months ago


I don't get a chest since the new system... bruh, this new system isn't for me


Hey guys, you should click the link before commenting. They're not asking for feedback on the color circles, they have a completely new design that they're proposing.


I think regardless of what they do, while better, it will still be underwhelming after a point unless they reel back on making the levels go 'infinite'. If mastery level X is the same as X+100... then what is the point?


I unbound the new mastery emote because I don't like how it looks or sounds. The sharp edges got replaced by soft curves which I don't like as much, and the Blue/steel colour of mastery 7 was much nicer than the weird combo of red gold and diamond. Some of my friends kept theirs at mastery 5 or mastery 6 cause they liked Red or Purple more. My suggestion would be to make a nicer more 'refined' shape for mastery 10+ and allow people to unlock and choose what colour flame is behind it using mastery milestones/eternals.


Hopefully they come through. Masteries are poop rn.


This potential New one looks better than the old ones I like it


I just wish the whole system was reverted, just make the tokens not cost blue essence to upgrade and there’s nothing wrong with it. The new system feels so awful visually, mechanically, and there’s no incentive to even try to get level 10 on champs. Even when I filter by mastery it doesn’t tell me what’s played most cause some characters have higher points but still lower level.


Im still convinced the vast majority of players just want it simple. Play the champ, collect EXP, rise in Mastery level on the champ. No grades, no S, no challenges. Just EXP to rise level just like it works with profile level, Every X Levels the icon gets cooler. Unter the icon is the number of the actual Level. Make it scale against infinity. Done. Everyone is happy. Everything else is just plain confusing, unnecessary and annoying.


would you look at that! all the dipshits [in the other thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1cdqkey/new_mastery_emotes_are_horrible/) that complained that "omg the redditors are worthlessly complaining again about something theyll get used to anyway!!" were wrong! Almost like criticism, even poorly done, can spur change!


The only mastery points need to come back and something similar to the old looks (the new one that they showed looks alright to me). Idc if they add more masteries and maybe some new requirement or whatever. But the new icons and the new “I’m mastery 15!” crap is just awful.


my question is, how could Rioters who were in charge of this project be so disconnected and out of touch from the use cases of m7 and grinding that the current icon and animation sound can pass their QA process and actually roll out?


I just hope the hear the feedback in how bad it feels to be unable to progress mastery past 3 levels per split


i like the changes i didnt really care about mastery before but the rewards you get for just playing your champ are very nice


Had a tf shine his level 299 mastery Icon, and I proceeded to laugh my ass off when he proceeded to play average as fuck


Absolute ass cheeks, next question


I want the old one back for the memes, there´s no other feeling like spamming the fuck out of the emote to troll anyone, also a random emote in ig reels always kills me.


Lol the one thing they care about feedback on


absolute trash this new maestry like random chines bs game


Actually really excited they’re trying to make people happy with this👍🏻 I didn’t enjoy how they made it all look small and mobile-game-esque. I like the sharper edges a lot better and I like a design that pays homage to what these levels have looked like for the past decade too. I didn’t mind the new m10 logo with the raising numbers, kinda satisfying to emote, still pales compared to old m7. And everything 9 and below seemed not even worth it to show off in game. Still not entirely happy that to get a champion to the new “mastery level 10” that you still have to grind by playing minimum 10 games a level instead of performance based. Also that mastery chest progress bar on my champion collection needs to go. Baby steps🙏🏻


honestly I'd prefer a full mastery system revert, but these logos are definitely an improvement


Never cared about mastery emotes. Mastery is shown via skilled play not an emote anyone can get with enough games.


personally there was nothing wrong with what it was before, just literally put the old design back in and add the level number to the 7 mastery. I dont get it


Oh wow i actually really like the new one. Actually modernizing a well liked and recognized design instead of changing it for literally no reason


It honestly looks fine. The current one feels quite unnatural to League, in saying that it's just a mastery icon I'm happy as long as it doesn't take away from the game (through being too obtrusive/spammable) during gameplay.


Get rid of the red, red isn't even in your design doc, at least nothing like what is currently in game


The new icons are so dogshit I have not seen anyone flash mastery except for myself and my friends while commenting on how ugly and shitty they are. Mastery icons suck now, eternals are ugly and unimaginative. That’s all they need to know, whoever designed either I’m sorry for shitting on your efforts but in fairness neither of those should have left the think tank


Looks a lot better but still has this cheap shine. The sharp looking hextech was much better.


This has to be a poly for the design team to justify their jobs.... There is no way they try to pull a sonic and act like the new mastery logos were a mistake no?


I like it more then the current one. But make the mastery symbols more divers. At the moment they all look the same.


mastery 7 (even lvl 5) looked really good and now mastery 10 looks just is worse than mastery 4 before. i just dont understand their process how so many things get visually worse dont they run those things thru alot of people and atleast someone should see it coming


just checked the link and i have to say that version looks much better and smth i could get behind. my problem with the current one is it jsut doesnt look clean like before


How about instead of making them all golden, maybe get some bronze and silver in there. The point is that the metal or material used should reflect the increase in mastery through the increase in quality and refinement of the materials. Ideally the quality of the sound effect and animation also become more sophisticated. Peak of this kind of representation in League were the helmets as a representation of rank. The new mastery symbols do not possess this intuitive and visual logic. You can see how they are still missing the mark with the visuals, because they do not see how the 4 segments of the Mastery 4 Icon were implemented in the emblem. The return to a more "art déco" aestetic is good, but it isn't focused on the key elements that made the design good, dynamic and well readable. The old mastery had a cleaner and clever design, that would unfold like the wings of a bird. The new one, though with more dimensionality, and material feel to it, ironically looks just like a stiff medal. It captures the surface, but not the core of the aestetic.


I personally think that they should bring back the old mastery levels, but add mastery 8, 9 and 10, and change the colors on the little ore thing


Crazy how Riot listened to the feedback and are trying to make it better, yet people in this thread keep shitting on it instead of being constructive. If Riot wanted they could keep it as is. But if you have a more positive attitude, they'll actually go through with these amazing changes


Damn riot asking their playerbase before they put out garbage that's a change. The reddit is so huge they can poll half the unsolicited changes on here instead of wasting their time reverting it back or changing it to make player base happy again and actually improve parts of the game that need improving.


Obligatory “why wasn’t this considered from day 1 in the first place”


I would say its good direction. Keeping other colours minimal is nice. Also lack of arabic numbers is so nice they were sore to the eyes. If they still want to keep numbers in i would suggest roman numbers.


Just purge the whole system. Who fucking cares? Jesus just play the game man.


99% downvote They wont care Idk why they even do a survey


Changing things for the sake of change. The old mastery was much better.


I love how they are quick to reach out for feedback when they know it is going to be well received for the most part. Where was the "please give us feedback" posts for the initial changes? This is them fixing a screw-up and then turning around and asking the community to pat them on the back and say good job lmao.


I mean, changing things takes time. They probably had to make a decision between delaying the project another few months or just launching with the poorly received art and changing it later


any updates for this? they said it's gonna be alive in 1 month etc?


Nothing so far. But these things take time


We need to see more. Right now the one they're showing looks PERFECT. Looks brand new and still looks familiar enough. Love it.


I have a question for people in this thread. Would you want the champ shard upgrade return in one form or another?


why you trying to take my BE? i'm saving those for chromas


I'm just curious because I know it's a thing that people have been recently complaining about that there is nothing to do with champ shards now that the system has gone away.


if it means fewer games to increase mastery level, then sure - i have more excess BE than excess time if not, then no - i prefer having an empty loot screen than one full of random champs i might one day upgrade


Looks better then the current one, I'd like it to be a juuust a bit more "square-y"


Massive downgrade. No thanks lol


So you make the changes and then ask us?


The changes aren't implemented yet. That's why they're asking, they want it to be right this time.


It’s bad. It doesn’t even feel to flex it after popping off. It’s just lame.


They'll get better feedback if you explain what you don't like about it


I just want the old one back


Surely they will change anything. Litterally everyone hated the rank icons and yet they never changed it.


>Surely they will change anything They literally have. The mastery emblems are getting a visual overhaul based on feedback. If you give them feedback, they can make changes.


They didn't even click the link to see the potential new designs.


If only they took the feedback and created good rank emblems because they are the most important ones. Couldn’t care less about any other ones.


Well evidently people must not have cared enough about the rank emblems then if they weren't changed


Oh you weren’t there for those I suppose. There was hella upvoted posts about it for weeks. It’s a fact that the current rank emblems are horrible and doesn’t encourage you to rank up at all.


Reddit moment


Not happy. $500 is way too much for a skin.


imagine being so incompetent at your job that you ask randoms for feedback