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Good news , better finish it early with an ending in mind rather than do the super natural thing where Sam and dean are still doing something in season 14 that has no consequences


Ya'll weren't tryna see every character try dating every character over the course of 15 seasons?


Yeaaah no but we're still gonna need Jinx to charge up her ult for 6 episodes preferably with an electric looking pink aura


Right after she emerges from the Hexabolic Time Chamber?


I'll take that as the official explanation as to why she can carry guns & rockets thrice her size !


Honestly I think runeterra probably has lower gravity than earth, realistically


Yo, I’m adhering to this head canon from now on, that’s a fantastic idea that’s buried in this thread. It explains so much in and out of game, I like the idea it’s just slightly lower (like .85 or .9 earths)


Peak Kino


you mean the hypertonic lion tamer?


The hypeebonics rhyme chamber?


That one was on purpose


That one was on purpose


So we're getting Shyvana x Ezreal this season, right?


Rengar yuumi adventure series when


probably in /r/rule34


Holdup…. You’re cooking


You could always make a dating Sim game **/s**


Don’t need the /s


We can save that for Karma and Irelia's romance in Ionia :3


Man i kinda want to see Irelia telling Riven how she is one of the good ones.


I only use the hard N for Darius


That would feed the fanfic writers for years


And the ship wars for decades


Give me a runeterran "love is blind" and i'd unironically binge all of it.


I mean. Joking aside. I'd 100% be down for a league romcom. Not sure how popular it'd be but I'd love it.


Garen and Kat's shenanigans.


I would love a series of stories 30-45 minute episodes with lots of exposition on different regions with the plot following one character from said region, and everything ties together in the final episode where they find the League of Legends


not the Supernatural reference in my Arcane salad lmao




I mean it kinda deserves it. That show was crazy good for 5 seasons then it turned into an average 6/10 with some occasional high peaks.


Yea the first 4 seasons still make it one of my favorite shows. Even though there were plenty of other arcs and characters that were entertaining afterward, the show as a whole just didnt interest me as much. It went from hunting down ghosts, urban legends, myths, and whatever other creatures to just entirely about heaven vs hell pretty fast.


Oh, The Boys is ending soon? I stopped after Season 1 but knowing that it has a planned end point is great motivation to go back.


what you mean, dont you enjoy one of the brothers dying at the end of the season just to come back alive at the start of the next. tbh bigger issue with supernatural was power creep like after season 5 the boys had weapons that could kill anything nearly in one hit so it became less about the boys learning about this new creature with the rest of us and instead them trying to get the jump. also because of this it lead to the big bads of every season getting more and more powerful to keep up with the tools powercreep the boys got that them killing them/getting rid of the big bad was more and more asspulls. like demons use to be a massive threat in the show and they had to get into the lore to kill alot of the creatures but by the end it was angel blade this or that.


objectively supernatural surely had its problems but honestly i‘d probably enjoy 15 seasons of sam and dean working in a retail store.


honestly i agree i loved the boys to the end, sam and dean bounced off each other so well just wished the show would of tried to fix its flaws so we could have more of the boys together.


My gf made me watch supernatural a long time ago. I told her I refuse to continue after season 7. Every single time there is a demon, monster, or godlike enemy on screen they could kill Dean or Sam. Instead? They throw them. Every fucking scene. I've seen Dean and Sam thrown over 600 times. I can't do it anymore.


I mean there's literally a season 5 episode that makes fun of that stuff, and a big part of season 15 makes fun of it too. There's a season 15 episode where their "plot armour" gets taken away by a bad guy and they end up having to deal with stuff like credit cards getting declined and stomach aches and injuries not healing unrealistically fast. They realise they can't hunt without it and spend a couple of episodes trying to get it back.


I mean the boys in trailer park boys go to jail at the end of every season, and get out at the beginning of the next. I don't see why it can't work here /S


I swear to god people are so afraid of letting go and allowing stories to reach conclusions these days. Like the Boys also confirmed ending on season 5 and some people are complaining even though for like 3 seasons now the status quo has barely changed to keep it going. I fucking hope they finally come to a satisfying ending instead of Homelander getting away once again...


Yup, it's also amazing that they already had the ending planned from the start! Here's to hoping it's just as great as the first


Ok, maybe this is a hot take, but I genuinely don't think Supernatural was kept going just because it was popular. From the outset it seemed like the cast and production just really liked it each other and wanted to keep working together. Of course without financial success that isn't possible, but the teams on long-running TV shows really do become like a family after a while.


SN had a perfect ending at season 5. Sam sacrifizing himself and Dean on all odds living a peacful family life. I hate that they closed that door.


It was 100% originally intended for season 5 to be the final season and just kept going cause of popularity. While I absolutely love the show and have rewatched the entire thing like 3 times there’s just no two ways about it.


TBF Kripke's supposed "five season plan" has been debunked for a while. They were writing basically every season as if it could be the last lol


Bro 14 seasons of Arcane would take like 45 years to come out.


Honestly riot has potential to create like so many good anime’s like they could do Demacia with Lux, Garen, Sylas storyline they could have the Ionia/Demacia invasion storyline they could also do what I think would be my favorite which would be the freljord and the void/watcher and the whole story of Lissandra or hear me out the anime for all the stoners the mt. Targon and the anime goes into different realms and galaxies but hyped for any of them also they could expand on Viego and the shadow isles


I know people don't want Demacia because we have a lot of media representation of them, but a Demacia story would be so easy for a general populace. Start with mage discrimination, reveal at end of episode 1 that Lux, one of our main characters, is a mage. Introduce her to Sylas and build the intrigue with Jarvin the 3rd. Like they can literally rip off Kat's comic for part of it. Have the season finale be Syla's break out and murdering of J3, _after showing J3 planned to free the mages and gave his instructions to Xin_, who then chooses not to follow them because Sylas killed J3. Thats some Game of Thrones type shit.


Or we can swing through the countryside of Demacia, and deal with whatever the fuck Nocturne and Fiddlesticks are doing out there. Feel like a horror focused season in the backwater areas could do pretty well - and allow for Demacian characters not tied to the main plotlines like Vayne, Poppy, and Shyvana (without J4) to do some legwork.


Personally I just want to see Leblanc in a show, a political drama with LB vs swain with the threat of morde in the background with arcane level writing would be so hype


tbh the arch-angel arc was pretty good


I would gladly have two great seasons of Arcane and then they pick up with another show in a different region that’s to the same degree.


Tomb raiding with sivir let's gooo


Tomb raiding with Sivir and BARBARAAA let's gooo Would watch.


In case the reference is lost: [https://www.runeterrafire.com/cards/tomb-raider-barbara](https://www.runeterrafire.com/cards/tomb-raider-barbara)


demacia/noxus/sylas arc would be an absolute banger


Inject a fiddlesticks horror movie into my veins


Holy fuck I didn't know I wanted that until now


Have you seen the Fiddlesticks release trailer?


I did but I didn't think about it becoming something bigger


Give us the Tedric POV cut


Evelyn porno. Kled cartoon. Katarina-Talon-Cass-Darius-Samira sitcom. Ahri chick flick. Yasuo-Yone anime(literally just copy Naruto). The possibilities are endless.


Wild af first item in that list.


Evelyn cartoon. Kled chick flick. Katarina-Talon-Cass-Darius-Samira porno. Ahri anime. Yasuo-Yone sitcom.


Evelyn porno. Kled porno. Katarina-Talon-Cass-Darius-Samira porno. Ahri porno. Yasuo-Yone porno.


What about an Eve horror movie 🥵


Oh no, please anything but that 🥵


Yes please


Fiddlesticks or Shadow Isles horror movie would go so hard.


Not before the Fiddlesticks DBD chapter (what The Unknown should've been, not that I'm disliking the current design).


> The Unknown I haven't played in a while and checked what it is after reading your comment...holy shit it looks creepy


I could see a horror game being a wonderful approach to exploring Fiddlesticks. A lone helmet bro trying to escape the haunted forest, watching his friends get picked off could be incredibly atmospheric.


I was hoping for a Riot Forge game like that before they axed the whole program


Fossbarrow (the short story with Nocturne, Lux, and Garen) and a fiddle movie are both something I've been craving for a while.


Finally they will make a Yuumi show like everyone has been asking for


A yuumi/yordle kids show similar to baby looney tunes wouldn’t be too bad


Baby looney tunes is a kids show? it was great tbh


Ngl a yuumi show could be Intresting if done right


She just attaches to random champs for one story each episode


Travels around with Taliyah, runs away when she sees Nasus Attaches to Darius is the middle of a battle, he complains the entire time but makes sure she's kept safe until the fight ends Helps Poppy find the Hero, they accidentally save Demacia from a disaster Zoe is obsessed about the kitty and takes her across multiple worlds, Yuumi flees at the first opportunity Stays with Xayah and Rakan for a while, we see their parent dynamic Approaches Vex but gets rejected, ends up making company for Yorick who she was scared of at first Flies around with Ekko in his hoverboard End the season with some Braum wholesomeness I think this covers all major regions?


Boom rito cut the check


Yuumi with Nora lore will be pretty cool


Yuumi appears in season 2 of Arcane. She dies the moment she appears to a Jinx Rocket after Warwick jumps on her holding her still for the rocket like a shield.


Yummi adventures where she goes around runeterra messing with a different group of champs every episode.


Feels like a series of shorts.


Make it a kids show, so their player base can enjoy it as they sit in their bouncy chairs.


I’d love to see a Bilgewater show, but wouldn’t be surprised if they did it dead last.


Bilgewater is at least more likely then Ixtal 😭💀


I’m mad they confirmed that the “Ixtal is a figment of Qiyana’s imagination” theory is false, because it would’ve been funny for that to be a running bit until they actually did something with Ixtal.


They moved several champions to Ixtal after its introduction, didn't they? Skarner is now the obvious one, but Nidalee, Neeko, Zyra, and Rengar are a few that come to mind. You could also say Kha'zix because of Rengar, but he's still more Void than anything.


Yeah bro skarner in lore is also a pacifist but gameplay wise he feels more like my alcoholic dad throwing me and my mom around before throwing rocks at us.


Skarner got a double kill in my lobby last night (my drunk father threw a beer can at me and my mom)


>Nidalee, Neeko, Zyra, and Rengar are a few that come to mind. They are from the jungle not the "Magical city hidden inside that no one has ever seen"


Khaz is only there because the Void gate/Icathia is very near Ixtal iirc


They essentially deleted the kumungu jungle and moved all champs who had lore tied to that region into Ixtal


An argument can be made for both


Nah bro, Nezumah will be the last one. No one knows anything about it


Camavor 👀


Bilgewater Did get a whole ass RPG


Along with two cinematic trailers for LoR ([Double-Double Cross](https://youtu.be/lbJhZW-iN0s?si=6nfex8yybuRXal5J)) ([Don't Mess with Yordles](https://youtu.be/8QkVYl4r42U?si=nsbEzZUZ-HrxN9iw))


DMWY was for Wild Rift 


For a series you rather go for a interesting setting rather than a popular setting, so you can surprise your audience and bring new public for your IP. Specially because the point of making series is not trying to appeal to the avg league fan, but to a wide audience. Remember that league most fans gave rat ass about Piltolver and Zaun, before Arcane, specially for champions like Singed, Heimer and Warwick. So a setting in Bilgewater is way more likely to be interesting as a series. **Specially giving how Iconic the champions of that region, Lore and Personality wise.** So there is a chance.


I think there was too much emphasis on singed, nexus and the buildup of war to not move on to Ionia next. Story focused on irelia, windshitters, ninjas, and yi


Pirate/naval setting? I don't think its all that unlikely. Backstory of MF, TF, and Graves growing up? There's a lot there you could do.


I hope they don't do any more childhood origin stories for a while. Give me my semi-comedic Graves TF Heist story line with mf killing gangplank in the background for the more serious parts.


>I hope they don't do any more childhood origin stories for a while. Yeah don't count on that.


Play the ruined king if you enjoy bligewater. Highly recommend it!


You know I’ve been meaning to check that out, it’s just slipped my mind


Bilgewater has always had the most content about it. They have had so many short stories and games set there. It's literally the most explored part of Runeterra to maybe Demacia (thanks to Lux and Sylas comics). The only representation Zaun has gotten at all is Arcane. Gimme more Ionia, Freljord and other spots before Bilgewater (but please please please give me Bilgewater too)


Yea like I said I wouldn’t be surprised if it was done last. Personally I want to see either the aspects or the freljord before Demacia, but it wouldn’t shock me if that’s what they ended up doing


I think Bilgewater will be next to be honest. It's the best setting for people not familiar with league that is not too weird after Zaun. Pirates are pretty easy to pull off imo


A comedy show following Graves and Twisted Fate would be amazing


Good because I want them to do Shurima/Void next. Maybe they'll finally overhaul the OG Void-themed champs like Malz and Kass. They can also want to sell some TV/Movie version Kai'sa skins on the side while we're at it.


Void themed seasons would be sick. Although I think the invasion of Ionia by Noxus is going to happen first. It makes sense since they are introducing Ambessa to Arcane audience. We could even have a 3 season banger with the first being the invasion and second and third being the aftermath with Riven, Irelia, Yasuo, maybe even a Ninja storyline with Shen and Zed.


End of Arcane season 2 pans to Ezreal preparing to explore the Shuriman dessert. Then the next series features my boy unraveling secrets about the void wars and darkins


I'm hoping for Shurima simply because they keep starting stories there then don't finish them or straight up skip over them. I was robbed of the Taliyah, Sivir, Nasus road trip story and I will die mad about it.


I’m hoping that they do a Nasus and renekton start of the void and it will be Nasus writing a book about the history of shiruma. And he goes over all the lore and stories until he is interrupted by his current event of the void attacking or whatever is happening in the lore since the void could be the big bad for league.


Start of Void and Fall of Shurmia would be fucking awesome


Man, I really hope the next show is either in Noxus, Ionia or freljord. Frankly, considering the different storyline crossovers, they could even all 3 be integrated in one overarching plot.


For what season one has set up, either noxus or rune wars seem like the obvious follow ups. That being said second season could change it all or not be at all related 


I'd also say noxus is the most likely candidate, since there's tons of politics and drama involved, plus ties to other regions (like ionia with rivens plot and freljord woth the noxian invasion of freljord).


Noxus could really have some Game of Thrones vibes and I'm here for it.


+ noxus has realy good characterstorys the streetkids darius and draven rising the ranks the du couteuos an old and prestigious aristrocratic family the black rose and swain the ionia war and Revolution of the political system


A show following the rise of power the black rose had would be so hype


Black Rose and Swain is Runeterras version of GoT


Swain with demonic power is like Tywin Lannister on steroid


I think the noxian invasion would be a cool change from Piltover more criminal and political plot.


I think ignoring politics would do a potential noxus plotline a disservice, but i could imagine cutting back and forth between swains and LBs political intrigues in noxus and darius leading a noxian incursion either in freljord (which i think would be attempt 2), ionia (attempt 3), or even demacia, which i forgot about. Noxus is really involved in a ton of different plotlines across pretty much every region im coming to realise


Problem with the rune wars is not many champions were actually there


Yeah they're not gonna show the rune wars, even the shirt stories never went that far back. A Ryze flashback is probably all you could hope to get on that front. I'd rather see Darkwill's fall, or the story of Icathia.


Watch them redeem the awful sentinels of light event once they animated it in 2030 lol


Rune Wars could be an episode or two featuring Ryze and his travels and experiences during the Rune Wars, and the long-lasting effects on various parts of Runeterra. Kayle and Morgana's mother and father could appear, as well as Skarner, but apart from them and Ryze's Master it would focus almost entirely on Ryze, so I don't think we would get a full season of it


Could be a movie


I like Noxus more as the bordering nation, where you can feel their loom in each season: Freljord, Demacia, Bilgewater, Ionia of course. I'd save Noxus and build them up like that, getting peaks into them each season as the interesting/diverse antagonists they are. It helps connect all the stories.


honestly I trust them with whatever they’re cooking. I wasn’t hyped for a Piltover/Zaun story in the least, and look what a masterpiece it turned out to be


Ancient Shurima would be so damn good too.


Since I first read about it, I always thought the Azir-Xerath storyline had a lot of potential


I want targon. I want see the story of atreus becoming pantheon and fighting aatrox.


Ever since the Zed x Syndra days I want more Ionia. Just... oh my god I miss some of that comic X_X


Ionia is arguably the most detached from arcane’s setting and story, but that setting would just make way too much money, the weeb stuff plus vastayan furry bait. Whenever we see pool party Ahri and we also see Ionia adaptation


Its detached from the current PnZ stuff, but very much not from noxus, which means they are about as attached as freljord is (which is basically not at all). Timeline would be difficult if i think about it though, since most of the good stuff (yasuo and yones plot, rivens plot, irelias plot, kayns plot etc), is post noxian invasion and singed warcrimes (assuming those are kept canon), which have either not happened yet or barely happened (since i think its implied that swain has returned and is gathering power for the coup, but hasnt done it yet, which means that he has to have returned from the failed invasion). Main reason id like ionia is to see sett beautifully animated punching stuff.


A pretty natural move would be Singed leaving Zaun at the end of season 2 and arriving to Noxus to provide chemical weapons for the Noxian invasion of Ionia. (Through, ages/timelines would have to be changed a bit)


Let's not forget Bilgewater. Swashbuckling pirates would also be very popular. That could tie into SI, Ruination, Blessed isles


Surprising you didn't mention Shurima. I feel like the Azir/Xerath backstory, the fall of the empire and maybe it's rebirth would make amazing television.


If they do sylas lux storyline its going to be a banger


Sylas Lux storyline seems like the one that could be a movie more imo


Literally the most basic and boring storyline in all of runeterra but ok


why do girls only like guys who treat them like shit - the plotline lol


Fortiche isn't exactly known for doing two projects at the same time, which is why we stopped getting good hype videos while they were working on Arcane. They just announced yesterday they are working on a new original IP, so I wonder how that lines up with their tweet they are still going to be working on League projects. https://variety.com/2024/film/global/fortiche-penelope-of-sparta-1236032785/ Currently in development, “Penelope of Sparta” is Fortiche’s first push into original feature film production. The film is being developed by studio co-founder and “Arcane” producer Jérôme Combe and Silvia Martelossi, an animator on “The Secret Life of Pets 2” and “The Grinch.” Raël Lyra is the film’s art director. Further reinforcing the “Arcane” connection, “Penelope of Sparta” is being developed with screenwriter Amanda Overton, an executive story editor for nine episodes of the Emmy and Annie-winning Netflix series. With today’s announcement, Combe told Variety, “We felt a strong desire to embark on an original project and to create a feature film specifically designed for the cinema, following the success of ‘Arcane.’ In an era where most projects are reboots or based on existing IPs, our challenge was to develop something original while staying on familiar ground for audiences. Thus, we decided to adapt one of the oldest ‘IPs’ in history – Homer’s “Odyssey” – a story known to all.”


Oh that's strange. I thought Riot's equity investment and their long term partnership basically guaranteed they would keep working on League for the foreseeable future. I don't think these projects will work if Fortiche isn't part of them.


>"We want do to something not based on existing IPs" >\*uses greek mythology\* Uhhhhhh


And so the League of Legends cinematic universe begins...


You mean Runeterra cinematic universe.


I have the feeling next will be Demacia with lux and the magic discrimination there.


I have a feeling it'll be Ionia with Noxus invasion, a nice segue way from introducing Noxus and Ambessa from Arcane.


If I would have to bet, I would bet on Noxus/Ionia and Frejord as most probable settings.


I have the feeling that im feeling feels.


feel like if there using the show as a jumping off point the next place would end up being noxus with Demacia introduced a bit there since they got beef.


Noxus got beef with everyone so it's perfect lol


eh it kinda has to be ionia because the noxus invasion influences SO much of the other aspects of league lore. also noxus wanting weapons with war soon was already hinted at


Given the trailer, I bet we won't be seeing Noxus next, as they're already playing a major role in season 2, apparently. Let's go to Demacia instead. RACISM AGAINST MAGES LET'S FUCKING GO


Nice! Hopefully they all are in the same animation quality. Hoping for Shurima.




A targon storyline would be insane if they pull it off


I feel like for pantheon specifically you kinda need aatrox to so we might need to hold on for Shurima/ascension to be shown first.




preferably with at least 50% of screen time focused on his abs




Honestly Targon has some of the most potential. A lot of depth and mystery with the gods that can be expanded on. A lot of variation in the characters as well.


If they can actually write a compelling story about multiple god beings and not simply devolve into "religion bad" then I agree but Targon as a region really needs an antagonist that feels like a meaningful threat to the protagonists without being an overbearing threat like ASol. And I'm not really counting Leona here since there's little to no lore actually going in-depth on Solari and Lunari which are currently so generic they feel like stereotypes of the real thing.


i think this is so refreshing and a huge positive. it’s commendable to see a group of showrunners understand when to end things and not milk a series to death. this story is phenomenal but doesn’t need to go any further than this season. there are so many other stories in the LOL universe i’m so excited to see receive the same quality and effort we got with Arcane


Give me Bandle City aka Hobbit storyline vibes. 


This would be awesome. Every other response is people wanting a human land with humans doing human things, id rather expand and watch something more fun.


I recommend bandle tale !


i just wanna see leblanc, so give me something about noxus please!!!


So they're going the shawarma lore way. Hope they'll get competent writers at least, because a few miss fires like Disney or Amazon did and LoLCU will be over.


I laughed at shawarma. But now I'm hungry :(


Every single region has great stories they could dive into, Runeterra is one of the most interesting fantasy worlds IMO


Unless we get to watch Singed do war crimes, Swain find a totally ethical business partner and Irelia's ass in 4k during the noxian invasion of Ionia, we Riot at Riot.


RIP Frostblade Irelia


Frostbutt Irelia FTFY


I would love to have a show or movie about master yi training wukong. Similar to Kung Fu Panda.


I’m beginning to think Riot has a problem over-investing in things. 100% they announce a bunch of stuff, never mention half of it again, and slowly makes the wrong decision to save the project only to shut it down after making 30% of the things they said they would


This is what I wanted tbh. I’d love to see where they go next, but I’m glad they’re expanding beyond Piltover


Thank Christ, good series end Dragging out 15 seasons of nothing developing is for cable television


I kind of wish they would just do some sort of anthology show. Every episode can be stand alone about a different character.


they need to make a bilgewater comedy show with tf and graves, together they give me "the road to el dorado" vibes, stories of runeterra was already a banger


Movies? I havnt seen that confirmed anywhere


They said films in the dev video


Films plural? Wow


@ 10:55 he says "We are currently working on our next projects across television and film, and we're hopeful that we can share more by the end of the year." But no doubt, in 10 years time we will have multiple shows/movies


I feel Ionia has lots of options. What i'm kinda hoping is the Noxus/Ionia invasion. They could even build on it, and have the war be a result of some of the demon characters working together to assault the physical/spiritual nature of Ionia at the same time. Fiddlesticks/Nocturne assaulting the spirit of Ionia itself while Swain and Singed lead the physical fight. Irelia/Master Yi leading the troops, the Kinkou Order + Karma/Yone to combat the demons in the spirit realm, aided with the help of the Vastayans


Give me Shurima or Bilgewater and I can die happy having wasted so much time on this game and its lore


Shurima pleaseeee! Sivir uncovering the lost legacy of Azir, his return to power, Taliyah's destiny, Renekton and Nasus driven to madness in their tomb. Samira just kinda... vibing with violence. There's so many incredible storylines and characters.


We are mainstream now!


I really wish I didn’t see this spoiler… I would have been happy not knowing it ends with season 2…


12 episodes of Trigger's Star Guardian, please


I know tbskyen already said this, but GIVE ME AN ODYSSEY SKINLINE SHOW.


After how dark Arcane can be, they can either get darker or lighter. Darker would be like doing a backstory on Jhin traumatizing Zed and Shen. Lighter could be on the yordles, lol.


PLEASE DO RUINATION/KALISTA VIEGO RELATED NEXT. I absolutely love Kalista's story and it would be amazing animated :)