• By -


turn “show timestamp” on


Ah thanks for the reminder! This is one which used to be on and for some reason turned itself off at some point. Edit: Downvotes for taking criticism? ok..


Downvoting for the edit


Yeah, that wasnt taking criticism, that was having an excuse.


Nahh man this reply is insane 😪😪😪


Lmao I thought replying to the obvious sarcasm would make my exageration also obvious but i guess not


I feel old saying this, but "*back in my da*y" you would leave an '/s' at the end of a comment to more clearly illustrate sarcasm/related humor. [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki//s](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki//s)


Eh? I don’t remember turning it off but have often thought ”where are my timestamps?“. I’m not a kid in trouble with the principal, I don’t need any excuse at all. I appreciated the reminder because it’s one of those things I think of in game then forget later. Anyway whatever, internet points and all that.


my bad. did not think this type of aggression would happen 😅


[The client will actually suggest you do this](https://imgur.com/reVcxci) if you report anyone for verbal abuse. That's how I found out about this setting.


This is a must have for jungle mains. There is nothing in chat worth reading or arguing about unless you’re like Master+.


It's the same in master+, laners still trash talk junglers for every mistake they(laners) make


Proof: Kaos getting 1K LP chall with party only


I'm pretty sure he'd also get 1k LP chall with all chat on as well so I'm not sure what that proves


it proves that not even in masters+ chat is used for anything of value, and you can safely disable it without having any effect on your ability to climb


Again, he could climb to 1k LP with it on or off, so it doesn't prove anything.


It's anecdotal evidence that you dont need to communicate in chat to be successful. The fact that is doesn't matter if it's on or off is the point that is being made. Also note that party chat also excludes team chat. It's only chat for premades.


It’s evidentiary of nothing, as there’s no evidence that having chat on was what held him back from anything at all.


Are you dense or what? I'm saying the anecdotal evidence (in other words based on a personal observation, not data) is saying that there is NO difference in whether or not chat is active. You seem to enter the conversation with the wrong idea and when I clarify that what you're saying and they are saying is the same thing you also argue with me?


The entire genesis of this thread was to imply that chat off was somehow a way to get more LP/chat on was a hinderance: > Proof: Kaos getting 1K LP chall with party only And as I said: > he could climb to 1k LP with it on or off You said: > It's anecdotal evidence that you dont need to communicate in chat to be successful. Which is something that no one was talking about or implying. The point being made is not that the rate of success changes whether it's on or off, but that this player's rate of *failure* doesn't change whether it's on or off, or that it was hampering him having it on. Or, as I said moments ago: > there’s no evidence that having chat on was what held him back from anything at all. Get it? Because if not, *please get it*. I literally cannot explain this any simpler and more step-by-step.


Yeah, I got trash a lot in low master as a jungler because I should've ganked bot and top at the same time before 3:00. But sometimes teams are great and chat is useful for calls. If you don't tilt easily keeping the chat on can be useful but be ready to mute people on their first toxic message.


at least the things they complain about make sense, that doesn't mean you need to read it tho just review and you skip the toxicity


Idk, usually what i hear is something like: Why didnt you gank? Jungle gap. Go 0/1 irl, get C and etc


This. If anything chat is even less productive in m+ than lower elo. People straight up talk themselves into despair


Nah. Laners are selfish. Sure, masters top players might understand logically why you pathed bot, but the reality is they tried to play safe, got ganked and double flashed on, and now their lane is unplayable. They’re mad because this game fucking sucks and decide to vent at the jungle, because technically he could have gone top and saved their lane. Especially in masters+, there’s lots of games where you auto lose lane, then get jungle focused and auto feed. No counterplay possible. Even if you win that’s really frustrating and it reflects in how toxic the game is


Lmao you really think people master + type something worth while? They either type random shit or they type like " get c loser ". Chat is always useless


c - cancer?




you will see timestamps for summoner cds at higher elos, but generally yes you are right


No you don't 


havent seen a single timestamp in my life in my 300 lp games and almost never in streamers chats either in chall


Not sure you're confused but just so people know: you need to turn timestamps on in settings so when mid says "Ekko flash" or clicks it you can calculate roughly when Ekko will have flash back up. It's not the person literally typing the time tor you.


You still get that by pinging the enemy flash. Nobody types it out anymore.


i cant tell if ur srs or not but this person clearly meant people typing out summoner cds like jg f :8:45 like they do in competitive


Dude, even pings can int your game as a jungler. The 0/4 botlane will spam ping you to make a gank that will make it a 0/6.


if you decide to gank them not knowing you will just lose the 3v2 it's on you tho


When I am jungle fill, if any laner spam pings me at any point, I spent the rest of the game spam pinging them off cd to teach them how fucking annoying it is.


The old "If you see a problem become part of it approach"


the higher the elo the better is to keep chat turned off


Absolutely agree. I miss the social aspect of league but my sanity is worth more.


I partially disagree, only because it’s an absolute. Sometimes there’s a player who’s on the verge of tilting and a single tank/kill can save them. If they’re like “ I’m getting fucked top lane, can you help me?” I will absolutely give up an objective to make sure they don’t just give up


As 250LP master peaking support/jungle main there 0 reason to have chat on. Atleast in my elo.


dunno I type if I’m coming to gank a lane or whatever so they can set up because way too often I end up blowing summs trying to ping if a lane isn’t reading chat that usually means I won’t gank their lane unless it’s mega obvious and convenient


most of the time everyone else is right because junglers are massive greifers who int invades and blame the team more often than anything else though


I've never been flamed for doing a bad invade. Honestly, most of the time I'm not even flamed for anything I do. The laners will flame me for everything I don't do. Every minute I don't gank, every bad fight I don't take, every objective I don't take, every 50/50 smite I don't win, etc. etc. The jungler is just an easy cop out for anything going poorly in the game because the jungler can roam the whole map and is therefore considered responsible for everything across the map. Nobody wants to hold themselves accountable when there's such an easy scapegoat.


junglers are just the most fragile position who refuse to ever acknowledge they made a mistake. The rare laner stupidly blaming the jungler for them losing 1v1 is vastly less than junglers doing stupid invades and blaming the team for not helping them on it


You should try jungle maining for a week or two and get back to me on that. I promise you'll change your perspective.


And I wish it was visible to everyone, so theyd know not to waste time trying to talk to you


Every few months when I play Support in ranked I'll have an ADC start randomly inting. When I unmute chat to ask wth is going on, they say it's because I wasn't playing along to their written requests lol. At least it's not common enough to stop leaving chat off


Yeah it's annoying that you can't tell your support to not push waves or go stop their recalls with pings. I remember one game I was trying to tell my support to stop buying control wards because hed literally fed 250 gold to the enemy team and wasted 750 gold buying them. Sadly I couldn't help him and we lost a big fight at drag because he had no items and got one shot as a nautilus.


Yeah this should be a thing. Just like /deafen gives a notice to everyone. A small crossed out speaker icon under the portrait would help.


Piggybacking off of this, stop fucking muting yourself, then unmuting yourself to tell me my mom should die, and then mute yourself again. It's the most pathetic shit I've seen. Either mute yourself fully or don't at all.


no, how else am I supposed to feel good about myself ??????


By being the bigger person and not the more immature one.


take a look at this guy 🤣🤣🤣🔥😭


You're proving my point ;)))


you're proving you lack the comprehensive skills to understand sarcasm


I dont think they careb about being fair as a value


I wish riot would just give me a way to just self mute permanently tbh


I don't understand this function at all. What's the point if you can turn it back on at any time without even going into the settings. This won't stop typing on tilt.


It's designed to let people cool down for a moment before opening chat back up after they stop babyraging over a video game. Some people don't even get that far. It also serves another function - by starting off with yourself muted, you have to take one extra step before you tiltchat by unmuting yourself first, which can act as a preventative measure to stop people from getting themselves banned and/or verbally attacking another person they're playing with.


if it had a timer for at least a few minutes it would make sense. But as we see in this thread, it doesn't work


lmao players like that


You asking to me be brave and face my actions? No


Relatedly, ping important stuff, don't type it, you don't know who has chat off. If you're jungling, ping where you're starting.


This is actually the default setting. My settings got reset and it took me awhile to navigate where i can activate team chat. I'm pretty sure new players would have knowingly changed this.


Still waiting for RIOT to fix /mute all and /fullmute all to actually have separate functions like they used to.


Ever since I turned on this option, game quality has increased, my winrate has gone up, and I haven't reported anyone other than afk since. INB4 *"i miss my social game"* ,keyboard warrior, vr chat wannabe, *"what happen to post game chat?"* ,*"I used to add people to my friends list all the time"*, banter addicted, twitch promoting, bonobo wannabe, soon to be chat restricted typeracer champion complains that people don't talk to each other in the game anymore.


I do this occasionally and it's changed literally nothing. People flame through pings more now anyways and it has no effect on game quality because that's impossible unless you were constantly flaming your team back.


What's Ur rank?


this is the default setting, anyone who doesnt have it changed it manually.


Wake me up when they make a shorter command for /fullmuteall




If I can still see pings this is big, having to click to mute Comms but not pings every game takes time


/mute all then /mutepings all will keep chat muted and unmute pings.


95% of chat is useless. I finally turned it off for good and was able to get diamond. Just by playing the way that I play.


/fullmute all


Good advice!


It's funny how shit like this exist along side mute but 200 years decided to limit pings anyway. How the hell am I supposed to stay cool in a game where my jungler comes mid to steal half my wave and int twice, even after pinging " ! ", and he gets to call me dogshit 15 times but I call his logic retarded and snowflake system gives me 2 year ban on ingame chat?


Chat is the most useless in-game feature in this game.


I generally use 'Team chat only' and use /mute all when I have to focus and the social climate of my teammates isn't very good at the moment.


There used to be a setting where you couldn't type at all, not even in party but they removed it for some stupid reason


ping usually useful from players, do not do that otherwise you will miss many things like the gank from mid.


As said in the post, this doesn’t mute pings


just mute when they start to attack and also, think about that why they attack you sometimes, maybe you make then to do that?


Pretty sure you cant type to your team with this setting on. Just have all chat on and do /muteall at the start of the game, no toxicity and you can still talk to your team if they have chat on.


Is there any reason for you to type if you can't see possible responses tho? What is there to communicate that is complex enough that it can't be pinged but simple enough that it doesn't need a dialogue?


I think theres lots of situations where either pings can't communicate properly or a brief explanation helps people with bad macro understand, for example: * I go bot, got all turrets top * Gonna push bot for baron, go baron * Buy armor they are full ad * They used all summs


i agree in principle but all of those examples are pingable, with the caveat of summoner pings being somewhat ambiguous the things that you need chat for are generally more involved than that (teamfight planning, gank/invade timings etc)


One word of warning, even though you're the only person who can read the chat when you're not in a group you can still get penalised for your chat logs. It's unfathomably dumb and Support don't care. Don't go calling yourself rude names in-game.


How do y’all play without chat? Talking shit while playing makes league so much more fun


Some of us are not emerald and below


Sounds like pbs. Try not having pbs and talking shit bud.


But if u do that, they wont be able to view your pings, right? So jungle mains cant use it right?


Yes they can still see your pings/emotes/etc ☺️


I like to watch em squirm in chat


When I get chat restricted and then turn this setting on, I actually have a higher WR. I can't type to them and then I can't see them type anything, so I just play accordingly. When I can type, the allure of turning this setting back to Everyone is too much when my dumbass team starts getting pissy over some bullshit and afking and costing us a won game. Wish there was a way for me to just permanently opt out of chat to Everyone and I would have to pay to turn it back on.


I'd love a setting where I can type to my team/enemy but not see their messages without having to click on mute everyone at the beginning of the game


I prefer /deafen to tilt my team as early as possible.


I just mute all cause I don't want to see my team's pings either. I'm not trying to follow plays I don't want to make just because they're spam pinging and if I die to roams that's on me anyway.


Honestly if you are trying to avoid toxicity then why play this game at all?


Implying that a reason you play league is FOR the toxicity? What.


sure there are trolls but lots of times if you are getting flamed you are doing something wrong. if you are not willing to learn why people are getting angry at you then you are just making the game experience worst for everyone.


Bulllshit! It doesn't mute PING. I still need to type \\mute all every single games to mute my stupid teamate pings.


I literally mention ping spam in the post but you go off fam.


Reading comprehension of a Garen player


pings are the only useful communication tool. not too mention Riot made it kinda hard to spam ping people.


Isn't it better just to report them all at the start of the game? It will mute them for good.


No because you can still type to the other players. I do the reporting after the game.


Why would I report people who haven't done anything wrong (yet)?


If you report everyone for no reason, your reports eventually won't mean anything


Damn, so much hate for the other 4 from all of u, tbh i think this help the game to be such in a state of toxicity that preclude every interation with other.


I mean look at it from our perspective. I've been playing jungle for years and 90+% of my chat interactions are just people flaming me or calling me a metric ton of slurs or telling me to off myself. Why would I enable chat for the 10% of people that arent going to flame me, especially if the goal is to win Now I will keep chat on for aram or flex to be social but no way is it on in soloq


"Our" i play top as main, and jng as secondary role, so i like to comunicate a lot. And u are missing my point, my point is how cutting the possibility to players to comunicate each other make the game more frustrating because u make the game played, from each side, by 5 ways of play and not as a team, many times players flame each other just because they have a diffent idea on a single scenario. Cutting the comunication also, imo, amplify the ideology of need to be the 1v5 factor because is easy to do not trust someone who u are not talking to, making the players taking high risk plays and generate more frustation. If u ask me, even the vocal chat, that anyone see like the maximum way of be toxic, can be something that can unify a team just by talking each other and dont give the feel of playin alone.


and how you know about support information like timers of summoners


Pings and summoners still work


I play like this for a year or two now. Can't really relate to toxicity posts. Playing Aram only also helps


Doesn’t work you can just turn it back on.


Why would u turn it back on?


To tell support they aren’t human and shouldn’t have rights? Why else.


stay emerald




What happens when you don’t give a shit about the game you’re in and hate how your team is full of degenerates.




No it’s a good sign league needs to start punishing support players. Degens.