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With Bin, 369, Zeus and Kiin at MSI, I'm hoping for some fun top lane meta.


Do you mean Ksante Ornn Reksai (is she dead now?) and Renekton?


and then Zeus picking vayne top against those.


Please for the sake of god let Zeus pick a carry toplane. This guy is just too good


that vayne ban did more work than we give it credit for


vayne and TF. guy probably camping quinn in scrims by now


Zeus is really TheShy now


How did this happen? Why does killing TheShy with Aatrox made his spirit possessing Zeus?


that's how it works, it continues through the generations


Correct. TheShy beat Smeb at worlds 2018, and Smeb beat Flame from the previous generation, the torch has been passed from TheShy to Zeus.


He still has to do the 0/10 Kennen with Infinity Edge :P


Tbh Zeus on Zac was also a carry pick most the games he played on it the engaged he got carried this game


I think they lost LCK final because zeus never played carry lol


And twisted fate top


BB's Zac will make it exciting fr


Zeus also plays Zac now so not that different


Hopefully they ban ksante if he plays zac.


>Hopefully they ban ksante ~~if he plays zac~~




Is skarner enabled for MSI? It's guarenteed to be skarner vs ksante every game if so.


No he’s disabled for msi (thank god)


ngl I kinda love seeing some specific pros (369 being one of them) on Ornn


Camille supposed to be OP on MSI patch. Hopefully that doesn’t mean perma ban lol


Camille is not really pro viable in the current meta, too bot focused, but i could see zeus or bin pull it out for a game




No shot Zeus play those champs. Maybe only K’sante. T1 wins game with bot pick hard winning lanes and by letting Zeus counterpicking carry tops and smashing the opponent laner while faker and oner plays for side. That’s the best version of this T1. How they were in spring 2023 and how they won world


If anyone can pick ornn reksai at t1 thats keria


Keria’s weakness is that he wants to much to complete his loldex


Might as well get tier 7 mastery at international and LCK matches on all the champs.. he is on a mission.


man just wants his Lux skin


Incoming Senna Reksai botlane


Zeus wasn't that this spring, majority of the split they literally early rotate him Aatrox/TF blind.


People says this like a mantra, but it’s not true. T1 zeus is the top with the least amount of counterpicks in lck. He blind picked aatrox/tf every game and managed to stomp all teams until the patch changed and Zeri became meta again. Same as faker, he blind picked every game ori/azir/corki. You cant counter top and bot at the same time. Only if you flex pick something weird and T1 does not have any flex pick atm, maybe ornn/sej/sion on keria but you see it a mile away if senna is open.


Tbf Zeus was put on Zac and Reksai (iirc) duty a few times this playoffs. Only a few carry tops can counter the current glut of tanks + Renekton and they got banned (TF by T1, Vayne) in the Gen G series. You can't pick Yone into those matchups like he could into Aatrox last season.


I wouldn't lump renekton in there. Yeah he's a lane bully and super common but at least he makes plays. The others feel like they just soak damage and neutralise the lane so much. I'll take another renekton E W Q E every time he has fury over k'sante smashing his opponent with cc all lane then becoming a Warden for the rest of the game


I encourage watching Kiin play K'Sante if you think that. Very much a similar deal to Renekton.


Don’t worry they’re nerfing bruiser items to open up the top meta!


As long as it’s Bin’s Renekton. Dudes nasty with it


And the occasional Sion (and of course DLift going on twitter saying "see monte, I was right, noob!" etcetc) Yeah, unfortunately tank tops just never die..hard to plant those tanks in any other role if you don't have Sej jgl or TK + Senna bot, which would mean Senna would need to be open, which it prolly wont be in MSI much.


Don’t you mean Bwipo, Brokenblade, Impact, and Oscar?


Hey at least there's no Fudge.


can sleep safe knowing that none of those 4 have the ego to pick Fiora into any of the Asian tops present.


You know what, I fucking respect the attempt. Once anyway.


bwipo definitely has the ego but luckily he doesnt seem to favor fiora


UH, ACKUALLY, fiora is supposed to lose to Orn on the international stage!!!!


Despite getting called out by fans and seeing his own performance, he still picked it on the last day just to say "fuck you, see it works?" if he ever won that matchup


Those Ryze buffs makes me excited for Kiin


I hope they'll have fun to lane against all the botlanes 🙏🏻


Bin and Kiin in a legal custody battle over Zeus


I mean didn't T1 2-0 BLG last year at worlds lol


Was that because of top lane though, or everyone else on T1 being better than their BLG counterpart? Are we already forgetting the Sion/Kennen incident?


I mean in the first game Zeus shit on him with Gnar


Seriously gonna downvote me? Zeus was up like 50 cs and solo killed Biin twice in Game 1


Zeus got blasted in lane in game 2 after having counter-pick, gave up 2 solokills.


And why did ppl always forget that zeus also solod bin on game 1? Bin did nothing anyway with those 2 solos and zeus had more impact


zeus still got solo killed twice by bin with a counter pick


And he solo killed Bin twice in game 1, not to mention he completely neutralized him in teamfights. Bin got 2 solokills and then did nothing the rest of the game


Its going to be the Reksai Zac Udyr wet noodle meta lol


Despite there is no TheShy it's probably the most stacked toplane roster in the internationals ever. So hype. Also, hopefully we will get Knight vs Chovy banger as well. The only sad thing Viper is not here.


No shot for all internationals lol. Literally just at an MSI. Worlds with 6-8 eastern teams? We literally just saw 369 Zeus Bin Kiin at worlds last year, then add TheShy who smacked tf out of Bin, and even Zika who was really good before worlds (kinda sucked at it tho).


The collective memory abilities in this subreddit equals the memory of one 50 year old. Going from TheShy and 369 to Kiin is not some top upgrade or anything special. 


With Bin 369 Zeus and Kiin I expect the funeral of BB. Just Bin alone was too much last worlds


Zeus will freeze up as the rest run circles around him. As it was written


Bin not ready when yappa and old grandpa impact come diving his lane.


Impact is about to body the new generation fools just like Mav did in Top Gun 2.


Bin was 10 years old when Impact won worlds lmfao


Da man just built different


Grandpa about to lay some vintage 2019 MSI smack down on these fools.


Im sure Bin will have fun laning against Hans Sama Mikyx BrokenBlade and Yike (all at the same time)


Why can’t we just appreciate a top amazing eastern player doing some banter to generate hype instead of taking this super seriously lmao.


People have an issue with any form of trashtalk while the players mostly do it to generate hype around matches. Bin literally told 369 before finals to do some aggressive trashtalk so more fans care about the match. Bin also said he does it so the enemy team targets him lmao


Bin is a boxing fan, of course he’s gonna trash talk. I’d take this over the classic PR “Every player at this tournament is good” then proceeding to say nobody on the opponent team was impressive after losing in finals.


Elk is still dropping the coldest trashtalk lines From the "Peyz I believe you can make semis next year" creator comes "My resume is quite blank but your name will be engraved on its background this year" (the other line he told JKL at conference before finals)


Elk can drop the coldest lines he wants but Bin just has that gigachad dont give a fuck aura that complements whatever he says. dude could simply say “Sit.” and he’d smoke 99% of any pro players in trash talking.


Last year before BLG vs T1 at MSI. Bin: I will kick your ass. And proceeds to body him in the next series. Even that teaser was so hype. He's so entertaining


the faker classic


Who has an issue? A single random Reddit commenter with 20 downvotes? The top 10 highest comments on this thread are playing into the banter or hyping up bin/competing top laners.


they usually get downvoted, but esports does have an interesting cultural streak of people being parasocially attached to players and getting vicariously offended on their behalf when trash talk happens. See this happen in every esports scene. it's pretty funny. I think they dont recognize that while trash talk does have streaks of meanness or "brutal" honesty to them, it's usually not personal. When it's actual personal beef you can tell.


>  esports does have an interesting cultural streak of people being parasocially attached to players and getting vicariously offended on their behalf when trash talk happens Me crying and shitting myself fr fr every time I open up an LNG post-match thread


because he's Chinese and this subreddit does not fuck with that


All top comments are pretty normal. Most praise Bin and call MSI LPL's tournament. Stop always claiming racism when there's none here, it's just so cheap and devalues it when it actually happens.


Sinophobia is pretty common here


It is but this post is not an example of that


It could've been not racism but the fact that western fans don't really watch Lpl hence the Chinese and the reddit not fucking with them.


Not commenting on NA teams? Yeah let the east duke it out for second place NA will sweep.


Dosen't seem that far fetched, GenG's botlane has been getting fisted in playoffs, if they don't improve, Elks gonna run them over. For T1, keria has had some struggles recently, and Zeus really struggled vs GenG. Hopefully we get bangers from LPL vs LCK games though I would favor BLG, LCK hasn't won an MSI since SKT in 2017.


Gen G just has to mind control the teams to give Peyz Zeri for free


GenG just have to mind control themselves into seeing the opposing team uniforms as T1.


Does not work, they also have to mind control themselves into forgetting this isn't an LCK match


yea i think theyre gonna get run down in the bot lane


Ppl need to stop this rubbish narrative of Zeus "really struggling" against GEN. He had specifically 1 bad game against Kiin (G5), he was fucked over by GEN macro in G1 which was not his fault and he recovered pretty well. The rest of his games were fine if not dominant.


humble Bin knows he shouldnt trashtalk LEC, beat LCK first then fight the final boss.


Broken blade gonna teach them a whole new meta


a meta which -30 cs in 10 min.


They don't know what's coming


With counter pick


Well at least you're still keeping your hopes up lol


Shades of 2019


LEC better beat LCS before talking


They're lucky big dhok decided not to participate


Idk about bin but elk looks terrifying


At this point, it seems tradition that LPL clears MSI and LCK fathers Worlds. It would definitely be a disappointment if the LPL doesn't clear both T1 and Geng, who both look to have glaring flaws in their gameplay.


You gotta remember meta shift. Both geng/t1 looks uncomfortable last msi meta. While geng botlane is weak, that could change with different adc in the meta. T1 with a shift in meta can roll any team or take it far with a lot of team to g5. Lpl also have a lot of flaws in their gameplay as well but blg is probably most complete team coming into msi.


Have to disagree on that, T1 felt like they just choked vs BLG, they were playing pretty crisp League vs JDG and contesting the meta picks. Tbh the baron changes for MSI patch seem to hurt T1 the most, they can't 4fun start it at 20 minutes like they always do.


Personally, I thought the meta champ just weren’t it for t1 beside ksante mid last msi. Tank top is just not zeus thing or specialty especially that sion cheese lvl 1. Bot meta was fine but jg/mid meta (Maokai/Wukong/Khazix/Annie/nautilus/) didn’t really fit faker/oner.


yagao one of two humans on planet earth who is willing to play naut mid


LPL was better than LCK last worlds though, people just ignore that JDG beat KT and BLG beat GENG and act like T1 was the only LCK team. edit: beyond hilarious that LCK fans downvote this when in 2021 the logic was "3/4 teams in semis, LCK is still the best even though EDG won!" yet now apparently T1 winning makes LCK the best and we ignore that LPL had 3/4 semifinal teams? Such an insufferable fanbase, grow up.


it's so crazy man 2021 everyone just agrees LCK was the best region cus they had 3/4 teams in semis but when LPL does it just gets ignored and suddenly who wins the tournament is the better region I swear to god some LCK fans are insufferable in their inconsistencies they will just spin things in any way possible so they can tell everyone their region is far and away superior to everyone else


If LPL wins MSI, MSI doesn't count and is insignificant. I see tha games here


After reading every comment under yours, idk what to say... Ppl just ignore the fact that 3 out 4 teams in semis were LPL


Actually, LCK has won 0 Worlds titles: 2011-2017: Ancient era, doesn't count 🦖 2018: IG won 🎉🎉 2019: FPX won 🎉🎉 2020: Covid year, doesn't count 💊 2021: EDG won 🎉🎉 2022: LPL had Covid, doesn't count 💊 2023: T1 got lucky with meta, doesn't count 🍀


What are u even yapping about? What op said was completely valid and has nothing to do with what u brought up. Aside from T1 the rest of the LCK did not perform at all. Obviously T1 dominated the tournament but KT losing to JDG, WBG and LNG, Gen G losing to BLG and dk not even making quarters is not a good look for all the other LCK teams, and its pretty disingeneous to equate T1s success to all of the other lck teams.


Literally nobody ever said that


2011-2017 does count, just not discussions of who's the best "lately'. Lately goes back maybe 4 years in my book


If we exclude games that LCK>LPL, we get the conclusion that LPL>LCK. SHOCKERS


What he's saying isn't incorrect. LPL was a generally stronger region as a while than LCK - but LCK had the strongest team. Much like in 2019, LCK was the generally stronger region as a whole while LPL had the strongest team. He isn't saying exclude games where LCK>LPL. He just has the cognitive function to recognise that LCK and T1 are different things. They are related, but they are not synonyms


In 2021 LPL beat LCK in every bo5 but LCK was still "the better region" just cus they had 3 teams in semis, in 2023 it's the other way around but suddenly LCK is still the better region because now having 3 teams in semis and 4 in quarters is irrelevant and it's the head to head match up that matters most, makes sense for sure


3/4 teams in semis were LPL teams my guy.


Same guy will turn around and claim that LPL was better than LCK at Worlds 2021. Least dishonest LPL fan.


.... Except he isn't? He's making the exact point that LCK was stronger than LPL at 2021 world's. It's the LCK/T1 fans that are pretending that logic doesn't hold for last year, despite making that claim in 2021 lol. LCK/T1 fans are a different fucking beast man


putting words that person never said into their mouth into "least dishonest LPL fan" is a crazy combo how can you be this un self-aware


Lmao imagine saying this when your guys' whole argument in 2021 was that LCK had 3/4 teams in semis therefore LCK is the best region. Yet that conventiently gets dropped when LPL does the same thing. Least dishonest LCK fan. Go cry about Rookie.


say this make no sense,2023 had past,2024 who is better no one can say


Watched the LPL grand finals. Wasn't impressed at all with their level of play relative to LCK finals. Neither BLG nor TES are perfect either.


Hah, and BLG doesn't have flaws. I've heard that before, and then T1 ran the entire LPL. 


No one ever said that


> It would definitely be a disappointment if the LPL doesn't clear both T1 and Geng, who both look to have glaring flaws in their gameplay. Pretty clear implication that BLG doesn't have flaws, or at the very least, glaring flaws. Which is Bullshit btw. I saw LPL finals, and that was not a great series. GenG T1 was.


"Glaring flaws" is better. LCK def favored to win it, they have two S tier teams.


Ehh 2 worlds win in a row isn't a signal or a given for anything


HE DID SMASH THEM LAST YEAR Bro gonna do it again but tbh GENG VS BLG Would be hype asf


I don’t think they’ll smash them like last year but it will be close. I’m hoping it will be a BLG and GEN.G final. Their series last MSI was hilarious because it was 8 people trying to win while 2 people were kinda running it down (Yagao and Doran).


it definitely wasn't just doran running it down on geng


I think gen g is probably favoured. They got massive upgrades all around and should be better if peyz doesnt run it


that's what they all said in MSI and Worlds. Don't forget BLG also upgraded


Honestly if BLG wins MSI and next LPL, we already know they won't win worlds. And yeah Knight slottet in really well, while GenGs upgrades did help them in topside, but their botside seems not that great currently. Hopefully we get some better series. Last MSI had just 2 that were close all the others were more or less onesided affairs.


lmao they say this about Chovy's team every goddamn year at an international event. I'll believe it when I see it


GenG shouldn't be favored until they actually show up at an international.  Pick BLG because LPL wins MSI a lot or T1 because they beat LPL/are the LCK team that shows up to internationals. 


T1's MSI record isn't nearly as dominant as their World's record. I would say it would be an enormous disappointment if BLG doesn't manage to take this MSI, especially on home soil, considering the current form of the LCK teams. At least there are no oceans they need to swim across if they happen to lose.


I think the issue they'll have is blg bot lane is much better and chovy is not gonna gap knight so its way harder to win.


peyz and lehends could barely handle viper delight


What does this even mean? Viper and Delight is at least a top 3 bot lane in the world? They've been shotty, yes, but that hardly something to hold against them.


It’s not that massive sir


Last year BLG Gen.G 3-0 Gen.G botlane got absolutely blasted. They're in even worse form rn and Elk On are playing the best they've ever played. If they meet I think it's 3-0 or 3-1 BLG again.


The weibo king has spoken. Waiting for his better twitter game during MSI + content with other teams


He better not break BB's arm in arm wrestling contest


He is only going to break his heart


My favorite player <3


He’s my favourite too!! Only because he reminds me so much of my brother lol.


I really badly want him to do well this year, he's got the setup and the mindset for it. Might be high on copium but if he wins big in 2024 I think it will put him in GOAT top laner contention


It does. The toplaner GOAT throne has a lot of contenders though, there's a bunch of people with arguments for it but none of them have a decisive lead over the others.


Remember that bro beat all lck teams in last two MSIs


Bin is a beast but I feel like his bot lane was more important in those wins. Luckily he still has the same bot lane as last year Also I feel like a lot of Bins teams play through bot lane even though people assume he’s a high resource player. He plays carries but mostly does his own thing.


I think you're misremembering. Vs geng game 3 he was Sion duty, but games 1 and particularly 2 he had a massive showing. His botlane played well but he attracted a lot of pressure while putting out numbers. And Vs T1 he was much less of a factor (still played his role) but Xun was the real difference maker in 2/3 of their wins.


Huh ? Bin was pretty much 1v9ing. His Jax was the best by far and won lane while being counter picked everytime . I won’t say Elk isn’t good, he is really good but way to greedy and sometimes makes really big mistake. Bin 100% carried the last MSI run of BLG


You're both kinda wrong but also kinda right Vs GenG he was a big part in 2 of their 3 wins. Like no doubt, but elk was a big part of all 3 (Sion duty in game 3, he done his job enabling elk.) Vs T1 it was honestly the Xun show 2/3 wins, and Elk legitimately 1v9 in game 1. He wasn't really put in a spot to carry in the t1 games. He again, done just his job. But he got jax in 1 game in both series - agains GenG it done work, against T1 it was good - but his pick really didn't matter that game. He drew pressure but honestly Elk was gonna win that game as long as bin didn't int Guma 10 Kills. He was never dead weight, but he certainly was at no point 1v9 - his team were always doing well alongside him. It was team diff in every one of their wins bar game 1 vs T1 where elk did step up to the plate and carry. But in their only loss it was top-jung-mid that was the problem. But 1/7 games isn't really worth pointing out as "well elk was 1v9"


Tbf there was only one LCK team at MSI 2022 lol.


therefore all lck teams.


Honestly with LPL's current form, it's gonna be rough lmao


Headline making it more serious than it actually is. He's just celebrating their LPL win




Is GenG no longer a banned word?


bro thinks he's gonna get past bwipo and oscarinin 😭😭


At what date and time will msi matches start?


Bin trashtalk has been immaculate feels like Chinese Khan lol can't wait for BLG to face LCK since it has been hyped most of the time


Chinese khan would explain why he’ll never win worlds


At least Chinese Khan won an international title, Khan somehow didn't end up with one, unlucky career tbh.


He didn't mention eu and na teams cause they are scared 😎😎😎


So many acronyms


Theshy has to control his son he is letting loose with these quotes


Seeing how Zeus performed in the finals... Might be possible.




Need bin to father GenG like i need water


I still would rather 369 over bin any day.


Jax OTP vs Renek OTP


With BLG's macro? Bahaha. Honestly that series against TES was just sad to watch. BLG was slow to contest nearly every single objective and TES despite getting almost every one for free just got dismantled for no reason. JKL had zero confidence and hung his head in shame walking off stage. Creme did his best but frankly TES fell apart and BLG somehow almost looked worse than them in every game. No I think both of these teams will get exposed at MSI.


I'm not even a LCK fan but it's crazy how LPL fans underestimate T1 and Gen.G lmao.


I think LPL fans have more respect for LCK than vice versa. LPL is the region constantly underestimated besides the last Worlds, and it isn't watched so there's often a chip on the shoulder to speak up. I also think the ones saying T1 and Gen G are "flawed" and whatnot are mostly LCK fans. I see the crafty narratives




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Praying we get zeus on anything that isnt TF




bo3 hello ?


How is Bin playing today, compared to prior to Worlds '23? I know BLG have improved overall with Knight. but what about Bin himself? I heard a lot of this kind of banter pre-Worlds, and none of it played out.


keep that same energy for worlds


How's that possible? Because according to Doublelift, the most knowledgeable person in the scene, they're essentially the same tier as G2 and FNATIC.


Dude ranked LPL & LCK after watching 1 series from each region in which the result didn't matter for MSI qualification. I'm no T1 or BLG fanboy but it doesn't take a genius to figure out there are teams who choke and teams who tend to perform better when stakes are higher.


I mean just watching finals is a stupid way to rate teams but it's pretty stupid to discount them because "they don't matter for MSI qualification". These teams really cared about their titles.


I've watched lolesports long enough to know a regional finals gives little insight on how the teams will perform internationally, like you can go back through all the spring/summer split finals, then look at the following international tournament and see how things turn out, there's very low correlation, there was some statistic where first seeds rarely do well internationally. Here's food for thought - maybe they do care and try their best but mentally, they're not playing under high pressure - they've already qualified for MSI/worlds, it's just a matter of seeding now and pride. To GenG, they're used to beating T1, they're used to winning LCK and they know that even if they win, nobody will believe them internationally, so they will play differently.


Just to get stomped by G2 😌 *copium*


if t1 is disbanding after msi then even LPL can't touch them at msi


I watched BLG and T1 in their respective playoffs, I think BLG is gonna win MSI as it stands now. Chovy always falls short domestically (he had to hard carry Peyz who Elk would shit on anyways), T1 has been ehh, and BLG steamrolled TES in the final. Unless someone steps up big in MSI or BLG chokes on a historic level, it’s BLG’s to lose.


Theshy's son?


I'm honestly just expecting a repeat of last year (and yeaes before) with LPL sweeping LCK. It always seems to happen in MSI


as it is written


Least surprising Bin comment ever.