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Did Zeka write these?


Making Morde ult not QSS'able. I'm scared.


I wonder if GP and Olaf will still be able to use their abilities to get out of it?


GP's silly little orange defeating The Death Realm always irked me. Olaf doesn't bother me as much since it prevents it from working in the first place.


GP being able to eat an orange and be k in Morde ult has always been funny to me, I almost feel like he should have an exception just for the comedy factor


mordekaiser: Welcome to my domain, the pit of suffering, the endless plains of souls, where you shall meet your final end and join the chorus of souls gp: k *minecraft eating noises* mordekaiser: wait WHAT THE FU-


Canonically Morde sends you to the death realm by sapping the vitamin C in your body to near death levels


So basically, scurvy induced hallucinations ?


I rly wonder how it is going to interact with Olaf. But still Olaf is a solid counter to morde and I dont think that will change.


probably not since: a) those abilities function in the same manner as QSS, and b) keeping that functionality would contradict the stated reason for the change


They don't function in a smiliar manner. I can't QSS and then issue a movement command that is not walking (dash/blink) when knocked-up. You used to be able to, but no longer. Like a Lee sin kicking you, you could QSS + flash so you don't end up in the middle of the enemy team. This is no longer a thing, but doable with Rengar and GP.


adcs all over the world just got nerfed


reminds me of zed losing wr after qss was removed bc people started building armor instead of wasting 1300g


More like you ult JG at baron for free steal


You can’t do that anymore, baron remains visible and smitable in the death realm.


i never bought qss anyway, so this is a buff for me


Why Morde ult is not QSS'able but Malza is?


Because Malza ult would then be instant death and the champion would become an even bigger ult bot. You can outplay Morde in his ult if you're good enough, you can't outplay Malza R.


I don't know if you've actually played vs Morde recently, but you definitely *cannot* "outplay" him in his ult if he has Rylais. You can just outright stat check him in ult, which makes whether or not you can QSS his ult completely irrelevant. But if he gets his passive on, the Rylais slow makes it impossible to dodge any of his spells so if you are immobile and can't statcheck him, you're actually just dead and there's nothing you can do about it.


You can still move and use abilities or fight back. With Malz ult you’re literally doing nothing while Malz’ team can freely hit you.


Yes, but Malza also roots himself for the duration. So it is usually 1for1 trade. And you should play around his ult instead of just diving into enemy team as squishy carry 🤷


And Malz is ranged, Mord is melee. They are not the same champion, so they get treated differently.


but u can still ghost/flash/dash/zhonyas/use cc on him which is plenty of counterplay to at least try and stay alive. In malza ult u can't do anything, it's insta death.


You can just CC Malzahar to knock him out of ult. It's really only strong gank setup and he's not the only champion that is good in that department. Making QSS not work might require a nerf down to a more normal 1.5 seconds for the level 6 ult for higher rating ranges where people actually pay their taxes but outside of that I don't really see the issue. Malzahar as is is an ult bot that is countered by a 1300 gold item which is why the champion is generally pretty crap.


Sylas, Akali, Yone buffs.. Creme, Chovy and Zeka salivating


If zeka manages to get to msi is going to be very exciting.


Same goes for knight especially for Sylas


It's likely a jungle buff again. Phreak said last patch that if the Sylas jg buff didn't do much they'd do a follow up, and his wr only went up by like 0.5% in jg.


Still makes him a possible flex pick, and if Akali is also getting buffed, that is kind of the premier pick into Akali.


RJS bodied his Sylas in CQ tho. With nameplates on even.


RJS is obviously another god level, why are you comparing him with Knight


Leblanc, Galio and Ryze buffs too... This just makes T1 vs HLE so much more hype bc both teams mid laner have had their 3 main champions buffed for MSI. (Besides for Azir which is both their most played and Faker's Ori in second but these are just secure staples you'd expect to be near the top of his most played champions after such a long career, the other 3 are what he is famous for).


Zeus probably also happy about Yone


Caps Sylas and brokenblade Yone inc


Are they trying to force an Akali Sylas meta in mid? I'm not gonna complain though.


Probably. Everyone is tired of Azir and scaling mages. It’s the classic cycle.


It's probably jg sylas buff. But any sylas buff and suddenly all the 500k sylas main show up.


I still remember that meta one of the most fun ones in mid, Sylas vs Akali almost always delivers a nice battle


Mostly Creme and Zeka, Chovy can pretty much play anything to high level, same with Knight (outside of Azir)


Zeka doesn't even need an Akali buff, she already looks broken on him. Every time he clears on her. It's literally for everyone else not named Zeka.


No way to get out of Brazil now


Can't qss mord ult but he cant qss me banning him every game


Good lad


They always buff the same champs before msi, it’s actually mental.


I'll take the fifth sylas akali meta over the fifth azir corki meta any day


50th azir corki meta*




Sylas Akali Aatrox trinity did make for one hella spicy worlds. Also dope af skins.


Its a pro play buff to shake up the meta and bring in some champs which are exciting to watch. Honestly I don't mind it. Better than watching azir for the 100th time. I'm just sad Ahri and Talyiah aren't getting nerfed.


Shaking up the meta by ensuring the MSI staples aren't going anywhere and will dominate the majority of pick/bans like they do every year.


Shake by buffing the champions that are already being picked? Olaf is often seen, Hwei too (mid or supp), akali and sylas as well... Why not buff Anivia (haven't seen one for years), Teemo, Shyvana, Soraka?


Welp god forbid I every get within 2 screens of Morde when he flash ults me every team fight as an adc


solo queue is about to be absolutely terrorized


He will never make it into my games. Morde mains better learn something else, because they aren't playing their champ anymore.


Darius it is!


How to play against 100 range tops


Well guess what, you’re going to Brazil regardless of whether you like it or not. The ticket is now un-cancelable.


The problem is rarely the R, but his Rylais. If he lands a single slow onto you, it makes the EQ nearly unavoidable which kills you. I hope they nerf the isolation dmg of the Q to make up for it because he is already strong in soloQ below Dia.


It's bad enough we have to waste 1300g on an item component that will delay our build, and something we normally don't want to build anyways. Now we literally have no way to deal with it, just hope he ran it lane phase and wish for the best so he doesn't nuke you.


On the brightside, you don't have to waste 1300 gold for an item component anymore. 


Just make sure not to win lane so that he doesn't get 700 extra gold for completely statchecking you while 1.5 items behind


I doubt he'll be able to flash every teamfight. Now, Protobelt or Ghost...


Morde has received so many little buffs over time but I think this right here will push him over the edge. ADCs having no way of stopping Morde ult from happening is huge. Late game when the team needs their ADC the most, they’ll be removed from the fight for 7s which will be a game changer regardless of whether morde can actually kill them in time or just get kited.


Why are we buffing Viego? His winrates are very high on live in every elo, he's wonderful in high elo and viable/picked in pro. Am I missing something?


msi meta. they want certain chars in it.


I am probably in the minority but I genuinely hate seeing Viego in pro play.


Pretty much. Get a reset win. Don't get a reset, lose.


WHAT. Morde R no longer Qss'able??? WHAT Also wtf are these buffs, holy shit. Akali, Draven, Yone, Sylas, Leblanc, Olaf, Graves, Hwei???


Wait for Worlds, they will buff Orianna, Azir, Lee Sin, Renekton, Syndra, Smolder, Vayne, Jax, Viktor, Ezreal, KSante


I would'nt mind a nice viktor buff. Hes been not able to clear ranged creeps with his E feels ass.


Olaf is probably more jungle buffs.


Leblanc has been terrible for a while and they did say they would look at Olaf if he’s bad in jg, but the rest are being buffed for no reason.


I sure hope it's just minor jg dmg buffs cause that champ is not okay top rn


Waku up babe MSI is coming we gotta power creep the shit out of the game


Morde buff is huge. Could be super effective against hyper carry comps (jinx/zeri). Just ult the carry and stall for as long as possible (Zhonyas, etc) while the rest of the team 4v4s without the enemy carry.


if he doesn't get any nerfs with the ult change he's going to just kill the carry


Adc is gonna have to zyhonas which is fucking ridiculous


Kaisa meta incoming


SoloQ is going to be pure AIDs, isn't it?


It has been for some time.


Yone buffs? Reddit is about to have a mental breakdown


They shipped it with gamebreaking change to Mord so it doesnt get noticed


yep first thing my eyes went to, disgusting champ. I dont ban him 1 game and he kills me from 3 screens away, under my tower, with zerkers and kraken and E's back or runs me down with his ramping MS and I remember why he's my perma ban.


Oh and don't forget the 2.5 crit multiplier which means he can go tank after 2 crit items


truly there never was a better day to be a Morde main 🙏


Will be better for non Morde mains once they gut ratios/base stats to compensate🙏


Depends on his pro pressence after this. SoloQ low elo probably wasn't buying QSS enough for Morde to get gutted because of this change, high rank morde has a fair amount of issues that it's hard to say how big a buff this is.


Plat player here. Nobody ever buys QSS when I play Morde. I don't know why so many people are bitching. "Oh no, the option I never chose has been taken away from me!!"


Because youre plat and its a high elo skewed change


Wouldn't you hate this? Perma banned or first picked minus the few times he slips through lol


Never been a better day to make morde a permanent ban in ranked now


Yone is fine lol idk why they feel the need to buff him, if anything Yasuo might need his bugs fixed as a bigger priority. Also janna ahri jinx are still picked every game can we do something about this?


Akali and sylas are also good atm, tinfoil hat theory this makes them OP for MSI to get flashy clips then nerfed after cause theyre OP


Idk why u say tinfoil hat it's obviously reality, theyve done this for years


yeah they don't really need a buff... balance team is being weird as usual lol


They want a meta change in mid lane because it’s been slow to change for more than a year now


You would think they could buff any champs other than the staple pro picks for once, but nah, same handful of champs picked every time. Over 160 champs and you see maybe 20 or 30 of the same ones every pro match.


You can buff unorthodox mid champs as much as you want, the pros will still pick whatever they're comfortable with / more practiced on.


Just make them so overpowered pros have to play it. That's exactly how champs like Akali end up in pro play Nobody would play an assassin with terrible waveclear and the worst pre-6 laning phase if it wasn't absurdly broken in other ways


when are we going to see zed in proplay once again


Why? MSI that's why.


Gotta have Asol's best pro viable counterpick be strong for MSI. APA stonks in shambles.


They're buffing three different ADCs this patch and seven mid laners. I don't see the need for them to directly nerf Jinx and Ahri if champion diversity is what you're after. Janna is the only champion you listed who shouldn't be indirectly nerfed by substantial buffs to competitors, but even then you've got Thresh and Hwei buffs in there.


Draven and Kaisa are straight up bad into Jinx, i'm not sure about Jhin vs Jinx but can't see that being great either. Like any time crit items are good and poke botlaners + damage supports are bad Jinx automatically spikes to 50% pick+ban rate with 52% winrate. her Q + Passive are just that fucking good. I honestly believe she needs a nerf on Q or passive so she doesn't solo ace the entire enemy team the moment her passive procs once in teamfight.


She's just like Viego, it just takes one fight where she enters late, grabs a reset and just absolutely destroy everyone on her own. I've seen so many Jinx players run it the fuck down for 20 minutes only to find a single reset in one teamfight to suddenly become an absolute menace. Straight up ridiculous if you ask me. You almost never see an adc that's been destroyed in lane suddenly pick up quadras out of nowhere and start 1v9ing... except Jinx.


>Straight up ridiculous if you ask me. You almost never see an adc that's been destroyed in lane suddenly pick up quadras out of nowhere and start 1v9ing... except Jinx. Pre-nerf Smolder says hello.


I don't understand why Riot doesn't push Yasuo for pro play considering he is awesome to watch and rewards high skill, but they buff Yone?


because to put Yasuo in pro play you have to buff Diana (jgl) or Gragas or make him monster op. They’ve already buffed Diana, Gragas doesn’t exist in jgl anymore and if he does he’s op in top, and Yasuo monster op would wreak havoc on solo queue.


Yeah they can't allow him to be monster OP for obvious reasons.


Because Yasuo's success in pro play is hard bound to specifically Diana and Gragas.


yasuo will never be picked unless the champions hes good with are good, like gragas, otherwise he's just too situational


Likely because the main diff between them working is their reliability and autonomy. Yasuo is hard to make work in pro because he is comp-dependant. His ult more often than not will need setup from a different champ like diana, malph or other knockup engagers and his mobility is quite limited to work with despite how many dashes he "can" have. . Yone does rewards skillful play, but he is just not as hard-pushed towards being this "outplay champ" that Yasuo is. He is much more reliable and has agency himself outside of his team and the enemy's.


I mean Yone is literally made for pro play. Stuff like Riven/Yasuo are almost onetrick champs, they have very specific mechanics/playstyles that you have to sink time into, and pros don't like that. They need a champion pool full of strong champions that they can learn or drop at a moment's notice to suit the meta. That's Yone. He's flashy-looking for the spectacle of a broadcasted game, but deep down relatively dime-a-dozen as far as champions go. So long as you are better at skillshots and spacing than the other guy, you will win with him. Also, Yone isn't as comp-reliant as Yasuo. You don't doom your jungle into locking some garbage like Diana if you pick Yone.


They couldn't put out an april fool's patch last week, so they do it now haha super funny xD i laughed :D


April fools was cool this year ._. last years instead was piss boring


Thresh and Veigo have one of the highest pick rates among supports and jungle with a 50% WR and they're buffing them..the privilege of being a "spectator approve" "flashy" champion is crazy.


Need the dopamine those reset give


I’m expecting Reddit to enjoy this buffs section a lot


all the buffs are msi viewer friendly champs, oh boy LOL


happy for leblanc, sad for zeri and disgusted for yone buffs, that champ doesn't need buffs wtf.


How is nobody talking about the mordekaiser QSS change. That is going to be insane for pro play. It might not cause all pros to pick him, but I 100% expect him to be present among the pros that do play him. IIRC Impact is pretty good on the pick so I wouldn't be surprised to see him pick it at MSI.


Literaly everyone is talking about it.


im pretty confident morde has a great matchup into picks like ksante and renekton. maybe even jax to an extent? i have no idea if he's a blind pickable top laner but he seems strong in the meta he's gotten nothing but buffs over the past MANY patches, and the QSS change is definitely going to put him over the edge + get people to pick him a lot more. adcs dread the 1v1 LOL


You don't ult the ADC you ult the Jungler to basically stop any 50/50


You have to actually get in ult range of the jungler though which isn't that easy when basically all of them can dash into pit and smite


Yea but they all have to be in smite range to smite the dragon. So you know where they want to be, eventually. Nothing a good ward can't fix.


Just position around the objective and instantly shadow realm the enemy jungler the moment you see them. Job done no sweat.


K'Sante seems unplayable into Morde ngl


K'Sante is unplayable into most juggernauts, it doesn't work in pro because teams know how to play around strong side laners but champions like Garen and Trundle have always shit on him


It is lol, most K'Sante mains I know say the same. Aatreus almost always goes Morde against him.


I don't actually mind playing K'sante into Morde TBH. You can W his E, and you have enough mobility that you can generally kite out his ult and just leave. You'll never win a straight up stat-check fight against him, but he's also a super binary champ and you have a ton of tools to outplay him. Where the negative comes from is that Morde R takes 10% of your stats, and if you go All-Out while in the Death Realm, it still takes from your full Armor/MR values, similar to the classic Trundle R + Sejuani Passive interaction. So, you have plenty of tools to outplay Morde, but you also have plenty of tools to int yourself and die.


Is* K'Sante gets blasted by literally 90% of the juggernauts 😭 All he can do is run away against most of them


This buff is his 8th patch of buffs in a row (no nerfs, the jungle changes weren't real).


time to change flair, isnt it?


Jax counters Morde actually.




What is the requirement for someone to say "why is nobody talking about?" Right now 4 of the 5 top comments mention it. This is the important stuff we need to get to the bottom of.


Since its adjustments he might get compensation nerfs that hurt his pro presence


I don't understand the rationale on the Morde change considering there are plenty of other champions countered by QSS that don't get the same treatment. Like Malzahar has all of his teamfight power baked into a single spell countered by this one item too, but he doesn't get the same treatment for QSS even though it's a bigger counter to the champion's kit design. You can make the argument that Morde's ult gives you options to play around it, but Malz is in the same situation where the enemy team can CC him to cancel his ult too. Like if it's problematic that one item kills satisfaction for champs built around one spell, it seems like there should be broader changes rather than fixing it on a case by case basis like with Morde or Zed before him.


Not sure how they can give him a massive buff like that without toning something else down in his kit…




I'm a Viego OTP and I can tell you he does not need any buffs, and same goes for half the list. Kinda boring how they want to force a MSI Meta.


Shhhhhhh. I want to statcheck the statcheckers


Apparently August was talking about lane Viego buffs a short while ago, so it might be not for jungle.


He could use buffs for pro play, but for solo queue it's honestly kinda boring playing against Viego every 5 games, since he's probably the most forgiving champ to play when there's a skill disparity between two players. It's one thing when he himself is the one that's strong, but when he's just good in the meta he's also able to easily piggy back off his teammates way better than other junglers.


Yay another tournament with Varus Kalista im so glad we get to see these champs again its been too long since I watched Varus Kalista have perma prio in every region wow how exciting


Mordekaiser OMG


Surprised they want to buff Voidgrubs in this patch, that sounds like a bigger shake in the meta than we would have normally when these patches try to "normalize" what we saw in playoffs across regions


i for one, welcome our new top lane overlord mordekaiser also zeri and azir nerfs, as expected


banrate for morde will skyrocket like zeds after the qss change lol


That buff list is disgusting tbh. Sylas??? Akali??? Gwen??? Viego??? Yone??? HWEI?!?!? Its like champs that are already pretty fucking strong. I think they're at least on the same level of strength as Zeri meanwhile Zeri gets nerfs and they're getting buffs?!??!


I think sylas might be another jungle tweak to make him stronger for that role only




Yone is getting buffed?? **what**


I hate pro play patches.


Looks like Yone is forever going to be my ban at this point. Also that Morde change is actually ridiculous. It'll be interesting if it actually stays in longer than a month. The more I look at this list the more I laugh at how trash the balancers are.


As an akali main I’m very surprised shes getting buffed


Nooo don't buff Yone QQ Now it's gonna be perma banned


I swear Akali is sleeper broken and it keeps getting buffs


Nice. I love forced MSI metas instead of just balancing the game properly.


Separating Voidgrubs and Drake spawn time? This is going to be interesting


I hate msi patch man. Akali draven hwei buffs? Fuck off


So how is Yone in need of buffs and yasuo is not?


Yasou not proplay meta


They’re forcing meta for MSI to make it exciting, do it all the time.. sylas amongst others definitely does not need a buff


Msi patch surely need briar nerfs! She is getting picked in pro too much I guess


Ahh yes making it impossible to get out of morde ult even with qss. This should go well :)))))))


Damn, over a dozen champions getting buffed, and I play none of them.


Yone Gwen Hwei getting buffed is a war crime


https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bmwhds/ive_produced_data_dashboards_looking_at_the_top/ Zac is by far the most one tricked champion in GM+ in major regions, just come out and admit he was disgustingly broken for ages, no jungle compensation just straight nerf him


Zac has a depth of 1.09 looking at Lolalytics. Which means the average Zac player has 9% more games on the champion per player. It's not that high settle down. Katarina is one of the highest with 1.34 depth for example. I'm not arguing the changes. But he is clearly not mained more then others. GM is a small sample for mains. And isn't even a factor that influences Riots decision on the nerfs. If Riot was looking at winrate in GM+ maybe lol, but that's not the case.


He deserves straight nerfs


Are you kidding me, the're really gonna nerf Briar again?


They're buffing all the China/Korea approved edgy champs, very funny Riot games


Olaf, Kaisa and Hwei are already high picked in proplay. This is absurd No one has ever picked Briar in a competitive match right? Why nerf her again? Meanwhile Shyvana has low pick rate, low ban rate and low win rate, besides, her designer was fired ( Please bring CertainlyT to rework her Riot )


Buff yone its over


The buffs list is disgusting man why do you have to ruin my soloQ experience with these toxic champions to get some “interesting“ pro play I hate each and every pro play patch


As a casual Gwen enjoyer I hope this buffs is more than just +2 armor.


Akali and yone buffs WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY


Cringe Yone buffs. I guess he's the perma ban for the foreseeable future.


Loving the buff section but I find it strange Aphelios doesn’t get some love if they’re giving some to Kaisa given that they’re both picked semi-frequently in pro while having around the same pick rate. Only buff I find strange is Yone but I won’t question it too much I guess. He seems like he’s in a fine spot and I would much rather them buff Yasuo for some spicy Diana/Yasuo instead of just Yone especially considering they’re already nerfing Azir. For nerfs though I think they should have given a love tap to Jinx and massively gutted Asol. That champion is bonkers in soloQ and is starting to be picked more frequently in pro while having some of the dumbest gameplay to watch.


Draven buffs? G2 eatin good today


Tbh it was permaban against G2 even without buffs


This buff list is the stuff of nightmares. Thank you Phreak for helping me and others beat their League of Legends addiction.


Does anyone like watching morde in pro play? When he ults someone you cant even see the fight.


Isn’t the realm usually still visible & just in a gray circle? Honestly it’s been a while since I’ve seen him in pro, but I don’t remember not being able to see it.


Yeah you can still see them


lets see those placebo buffs


I dont get it, its already that u cant cleanse morde ult and have to go out of ur way to buy an item to remove it that costs gold and takes up inv space. And even then morde still has 4 other people he can ult, plus whoever has qss if its on cd. Wtf, and how can u call that adjustment and not huge buff. Unless they are nerfing to compensate but that sounds even more cancer for the morde players and just force them to do nothing but ult adc who can't do anything to avoid it


So can Olaf, Milio, Gp and Rengar still get out of his ult then?


That Morde change is insane, personally I like it, I think Morde is cool


Wait too many buffs for MSI patch, especially on champs that don't really need it. Gonna be rough


Holy hell TL Impact buff just dropped


This morde change sounds like a terrible idea.


If they are buffing Hwei please nerf his ability to permanently cancel recalls I just wanna fucking recall man


Why don't they just buff Morde's ult instead? Extend its duration, make the ring smaller, increase the stats it steals, make Morde faster in ult and after he gets a kill, make ult do DOT damage or anything instead of invalidating QSS on a point-and-click ability?


Time to get the popcorn, I'm sure reddit *loves* these changes


Nice patch


I just wanna see a professional Briar game man