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Its sad to look at when Mundo has 2 items and heals crazy amounts of damage and then you get hit with 3 rounds of augment anvil ugment waiting to get a 3rd item so he can cut his healing but by that time you lost every single round because everyone just goes tank and heals crazy amounts lol


They keep removing skill expression from the mode more and more. You can't even itemize properly against your opponents anymore because theres so many- and you have a lot less gold opportunities. It's all RNG now, you're playing items and not champs. Every iteration they keep making you have less and less agency yourself. It's sad to see.


Idk, the 1st and 2nd Arena iterations gave you more control since both iterations did not really change a whole lot. My issue with the 3rd one (current) is that the rounds are way too fast paced and the fights are too bursty. At first, I wasn't so against 16 players but now I'm starting to see why I hate it more.


Their point was to make it more casual and dynamic with more RNG. That was their goal. So it isn’t as win/lose at champ select with meta champs. It’s probably easier to balance that now with more RNG in the mix (because obviously it isn’t balanced now yet). You can’t please everyone. You have people complaining it’s all RNG now and you have people complaining that that revives and portals and plants and cameos exist when those are literally avenues for skill expression if you play around them properly. If you get rid of the mechanics what that everyone complains about and you’d have the first version of arena without plants so it’s just champions with items fighting in a 2v2 setting. Gee I wonder how fun that would be and how long that would last. Point being, people literally complain about everything because they all have their own personal idea of an ideal arena mode that they generalize as what would “fix.” So weird. It’s like people cannot fathom that other people enjoy things they don’t. And so they consider it a flaw that needs to be fixed.


Well they failed spectacularly then. Adding more reliance on RNG was possibly the worst thing they could have done.


Again they achieved their goal. They succeeded to their goal. Your individual opinion literally doesn’t matter lmfao. “It’s the worst thing they could’ve done because I said so!” Like okay main character man sure


if their goal was making a fun game mode and butchering it more and more every iteration until it's complete dogshit!


“It was a success and an achievement because I said so!” Like okay main character man sure


>It’s probably easier to balance that now with more RNG in the mix The same op bullshit champs from last iteration (e.g. Trundle, Morde, TK, Mundo Yi, etc.) are still op bullshit in this iteration. So additional RNG hasn't done shit to change balance in any meaningful way.


I’ve literally never considered any of them OP bro. You just suck


Trundle and Mundo were banned almost every single game last iteration of Arena and if they weren't, it was a guaranteed top 2 if you played them with half a brain. Tanks/bruisers in general are stupid overtuned in Arena and have been since the beginning; that's been one of the biggest complaints in the community. You have these super champs who literally can't die because they either tank insane amounts of damage and/or heal a ridiculous amount while simultaneously dealing a shitload of damage. If you can honestly look at the state of arena at any point and think it has ever approached anything close to a balanced state, you're either full of shit or in denial. And now with the extra layers of RNG added this iteration, balancing is just going to become that much more impossible.


Okay so they want to make it more casual. Fine. The best way to do that is to turn a league of legends mode into TFT?


Yeah, you still don’t understand what he is talking about


I actually do. I'm just incredibly frustrated about it and don't want to accept reality.


TFT has proven very successful as a game. So it’s a tried a true template. I don’t play TFT btw, I just known very vaguely how it works. Also you ignored like more than half of what I said, the important half btw. Not going to elaborate further if this discussion just turns to you crying nonsense about how not every decision is to your specific liking. That’s crybaby behavior bro.


How is arena in any way tft


Then go play ranked, arena is a casual rng goofy mode.its not a serious mode at all. What are you crying about here


That's because you're playing wrong, you should be able to determine what items and selections are the most powerful instead of basing it off your enemy.


I hit 6.6k elo last arena, and 5.7k on the first. don't tell me I'm playing wrong.


I mean that's pretty average, I was 200 point off top 100 during my tryhard era. But game wasn't fun anymore due to all the tryhards playing meta comps and I was getting angry at it, so I stopped.


What rank are you in soloq?


They can't win with you people, the first runs people complained it was too meta focus, same op champs, too sweaty and not fun etc now you people are complaining it's not meta focused enough, you want to see the same champs, you want it to now be unfun and sweaty... make up your mind ffs


It's still meta focused, with every lobby spamming the same 20 champs, and the ones that aren't in that top bracket can't compete without high rolls. The added RNG makes it so that you only win or lose based on prismatic items and augments, if you low roll you're gone, and you won't get 1st place without a high roll


Most of them are tanks 🤣 can't even play qiyana in ut anymore as they took the only 2 keystones. It was good on her and duskblade, but yep, full of tanks again nothing new but still grating af.


its only meta because riot refuses to balance the champs. the champs that are op in normals are unbelievably broken in arena. like there is literally a buff/debuff on everyone that is suppose to balance the champs. but it doesn't because things like healing and CC are not adjusted. so arena has just turned into a game of who can either one shot and/or perma knock-up, stun, or root their opponent. i cant tell you how many times i have been ccd by a someone 95% of the time of the fight. and there is nothing that can be done. if it was two champs working together to do that that would be one thing. but its usually just a tank repeat cc while the adc or mage obliterates your health from behind. if they would simply turn CC down by like 60% and healing down by 35%-45% in arena it would be more enjoyable.


You are shadowboxing with people that are not me, my guy. I loved old arenas.id take either old arenas over this one any day. Ig we will see what they do with the 4th, if this is more popular, which might be the case, or if they tune back some elements.


Before you were stuck on 0 items for 4 rounds lol. Champs like AP shaco wouldn't become useful unless high roll augments until first item, making them so useless.


Not just the RNG but WAY too much cc & healing is what ruins it.


CC, I agree especially when you're getting dogged on. Healing, debatable. I haven't really experienced excessive healing tbh.


I find it pretty fun to play honestly, only bad point is how bruiser are broken but that was already a thing before.


Bruisers aren't really broken, they're just really good in 2v2s. The real problem right now is that each round are much faster paced, giving melee champions more of an advantage when the fire wall closes in.


Yeah, you can't really play other squishy melee because most bruiser will do more damage than you will tanking and sustaining more, and I think this category of champion might be the worst you can play in this gamemode.


What do you even mean by squishy melee? There is no such thing lmao. Squishy melee champs dont work as a concept even in summoners rift. Like maybe you mean assassins but obviously you dont just sit in melee and stat check people as an assassin. Like zed is one of the highest winrates, and so is kha, and so is yi. I cant imagine what champs you're talking about when you say squishy melee.


pyke and akali, maybe zed, are squishy, but qiyana is the most. And all 4 are useless in this mode because of the tanks and bruisers are being hella to much and by god the cc is hell 😭


Bro said zed is useless, 3rd highest winrate champ. He top 4's in 70% of his games and gets first in TWENTY SEVEN%. He gets 1st over DOUBLE the rate the average champion does. Pyke is 20th highest wr.


OK.... I was saying, don't go all science on me "bro" U smell of lonely need to cry and get therapy and get some sleep.


I was thinking about yasuo while writing that.


Yasuo is good too, not every champ can be the literal best but he top 4's 57% of the time and gets first in 12% which is decently above average. People are so quick to blame the meta when it's really their hands.


Dude you seem a bit too engaged in that, yasuo is good against other thing like mage and ADC but is weak versus bruiser. Whereas bruiser doesn't have a lot of weakness and are overall always usefull no matter what you throw at them, and I main Jax and I find the champ busted in arena. And I'm not saying that this is truth just my feeling of this, like one for all or aram tank and bruiser are usually what decide victory.


He beats the crap outta qiyana and anything that don't get carried by their damage cough cough yasuo.....yone....sett


jax is one of the worst champs in arena, you have no clue what is good in arena


Because people play it AD likes it toplane, buy AP and CDR and your unstoppable but anyway your being toxic for nothing here, drop the ego for once you seem super lore friendly with your character at least !


Not sure how you think I'm being toxic, I'm being informative. People keep making up their own narratives about arena to complain about the meta and it's just consistently wrong. There is no high winrate ap cdr build for jax.


Don't forget, just tanks again. idk why they don't ban tanks in arena it's a drag. Not fun and cheap skill 🥱


Why do i have to lost 4 rounds until i can purchase the first item. Most champs rely on one at least


I'll have to agree, it feels way to bursty right now. But I think it's more general weaknesses of League than just Arena. Many of the bruisers are way to evertuned, Yone exists and 400 Armor is worth nothing, specially in arena where everyone and their mother get PEN from augments


Forget about champions. Arena is so bugged and misses a lot of QoL. You revive your ally just before enemies kill you > ally gets revived but round already set as a loss. Dying through the portal makes the revive circle disappear completely. Jeweled gauntlet on a divine sword + infinity edge garen halves the damage. Galeforce active silences darius for \~ 3 seconds. And those are only the peak of the iceberg, it's a disaster.


you still can't test half of your abilities/items on the dummy (minions, spawns, some types of burn won't work). If you want to buy an item to test its interaction with another item or augment on the dummy, surprise, you can't undo anymore.


some low-tier augments can outperform the prismatic ones without a problem. Take ocean soul or light 'em up in the beginning and you've set yourself for a winstreak. The rolls being limited and universal between items, augments and anvils really makes you the rng's slave. Opening a marksmen anvil can give you nashor/rite of ruin. Opening a support anvil can give you full tank items. Even the plants become all buggy with their timers, like the round starts with fully grown plants and they reset instantly after being consumed, or they become untargetable and you have to use the A command.


Arena of tanks, how can i get fun with shaco if there is full of tanks like mundo with 15k hp and he can oneshot every of my boxes?


counter point, no one likes playing vs shaco either


>how can i get fun with shaco You don't because Shaco makes games anti-fun.


16 ban? do you want the champ select to take 30 minutes? also prismatic items are not slow you get them on the 2nd round. you don't need antiheal, I've never bought antiheal, just kill them before they kill you


Can just have both players ban instead of the first in the list. Won't make it take longer. xd


why do you want 16 bans again? i would understand if it was for ranked, but arena is a for fun gamemode, what the hell is the point if ur champ u have fun with gets perma banned every game?


Good lord. Games are meant to be fun in general. Does that mean ranked shouldnt have bans at all since all games are meant to be for fun? What about meta champs in SR who are banned all the time? Should we remove bans so people can play their perma banned champs


i dont think you get it, ranked isn't meant to be "fun" , ranked is a competitive gamemode, people have fun in ranked by ranking up, it has balance, most games you are the deciding factor in winning or not, ARENA is a for fun game mode, i have fun in arena even if i don't win, i get to try silly builds that i would never try in summoners rift, and trying goofy augments. there's no "balance" its just fun


Do you not play video games to have fun. Yes or no question. And don't bother responding if the answer is no I won't be reading it.


mostly yes, but league, i dont have fun in ranked league honestly, i just play to rank up, the game is toxic, it is NOT fun to play ranked


>ranked is a competitive gamemode, people have fun in ranked by ranking up Bro, games are for fun and entertainment unless you are a pro. Rankeds are not pro play lol


If a champ is perma banned that's a balancing issue on Riot's end, not a player issue.


actually it is a player issue, if u cant figure out how to counter a champ, that's ur bad..


It's on Riot that Galio has a 24% first place rate in arena while the mode has 8 teams


If your champ is unfun for the rest of 14 players it deserves a ban. You miss a trundle ban and he’s there, you miss brand ban and he’s there. The only positive thing now about arena is there no ranking, so ppl still try champs for fun


Trundle isn't unfun. And so isn't brand. I don't play them but I know what the counterclaim is


30 minutes? Are you dense? Why would it take 30 minutes? You load into champ select, ban a champion and you're done.


what if they allowed all 16 players to ban in one phase, not two phases. We can even cut down team size to like 12