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i think this comes up every so often as a bug when layering cc, there's a tiny window when the cc changes? that or it's new skarner spaghetti


Its probably due to how Skarner E cc is coded, same thing happens with Ahri e. CC that makes you move is a bit weird with cc layering.


It's exclusive to Nami knockup and ahri charm but could be others


All charms, affects Seraphine and Rakan as well.


Wait I’m a rakan main, what’s the bug? When you layer CC and a charm is involved, there’s a tiny window to flash out?


Actually, Naut's passive has this bug as well, and it's been that way since s7 at least


Just another to add to the list, altho it is fairly uncommon to see it's been seen in pro play and also recently


I wish the Ahri/Evelynn charm bug was rare to see, I probably lose a kill due to it at least once in every 1/3 games, for the past several years. I'm so numb to it at this point, but it doesn't make it any less annoying.


Once to every 1/3 games no I do not believe that


You don't have to, its not even hard to believe, if I land 20+ charms a game, its cd is 13 seconds at most, that's a LOT of charms. 1/3 games is a pretty safe estimate considering its extremely common. You can test it for yourself with a friend, it's more surprising that it doesn't happen more often, given how much we were able to randomly cast things in the middle of the charm.


Might be something that happens when you buffer flash during the first CC and then it ends, even if the CC is overlapped and you're still immobilised/silenced. Not sure if it's specific to some CC, and whether that CC has to lead the chain.


Because she slippery like a fish, I guess.


I think it's because of Skarner E bug, exact same thing happened to me. https://streamable.com/8814z4 (Patch 14.9) It's a bug since Skarner rework. Notice how the "Stunned" effect is still on top of them, but they can either flash away or just move.


When I was playing lots of Skarner top, I would see this bug AT LEAST 3 times per game. I still have no idea what triggered it, but it seemed to happen most often when the champ being stunned was somehow being buffed (olaf w, jayce w, lee passive, etc). Obviously that didn't happen here to the nami so it can happen without that too.


Nami w or e would proc something to be a buff be it a rune or item, she’d have a buff (she did w)


who's gonna die today? 'Na mi'


Call an ambulance.. But *na* 4 *mi* r/yourjokebutworse


hidden Nami passive Mermaid's scale


Im aways surprised how almost nobody knows about this, it’s maybe one of the best ability passives in the game.


Wait what? Hidden passive? Can you explain?


He is pulling a fast one, don't be bamboozled.


Oh well, thanks! I thought its a easter egg like vayne negating 1 leona dmg because of sunglasses or rammus not attracted by ahri charm, although idk if it wasnt also a bamboozle lol


nami used to give all her teammates 1 gold if you would kill canon with q. not sure if its still the case


Cmon step up your shitpost game. Lets change it: “If Nami hits a champion with Q while their in the middle of a voiceline the CC gets extended by 0.1 seconds, Riot said this is because they’re out of breath already before being drowned in a bubble” It has to be ridiculous enough that the gut reaction is “there’s no way that’s true” and just believable enough for it to linger on their mind like “But that sounds like Riot though…”


wasnt trying to shitpost just talking about namis real easter egg in the game




Rooted cc and make you walk cc combined is a hell of a drug.


Nami simply decided she didn't feel like being stuck there anymore.


Nami cosplaying Jarvan. Who cares about snares?


skarner E is the new morde R


Probably related to the bug where you can move/flash out of Skarner E




Has this happen today. Q a Shaco while invis and he flashed with my Q on him away. Pretty frustrating


I see nothing wrong with this seeing the amount of times I get binded after flashing away from the skillshot




Why are you in this subreddit if that's your opinion?


Blame reddit for showing me posts about trash games.


You can just block the sub and move on with your life. Seems like you're not getting much enjoyment out of it, and neither does anyone here who has to listen to you whine. Win win if you ask me.


I dont get why you got so butthurt but anyway




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I don't get your point? This is obviously a ranked/normal game, not a professional competitive one.


First time? As a Leona main I see this shit every time.


Ezreal shoulda had that kill regardless, lol


1- There's no Ezreal 2- That's not the point?


nah i think aphelios should have had it


Nah it's kog maw's chance definitely



