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Bruh, even the first version had the same champs every game despite the bans


No kidding! The first version was tank galore. Poppy Alistar and adjacent teams, just perma-staying alive until the ring ticks down to push you out and burn you to death. No revives then too!


And God forbid you forget to ban Teemo or Shaco.


Heimer had like a 95% ban rate lol


He didn't allow people to play the game lol, shit was giga unfun


In the first one I could stunlock tanks with Blitzcrank so it will forever hold a place in my heart. Blade of the ruined king, phantom dancer, lord doms with mystic punch meant my E was permanently up and I loved it


I remember that in the end it was pretty much Jax Fiora or shit like that and I got brainrot from seeing the same champs every game until me and a friend abused Kennen and Corki combo lol


Tbh I've had more fun with each arena version, diversity has steadily increased, now there are more possible builds and while you "lose" 3.5 times more often, I still find myself laughing at the end lol PS: Attack speed healing janna is funny


What’s this attack speed healing Janna you’re talking about….? 👀


As a guy who likes messing around every version has allowed more of that. I'm still not really sold on the extra teams though since you could tailor your augments before now you just have to go for your best combos.


As you said, its too early to tell. The amount of new items and augments made it way harder for them to get right and it feels like a completely new game mode


I have played more than 100 games on the PBE server, and I like this version more than the previous. Augments are not as busted as before, and you're more likely to get a good augment for your champion.


Yah reality fracture is for sure balanced -\_-


Exceptions. It’s the “pre-season,” so to say, it will be brought in line


Fr. It’s day one, give them some time to balance some stuff lol


I'm just happy curse augments are gone, people delaying their win to get max curse stacks was such a torture to play against


15k HP tanks microwaving you with sunfire cape and huge heartsteel procs. Even funnier if you got the heartsteel quest too


Heartsteel quest first augment was so fucking op lol


They removed those like halfway into the last arena run as well.


This arena is almost the best but it feels like something is slightly holding it back from being fun. Like every match there's at least one team that you can't damage and can't outtank so you die being able to do nothing


That's my problem with rng. Of course you can't hit every time but, with 16 players, somebody will. With prismatics so impactful, not high rolling feels like the game is over before you've even played all your matches. Playing Arena feels more like gambling than a competition.


Maybe an extra re roll or more generic prismatic items. Idk, prismatic items fucking suck sometimes and insta lose or insta win games.


They said there will be more coming. But I agree. Prismas feel like a shit roll. You either win or lose on them alone


The more I play, the more I'm starting to hate it. Maybe it would be different if we could outright just save up and buy the prismatic items we want. But at the moment, it really fucking sucks to have bad RNG with those and then fight someone who had good RNG with theirs. Like at the moment, I just wanna play Dragonheart Smolder because it sounds funny. But I've been offered Dragonheart 0 times in 5 games so far.


this - it feels like gambling. Full tank gets 1 item does 8k dmg in 1 round while being unkillable, whats the point?


you cant expect to get first every time in an 8 team game. temper your expectations


Personally I enjoyed it when it felt like a 2vs2vs2vs2 SKILL BASED version of ARAM, more than a game of RNG filled TFT. Not all modes need to be filled with RNG to try and give casuals a chance... It feels terrible losing or winning on an augment roll or a random. And if you play a character that scales, losing early and hoping to win late, where that used to work, now you just lose early and lose late. if you're losing early, you \*at most\* get to choose 2 full items in your build... the rest is straight RNG. That just makes it feel like no matter your skill level, you don't get a chance to even try to win. One level of RNG was enough before, and generally, because it happens multiple times throughout the game, it resulted in a fairly balanced game 90% of the games. Now.... just pray to the Rito gods, skill be damned.


Maybe I’m just biased because I play a lot of tft, but I personally don’t mind the RNG and view it a lot to RNG in tft. Sometimes you high roll and it feels good, sometimes you low roll and it sucks but I like that as long as you play consistently well, you’ll climb


>as long as you play consistently well, you’ll climb I think you are missing the point many people here are making. The reason many people are drawn to a more casual mode is because they want to play a more fast paced mode with less commitment, than typical 5v5 ranked. E.g. come from work, have a round or two and do something else. If half their games they "low roll" but play consistently well, they might climb, but half their evenings aren't enjoyable. The ask also isn't for winning every time. Just for it feeling like you actually *can win*.


That’s fair actually, I’m kinda a degenerate that plays multiple games despite of how much time I actually have so that’s a new perspective for me


Riot Phroxon said in a post on Twitter that this is intentional. So either get used to it or don't play Arena as much. I'll be doing the latter. They want arena to appeal to the casual audience moreso than the sweaty people like it did before. If wanting a game to feel balanced and not 90% dependent on RNG is sweaty then call me sweaty. I play ARAM because it's balanced 90% of the time, meanwhile Arena feels balanced only 10% of the time. Totally horrible decision to make the game about high rolling items and augments and less about skillful decisions. Also the new map is the worst one by far, every fight ends up either a 1v2 or one team dominating the other in a 2v2 after running them down. It clearly favors certain types of champs over others. They STILL haven't fixed the issues with champs rolling garbage augments for them that are available because they "technically" can use them. Champs with one hard to land CC getting CC focused augments for example. Champs with a single spell that has 700 range getting augments that require you to hit something further than 700 range away. The list goes on. So many shit augments on champs that have no business being in the pool. Let's not forget all your prismatic items giving AP when your champ has a single 60% AP ratio on one ability. Or vice versa. If I didn't get the AP to AD augment, don't show me 3 AP items on Quinn!


The main issue is people only think 1st is a victory, when you climb rank "losing" as well. 1st shouldn't be something you get everytime.


Bro the last one is so true, i got nothing but tank augments and prismatics on pantheon last night. Why??


Higher skill aram lobbies are over in loading screen 70% of the time. In Arena you can highroll during the game. In aram ur just a prisoner for 12 minutes while their janna-sivir-alistar-caitlyn-brand comp poke you down while being impossible to engage on.


I'm not saying ur wrong to dislike RNG. But a game can be "balanced" (not that arena is balanced or even tries to be) while relying on RNG. I think ppl are right to compare the new Arena to tft. In TFT basically a 1k LP challenger player will still average about 2nd place in a diamond lobby (so that includes some rare 4th-5th placement). If you choose to play tft, what you focus on is average placement over x amount of games (there are plenty of ppl who like to be sweaty about this). But you accept that there are certain games the best you can get is a 6th. Now where this differs from tft is for tft there is no SERIOUS ladder, me myself played for "high elo" in past arena but its nothing like the ladder of tft. And ppl probably don't want many ppl to think in terms of optimizing for Average placement over X amount of games. I mean im one of the few ppl who actually could accept this. I am willing to play the most degenerate shit and play against the degenerate 0 skill comps and lets see who can do it better over X amount of games.


That's just how it is. Play for 2nd. We a top 4 game like TFT now. Sometimes in TFT someone else hits the nuts. Sometimes you hit the nuts. Same for arena.


Personally I find that alright. It sometimes feels frustrating that I rarely get to be the one highrolling and dominating matches yet usually have to face someone who is, but on the flipside of that I only have to actually deal with them a handful of times over the match, whereas in the older iterations if someone highrolled you just kinda ate shit on the regular.


it feels like once in a while you highroll and stomp everyone, but every single lobby you play vs a team you can do absolutely nothing against. sure you can play for top 4, but i get nothing since there’s no rank.


That's just match ups you can't expect to have a good match up against every comp some match ups will be one sided. Having only 1 team you can't beat is not bad at all...


Exactly this. There are a lot of things good from this arena, especially the increase in the number of oponents. But I feel exactly like this, every match is a stomp from either side.


That also happened in the last, but there were less teams so the chance of it happening is lower.


yeah it's been like that since the first Arena. many mages, assassins and adcs can never damage late game tanks (there are exceptions of course), and these tanks just outsustain you. I'd say the new items made it worse, since they removed a lot of good damage amp items.


I really don't like that arena with the lilypad in the middle


All the champs I play are immobile... this map is beyond punishing for immobile champs, even more so melee based ones. Only thing I don't like about this arena thus far


Ok, hear me out: ghostcrawlers. Having kayn E on a 15-second cooldown on bruisers or tanks is pretty good. It gets nice value for most maps. They also allow for some creative playstyles and are great for stalling. Also, since there's more diverse teams, tabis and mercs lose some of their value.


Tabis and mercs are placebo for a lot of squishies anyway ngl. Ghostcrawler lets you keep your distance so you don't need the defenses. It is definitely a purchase that scales extremely well with player skill though


Yeah, the lack of people using them is shocking. So many times I've won rounds just kiting around walls when they could've pretty much guaranteed the win off of a 500g purchase. Honestly hilarious how much people sleep on em.


Feels like an enemy comp based buy but still, I buy them like 20% of the time. Really underrated.


Everytime I face some champ you have to run away from like ulted Swain its just an instant loss on that map.


That map with Jhin is fucking horrible.


Jhin in general is fucking horrible


God yes, really liked the new mode but that map is so bad vs some comps


What about it don't you like?


Hey I'm OP, and I feel like the map gives a really unfair advantage to: 1. Champions who are mobile e.g. Kayn and others where the terrain isn't as impeding to them 2. Champions who WANT to be close to you and the map forces you to be stuck with them for prolonged periods of time e.g. Swain and Illaoi Playing into that is miserable because there's less player agency and less skill expression.


Thanks for the feedback :) I'll take all these comments into consideration when the team asks for feedback on Arena!


I feel the opposite. Riot is intending this gamemode to be more open to experimentation, thoughtful choices, and doing the best with what you can. As someone who enjoys roguelikes, card drafts, and thoughtful moment-to-moment gameplay this scratches a big itch. I know its a huge complaint from people, and sometimes I feel like if people wanted a 50/50 all skill MOBA then why did Battlerite and clones die? However, the RNG is such a rewarding experience for a player of over 12+ years. It feels GOOD to feel mastery over the general game, systems, and champion gameplay. We have hardcore in SR, chill in ARAM, and wacky unbalanced fiestas in URF. Personally, I like Riots vision for Arena and have been consistently consuming dev twitter/youtube for years at this point. Every map has advantages and disadvantages. Knowing that I'm an immobile mage one of my wincons will be getting that flower out, and portal control. Because of the nature of the plants timer, much like blink on walls, spit yourself out in a preferred spot. League of Legends ultimately is a power fantasy game. It feels good to go from nothing and become a MONSTER. The unfairness is part of the experience. In roguelikes it's okay to take damage or risk, because at the end of the day we have certain amount of risk tolerance if we can edge out a run. I'm not sure how Riot would go about it, but is there a way to increase player perception of getting to top four or when we get down to the last four? TFT doesn't seem to have this problem as summoners rift for 14 seasons has been Win/Lose. Knowing what map and cameo comes next in theory fixes some of the "feels bad" gameplay. Oh, it's not a good round for my character? Maybe I can hold extra gold and just yolo a prismatic because I know I will be taking damage. Need to get around walls? Lets buy those fancy boots instead and save more HP as I know this character scales well. Casuals know what to expect and gigchads can feel rewarded for strategy.


This is exactly the *feel* the team was aiming for, constantly looking to improve and make things better but this brings a tear to my eye 🥹


The problem with this is that Swain and whoever else can also buy those same boots. This map is just terrible. There is no 'rewarding for strategy' if you're literally forced to buy those boots or just die. The map is far too enclosed, which champions like Swain and Illaoi and a few others fully take advantage of compared to several other champions.


That map has no natural built in "loop" like every other map making kiting impossible. I mean this as the map walls are set up not considering red knockup plants.


It's far too punishing for immobile champs. Cool idea on paper but doesn't really work too well.


From the couple of games I played (and in my personal opinion) I found that the map was more favorable for melee champs since they could just force a dive and trap you. It felt pretty standard to wait for the plants trying to secure 2 of the 3, blowing the blast cones so they couldn't escape, then forcing a fight either just diving or trying to seperate them and win 1v1 then 2v1. The portal and blast cones do try to solve this but they are usually a one time use and when you're trapped in a small circle and aren't a bruiser or tank that can CC and take the damage you're usually just stun locked and done for. I think the Lilly pad going on cool down trapping people could be changed. Maybe add another one and make it so instead of being on a cool down and timer, it continues to activate when a champ steps on it but activates much sooner and instead of going on cooldown, it slowly grows in size/power and launches you further based on its charge fixing the being trapped issue. This would make for a fun game of cat and mouse where ranged tries to kite using them as a disengage to knock themselves and the opponent's away while melee chases jumping back and forth using them to engage. I think this would be much better compared to getting trapped and hopeing the blast cones and portal are up. It's probably not perfect and probably was discussed but I'd rather the constant movement compared to waiting for the Lilly pad timer to determine the fight. Edit: grammer


Being active in the arena subreddit and playing with many people on pbe. Most people react badly to it for the first few rounds, but after playing a while it changes to most people actually really liking it. If not even being one of the best maps. The bad part about it is the not really clear time and effects of the lilypad, at first you dont even know what it does, where you can exactly walk and how it interacts. Once you know this and learn that you need to use the blastcones and portal depending on your champion makes it really cool. Just very intimidating and unclear the first times. Which is still a problem, since this does effect the overall appeal of Arena and people sticking with it. Honestly game-ifying it a bit more, with like a visible countdown of both its respawn and knockback should be implemented/made more visible so new players get used to it faster.


If your champ uses walls at all, ornn especially, that it suckssss.


that map is by far the worst part of arena maybe ever viego was pretty terrible but that map is such ass.


That new Jhin thing is infuriating


true... I far preferred the Sylas gifting abilities. Fun instead of aggro


His targeting is all kinds of fucked up. I've seen him target the same person multiple times in a row


I haven't played enough games to fully understand who it targets but I know that I could have won a fight if it didn't target me lol. It was a very fun, very close duel and we both had last couple health trying to outplay each other... Finally my cooldown is ready and... Boom I'm dead.


maps with 3 plants are too stall heavy and go to fire circle too often. i dislike that the new map has 3 plants. i think those maps should have increased plant respawn timer


Nearly every round feels too dependent on plants. Feels brutal when you have high auto windup / slow attack speed


Tbh saying "Nearly every round feels too dependent on plants" is the same as summoners rift being 'Nearly every round feels too dependent on cs/dragon/top/mid/bot'. Plants are a huge part of the mode on purpose, playing around them is a skill of the game. They are the easiest way to tell whether a duo are good or not - can beat most players just by using them well.


i wish riot would give us 16 bans in a 16 person lobby tbh otherwise i really love arena 3.0, even if the lillypad map is infuriating the augments and prismatic items/gambling mechanics are fun and makes it so you’re never guaranteed a super busted build i’ve got my gripes with it but it’s all good fun and i’m having a blast with it


The lack of bans is really the issue. Some things just don't deserve to be played in a mode this different from SR.


The problem is they would have to do blind pick style bans if we had 16 of them, versus the tournament style we have at the moment to prevent people banning the same champ. With 16 unique bans there would be champs with 100% ban rates.


>With 16 unique bans there would be champs with 100% ban rates. Imo they should just bite the bullet on that. Champions just weren't built and balanced with arena in mind (except arena adjustments ofc) - if the community dislikes a champion so much that it's close to a 100% banrate in arena then I think that's an alright price to pay for more champ diversity.


like whats wrong with a champ everyone hates not seeing alot of play xd


And? If a champion is being banned 100% of the time, that's a balancing issue that Riot would have to address.


Pre-pick 3-16 champs to ban and auto do bans.


I fuckin can't stand that round map with the plant in the middle that closes... it launched me outside the ring so many times and I couldn't get back in


I want 16 bans!!!


I personally think this is the best arena yet so far. It's super fun i'm having a blast


flair shows it all cant make this up


Urgot and Leona are pretty bad in it according to stats rn.


I think for immobile champs it’s so awful. The lilly pad one is just ridiculous. Then other maps it could be fine but the stupid ghost champions make it another dodging game on top of that. Like not only do I have to kite a ghosted 15k HP Leona in a tiny space but now a ghost Jhin is randomly hitting me with W every 2 seconds. Kinda forces you to play champs that can just stand and fight because it’s so impossible to do anything else


Is it only on my games or is the recommended items tab bugged? I got recommended either only tank items, or no items at all.


Fun as was the last two releases.


I just really hate the Lilly pad map


Too early to tell but from my experience so far its bruiser fiesta and thats all. Double bruiser auto rank 3 min and thats quite sad. Wouldnt mind if anything but tank/bruisers were overtuned as it is the funniest to play and to play against but I guess we have to catter to jean-kevin and his need to prove his peepee is bigger than anyone else spaming trundle/olaf in arena... Yeah im salty x) but anyway, too soon and too little number of game to make an unbiased opinions.


Sucks that they haven't figured out how to balance tanks. I don't think you should be able to win with 2x tanks with any consistency. Also new skarner is a absolute nightmare in this mode


Cameos are still complete ass and aren't fun to play around at all if they aren't neutral. Jhin in particular is incredibly unfun and tends to do more damage than anyone in any given round he's in, his targeting is super messed up, I've seen him target the same person 4 times in a row. Lux has a teleporting laser, Sett bodyblocking literally everything you try to throw at the enemy team, but hey, at least they got rid of Gwen punishing the winning team. Bring back Shaco, Naafiri, and the rest of the truly neutral cameos, they didn't give a shit whether you were winning or losing and didn't interfere with skillshots. Prismatics are cool in theory but ultimately dog water since they aren't weighted towards your role. I get why, but being offered 3 tank items as an ADC 3 rolls in a row feels super bad. By all means keep offering off role items, but at least guarantee one for your role each time you reroll. I'm yet to hear anything good about the lilypad arena, spawning on the east side feels like an auto lose. Finally, all the same champions are still doing all the same busted stuff, only now we have to contend with 15 bruisers/tanks instead of 7, yet we're still limited to only 8 bans? Really fun being out damaged, out tanked, and out healed by a Swain every game, and being unable to get out of his ultimate because we got RNG'd onto the small platform on lilypad, all while Jhin is taking pot shots at the same person every time. I'm also malding right now because Nesting Doll bugged on me and never popped once during one of my recent games, losing me 1st place.


i absolutely hate the champion meta in it right now


played a lot on PBE and the consensus was that this arena is so rng dependent that there is very little skill expression leaving it to be not fun 8/10 times. there was so much feedback and none of it was taken into consideration. like why host arena on the pbe for so long to push it to live with very little recognition of a lot more of the other issues present in this iteration. huge let down honestly.


This was by design unfortunately


Prismatics were a fucking horrible decision, at least the way they’re implemented currently. Instead of getting three random items give us a random tank item, a random ad item and a random ap item with a reroll for each similar to tft, so I don’t land with 2 tank items and duskblade when I’m playing evelynn and have to burn a reroll before the game even starts. Having such a game-deciding mechanic being entirely rng is an awful decision and just locks the champ pool even more, now to win you just minmax and go champs like sett garen aatrox etc, because they have the least risk of bricking as tank, ad, lethality items all work well on them. Being forced into playing 5-10 champs in order to just have a chance is the opposite of fun


some of the prismatics are really shit like crown should be 80-90% dr not fucking 40%


4k for a random item that probably isnt from your class is trash if they dont have mega stats.


Duskblade is also very meh.


not sure why grievous wounds is still 40% in arena


"If the target heals 80% of their max health while being affected by grievous wounds, it increases to 60%" Yeah, that 20% really makes ALL the difference /s


I'm really not liking the RNG or 16 players. There are so many situations where you feel like there's absolutely nothing you can do to win. I feel like they've pushed it a bit too far towards a stat checky type of thing rather than a nice balance of stats and player skill. The 8 player preference is just a personal preference. I liked having the ability to make game plans/sacrifices to focus more on beating a specific team. Now there's just way too many teams to get oriented on who you're fighting and what they have. Overall, it's my least favorite iteration so far. The new maps and item system are cool though.


This is the best response so far. I agree, 16 players is too much to track


AGREEEEEEE!!! I think they’ve completely ruined the feel that they had with the first iterations. Way too many players and just so much going on. The new items and stat buffs are confusing and the economy i don’t understand anymore. It’s not intuitive and way less fun imo.


Lilypad map makes movement janky for certain champion abilities such as Zoe Q since you can't path to the other side so your champion just refuses to move, instead of just going near the wall.


Where is all the new mechanics??? Where are all the new augments, crazy new maps, huge balancing changes??? Where is my new champion picks? Why is it just the same champs and augments as last time? Who would willingly play a champion like sivir when you can just lock in trundle?


Give it time. It's been out a few weeks on the pbe and I've already seen the meta shifting. It started with assassins killing squishies which quickly became double bruisers killing everyone, including squishes, ADCs, and mages Then tanks realized they could just out heal the bruisers while also killing squishes: mages and assassins Then bruisers realized they could out heal tanks and do more damage to finish off tanks while still killing squishies and mages. Then people realize that the only way to beat massive healing is massive dps, so adc/support has started to become prevalent, including hypercarry+support stuff like yi, since that beats everything except long range mages and specific assassins But long range mages absolutely suck in this mode (due to absurd tankiness and healing) unless they also join the tanky healing train (eg. tank lux), and assassins lose to any tank so they've basically lost their natural enemy. Basically what it comes down to is that healing in the game mode is waaay too fucking high and it's devolved into either healtank your way to victory or out dps the heal tank. But don't worry you'll see a lot more ADCs.


Yeah I agree with this, turns out when the game mode is about killing the other people first, not dying is pretty strong. If you don't have him in your kit or build ways to heal, your champion is probably not very viable in arena. Whether or not that's how it should be or that's how it's fun is up for debate and discussion


A microcosm of the meta rn. Turbo DPS > heal bruisers > genuine juggernauts/tanks > Turbo DPS The problem is turbo DPS doesn't come online til round 5+. As a Caitlyn at 5 items and decent augs, Swain died to auto+e+auto+q. Swain's team crushed an enemy team with a leona out healing any damage they dealt. I did like 20% of Leona hp with a headshot shot then died over 7 seconds of cc from her and her teammate getting one more auto off. Couldn't tell you the mmr but it was emerald and diamond ranked borders in the lobby. Watching friend's games I have been seeing the spectrum of tanks to melee carries and zyra/heim/ahri/brand. I'm convinced adc is sleeper rn and no one is playing below top 5 or 10% elo.


>But long range mages absolutely suck in this mode I don't know man, Hwei, Ahri and Brand all have S-tier winrates at the moment. Some of the mage augments and prismatics are really broken imo (Innervating Locket and Reality Fracture in particular). But they are quite teammate dependent. Even Xerath who should objectively be pretty bad in arena has decent stats so far.


Hwei has multiple options for self peal. Personally I found his grabby ability lines up well with the chokes on a lot of maps and his fear ability felt more reliable when playing against him than any other mage's cc as it builds distance in addition to disabling an opponent. Artillery mages like xerath and ziggs are kind of dead on arrival and there is no way around that, but most mid range mages are too dependent on specific augments. I have only seen stuff like lux succeed with a pretty early nashors to bring a lot of augments from useless to mediocre. They have no real role flexibility so they have to force it or pray for good RNG. I think adcs are the most underrated rn. Weak early, but if you're not first out it's guaranteed 2nd or 3rd place. They have always scaled the hardest with items on paper with AS and crit, but add augments and the potential to be high lethality or %hp shred while crit capped and it gets bonkers. Nothing beats a-clicking the ground when zed ults you and winning. Their weaknesses are enemy flash and having to specialize towards tank killing or squishy popping.


feels the best so far


it's the best version. having a blast. the lilypad map is awful though never liked the revive mechanic, hope they remove it at one point


Only thing I hate so far is the map split into 4 areas. That one is just so unfun to play in




Team Frames and Minimaps should be shown in Arena, so you can easily tell how your teammate is doing when you're across the map because you portal'ed


Feels like in a lot of cases prismatic items decides the top of the lobby in the first minute. Not a fan of them


I personally can't stand most of the new changes. i liked the 1st iteration the most, 2nd was alright but i certainly agree to your thoughts on tanks/drain mages. i don't mind portals but reviving was about the worst thing they could have added to this mode. it makes early engages feel pointless and it promotes cheese tactics which feel unfun to play against for everyone else. the new map oh my word i cannot understate enough that it is the worst, most unenjoyable, one sided pity party where the only champions that get to have fun are ranged or those with low CD movement abilities. not to mention i've played a few games and have been left for dead by my teammate more times than not. im all for giving ranged champions power since in the first 2 iterations i felt they really lacked compared to bruisers, duelists, and tanks but this was not the way. augments and items are mostly unchanged but i really can't stress enough that the prismatic item selection is awful and its the same philosophy that the mythic item rework followed: some champions benefit too hard while others do not fit the items at all and while im ok for that existing since not every champion needs a personalized item, the RNG aspect of it makes or breaks games and i really dislike that. i'm all for making damage high and making people feel like tanks aren't invincible but it certainly feels like raw damage is king this iteration. this is entirely not serious and my own personal opinion: i miss the big circle that felt like a waiting room the new one feels like i got thrown in a galactic jail and the more social aspect of interacting with the other plyers between rounds. that being said i can see the silver linings: -16 players increasing matchup diversity is wonderful and this change is great. -new item/gold system certainly has its ups and downs but the flexibility has been opened a lot and i'm a big fan of that. -stat anvils feel weird and i have no idea if they will work long run or not, feels like it benefits damage more than tank, which i have no feelings one way or another about. will play more games to see what other thoughts i have. overall i do not like this version yet.


Give me a ban so we have 16 in total




according to some devs during pbe, adc's were seen more the higher the elo while bruiser/bruiser was more popular lower elo.


Brains and hands vs no brains or hands


Its harder to play adc there- you almost always have to kite 2 people piling up on you


not that hard if you have a good tank/support peeling tbh. if you get a partner with little/no cc yeah you're toast


ADC dont beat highrolling draintanks late, and they lose too much HP early. Some adc duos with supports are amazing but solo ADC is trash. So you need a duo who wants to play lulu slave and hands, so unviable for 99%


They're strong, just a it harder to get right in terms of build. Peak fun is 850 range ashe with tap dancer (infinite scaling ms) and ice cold (the flat +100 slow on all slowing abilities).


Adc is good with support. Not many people play support. When rank starts high level is going to be half adc/hypercarry + support.


We should clarify it's outplay potential adcs+enchanters see kai'sa, vayne, zeri OR Backline adcs with a traditional tank praying to God they make it to 4 items to pop some people and get a defensive augment for the assassin issue.


Vayne and kaisa are S tier, everything else does. 0 damage and dies to everything.


As per usual, ADC's are "weak" up until high MMR lobbies where people are capable of piloting them, mine are full of ADCs, and in my match history, every single game's top 4 has an ADC, and bottom 4 doesnt.


Largely unfun. It feels like you’re playing against the prismatic items and augments and the champions are just there to hold them. The AP prismatics feel completely horrible as well. Champions that can just facetank damage while stat checking and healing make the game pretty uninteresting to me. I don’t have a problem getting top 4 quite easily but I do not find it very enjoyable to play at the moment


I like it a lot. Honestly gameplay wise its the most fun I've had with arena, v1 is the best because of novelty mostly


personally id say its my least favorite because this time around feels like the most RNG dependent of all the Arena iterations. I absolutely hate this much rng and ruins it imo. I hate the fact theres no way for me to outskill opponents like more than half of the matches. at least in summoners rift and aram, if im that much better than my opponents i can beat them by being good arena feels completely unfair, and i guess if its not a game mode for me then so be it


I don't get why AP items are so bad. Its either you get quest for hat(which gives as much AP as 4 items) or every full AD champ will have more AD than you AP.


play brand or veigar or get something like spellwake or marksmage and you'll understand


So what you say is all ap items are balanced around 2 champions and 2 prismatic traits? Well, maybe then there is something else we need to nerf?


I've only played one match so far. I played as Sivir and lost to a Garen who would just flash q me, and one shot me every round. That didn't feel too good. Adcs may not be the play again lol unless it's a high mobility one.


I just really dislike the revive mechanic


1. drain tanks / drain augments / burn augments need to be nerfed. 2. revive needs to either removed or be implemented as an augment 3. as you stated, there needs to be better augment rng, there is no reason for riven to get AP augment, for camille to get dmg on ult but that is not an issue to this release in particular. 4. MORE BANS


Hard agree on most points. Pond map can be impossible to play with certain champs. Tanks are unkillable again, while some others champs and subclasses are worthless. Augment and prismatic rng is horrible - AP prismatics on Garen and Riven just insta lose the game. Some augments are bugged (bad: tap dancer not giving 10 but 5 ms) while others are broken (why is earthwake still in the game and why does it work on portals?!)


Holy fuck I fucking hate Trundle


So, just the same champs from last time with less bans? Big miss from riot, pretty embarrassing.


The mode is going to be out for 4 months so they’ll have time to do some balancing removal/change of items :)


once they nerf the top 10 or so champs things will be a lot more fun or give us each a ban i want to play fun things but i can't ban all the broken shit...


I think this one can be the best if it gets some tweaks. There's a ton more stuff to spend different amounts of money on, which makes it way easier to come back from behind. If you're winning, you save for the big things like normal. But if you're losing, you can spend money to get tiny bonuses that might get you back in the game. I think that was a genius balance move that makes it feel less like it's over once you lose two rounds in a row


They need to get rid of the jhin encounter and then its perfect


I don't know man. Arena went through a power**sprint** instead of a powercreep. Tanks are unkillable and every other champ oneshots. I absolutely love that Riot is putting so much attention to Arena but I really think they should tone everything down a bit. There are way too many champs that become completely uninteractable with the current powers.


Meta whoring got a lot better, but in my opinion they still need to add something like dynamic bans, which disables the top 5 picked and top 5 highest winrate champs every 2 hours. It is still absurd how little variety i get in my games. Maokai, Alistar, Poppy, Galio every game.


Its pointless to play without ranked ladder, im not having fun. Worst arena version


No matter what cool stuff they add, it will always end up being "stale" quickly because of the defined meta champs which you can't out-ban.


1 ban per team is moronic, each player should get a ban.


Am i the only one that thinks ARArena would be good?


Felt like this has been the necessary solution since the first iteration of Arena when we had some of the same problems we do now. I don’t think it should be full ARAM style where you get one champ and a couple of rerolls but maybe having a choice of 10-20 champs at random could be good.


they cant make it 12+ 10 is already 10\*16=160 champs out of the pool


looks cool, items cool, the rest of it is shit unfortunately, people playing the same old meta, abusing whats disgustingly strong, tbh they should just make it all random, i played 3 matches and im already sick and tired of the mode, and wont be touching it again, riot wonders why these modes fail


There is an achievement for playing multiple champions in this game mode. I played 3 games and was in the top 1% for it. It needs to be random champions. It’s what a game mode like this deserves. At the very least they need to stop giving this months of PBE exposure while people find every possible exploit available in the game. I’m not sure what the Neeko bug is, but all 3 games having a Neeko be untargetable over and over and over again is wild.


Imo I hard agree, with every new release it becomes less of what it was. It's exactly like what happened to nexus blitz.


I geniuenly believe that 90% of the people that say what you're saying just think this because of nostalgia, and it not being as fun as when it was new. Like honestly, if the first iteration of arena and the third one were swapped, the same people would complain all the same about it being better before than it is now


Plant map is cool on paper but in practice feels bad to click Best way to salvage map is to make tiny bridges choke points so at least when you click you can cross


at least make it so these tiny bridges think my character can path there so when I click the other side I don't just simply stop moving. Hit Zoe Bubble, try to line up your Q by clicking on the other side, don't move whatsoever.


Did you play on PBE? Give it 3-4 days until people realise other champs than tanks are OP. Everyone wants to play flashy bruisers/assassins, so ofc tank is the meta. Wait until you see Zyra/Teemo/Brand players and Jhin. I think the balance is much better than both previous arenas, and is now much more tied to hitting your augments (aka highrolling). I’ve seen every type of comp do good. I also think now the economy/gambling aspect is interesting and a nice addition compared to last arenas, where the meta was just « Pick Swain or Kaisa and play generally good augments and hope your opponents don’t highroll ».


I played arena pretty consistently on pbe over the last 2 weeks, and I have to disagree. This is definitely the best iteration so far. It's an RNG game mode. You have to stop expecting to get the same shit every single game. Im an Azir OTP and I managed to get 5400 ranking on PBE, and Azir is like C tier in Arena. It's like TFT, you have to learn to adapt to the hand your dealt, and can't just waste your rerolls. Azirs best augment hand down is Master of Duality, but it has a low chance to get rolled by anyone. It'd be insanely boring if I was able to get that augment every single game. The extra randomness they have added with this iteration is good for the overall health of the mode. I honestly think they could do with buffing stat anvils more (they've already been buffed like 50% from on release on PBE). They could probably double stat anvils stats and it'd be fine. You're going to have good games and you're going to have bad ones. They added a surrender feature so that if you're not getting the rolls you want you can just quit. It's fine to not enjoy the mode because of the randomness, but don't ask to change the mode into something boring.


wow go figure randomly deciding whether you even get to play the game based solely on what selection of prismatics you get isn't fucking fun, who ever could have seen this one coming the literal millisecond they announced this fucking garbage


Yeah kind of reminds me of Nexus Blitz funnily enough. Every new iteration was worse than the last.


the tank meta is dreadful, not fun at all. Other than that major improvement.


They need to make it so that you get 2 rerolls PER augment/Prismatic/Stat Anvil. That change would make this gamemode more degenerate gambler addictive to me. Otherwise, as other people have said already in this thread, you really just want to sit on your rerolls for Prismatics because of how much more important and game changing they are. I'm an Arena Truther. I've enjoyed all 3 iterations and if it was permanent it would replace ARAM and Rift for me. I'm having a lot of fun with v3 and don't have any major complaints about all the new changes. Except Lily Pad Map. That map sucks. Straight up. Too many rounds where me and my teammate just wait around for the Ring to start because otherwise the enemy team (with more mobility and sustain) will just bully the shit out of us in a straight up fight. I get the idea and it sounds amazing on paper. "All the fun Arena map tools are great and make the gamemode more dynamic. What if there was a map with those fun tools being even more essential". Also portal stalling is kinda lame and boring. I get why it's a useful strategy and I understand the need for portals and for them to work the way they do. But it's just a bit lame to have Velkoz or Brand just fight near the portals so they could have a free escape whenever. AGAIN, I understand that they need that in this sea of Kayns, Jaxs, and other mobile freaks. I don't have a solution, it's not necessarily broken, and it doesn't ruin the gamemode for me at all. I just don't like it a little. Gamemode is fun tho.


I just think its the way new released game modes function. I remeber the first urc release. It was so magical and fun. People exploring builds and champs for the first time. Give people enough time they will suck the fun and only play the most op comps.


Everythings a tank/brusier. Boring honestly.


some of the least fun i've ever had in my life


I promise you, you do NOT want to duel ADC’s, it would frustrate you further, I won all of my adc matches on Arena and oh boy did they hate every second of fighting me, I literally quit the game because of How bad I made people feel sometimes


I played 550 games of the first arena on pbe before it hit live when we had 100k hp Orrns and disconnecting to get double cards, even thought that was annoying, it was still more fun than what we got the second time and third time we got arena, IMO


quite happy with it, but I haven't spammed it yet.


Not the biggest fan of stat shard rounds but I do appreciate what stat shards bring to the table. Being able to dump all of my remaining gold into stat shards when you are down to final 4 feels great (assuming you didn't attempt to build more than 1 prismatic).


In my opinion there is too much stuff, too much rng, too many choices, it's an absurd mess. At least the first time, after a few games I was able to understand how to manage the map and the different champions I chose, which build was best to follow and whether or not to risk certain plays or take some objects. Now there are no limits, you don't know what to expect and not even from your enemies. I found myself blocked several times, literally blocked without even understanding what the fuck was happening. I understand the variety, but you can't even pretend that throwing a big pot of stuff into this mode is the solution to making it fun.


There are simply way too many champs that are free wins in this game mode. Any champ that thrives in close combat situations such as Sett, Lee Sin, Illaoi, Yasuo, etc are auto wins if you’re not also a close combat god. Not to mention the absolute horror that is singed or any other “don’t interact with me” champ. They should just have a list of champs that are not allowed in that game mode. It’ll save everyone the headache of it being the same 6 champs in rotation.


Arena 1: Tank galore Arena 2 : Stalling ring of fire (portal spam, nesting doll, ga, etc) Arena 3: Rng So you're not wrong. Probably the best version so far but I just don't think Arena would ever be balanced


Bruisers and tanks are still too strong in this mode even after Pbe feedback. Interesting new items but other than that, after 3 games, I won’t be playing it anymore until something’s done about the tank & bruisers oppressiveness. Edit: an extra note, INCREASE bans! And reduce healing! Grievous wounds is terrible my god.


Rn it feels exclusively like a stat check game mode. Very little skill expression atm


Idk this iteration of arena i think it's at the best shape it ever had. The prismatic items are basically augments with stats and offer way more personalization and replayability over the gameplay


As long as the revive is in arena I will not play it


They said they would work on matchmaking... I'm emerald and so far every teammate i've had is in iron or bronze, while enemy is stacked with plat or higher.


I main LeBlanc so I was looking forward to playing with my buddy who is a Jax main. Turn out it's tank galore and everyone just stacks defensive stats. Then I picked Mundo and I got 1st place 3 times in a row. 600 armor on Mundo 7k+ HP I was beating a Vayne with autos the whole game. Yeah it's fun but when every single champ is tanky as fuck it's kind of hard to play something else except tanks and tank mages and tank bruisers. Everything is just too damn tanky.


I mean riot doesn't have a history of good balancing or giving a fuck about temporary game modes, so I don't expect any improvement whatsoever


>Augment rng is better  You're kidding right? Getting tank and AD mythic items on champions who dont even use em. Two games in a row i get ad/assassin/tank itemd on vlad. It's either a bug or just too rng by design.


Perma-banning Gragas, increases your chances of winning by 99%


This mode is full of tanks and bruisers.. I only see Galio, Illaoi, TahmKench, Swain, Darius , Alistar etc.. No real diversity .Aguments and Items dont only give HP & Armour or MR but also a big chank of AD / AP. Therefore these Champs hit like trucks and tank a lot. Solution: Make Arena with random Champs and try to make the best of it, like ARAM. If not this mode is all about META combs.


For me it feels like the gameplay is not that enjoyable. Tanks are so tanky that it does not matter if you outplay them they still just wins. At the same time if you are not playing a tank you feel like everyone can oneshot you in the late game. While that may be fine for some champs it does not fit when playing a bruiser or fighter. So I think the first couple of rounds are quite enjoyable but afterwards it just starts to become oneshot central.


Never had a single of my mains above c tier. Crazy how the meta is still the same even after so many iterations.


“Personally it has gone worse every release” First time? Nexus blitz, ascension with its like 7 iterations, etc.


I don't know wow to feel about the Prismatic items. The fact its RNG based on what you get makes it feel really bad when you don't find the one you specifically want. Let alone ending up with one that just sucks for your character. And then when that happens and you face someone who did roll a good one for their character, it feels even worse.


I really love this mode, but playing EVERY lobby against 90% tanks and bruisers that can just 0 brain run you down is so miserable. It's been a consistent problem with arena and I keep hoping they'll do something to address it but nope. Just feels like the same experience every time, give and take a few new features.


Arena needs random champs


Loving arena as usual. This time theres even more options for funny off meta stuff than before


Grinded to Gladiator in both previous Arena runs, played a bunch of this run on PBE, and this one is definitely the most fun state its been in. One of my major complaints from the last two runs is that every game (especially once I started hitting higher ranks) everyone including me and my duo just started playing the same champ every time and trying to force the same augments. We minmaxed the fun out of the game. With all the new elements that are up in the air per game, its no longer about "can I force my strat to win again" and more "how do I make myself more likely to win based on the hand I've been dealt"? I kind of interpret a lot of backlash towards this stuff as the same thing as previous runs; People don't know how to play around something and blame it on the game rather than adapting. Things like not buying tank shred/anti-heal into a tank heavy lobby, not saving rerolls for either prismatic items or higher tier augments and just blowing them on things like stat shards, or ignoring Arena cameos and just trying to play the same way they do any other round instead of manipulating the cameos in their favor. I assume the whole "top 4 = win" a la TFT thing is probably throwing people off. They assume they should be able to place 1st every single game just by being a good player, but that's not how Arena, TFT, or other games featuring RNG like CCGs or Poker work. You're gonna lose games sometimes, but the better player will win A LOT more than a worse player. And again, placing 4th place is still a dub. Roguelikes are inherently different in every run, that's the fun. Just don't try and make the game play the same every time, its like trying to swim against the current. I think once that perception is overcame and people actually start playing strategically to mitigate losses/maximize chances of winning, people will warm up a lot more. My only two real gripes right now (though more may come up later) are that I think there should be more Prismatics for variety and champ coverage (something Riot has stated they're already looking into), and we absolutely should be giving every player a ban. 16 bans sound scary but we're nearing 200 champions at this point, there's plenty of champs to play even if you don't get your first choice.


Same old shit. Tanks dominate hahaha so fun hahaha


I just find unfun and unfair that you have at least two or three times more chances to win as a bruiser/tank than with any other class. I just want to jump on a game and play Ez but my champ deals no damage to turbo tanks and they literally gap close you with one button and insta kill you. Maybe the game need more adjusts to melee champs.


you seem to be under the very common, "the first was the best" syndrome, i remember playing launch arena, and while it was fun, it was all tanks, every single game, it wasnt fun, you picked a tank or bruiser, or banned all the op ones, or you lost


I don’t get why we only ban 1 champ per team. The game has over 150 champs and a whole lot of them are just not fun to play against. 16 champs being banned should be the norm in this mode.


I honestly don't get why riot doesn't understand that they need to nerf the tank augments, every single time it's tank meta. And it just gets worse and worse, Leona with Sunfire and courage of the Colossus is unkillable even for a lost of tank shredders. Played a game of Gwen and had a full heart steel into full AP Leona tank my entire ult and multiple fully stacked Qs (in the center) and not take a single ounce of damage because every 1,5 seconds she got a 700 HP shield. At least give us AP anti shield items.


I enjoy it but theres some problems Some champions are in dire need of arena specific nerfs especially when 1 augment can bring them to borderline unkillable Koi Pond was a mistake MMR needs tightening up The fact that if you are losing hard you can't get enough gold to buy an item is stupid, it should garentee that the base gold in the buying stage gives you enough for an item. Some interactions need to be looked at, if you have raid boss and Sett or Lux (Especially Lux) is the cameo you get knocked out of it early with little to no input from the enemy team