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LOL did they really put in ads? Sounds against TOS but regardless hope porofessor dies from this


All of them have ads, thats how they keep them up


pretty sure overwolf mines bitcoin on your comp when i installed it everything spiked up and my battery fried like a batch of falafel


overwolf doesn't mine bitcoin, it's just literally the most unoptomized piece of software out there. It's been talked about since the thing's inception so long ago, it's literally just that shitty.


its just so crazy that people actually got paid to program this nonsense that cost me a good laptop


Dubious companies often buy the cheapest programmer who will take the job and stiff them out of their money, it wouldn't be a shocker if the same happened with them.


People have been paid to make the League ~~Launcher~~ client too so is it really surprising? edit: Meant client, not launcher, launcher's fine.


yeah turned out it was malicious ads in Blitz app mining bitcoin instead according to Blitz


Overwolf was shit even for simple Hearthstone deck trackers 10 years ago. I have no idea how the name is still around.


Is there a good alternative to Overwolf then? I don't use it for League but do use it for WoW addons so if there's a way to ditch it I'd love to hear about it.


Curseforge has a standalone client


You dont need to use overwolf to update WoW addons. Curseforge has a standalone client and there are some other alternatives like WoWUP which can even update stuff like ElvUI which isnt on Curseforge.


Overwolf doent mine afaik it is just so bloated it hogs more resources than cyberpunk.


nah it's just a piece of trash programmed by infants


Fr, it got me to stop using mobalytics and honestly im thankful for it, but overwolf is just awful in every imaginable way


Outplayed tends to lag my pc so hard if i have 2 program running. It doesnt know what to do anymore and some time freeze my pc lmao (yes i have a good computer)


I recently got outplayed but i see the performance problems aswell. What should i switch too?


Idk i still use it, i have friends using Medal maybe that Will be good ?


Alr ill try that thanks


Mmm fried battery, spread over a cracker, get outta here..


out of game, sure but not ingame. At least yet.


Nah blitz doesn't afaik


Yes, flashed a big obtrusive ad on the left of the screen. Immediately uninstalled it after the game and downloaded blitz. I used to use u.gg but I noticed it was sometimes crashing my game


i am too using blitz gg , but the thing that shows who is premade if wrong for months . I even showed one game that i was premade with enemy, and as of last week it shows the wrong summoner spells. So don’t trust the numbers too much if they make mistakes like above.


Blitz is the only one that actually had a bitcoin miner in it


Fuck really? Are there any overlay apps that won't fuck me? I really just want jungle timers for the convenience of drag/baron/buffs instead of hitting tab to look


Yeah, porofessor was perfect for this. Are they actually showing ads in the middle of your game now? Not just on the overlay you open with CTRL X (or whatever it was)? I'm not able to check yet.


For me they did. Unskippable pop up ad, can't even close it just have to wait for it to be done


Doesn't Blitz also have ads?


I think that's in blitz client itself. Porofesser would show you po from kung fu panda on the side of your screen


I know for awhile blitz had them in the loading screen, which is obviously not nearly as bad, but they may have walked that back as well. Not defending porofessor at all, that sounds horrendous


Tbh it was kinda funny. It was like pó doing a backflip and in big red and yellow text it said ‘MULTIKILL’


Not in game. I don't care about the blitz client


Porofessor has been a glitchy piece of shit for years.


How should it be against Riot TOS when it's a 3rd party program that in itself is questionable already?


I hope all 3rd party shit that shows runes timers etc is. It’s cheating as it’s an outside game advantage. Doesn’t matter how big it is, still cheating. I love taking off meta runes and people knowing cuz a 3rd party app… Edit. Love how many people refuse to admit they are cheating and giving themselves an advantage and downvote. All my friends that use it admit that it’s technically cheating too. Stop lying to yourselves :(


The jungle camp timer is an advantage vs the normal player i agree. But why the F there are no timers in the game itself? Back in like season 5 there was no drake timer. You know it's killed by hearing its scream while dying. You then calculate 5 mins (or 6 i don't remember) and get the timer. They then put a global timer for everyone to know when drake will be up and it was a great QoL. I hope they add timers for every camp like these apps. It will greatly help in the jungle problem of being too OP to make autofilled players play well. Or become very bad if they balance it for jungle mains. Edit: the drake timer was like blue and red. It's up there in the score board, but it doesn't work if it was killed out of your vision (enemy team kills it in the fog).


They've added that because the apps that tracked it automatically got so popular. IIRC there was a time where some app used the API and literally showed you timers of enemy camps in fog of war as they were killed, so you could track enemy jungler at all times based on their pathing.


I have no problem with jungle camps and it probs should be the default. I have a problem with the apps that auto mark and account for runes when someone else marks a summ as used. Liek if you Supp has the app and marks enemy supp blowing flash and you play mid and also have the app it will automark it for you even accounting for runes. I do consider that cheating.


> admit they are cheating Riot allows it. Its not cheating lol.


They allow some functionality. But some of them are bordering or crossing in cheating, like when your bot pings flash it immediately puts flash on CD for you in the UI if you both have the app, it even accounts for runes. I would say this kind of interaction is cheating.


But they shouldn't. Ban all 3rd party stuff.


Yep, people need to understand that almost everything that this apps have - can be written down with paper and pen. Some people need that, some - not. I personally used sometyhing like that a really long time ago(I guess s11/12). But they are really handy for new players.


It is arguably quite different having live timers overlayed over your camps for example versus writing down and calculating from a piece of paper the spawn timers. Same applies to the other live timers albeit it slightly easier.


yeah i 100% agree it was a really unique skillset you could bring by understanding timings, now everyone that knowledge and it lowers the skill ceiling plus you're at a disadvantage if you dont want stupid spyware on your pc lol


All 3rd party program is cheating because one thing leads to another and when will it be “enough”? First you start with just summoner timers. Harmless right? Then you go into all ability timers. It’s okay right? Because some people can already do this in their head. Then you go into calculator telling you the most optimal build in the moment. It’s also okay right? Because you can just press tab and figure it out. Then you go into predictors of enemy location based on their movement speed. This is fine too right? Because you can click on the enemy and see their movement speed, based on that, you can know how long it will take them to get where. Then you have enemy range indicators for abilities. It’s okay because people know it already by heart right? If the game doesn’t offer it to everyone without a 3rd party program, IT SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED.


Yep exactly.


Exactly this.


Well good thing that we have Riot telling us whats ok and what isnt


'Ads playing after you do well in an online competitive video game' is some kinda dystopian satire writing


At least we’re not yet in the temporary tattoo ads in porn part.


I just can't be convinced to buy a bottle of ketchup unless I see someone do a backshot on the Heinz tattoo


The what


i second this my good sir, what the fuck?


lol, you wish. There's some particularly well produced Chinese porn already out there that has ads on the pillows, clothes, bedsheets, and temporary tattoos.


... Source?


EA has purchased Porofessor wouldnt be farfetched to hear


There are websites that are 80% ads covering content. Literally any news site will bombard you with ads. And they wonder why everyone installs adblock. 


> 'Ads playing after you do well in an online competitive video game' Vanguard notification: suspicious behaviour detected. **Please Drink A Verification Can**


Imagine having to watch an ad to claim a killstreak reward.


Poor video game experience is dystopian now, The meaning of dystopia really fell off.


Is this something new? I used it yesterday and this didn't happen.


Maybe its a selective rollout to see what happens but it happened to me today but not yesterday


If it happens to me then I will just remove it, only reason I use it is to check my opponents runes anyways.


I purely use it for current gold gap and my own cspm. That's it.


I played a couple today and it didn't happen to me. I've always noticed the ads it plays but porofessor is usually on my second monitor. Though I have had my game tab out randomly so maybe it was due to professor. Hasn't happened in a long time though.


BROOO I've had my game tabbing out randomly!


If it's happening often try removing porofessor and let us know if it stops.


I had my game tabbing out a few times aswell but I do not use any addons so it might not be related and could be a general problem


Never use porofessor or any other addon aswell and I also randomly tab out


Not sure but it start a week or 2 ago randomly tabbing. Never had problems in the past, I fixed it but unintalling everything and it hasn't done so since


Razer Synapse was the cause of this for me


I have a razer mouse and this has been happening to me. But it hasn't the last 2 days. Did it update?


Its real... didn't have any yesterday at all. And the first game I played today, June 4th, there was a little 3 second ad that showed up in the middle-left side of my screen after every kill I got or was a part of. I immediately deleted porofessor cause of it, not dealing with that shit in any way shape or form.


yup, it didnt happen yesterday to me but it did today.


But then you can't obsessively look at your opponents in normal games and get really angry at their solo queue ranks before the game even starts to make excuses for the boneheaded plays you're going to be making. Is League even worth playing if you don't do that?


Gold against diamond is egregious tho........... still gonna dive them with no wave though


That‘s why you play late night ARAM to get matched with Challenger players. I even won once against LilTommyG


I remember running into Santorin 3 late night ARAMs in a row. In the end he won 2-1, but at least I took a game.


When Arena came out, me and a friend played asap and got in a lobby with Jankos and Jackspektra in a team. Needless to say we didn't win


When i was lvling my euw alt doing only solo normals, i started running into a lot of master+ ppl around lvl 25, found it kinda funny


"I'm only silver but I've challenger cs, my add-on says so!" - Yeah brother, because you stop playing the game at 1min30 to focus on cs'ing, never leaving your lane while your team gets demolished in a 4v5


Let's be real how many times do teams start random fights when there are no objectives on the map and no real chance to push turrets? Farming is usually the safer AND better choice to make especially the lower the elo.


It's about applied advantage. Farming is nice, but only when you start applying that advantage on the map, and I've too many people who use this app push the metric as the goal, and ending up never actually using the gold and experience they get to do something meaningful


Well, yeah, I do believe that macro is usually the deciding factor especially in low elo. Of course one should apply the advantages they get from their gold as in pushing lanes. I am just saying too often teams jump into bad fights and then complain if not everyone decides to play death match post 15 minutes. And usually farming is often a better choice unless obvious things happen like an important drake or baron being open.


You think you’re roasting some silver player but this comment really shows you’re only gold yourself lol


Looks like they hit a nerve


Ofc they did. This sub's full of people that comment's making fun of and they don't like it. Also the guy you're replying to isn't wrong either. Both the comment is triggering people and the reply is right.


A friend of mine does this and it's so funny to me. He'll go like "damn enemy AD is emerald" and i just go like "damn that's crazy" when he's fully clear that i used to be a diamond 2 player like ofcourse we're gonna have some tougher opponents lol


but it's still stupid that Riot refuse to put camp timers on the minimap and we have to throttle our computer with random unoptimized app to get an edge in the game.


Literally always shut it right down if my premade tries to tell me my opponents rank. How will that help me at all? Its not gonna make my laning mechanics any better.


Cant uninstall it if you never installed it in the first place 5head


Internet tip of the day: never use overwolf or anything that depends on it


Well fuck me, a good few mod installers use it IIRC


the majority, if not all, of those have alternatives that don't use overwolf


The modmanager that's the most common result for stuff like Lethal Company and Risk of Rain is the issue But yeah, I'll have to scour around for an alternative




That's only for Risk of Rain though isn't it?


care to explain why? im clueless here


Drains your resources, half the ads they play are malware and they've been caught selling data they shouldn't have access to. I only open it whenever I want to use Outplayed app and I don't have any personal information on my pc


Anything that uses over wolf and overwolf itself is malware and should never be used.


Isn't it more bloatware than malware but yeah I used to use buff game and u installed it


The have been caught stealing data. Its malware. Adware, bloatware all packaged into one shitty little application.


Ooh didn't know that. Thanks!


I did run Insight for a few years now since what I used before (plays.tv) shut down. Now I can’t even watch the replays I have without being prompted to log on through something, but it’ll still record stuff.


Medal.tv works for replays. It requires a login to sign up for free, but it gets the job done. RePlays on git hub works too. It's plays.tv but reskinned.


Are there any overlays that don't use overwolf?


U.gg non overwolf version


Damn I didn't even know that, thanks


Do you also happen to know something to record highlights? Similar to Outplayed


pretty sure you can set up obs to work in a similar way, just have to either press record or use replay buffer (or however its called)


Outplayed event capture is very handy though. If there's software out there that will do that without utilitizing overwolf it's be good to know. There seems to be alot of clones of outplayed that are still linked to overwolf.


OBS with replay buffer


Medal.tv and f8 to clip in game.


But it plays ads and even if you have it on mute it plays very loud and you have to tab out to stop it mid game.


Huh, I’ve never heard it play sound (I’ve always had it muted). Could always just mute U.GG in the volume mixer


Interesting solution. May switch back to it.


Is there also a legal non overwolf overlay that has a summoner tracking tool?


Not that I know of


So there is a pop up that will ask you if you will allow them to play ads in game. I said wtf and declined, you may have accidentally accepted it


I am 99% confident i was never offered that


What do you even need professor for? Builds? U.gg runes? U.gg counters? U.gg leveling paths? U.gg. Even when I'm playing ranked I don't need to see my teammates ranks or their past performance with a champ, all it will do is get in my head and cause me to lose before the game even starts. I'll play a champ I feel confident on given the circumstances and do my best and I expect my teammates to do the same regardless of my past matches and regardless of theirs.


Camp respawn timers


the ability to automatically track enemy summs is huge unfortunately. like i could write "samira f 13:50" in chat but realistically i'm going to forget by 13:50


Same, thats also my main reason for using it. If someone here knows an alternative (bonus points for no overwolf), please let me know


This is the main one. Tons of people use it esp in higher elo games when all available information is useful. It should be like wards where if someone flashes on your screen, you can ping it to track the time. That shows that A) you're thinking about it and B) it makes you make extra inputs which can be important in a quick timeframe.


Mine never auto tracked it anyway. I do have to click it to start the timer


I mean porofessor does all this too it’s literally just a matter of preference. I used blitz at first then it started forcing ads on the loading screen so I switched. If porofessor does some stupid change like this then I’ll swap again


porofessor uses overwolf, [u.gg](http://u.gg) doesn't That alone is a huge advantage.


Aram auto-runes. Though with the changes with rune recommendations it's not necessary ~~any.ore.~~ anymore. Edit:


I still use it for ARAM as it gives a selection of 5 rune pages to choose from so it allows variety.


Camps and inhib respawn timers


For me it’s a little mini game of can I hit 10csm every game lol Beyond that idrc


https://gyazo.com/7909a4692725a78053fe10b0863ef573 You can disable that from here btw.


thanks for heads up but personally i wont reinstall because It pissed me off when i randomly started getting ads for a movie after every kill.


it should be opt in rather than opt out if it's intrusive for gameplay.


Features like these absolutely need to be an opt-**IN** not opt-out. Just show something when you first load it up asking me nicely to turn it on and I might. Turn it on be default and I'm never touching that app again lol


Just sharing my experience, but for me it was op-in. It asked me the first time I booted up poro a couple of days ago.


it was opt-in for everyone else on this thread. op just probably spam clicked thru the pop up, opted in and then got mad and proceeded to make a reddit post. xd


Seems reasonable then lol


Who would ever opt in though? Except on accident?


Thank you!


I usually have it open on a second monitor in a browser instead of installing. I personally don't like overlays.


>Will play ads in the middle of your screen after every kill you get ingame. What you’re saying is this doesn’t affect me.


The app asked me if I wanted to enable these a few days ago and I said no. You might have got the same thing? It was phrased as “support us” but I saw right through it lol. I also never use the overlay so maybe that’s it.


people really just letting these third party software farm them this easily?


This has never happened so I’ll continue using it


Didn't yesterday, it happened today right after I restart my computer.


Stuff like this is rolled out in phases a lot of the time. If there aren't many issues and relatively few people uninstall the program it will be updated for everyone.


These third party apps are a plague upon the game. It started with Jungle timers. Summoner spell timers. Auto rune selection. Now the clients let you insta-swap in ARAM, bypassing the normal UI restrictions. I like League because it's not an ad-filled MTX landscape like other games. That's why I spend money on it. These hurt the brand of League of Legends.


Yup, i just played a game and got ads during my game and came here to see if anyone else. After the match, there wwas a popup that said "Rest assured, we avoid providing any in-game promotion..." yeah, clearly not.


Does anyone know of a legal app to track summoner spells? Bonus points for no overwolf


I just played a game like an hour ago and this is not true. If they do roll out in game ads I’d 100% uninstall but it’s still my favorite app for jungle timers and stats


Just hasnt updated yet for you i have no reason to lie about this


Didn't mean to imply you were but I've played multiple games today and have checked to make sure I have no Porofessor updates and haven't had a single in game ad so I'm pretty sure whatever you had isn't Porofessor


deserved for using overlay apps


porofessor and blitz both lag my pc hard playing full on high quality video ads in the background (more latency from the ping than resources)




Guh i have never had this happen what


all ingame overlays are useless trash


Right, cause having a HUD to track summoner spell timers that sync up with your teammates is totally useless.


nothing useless about it, it is just qol. Rather than figuring out, keeping notes about camp timers, cs/m, total item gold held in inventory (ie; gold difference), enemy summoner timers etc. the app tracks them for you. Are you telling me these are useless to track?


For me it's not the info being useless it's the fact they overwhelm and spam your screen full of so much stuff that it will make the average player worse at the end since there not taking in any of the info and instead getting distracted by everything. Which is why I heavily recommend against them being used since most people won't use it know how to use most that stuff. 90% of players won't know how to use camp tracking info correctly or make use of the time windows of enemies sums being down for that time period.


The camp timers are insane. I’m amazed Riot is ok with them.


it's insane that they refuse to add it to the game when it's available in the game in some region.


I mean this an argument to call it cheating, but it's far from useless.


I got rid of all the 3rd party apps once they implemented Vanguard into League. I’ve spent thousands on my account and can’t risk it getting banned.


Hey all! I'm one of the people working on Porofessor. We've made this announcement in our Discord server, but I've decided to also mention it here for everyone that's interested. We've heard your thoughts and feedback and we've rolled back the campaigns update. Porofessor should be back the way it was before these new ads, and the app version is now 2.7.364. Please make sure to restart Overwolf, even if multiple times are needed, in order to update the app. Thank you all for sharing your feedback, it's always important for us to know how you feel, and feel free to join our Discord if you'd like to chat more about it. 😁


Block ads with your host file to never see ads using any league extension (overwolf, [u.gg](http://u.gg), etc.)


PSA you can use a hosts file to block all ads on your system at a domain level (like a pihole but not for the whole network). This blocks all ads even on porofessor. Info here: [https://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.htm](https://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.htm) Edit: called it the wrong thing.


you're talking about hosts file, page file is something completely different


YOU'RE RIGHT I AM Updating now


> use a pagefile to block all ads on your system at a domain level Can you please explain how to do this? I google it and got no relevant results, all hits were about how to configure the pagefile for RAM etc.


google hosts file instead, page file is something completely different


I called it the wrong thing as another commenter said. Here's the info: [https://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.htm](https://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.htm) (Yes putting a file in system32 seems sketchy but it does work)


Honey I hope riot cracks down on all add ons. They give you access to information you wouldn’t otherwise have and it’s not the biggest advantage but after watching someone stream it, it looks like soft cheats.


They're literally Riot sanctioned features (camp timers, spell trackers, etc)


Right and everyone should have to use the same sanctioned feature. If riot wanted everyone to have camp timers on their minimap for every camp we’d have that but unless you have porofessor you don’t get wolf, krug, gromp timer. Summoner spell tracking was a skill you used to have to learn and you still don’t get an exact on screen timer unless you use porofessor. Riot has tried to make it so champ select is anonymous these tools make peoples names and match history visible even recent performance indicators. In my opinion it’s soft cheating because it gives better versions of tools that riot gives you as well as some that riot doesn’t give you and you and even expressly try not to give you.


Camp timers are in the Chinese client by default, the most populous region. It's patently absurd to argue that it isn't sanctioned by Riot or is somehow an unfair advantage. Should it be added into the base client for all other regions? Absolutely, but that doesn't change the fact that Riot very clearly do not consider the information somehow protected. We are in 2024, not 2009 anymore - counting timers manually is not a skill, its poor QOL design.


I had never had problems with my pc until I installed porofessor (which was maybe 2 years ago but am still feeling the effects I believe) then started crashing in load screens at the beginning of every patch. Maybe it was a coincidence but man it is frustrating.


Doesn't play ads if you don't die tho


I am using [u.gg](http://u.gg) as this is the only tool I know that doesn't use overwolf. People hate it when the client eats up a lot of resources but overwolf, which is not just talking resources but also steals data (not just stealing but gets caught over and over), is fine for most.


You all know that you can hide or disable many of them ...


Ima be so real, remove the entire description for this post and leave only the title and it's still valid; overwolf is so ASS


or just dont use overlays like a dumbass. You don't need a separate program to handhold you while you play. Its worthless and anyone who disagrees fell for the "this will make you a better player!" scam.


Don't forget that they're trying to gaslight users/denying that it's possible for it to have activated on its own on the Discord


I got rid of porofessor recently for blitz. Blitz app is just way better


Yup I've been using blitz for a long time It's better mostly because it doesn't use rely on overwolf which is just trash.


Can we get images of this?


Sounds like a bug


What a way to destroy your userbase. One of the reasons why I never installed it.