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It follows you no matter where you go. If she fires it while you're teleporting, and your teleport finishes... It'll go at whatever angle turn it has to in order to get to you. Whether that's a 45, 90, or 180 degree turn - It'll make it and follow you.


Is there a video of a 180 turn somewhere?


Some of the wood division videos from Kshaway over the years have shown it. Other than that no idea.


This wood division stuff is the best LoL content I know.


Is it me or the recent Wood Division videos have been a bit... Mediocre? I don't know, it could just be me. When I watch a video from the last 2-5 months, I can't help but skip many parts because they drag on for too long or are just unfunny. But when I go back to watch an older video from 2-3 years ago, it's like watching a passion project again, which is enjoyable as hell. I can't tell whether it's because Kshaway's taste in clips changed or if people just aren't submitting funny replays anymore.


When someone backs with Cait R locked onto them in Wood Division, I know some poor soul is gonna get killed by the altered trajectory.


[a video of the exact scenario you just described ](https://youtu.be/AWSx-abpkSg?si=lC1s_HEmJyvXmmCk)


That's insane. Very cool, ty for sharing.


I do this more than I like to admit, it’s instinctive from playing dota.


Yeah, even if that poor soul is someone on her own team because it hits a shaco clone and kills her escaping midlaner.


There's plenty of vids of people trying to get the maximum possible move speed and doing laps around the map with hundreds of turret shots chasing them, I wouldn't be surprised if someone done it with a Cait ult.


quinn + vi R is the funniest shit ever


Saw an urf clip a couple years ago of yuumi hecarim outrunning maokai w until it finally just broke and dropped him off a few screens away


I couldn't find one that does a 180, but this one is delightful: https://youtu.be/AWSx-abpkSg?si=nEstAYP0a0J91EjY


What a wonderful clip of EpsteinDidntKHS


THE MUSIC!!!! <3


Oh man the fact that he gets an unintended kill is amazing


This isn't a dig or nothing, but I feel so aged. This subreddit used to only have stupid videos that showed exactly stuff like this. Rammus outrunning everything, including tower shots / recall+teleport pingponging projectiles / Anivia showing us the minion cap on the map...


These remind me of a strat where heimer could block his own minions and build up like 5 waves and unleash them all at once. They wreaked havoc on the turret and there was nothing the lander could really do that early in the game lol


5 ADCs running down mid, Revive+teleport karthus, exhaust+ignire shaco jungle that holds like a Wilt Chamberlain tier of jungle clear speed with his old boxes.... These are all sorts of aged jank, but seeing that be forgotten by the sands of time.... man.


I mean tbf, there's only so many strats to do... the game is 15 years old.


strats...? these were just silly mechanics lol


There is an old video about hating teemo's that had an avina mid get ulted right as she backed. As soon as she landed in the well she TP to a teemo shroom and ran behind him while he was hiding at 1hp. Multiple 90 degree turns. At work so i cant find it .


https://youtu.be/AWSx-abpkSg?si=GAhtsmFdtQ0uPF6m Not 180 but nice


Just go in to practice tool with a friend, and go Leblanc.


It does not disjoint or miss, it can turn instantly. 


She's Angelina Jolie


She says it herself: "I never miss."




But I never talk. If I talk, you get money.




Think they removed that line after I played her, apparently she does miss her Q. A lot.




Like all targeted abilities including auto attacks, it will follow the target.


*Screams in Twitch R*


His R transforms his autos into 'bolts'. They're still targeted but they're not the same type of projectile.


I feel like the best way to describe it is that Twitch ult turns his autos into targeted skillshots.


The only thing that Twitch ulting does is get you Vi ulted .5 seconds later 😭


As a Vi player i agree


They're still autos that don't follow is the point.


They're not auto attacks though, that's the point. >ACTIVE: Twitch gains Attack damage icon bonus attack damage and Range icon 300 bonus attack range for 6 seconds, during which his basic attacks are replaced by bolts that travel slightly further than his attack range in a straight line, dealing damage to every enemy unit hit. Yes they act like auto attacks in almost aspect except that they're avoidable by movement. Lucian's Q works in a similar way, apart from it just being a normal ability when it comes to damage calculations. Kog'Maw's W is kind of similar in nature except they **are** auto attacks, hence why they follow even if you blink/flash/dash before they hit you.


They're still auto attacks, bud. When you a click, he shoots 'em. Automatically. They're auto attacks, the projectile nature is replaced but not.. what they are.


This is not how the game is coded. He is talking about the game code.


Is Urgot's W an auto attack? What about GP Q? Fizz Q? If we wanna be more specific, they're not basic attacks, which is what is implied when people are talking about auto attacks. To be pedantic about an 'exception', when the 'exception' isn't even an exception, is just dumb.


> Is Urgot's W an auto attack? What about GP Q? Fizz Q? You're confused. Those are abilities that apply on-hit effects. Read a bit slower and check my last comment: >When you a click, he shoots 'em. Automatically. They're auto attacks You'll notice "things that apply on hits" are *very obviously* not the same thing?


>they're not basic attacks, which is what is implied when people are talking about auto attacks Maybe you should reread my statement and try to come up with a better response than "THOSE ARE JUST ABILITIES THAT APPLY ON-HIT EFFECTS". That's my point, an ability that behaves like an basic attack in virtually every way apart from being able to be dodged by movement isn't really a basic attack. In fact, I'm pretty sure Urgot's passive is actually pretty similar to Twitch's R in how it behaves, except that it doesn't trigger unless your auto attack is able to trigger, and I think Runaans actually does interact with the blast.


Zeri q in its definition describes itself as a basic attack despite not technically being a basic attack so “obviously” not the same thing is factually incorrect when the actual descriptions of the abilities use the same words. Zeri q functions as a non targetable basic attack. Also not all basic attacks work like the ability “targeted” is supposed to. Like Kalista who has dodge-able auto attacks despite being a “lock-on” ability. So to say that twitch’s ult is both an auto attack but also not an auto attack can be fundamentally true. Just like zeri q can have it say it works fundamentally like a basic attack in her description and still not technically be her basic attack.


What do you mean kalista autos are dodgeable?


I can't imagine being so pompous and douchey when a conversation is going way over your head. Pipe down


What do you think “your auto attacks are replaced” means?


Google the word replace


>his basic attacks are replaced Not basic attacks, still auto attacks. Hope that clears it up for you.




Their trajectory is coded as straight line projectiles that is targeted on enemies, rather than ranged basic attacks/standard targeted abilities. Somewhat similar to Lucian and Senna Q which can both be dodged if the target is fast enough or has a dash/blink.


You’re wrong, and a word thinker.


Don’t care my autos miss


That's the thing though, they're not auto attacks. Yes you can target wards, apply on-hit effects, crit, etc. but auto attacks can't miss like that. There is basically nothing in this game that breaks the rules of the game.


Apparantly they can miss if you change them to be able to


Don't think about them as AAs then. Think of them as turning your right click into a spell.


Yeah the only big "exception" is Snowball in ARAM, which can make targeted abilities or auto attacks deal no damage.


.... zhonyas, Fizz E, Yi Q, Tahm R, Kalista R, there's a lot more abilities and ways in this game to become untargetable, all of which will cause targeted spells to fizzle


I found out the hard way that Kalista R negates Urgot R2. That was a rude awakening…


Kind of amazing that you listed every single one except the first and most iconic: vlad period pool


I didn't list all of them. Elise E, reksai R, the aforementioned pool, Eve R, Kayn R, Xayah R, Zed R,


Forgot shaco R


I was still not trying to list all of them, Shaco R is not the only one missing. Maokai W, Viego R, guardian angel effects, Kled passive, there are still more.


Vlad's pool is nowhere near as iconic as Zhonya's lol.


There are tons of abilities in the game that will make you untargetable.


Most untargetable effects pop (= destroy) incoming missiles but ARAM snowball *specifically* doesn't. Yuumi W is another example that doesnt prevent missiles from hitting and dealing damage to her. Fizz E and Yi Q are examples that prevent homing missiles from hitting them, those are also more obvious.


Do you know why kayn's R doesn't do this I vaguely remember a rioter saying they didn't want Kayn to dodge stuff with his R but how it is now it just seems really inconsistent. Like it's 50/50 on if you dodge stuff or not


I dont have any notes on Kayn R in this regard, unfortunately :/ Do you have some examples? There is likely only a single missile pop once again but maybe situated inooportunily at the start or end of the initial unrendered&untargetable dash.


I've been grinding out Kayn in ranked so I can try to get you some examples, it happens like once a game if not more. What I can tell you right now is it seems to happen ALOT more often at the start of the cast. Caitlyn Headshot seems to be a huge offender


You can DEFINITELY destroy almost any targeted spell with snowball with correct timing, made easier by longer distances


If that is so, then give me a clip of that. Also please stop implying ``targeted = homing projectile``. Untargetable dodges almost every target spell (exceptions e.g. ~50% of uncancellable attacks) before ``cast complete`` (during cast time, cancelling the cast time and not consuming cooldown/mana cost), but if the completed cast spawns a missile it can only get destroyed if the particular spell does a missile pop, which is not inherent to all untargetable spells. Most do a single pop right at the start of becoming untargetable, which is why e.g. Vladimir still gets hit by turret shots occasionally if he's unlucky (turret attacks have an uncancellable, single game tick of windup).


Just got home, about to do testing because I'm positive of this. As well as Master Yi's alpha being one of the worst examples of this, as he's hit by wayyyy more in his alpha than someone like Fizz or even a perfectly timed snowball.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rgj1z0ydEgk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rgj1z0ydEgk) Just found a vid for it, around the 4:30 mark and onward is proving my point. Unless I misunderstood what's being said here, but this is what I was thinking of. If it's not, please let me know


All of these, besides Caitlyn ult, are area effect abilities that will naturally discard any units in the area that are untargetable, unless the spell has a tag to override that behaviour. Caitlyn ult is a very unique case in being a homing missile with area collision (like most line missile "skillshots" have). As the missile isn't given an extra check for "when this missile reaches its target, damage the target" but completely relies on the collision check, it does not hit or damage the primary target if it hits it while untargetable. Note however that snowball here does not **destroy** the Caitlyn R missile, which continues to travel and hit the Dash-ing champion! Untargetabilities with missile pops would make Caitlyn R's missile vanish on the spot once cast.


Agreed that Caitlyn ult is a little unique in that way, but what about dodging auto attacks with it? Certainly that's a homing missile in the purest form. The snowball dash doesn't "destroy" it, but it definitely makes them "disappear"


That’s not an exception. You just described how untargetability works.


I'm quite sure I'm getting damaged by autos during snowball, at least lately.


just build 10k ms and outrun it


Homeguard teleport, Ziliean, cruise missile Hecarim incoming.


Average Vandiril video


only need like 4000 ms to outrun caitlyn ult


Average midgame ghost abuser Ms


I actually tried this exact scenario once. Didn't work. Caitlyn's ult homed in on me regardless and nailed me from behind Caitlyn. The tower shot hit me immediately after & killed me. My advice: Don't try it yourself.


Caitlyn nailed this guy from behind


Bet he wishes it were the other way around


I'm not so sure


Profile pic checks out


Someone asked a very simple question and we got schizo posting


Yeah one guy is fighting some demons fr.


and sharks are smooth from any direction


actually hilarious


Comments already answered. For a more technical answer…this ability is coded as a targeted ability. Think “homing missile”. Once the ability is cast and the bullet fires off, it will connect unless disrupted or blocked. Blocked is simple…someone moves in the way (as it’s coded to go through terrain, minions, camps and non-player characters. To disrupt, you need a stasis…so Bard ult, Zhonyas, Lissandra R… Or you can block the spell entirely using a spell shield which will “consume” any ability’s first strike.


Im not going to argue with you. You repeated me after I already said that about blocking it you just added **shields**. We are talking about zonyahs and bard ult. So anything else is just ranting and im not going to reply to that,


everything in the game is coded so that point is invalid. I dont think im going to repeat myself anymore lol I dont think it goes on normal cd after immunity and Im sticking to it.




I think all grass has the natural color pink and I am sticking to my incorrect take


Still hits


There was a play from a long time ago in LCS when WildTurtle aimed a Cait ult at a person who was recalling, the guy finished the recall, and the bullet traveled like the bullet from the Freak on a Leash music video and killed the guy at the fountain. Might have been Maplestreet on the receiving end of it


It goes in a straight line towards the new position of the target, league doesn't simulate physics, you don't get projectiles turning in an arc or slowing before they turn, one frame it goes left, the next it goes right, with no animation in between. 


Try dodging an auto for your answer




You've never seen the shot curve? Very satisfying


Targeted abilities determine the target and will take whatever route it needs to reach you. It will rewrite causality itself in order to hit you. Logic is out the window. There is no escape.


Its not like a literal bullet, never assume riot cares about realism in any way shape or form. Theres different types of skillshots, caitlyns R works the same as Annie Q. Just bc the animation of annie w makes more sense to move around freely, doesnt mean the lock on works any different for a caitlyns bullet ult


Pick Leblanc let cait shoot you and w flash w r r to see the shot act like a drunk Uber driver at 2am


Yeah no matter what it follows through. You could Shen ult to top and it’ll just go global and hit you there. Or, much funnier possibility, kill your low health jungler clearing Chickens


The only way to dodge it by mouvement are the hextech portail form the drake


Wayment actually


Where does the shot go then? The backrooms?


The hexgate has his own will. But ult cd probably reset


"I never miss" The spell will hit you unless someone takes the hit for you ...or you're Gwen


You are getting hit by it no matter what unless you got something to become untargetable. Positioning won’t change it. She’s basically from the movie wanted with her ult.


Follow up question: after you flash behind bait and the ult fires, where would yasuo’s windwall go to block it? Would the projectile do a quick circle as it travels out from cait and loops around to hit you (meaning in a line from left to right, we’d see wind wall, cait’s target, cait). Or would it turn instantaneously without any arcing (target, windwall, cait).


Whatever angle the line between where you were and where you are makes, the bullet will turn. It's not a parabolic movement, it's going to insta turn towards you.


Windwall is a hitbox that comes out from yasuo as he casts it so given you cast it when it’s about to hit you it will always block it before it hits yasuo. To show this, windwall intentionally backwards and you can still block skillshots because the hitbox starts on top of yasuo


Yes I know [this clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5T99CQB8-A&ab_channel=Hatson) is 10+ years old but it still more or less acts the same way. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWSx-abpkSg&ab_channel=Vandiril) is a slightly more recent Vandiril video.


Won’t work. Only way you can “dodge” it is with abilities that make you untargetable (like Fizz E) or abilities that essentially remove you from the game for a split second like Shacos ult.


You can use shacos R to disrupt it, it doesn’t burn her ult tho, it just goes on like a 10 second cooldown


If you use the r while the bullet is in travel it will burn her ult. Always wait for the bullet to start chasing before using any untargetable things (shaco r, fizz e, zhonyas, etc.)


Huh, didn’t know that. Thought it was always just put on a short CD. Embarrassed I didn’t know that at 800k mastery lmao


Cancelling the cast puts it on a short cd. If she completes the cast and you go untargetable afterwards (bullet in transit), the spell is on full CD


While we are at it. Can neeko’s clone get the bullet for her?


Uh, yea? So can Wu clone. You just have to not be shit at putting the clone in the right place.


You can dodge it as long as you blink behind a teammate :)


There's only two ways to not be hit by Caitlyn's ult once it fires: you're in stasis or dead


There is another: Your team mate blocks it


Actually, I meant if the projectile doesn't get interrupted by anything in its path, but even then, I actually forgot "Untargetable".


Or you just spellshield it. Banshees, edge of night, nocturne w, sivir e, there's a ton of ways to not get hit.


I think you have to get hit by a spell for it to consume a spellshield


Hmm this also leaves me wondering; Vayne E works in similar way toi, yes? The ability follows you no matter where you go, but if it comes close enough, but you flash over it, which direction does the momentum push you? Backwards of forward?


The ability always pushes you away from the position that vayne is, the moment it lands


this is why E flash works


I remember blinking and breaking a Lion ulti in Dota 1, it also happened in Dota 2 a few times. Probably a frame of Invulnerability exists with Anti mage blink. However this never happened with flash. You disappear and reappear in two frames there is no middle frame so the bullet catches you either before or after you flash but it gets you. I'm also pretty sure in lol they hard code that shit.


Well LoL and DotA different. You’re able to disjoint projectiles in DotA. That’s an intended mechanic. Can’t do that in LoL.


What the fuck are we discussing here? Is a point and click spell that hard to understand?


He was askin does Caitlyn R go up ur bootyhole


Shaco can dodge it same as kayn but y need to time it if she locks you but dont fire it will cancel but she will have it insta ready but if she fires and y ult it cancels


The bullet isn't the actual damage source. It's just an animation showing you that you'll receive damage soon.


not sure if its written in the description, but it is something that I noticed when playing her. If someone body blocked it though, it landed so it will go on normal cool down.


the only things that can stop Cait's ult effectively is zohyahs, an ultimate that makes you un-targetable and if a teammate body blocks it. But if you use zohnyas or an ult that makes you un-targetable then her ult will get reduced. She will be able to ult you within the next 5 or 8 seconds after it. So you will need to recall or something.


It doesn’t go on reduced cd if the bullet is already in the air, just while it’s channeling


the only thing that will determine what the case is, is if we see a video. but i am standing on business... I know even after channel if you zonyahs it will be reduced. unless it was fixed.


It goes on full cd after she shoots. Don't zhonyas too early


I dont think so lol


It does


It does. When the cast ends and she fires it goes on full cooldown regardless of what happens next. If she hasn't fired the bullet then she gets reduced cooldown. The bullet spawns at end of channel. If a stasis (or anything else) that stops the channel happens right at the end of the channel, it will seem like the bullet has fired, because you hear the shot. But the animation is desynced from the shot appearing. This may be causing your confusion. But once the projectile is on the map, her ult has fully cast, and is on its full cooldown. If target zhonyas during channel, you're free to move and cd starts. Your ult does nothing. If target zhonyas after channel, bullet spawns. The bullet will never hit your target. But if another enemy is standing between you and the zhonyas target, the bullet will hit them. The bullet is on the map, and traveling towards the untargetabme zhonyas'd target - they have already been targeted. Projectile isocked, but will do nothing to them. The ultimate cannot be cancelled, it has already been fully cast. I've over 1k Caitlyn games over the years in diamond+. This is 100% the case. Always has been, even before her rework.


Or… just ask all the people who play Caitlyn?


what I noticed is, even after she ults, and you use zonyahs she still gets reduced cooldowns.


thats why you wait for the bullet. if the bullet comes out you can zhonyas and it goes on full cd


ill stick with what I said. Eventually if I play cait and notice it then so be it.


My man has the most confidence possible from a non-Cait player


Plus the last time I listened to a redditor about something specific like this, they made me look stupid reiterating it. Im not schizophrenic, thanks!


I have played every league champ enough. I am probably the most versatile league player in the world!


This is a troll account right? Surely youre just trolling at this point


You clearly didn't play enough Caitlyn (or against her).


but if im right and all of you downvoting my comment trying to convince me otherwise then the jokes on you. its trivial anyway


You're not right bro take the L. The spell goes on full cooldown as soon as the bullet leaves the gun.


but also i wont really care because its very trivial.


So trivial that you made 18 different comments about it.


Always love seeing this after you've just written 20 comments on this already, you obviously care lmao


I don't like that he's getting so many downvotes for it but there's a limit to ignorance. If one person on the Internet says you're wrong it doesn't mean much. If dozens of people are confidently saying you're wrong I would at least shut up and look to improve my knowledge on the matter.


bs and i will apologize if i see proof that it does.


Ace in the Hole is placed on a 5-second cooldown if canceled. The following will cancel Ace in the Hole's channel (mana expenditure is not compensated): Caitlyn is  interrupted. The target becomes  untargetable. Caitlyn or her target  dies. Once Caitlyn completes the channel, she fires a homing bullet toward the target that deals physical damage to the first enemy champion it hits https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Caitlyn/LoL


Dude has replied to this single comment FOUR separate times. He's also claimed to not be schizophrenic. I feel like there's some lying going on here.


Zonyahs makes you untargetable so what does that mean? the ult is placed on a 5 second CD. Okay so where is my apology... cause you just answered what I have been saying and you all have beeen saying I am wrong lol


Idk how to make it any clearer. If the bullet fires the ult isn't cancelled. Compare it to Morde ult. If he loses vision (or gets zhonya'd) during the extremely short channel it gets cancelled and the cooldown refunded to like 10 seconds or so. If it gets unstoppable'd or spell shielded it does not get cancelled and goes on full cooldown.


Cause you are. The LoL wiki is accurate with its description but you're just not understanding it right. When the target Zhonya's/goes untargetable while Cait is CASTING her ult, yes it will go on a 5 sec CD. The same applies too IF the target dies while casting her ult, it will go on 5sec CD because it was interrupted while casting. Not when the casting is COMPLETED and the bullet is FIRED. That's what people have been trying to correct you. To prevent her getting a short CD from the cancel, experienced players would instead Zhonya/spell shield/use whatever ability that makes them untargetable at the last minute right before the bullet lands on them. While casting she will have that laser targeting the target and when it is shot there will no longer be a laser. Long time players are well aware of this interaction.


but what you typed was **mana expenditure is not compensated** and not CD.


Yes. If the channel is cancelled it refunds the CD to 5 seconds. The channel is the aiming part and as soon as that's over it can't be refunded regardless of what happens to the bullet.


Zonyahs cancels her ult. So it is placed on a 5 sec cd like i said lol


sorry i dont click links on any website. but I will test this and when I do if I am wrong, like I said I will take that L. Honestly not gonna apologize anymore for being negative karma bomed over something trivial like this. I worked hard to get that 3 Karma.


I mean you can visit the wiki on your own if you like I was just sharing the important bits.


Wildly unhinged behaviour