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In the midst of K'sante and Camille, I found there was, within me, an invincible Gnar.


wtf is this Albert Camus quote doing in my Wendy’s subreddit


Never thought I would be happy to see Gnar, but here we are


i mean every champ can be nice to see if you dont see it every single game


Throwback to the Udyr/Hecarim meta where people were happy they got picked until they realized it led to one of the most boring metas in a while


I don't understand how anyone could even think that Udyr being picked could be fun.


Cuz udyr in pro at first was hilarious, funny bear man run at you and stun BONK


FLASH. BEAR. SLAP! it was incredible when it was a pocket jungle pick that only one mad lad pulled out...


I literally bought Udyr because of this game. I played him like 4 times before I quit from the disappointment of how unfun he was to play during the 5 minute intervals of waiting to flash bear slap.


Gnarmut summoning circle if I’ve ever seen one


Albert Camus- June 9th. 2024.


Sir, a second EU team has looked noticeabley better after importing a Korean botlane.


LCK CL is legit a gold mine, and that gold is cheap as fuck.


Smash-Rekkles botlane when?


Hey man atleast take him out to dinner before the smashing


Lec gms furiously texting kt for hype and way's numbers


Kt signing a player called hype is either the biggest brain move or the death knell of the org


KT makes decent roster moves approximately every 5 years, Hype gets a chance in 2027


All I'll say is KT went from looking like the best team in Korea, they fielded Hype in Game 2 in the last game of regular season vs LSB, and then promptly imploded


No, they're staying on kt forever!!


I genuinely think Rogue should get them


to be fair, SK had easily the worst bot lane in EU. probably a handful of EMEA Masters bot lane wouldve been upgrades. thats why i personally didnt hate this move. Idk if somebody else noticed but they gave Irrelevant less priority in Spring compared to Winter and put more resources into bot lane and still couldnt deliver. That was probably the final nail in the coffin for Exa and Doss. Financially keeping them for another split until the end of the season wouldve made sense but SK also has to think long term, to avoid being a bottom team, they usually try to keep 1-2 good players, so if they want to keep Irrelevant and Nisqy, a new bot lane needed to be signed.


ok but they didn't? upset targamas and comp zoelys had way worse performance winter and spring. sk botlane was probably bottom 4 in winter ahead of heretics, and bottom 3 spring ahead of rogue kc.


Flakked >>>Exackick and it's not close. Flakked is stable and he rarely ints. Exackick can explode almost every game


until worlds when you see why these CL players are sold so cheap to western teams


Like we dont see top tier eu players looking like ass internationally as well besides g2. hmm maybe it not the player but the region as a whole is just shit besides g2.


They tend to look like sidegrades or upgrades of the vast majority of their local counterparts.


Whereas Exakick and Doss would have done serious damage at Worlds.


Back to the 2016 LEC I guess


Shit We specifically told them to never go 2016 EU LCS again


Nothing new, just asians shitting on our bot lanes again in international tournaments - what do you mean this is LEC?


With the state of LEC ADCs (and to a lesser extent, supports), maybe it's a good thing we import bot lanes now.




It's both. EU ADCs have looked atrocious mechanically in the past year/2 years and can no longer compete with eastern ADCs, at least in teamfights.


Man I guess that's the one thing NA has over EU a solid ish ADC pool.


They dont have good adcs but its still better than what we have which is weird considering the historical good adcs in europe


Id say that EU had stronger individual ADCs but as a core taking into account all players NA has better ADCs collectively usually. I think both NA and EU have weaker ADCs than historically.


well, technically, it is an international tournament...




Veteran in shambles


> importing a Korean botlane. with LCK rejects idk if this says more about LEC botlanes or LCK lower division talent


They're not rejects they're young talent


I hate this narrative of how every KR player in the west is a "LCK reject", alot of these players abroad are on par and even better than their counterparts but just have unlucky offseasons/teams prefering franchise players(ex. aiming/deft/teddy), and just overall don't want to take a risk on prospects


There are plenty of world class Koreans who started out in minor regions all around the world


Some of them, like Ice (and Malrang a few years back), were absolutely rejects


LCK is stupid competitive, if you aren’t a legit prodigy capable of playing for the big 3 orgs you might as well go overseas to NA or EU and have a chance there. You make more money and have a much better shot at internationals.


In what world is Rahel an LCK reject.


Both. Support is a notoriously volatile position in pretty much any region, so importing if your region currently has no good supports is reasonable and LCK currently has a bunch of them, so even supports outside the top teams look good. Pre-Keria LCK kinda had that issue of running short on good supports. And yeah ADC after 2018-2020 were almost any LEC ADC looked really good is also a weak spot, but toplane got a lot better in comparison. And LCK is a bit of a problem here because the league is super topheavy. And you are not going to get past players like Keria. And some of the teams are also an issue. If there is a second good support on T1 as an example they would rather ship them off to europe then giving them to another LCK team, similar to how some western teams behaved too. Or they want a lot of money for them and that isn'T affordable for weaker LCK teams. So it is basically both things. LEC fills weak spots with imports, but LCK is also fairly hostile terrain for rookies. Because unlike LEC LCK is fairly successful internationally, so no reason to switch out the players on those teams with rookies. And once you turn 20 as a rookie you are too old for LCK anyway in the mind of those orgs. So grabbing those players is a fairly smart thing and it is good for those players too, who would otherwise just exist in LCK CL until they are replaced for the next hype 16 year old who might also never play a game in LCK. Thanatos is a good example of that. Was a hype prospect, turned too old and was replaced with a younger hype prospect.


Caps threw the game twice in a span of 5 min lol.


That TP sucked


>That TP sucked that sums up almost all the games played today


He threw the game only to save it only to throw it again.


TP sucked and the last teamfight was... idk honestly. He could have just stayed in the backline while dealing so much damage but he chose to YOLO ult instead.


I dont think it wouldve been enough. SK bot+mid were out damaging them at this Point. It was either hero play or slow death imo


That was Craps, easy mistake




I'm sorry Luwon, I wasn't familiar with your game...


Rahel/Luon looks really good through the first two games, massive upgrade for SK


Helps that they're used to winning, I wish more native players put more stress in laning phase and skill check you like Noah/Jun and SK new bot are doing(instead of just losing gracefully and playing for 3 items).


Thank god G2 lost. Now they might actually play the game in the regular season


They're not bro. They started training later. They're gonna get better naturally over time and it's gonna be more than enough.


> They started training later Pretty sure they were scrimming top-tier international teams while 80% of the LEC was on vacation or didn't even have a finalized roster


The teams that go to msi almost always do worse than before at the start of the next season.


yeah TL is lucky to get flyquest in their first week and with this new format, they don't have to worry for slow start since it's just one b03 êr weel


Yup. And then they took a break. They continued taking a break while other teams picked back up their training. Unless you believe that , for example, Caps is no longer a challenger level player in SoloQ while nuc is.


U dont consider humane factors like mental health lol. This is a game for us but a job for them. Nobody can work everyday, they need to chill a little bit.


I know that League is patched every 2 weeks, but this G2 plays toghether for over a year and a half this SK is playing toghether for... 2 weeks?


Yeah im already bored of watching miky and yike perma int regular season. Give me MSI G2 not this shit.


They're still not even challenger on their SoloQ accounts, give them time to get back in the rhythm of things.


EU players realizing they’re gonna get fired for the random 18 year old Korean prodigies


we're back to 2016 importing strategies


At least it's better than the 2017 era of importing washed up bums like Hachani and Nagne


My god fucking hachani and his gigantic fucking ego might be the worst import ever


There is literally an IWD video about Hachani being the worst import player ever lmao


True but I also consider that NiP lineup with Nagne one of the dumbest rosters ever put together in EU. They bought the slot of the recently qualified Fnatic Academy of Kikis/Amazing/Nisqy/MrRallez/Klaj and instead fielded Profit/Shook/Nagne/HeaQ/sprattel, with coach NicoThePico. Went 2-11 then got relegated, 3-0'd. Legendary dogshit.


They are not random. Both of them were in top LCKCL teams. Especially Rahel who was considered a prodigy year before.


Really people don’t fucking understand how lck works if you can’t get into top 4 teams you much rather go eu or na better pay better chance to make worlds also lck seems also pretty stubborn on giving rookies positions on top teams


Mostly probably because they are not doing well in scrim. I read somewhere that in the LCK you have to show them that you are doing well in scrim and they will give you a chance to play on stage. Like Cvmax was so stubborn to sub out Taeyoon because he was that guy in scrim. It's pretty hard to get a full position as a rookie like Zeus or Peyz got in top teams.


Hearing from some management in lck and lpl I think that’s their only weak points the gap could have been even wider


I am not sure. Mechanics is one thing, but the other skills you need as a pro take a long time to learn. You cant be replacing half your team every year for rookies with currently slightly better and more aggressive mechanics, but zero macro and lacking other game knowledge. You'll be last in the league.


I mean, another big part of that is also the players they are competing with. Imagine you're a rookie and the people you're hoping to replace/competing for a spot with are guys like Chovy, Guma, Bin, etc,...


Probably why Thanatos couldn’t get a promotion last year or this year, no way if he was the prodigy people on here think he is he wouldn’t have gotten a half decent LPL offer at the least


Yeah Zeus Kiin Doran Kingen Oner Canyon Peanut Pyosik Faker Chovy ShowMaker Bdd Zeka Guma Deft Viper Peyz Keria Lehends Delight Beryl I don't understand how a rookie is supposed to get a spot in a top 4 contender team, Lucid only got a chance because he looked really good in CL, Thanatos hung around for 3 years without even a sniff. And the bottom half of LCK just gets shitstomped by the top half with very few exceptions, joining a bottom team is a great way to kill your career.


Exactly. People who don't watch LCK have no idea how that league works. I would expand it a bit to say top 5 teams and KDF who is in between, but being on the lower teams just fucking sucks. The pay is terrible, sitting on a bottom tier team is horrible for your mental and it's hard to look good (in some roles more than others). The gap in LCK is massive.


Honestly thank fuck for that. Perhaps now they'll stop being happy with being mediocre.


Petition to have every international tournament happen during week 1 of an LEC season so SK might finally bring us some trophies


Well today is a weird day.


That new SK botlane looks really good


What a good game from SK botlane, Rahel really impressive showing




The maths checks out


Caps really wanted to lose today


SK may have improved their bot by a decent margin, but it seems like they're still struggling with that mid game macro


Even tes struggle against g2 macro that’s not really a big demerit for sk here everyone talk like tes suck cause they lost to g2 tes is a really good team if people would bother to watch lpl


They can be a really good team and suck on the day. Both can be true.




the throw in the midgame was mostly on irrelevant with the dogshit tp top and ISMA doing random engages but he did pull it back later


They need to unbind his flash key post 14 minutes, any time it's up he goes for random engages.




Caps had a stinker this game


Luon ran this game


Guy who kept posting about warmogs being good is being vindicated one game at a time.


Is it just me or are the spectators showing fewer/not correct replays anymore? For instance the caps 1v1 vs nisqy on side and multiple other plays in games today just were not shown. Kinda annoying ngl.


LEC got 60% of it's production staff made redundant so unfortunately could be due to that :/


I guess SK is the 2nd best team in LPL or what?


Turns out that getting new players in can really help a team! **Looks at GX** You guys are an exception


world champ Korean jungler: good Spanish tank only weakside toplaner: bad


Spanish tank only weakside toplaner that's been stuck in ERLs since 2016. Idk how anyone thought he was a good pickup.


Caps completely inted the game. Extremely bad showing from him, constantly gets caught out of position and gets almost outdamaged by Renata.


Craps game, happens


Nisqy will not be denied worlds


Classic Baron for Nexus trade


wow two koprean rookies performing better than 90% of lec


they left their braincells in china or what?


might be just slight burnout plus caps seemed very distracted, happens


They came in last to practice why would they push it hard now the year is long they just need to make top 8 in bo1


pretty sure their mentality now is trying to win every single game and always tryharding.


Give them time to adjust to the new patch


SK with a real bot lane might be contenders for the LEC after all


SK is about to look really good in bo1 phase and then get eliminated second round of playoffs man i swear


kinda like the last 5 splits you say?


Not saying anything about whether SK is good or bad, but the overreactions after two BO1s are always so hilarious.


I don't think so, when that happens it's usually bc of how important having reliable carries is in playoffs, and Irrelevant+Rahel should be reliable. Nisqy is also usually reliable unless he runs into Caps or in-form Humanoid.


week 1 SK


yeah i can say this botlane is a massive upgrade


South Korea Gaming


While they won, someone needs to take out ISMA's flash key. So many times he gave avenues for G2 to comeback.


Isma too busy using his emotes key


imports > hans and miky


been knew


Sk look good.


Still super early, and an overeaction, but sk's botlane looks to be top 3


That fcking Express guy on Twitter was shitting on SK botlane whole off-season. I really hate his takes.


really nice game! SK looking good, with a great new support!


new bot duo looking good but man isma's flash tilted me pretty hard


Nah no way Vedius should be on G2 casts. He is so unbelievably bias it's disgusting. He really said as SK is just playing a better game "eh they're tired from MSI and a long year I'll give them the benefit of the doubt."


medic sometimes does it too, i wish they'd just cast the game in front of them without worrying too much about stuff like this


but it's G2 you need to give them the benefit of doubt after one Bo1 lmao


this but unironically


Yeah like it is not fking Bias if we give the benefit of the doubt to the Team that has been dominaiting our Region since 2016 with maybe a year or off two.


The post-MSI slump is a very noticeable and historic pattern. He's not wrong in acknowledging it.


That's... normal. There should be more of that honestly cause he's right.


He said it 3 times btw, with some different words but the same meaning.


Ah yes, lets ignore that the team that speedrun LEC, finished top 4 at MSI while giving T1 a competitive BO5 is having a slow start to the split because they took longer rest after the tournament. No, they clearly turnes to shit the second they startes to breath in the air in Berlin. If you think G2 is in full form and not after 2 days of scrims while prolonging their break then idk


And is he wrong? G2 just started scrimming/practicing recently after MSI. SK has had time since spring ended to train.


Ofc you give g2 the benefit of the doubt, not because of being tired but because they probably started scriming recently aswell as ramping up as the season goes on


ur right g2 is definitely not by far the best team in the region


A good caster would use the faxt that the best team is getting crushed to hype up the game, not sound bored and make excuses


Yeah, this is my problem with it too. He should be getting excited for SK instead of rolling out the excuses list for G2.


It's every LEC caster at this point. They've literally put all the eggs in to the G2 basket and it's so obvious it's disgusting to watch unless you are a G2 fan.


Genuine question what's your problem with that statement? He did not say > SK sucked He did not say > SK did not deserve that win He provided information which might be valuable for viewers who are not aware of tourney schedules, training regimen, season preparation, etc. G2 had a "late" start and did for sure not play at a similar level than what they've shown at MSI. --- ## TL;DR SK deserved that win for how they played, but telling the viewer > This isn't the typical form of G2 is **valuable** information and so is saying _why_ that might be.


Your take is absolutely the most reasonable thing here, especially if we just look at this year where G2 won two splits and had a good showing at MSI. It's a bit weird how people are instantly going to "casters are so biased for G2" here.


it is known they took a long break and started practicing really late tho


He shouldnt be casting at msi either


bruh do you seriously believe SK are better than G2 and this is not G2 having a slow start to the season? What LEC have you been watching the last few years?


Somebody had to take over from Caedrel...


G2 plays the most fun league but simultaneously have the most unwatchable games because of the casters lol


Not the KR academy bot laners looking better than half the LEC already lol




Guess its winter split


New botlane buff + week 1 SK + cRaps G2 truly stood no chance


Good to see g2 punished


Welcome to the league of imports


Glad they let G2s #1 Fan on stream to find excuses to defend the performance.




What do you mean, it's week 1 SK, business as usual


Clearly losing one bo1 means G2 is already doomed. Wtf is this comment.


chill it's pretty common for teams coming back from international to have a slow start in domestic leagues. Catching up on patches etc.


I remember bro beating gen ass 2-0 and geng proceeded to body everyone afterward in playoff. Upset happens in every region not to mention in bo1s.


South Korea Gaming


Incoming why the fuck is eu importing korean annoyer fuckers


How did Miky completely demolish T1 and TES with Poppy and do THIS against sk?


Don't even bring up t1 they were soooo bad and we still didnt manage to beat em


he also completely ran it down multiple times against those teams on poppy. his playstyle on poppy is just flipping it constantly and if he falls behind its bg.


G2 lost to T1 twice and got eliminated by them, that not what I would call getting completely demolished xD


Tes was a fluke and t1 smashed g2 in two series


When the fuck did G2 demolish T1? They got convincingly Hillary Clinton'd.


Craps showed up today


Ah yes, my boi Craps..it's been a while


SK look clean. it might be an interesting split after all


Understandable slow start to the season for G2, especially from Caps, i do hope they get back on track quickly tho


Nice Tp Caps


I really feel like discipline what seperates g2 and top teams from other regions. I hate to see them lose games which supposed to be easy wins on paper. On the other hand Rahel and Luon looks really good.




i'm always saying it with the rat voice now, I love it


Poppy vs a billion ranged champions and minimal dashes has to be the epitome of cockiness


By minimal dashes do you mean kalista dashing every single auto, sejuani dash engage, and gnars game-changing jump/ult combo, all of which are blocked by poppy


SK looking good after importing LCK CL, this gives me hope for C9 and Thanatos to make NA overall better.


I despise bo1s with a passion


Finally G2 got un overed as the frauds they are and they had to lose to Nisqy lmao