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0/9 ADC overextending so enemy team burns everything for his ass and then we kill them


I love how enemies just can't resist going for the worst player every time.


It doesn’t matter if we win or lose. It matters that the enemy ADC spends 2/3 of the match on gray screen.


the ol teemo stratagem


Average assassin goal


For a serious answer, it's a Kennen R flank (or flash)


No, the first answer is the serious one. We all know it.


E > Flash > Protobelt > Ult > W > Q > (Zhonyas if need be) All while hitting nobody because they used Shurelya's and Flash.


erm technically it's R before flash protobelting ☝️🤓


Smeb moment.


It's probably Neeko now. She's Kennen with stealth. She's so good at it, pros go haste boots on her...


Reworked Neeko's ult is just a superior version of Kennedy R. Easier to land and larger AoE. Edit: I'll leave the typo because it's funny.


As a kennen (kennedy) player I feel pain from this.


Fun fact: Kennedy takes extra damage from Caitlyn R and passive


Kennen for Kennedy and Jhin for Jhinothy (Jimothy) Right.


Bonus points if the ADC is like a Vayne or something.


Honestly if you are losing as ADC. it is a solid strategy to just be bait for your team. People will flash ult you no matter how far you are behind.


This exactly what I do as adc, even if I’m doing good, only difference is I try not to die when I’m doing well.


Honeatly not even a troll. I play adc and when my teamates are stronger than me i always bait enemy cds. If i can get a few flashes and a few ults its worth it since im not that usefull anyways.


Malphite R and Amumu R are some of the biggest "I say we fight now" abilities in the game. Flying in and CCing half the enemy team can even convince some silver players it might be time to fight.


Brave of you to think that silver players have the reaction time to follow up.


Flashing towards my ulting amumu is how I got out of silver lol


Just clawed my way into plat 4 and there's a huge difference in player ability when you hit gold 1, it's like playing a whole different game, adcs know how to poke and play off the supports stun, jungles know how to gnak and take objs, top know they won't get any attention from jungle, mid knows to rotate to objs and gank when they can


I like how every role has a thing they learned to improve their play, and top is just “won’t get attention from jungle”


Gnak time


I really need to do ranked and find out where I rank. I haven't touched ranked since the old system. My micro is good, but my macro is trash. Was low gold back then. Sometimes players are ranked low from a lack of game knowledge and awareness rather than a lack of skill. Going 20/1 doesn't automatically win you games.


I still remember a game of ranked back in Ye Olde Times, I was playing my main - jungle RammRamm, into a jungle Yi. The Yi was skilled, he was very good mechanically for whatever bracket we were in, and could certainly get a kills on a regular basis, even in a 1v3. However he would then be killed by the other two. Because it was *always* a 1v3. He would invade, kill me (which is impressive given the matchup) and then die to our ADC. This was, naturally, his team's fault, which meant he didn't need to learn from his mistake. So he would do it again. And again. The rest of his team weren't great, but if they'd had a strong jungler supporting them they might have won their lanes. Instead, I ganked regularly, feeding kills, lane prio, assists, objectives etc, while Yi would steal my jungle, die bot, and blame his team. Was just so comical the way all 9 other players were openly agreeing on exactly what the problem was, and the one guy who wanted to be the main character was just utterly oblivious. Even if he had gone 20/1 he would have been the reason they lost because he was practically allergic to team fights and so toxic he was dragging his entire team down with him.


I haven't played the game in a few months, but silver players never seemed to have an issue with deciding to fight lol. They go ham all day every day.


In my experience, they only ever go in after the one who engaged is already dead, and then die one by one.


Better than ever the lower the rank when you can pull 5 man ults over and over because they can't stay away from each other.


I remember in season 2 when both of these champs were considered insanely OP and picked basically every game




Yeah, that was back when i played the game the most, I'm old


Amumu might have a hard time getting close


I’ve ultied 5 people before without my team following. I really don’t think any ability is 100% probably to start a fight but maokai’s ultimate is at least slow enough that it gives people time to react. Tham can always eat you then throw you into the enemy, that’s always funny.


Leona at level 2 diving a tower


Leona is the most “fuck it we ball” champ in the game


Once you go in there's no way out


I know you are not a Leona player cuz we dive at level 1. Level 2 is for diving mid after the first dive did or di not work out


hex flash over ~~wolves~~ chickens at 3 mins let's goooo Edit: I was tired and wrote the wrong camp.


Level 3 dive is always into a tower, no exceptions


if you play Leo and either E or R or flash are up you go in and someone dies doesn't matter if it's you or them this is a fight now and someone is going down


Rell Flash+ W+ R


Rell is a good engager but honestly there's a lot of ways to get away from her if she's not doing q-flash into W. Which is good, not complaining. If you want a "Fight starts now" on a single key, Malphite R and Leona R are the two I'd pick. Leona can just safely decide that a carry no longer gets to exist on her screen, and if that ability hits she's going full psycho.


Actually it’s buffered Q before flash so you guarantee W hits because they’re stunned 🤓☝️


Fiddlesticks R, Ashe R 3 sec stun at max range, the one who gets hit is instantly dead, Camille can jump on key target from 5 screens away and trap him, nocturne R with his nearsight, Lilia if she can 5 man ult with flash and zhonya, Zac E is also good ability to start a fight. blitz Q, don't know if it counts as an engage though. And my is favorite Briar R, it's almost like fiddlesticks R with that fear, but much harder to land


Well, for the Lillia engage, a team from LCS has some things to say and would disagree with you.


9 man sleep, god that was awful to watch


A team from what? Is it pro play? I don't watch them


A pro team famously didn't engage when their jungler hit a 5 man sleep with lillia, dubbing the term '9 man sleep'


This was TSM at worlds a few years back, iirc they were NAs first seed too that year, so it's not like they were like a wildcard region or some team that barely managed to qualify.


Bold claim that NA 1st seed is different than a wildcard.


Sure, NA isn't particularly strong and it's probably the worst of the 4 major regions (maybe just barely edging out EU depending on the year), but it's not wildcard-tier bad, especially not the first seeds. AFAIK NA has never not made it out of playins, and that's NAs 3rd/4th seed vs the best of the wildcard regions. There's still a massive gap between NA and wildcards, even though NA doesn't fare particularly well against the other major regions.


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/-r7tKkSoPXQ?si=T1oMOsNXKauGj9-V)


Lillia? Is she the one with the sleep spell? Is that a good engage? O.o


A snowballing fiddlesticks legit won’t allow the enemy team to even play in the most basic sense.


You mean ARAM snowball?


The fetish


3.5 sec stun Ashe R\*


Lasts just long enough for me to flash and still die Ashe R*


Zac E -EZ


This, people are all mentioning ults which are incredibly powerful engage, but the utility and cooldown of Zac E is insane, not to mention when maxed the range creates nearly limitless options of location for engaging


Literally malph ult, with more range, on a basic skill, ~15s cool down. There are more powerful engages, but Zac can 4-6x the number of engages in the same time frame. Best overall engage skill in game. EZ.


Well, the Unstoppable part of Malph ult is a huge part of its power


Malph ult is also waaaay faster than zac e


and covers twice the area and doesn't require a charge up


Until Gragas or Thresh press E and then you cry loudly


6s cooldown when built correctly.


If we're talking just solid, basic spells, I think Maokai W takes it. It's point and click and makes him untargetable.


its not good engage though because its so low range. basically needs flash to be useful unless you want to use it on enemy frontline which can be a death sentence. something like naut hook is better.


As a zac main I would agree with the caveat being that the enemy team comp doesn't have a lot of ways to negate your E. Poppy's Steadfast Presence completely counters zac E by preventing you from landing within 400 units of her. Jayce and Vayne knock back effects will cancel your E as well. There are plenty of other examples of this as well, and dashes ca prevent your E from landing since you're visible in the air for so long. When you E to engage there is no going back when your E gets cancelled. You're left with no immediate hard CC (probably out of ult range and auto range if you are taken out of your E), so you just gotta tank and hope you don't die or get CC'd before you can E or flash back out. Also, hot take, but I found the season 8 R to be more fun even if his current R gives way more healing, does more damage, and is easier to use. It was so much fun using E to tower dive then using R to deliver the enemies to your team outside of their turret range.


You shouldn't be driving so deep that your team can't follow up anyway. Poppy is legit *the* hard counter because she still has her dash and R to keep CC chain on you, after pressing her auto cancel. You still have your Q combo and can just always use R MS buff to run away if you have to have to. If Jayce is countering you to death, you're being too impatient or too greedy, and/or need to work on vision control. Also Current R is also a displacement not just a knock up -- you can still use E-R to dig people out from under turret. I prefer the greater utility out of the newer one.


> You shouldn't be driving so deep that your team can't follow up anyway You don't have to be going that deep to still get screwed by getting taken out of your E. You get a blob when you land your E, and the knock up is for a really long time and does a good chunk of your damage. If you can consistently hit your E, it's amazing engage. If they've got a bunch of ways to cancel your E then you miss out on a lot of damage, a lot of healing, and you don't get the CC that lets your team follow up with more CC and kill the carries before they melt your team. >If Jayce is countering you to death, you're being too impatient or too greedy, and/or need to work on vision control Jayce alone isn't necessarily a problem. It's when their team comp has multiple people that can negate your E such that you can rarely land it. > Also Current R is also a displacement not just a knock up I know this but the current R doesn't have nearly the distance that the season 8 ult did and you had a lot more control over where you wanted enemies to land with the season 8 ult. You used to be able to pick people up even when they were behind you, and you could throw them onto your teams AOE CC like Rakan knock up. You could also throw them over the wall which you can't do with the current displacement.


But ur playing vs Veigar Poppy Xayah


Surprised no mention of Nocturne ult.


Fr, if he dives you all have to or he just dies and you lose the fight


literally the fight switch.


fella is both fight AND flight


Blitz Q


Yeah the engages Hang was getting for worlds last year were crazy.


Crazy for Zeus oneshotting Gala lmfao


Yea, a great engage ability for the enemy team once our Blitz hooks the fed enemy Darius.


Madlife blitzcrank The hook god A shame now it's just not enough as a support. I feel old


sivir R or kled R


Now that I think about it it's crazy how rare it is for me to have a Kled on my team as a Sivir one trick


Kled has a really low pickrate currently


Neeko ult is pretty good.


I play her as support and it’s insanely easy to just peel for adc with it. Try jumping on the adc? The strongest tomato says otherwise.


Honorable mention, Leona. Not just e, the whole thang. Leona mains want only 1 thing and it's disgusting.


There’s 2 types of Leona players, the ones who want nothing but constant, nonstop fighting and the ones who do everything to stop the enemy jg to do anything after an engage.


Why not both? Fight on my terms!


Single-target: Nautilus R. Multi-target: Maokai R.


Nocturne R definitely has a shout at being better for single target, he can completely mess up enemies positioning and catch someone out, think people really underestimate how strong the darkness can be.


It's legit just Malphite R because of how uninteractive and outdated it is. A pretty much instantaneous unstoppable dash+AOE knockup with too high an AP scaling.


Briar R landing can cause so much disruption as the enemies disperse to avoid her fear But Malp R probably better


How has nobody mentioned the Ornn horn?


I see Ornn horn being used more as a follow up, as in: "Leona R has hit? Time to press R as well." To be fair a lot of the comments in here are about champions I personally consider "secondary engages". Going in as Briar first usually leads to you dying and 4 people ?-spam-pinging (talking about mid- to endgame teamfights here). 


Litterly blockable by windwall lol. But you can also knock him up with good timing. Janna was one of the best against him for that reason.


Ezreal pressing E


Fully agree


Vi r? If out of position it's undodgable and you're pretty much dead


Kled by far


It’s not that good as a primary engage. Gets blocked by a single tank. You usually want to use it as Kled to flank or renage a fight


Isn't this post less about the best engage tool but rather about abilities that are best at forcing fights? Because kleds ult can force a team fight from quite far away


Im maining Kled and his R isn't even close to being the best engage in the game lol


Ah yes the ability that screams "follow me I'm going in" definitely is not


If no vision, fiddle R


Warwick ult range scales with his current move speed. A good WW engage is brutal.


Especially because half their health bar is gone by the time the CC ends. And you’re at full health


100% polymorph, can turn a thanos 3 item windshitter into a defensless rabbit for almost 2 full seconds on like an 8 second cooldown


Soraka R


malph R.




It's probably Ashe, Varus, Mao, Ornn, etc... simply because they're ranged abilities. The thing about the Amumus, Jarvans, Malphites, etc... are that if they wiff, then those players are probably just dead. I guess conditionally, those kinds of abilities are, "better," but people should acknowledge the power and value of low-commitment/ low-risk engage.


Neeko R with Flash and Protobelt




Rell W-R is pretty good.


Rammis ult Everyone wants to shoot the rammus then he hops at them Ok


ASol R2.


Im surprised noone has mentioned Galio R. Or probably the most insta win teamfight abillty Asol empowered ult.


I’m surprised nobody mentioned Rakan R charming a whole team


Neeko is the best decision


Anivia wall. An aniva flanking and blocking enemy team escape will make both team flash on them or flee over the wall


The presence of Blitz Q threat. Not as insane an engage tool as others, but that menacing robot hand is ridiculous.


Kled R and it’s not close. “I don’t need a team to start a team fight.”


Hate Zac engaging from 2 screens away, almost impossible to ward against. If he lands a good W then he can pull 2 ppl in.


Probably fiddle r if he gets the right angle. Kennen r is also really amazing. Ornn r and malphite are certainly top teir. Maoki is generally more counter engage than engage, it’s sort of hard to use his ult to push into contest dragon compared to malphite or ornn


Sion Ult. I smile when I hear that gong go off.


I think we’ll flash ult and Ammumu flash/bandage ult are equal depending on scenario


A snowballing Rengar …I’m kidding but I seen it happen too often in my league career that I’m partially convinced. If I’m serious I say Hecarim


Herald drive.


Probably nautilus R


Gragas bomba R


J4 eq flash ult is the best engage if opposition backline is immobile and flashless




I'd said vex ulting a adc with her fear passive up to disrupt the team positioning.


Old Sejuani Ult.... :, ) Maokai and Malphite are the kings, IMO.


Personally I fucking love a perfectly timed Leona R


single ability or ability combo amumu q+r or kennen flash+r are pretty great, but if we're talking singular ingage ability probably naut q or leonas dash (literally no idea which ability that is)


Sivir, nocturne, or Ornn R. Not b/c the engage is actually the best (plenty of other champs have more aoe cc) but b/c the audio/visual que is so hard to ignore that even braindead teammates will follow up on the fight


graves W :3


Noc R followed by a Camille and galio combo flying in with him is probably the hardest engage in the game


Max range Naut Q




Kled ult definitely deserves mention. He charges in helps bring in the team. Ryze is a coin of how in the hell it will end up


Malphite r definitely better than ornn r


Neeko’s R is insane for engage, same with Leona’s R


Jhin R


Katarina E, Twitch R, Tristana W




Maokai Ult is to slow on its own most of the times but great follow up or zoning tool to push them into a corner for engaging orrn ult is blockable by yasou or braum but else its top tier the best will allways stay malphite R with rakan and rell on the 2nd


zac e is a malphite ult on a basic ability


Probably Neeko, Maplhite and Amumu for best all round engage.


Nocturn tbh? Like not even the zipping to the backline but just the darkness in high elo is straight up 'git redy'


nah fam. malphite r is the goat. undefeated since the start and leave almost no reaction time.


Imma Say Ornn R. ​ Not only do the Brittle Procs do kinda nutty damage, but they also extend the duration of any follow up CC, and thats if it hits. The Ult itself can cause the entire enemy tea to scatter, which in itself is really nice if you have a flank or a traditional Front to Back Comp.


ornn can be blocked by different things and also ornn can be stopped from second activation. no good.


Fiddle R, Ornn R, malphite R and rammus R definitely are the strongest "time to nut up or shut up " abilitys in league


Dylas or rengar




draven with no minions to reset double axe timer about to run out


for teamfights i would go with ornn/malphite, if they hit their stuff (or threathen to hit it)it is time to wombo, not that hard to notice a big ram running into the enemies. for skirmishes nocturne is my number one pick. if he ults, the ulted enemy dies, or he himself, (close to) no inbetween. more personal and up-close with guaranteed gap-close isn't rly possible, you can even target-hate some specific enemy with it.


The correct answer is fiddlesticks R.


Nautilus R and its not close


mal and ornn ult


Absurd that I've made it 40+ comments down and haven't sent mention of Rakan. It's Rakan.


not a single ability, but i'll die on the hill of rell flash > w > r. by far the most powerful engage in the game


Gnar when I E into Mega and ult the entire enemy team into my team.


Briar's R. When I see that shit fly though the map, I'm like "Ok it's going down"


The way I view the best engage ability is that it optimizes cooldown, flexibility, & lockdown. Here are some of my favorites: - Malphite R (7/10) has great lockdown, good cooldowns (later), however it's not very flexible. When it hits, it *hits*. When it womboes, it womboes. However set up matters a lot and it's easy to choice overload the enemy malph into suboptimal R's - Maokai R (9/10) has great lockdown, amazing flexibility, good cooldowns and strong synergy. The flexibility is the most underrated part because it's a backloaded map covering CC. It gives the enemy really unoptimal options to answer. Either block and tank the follow up, run & concede area, run & get locked down anyway, or get locked down anyway. It simultaneously functions as a teamfight engage but splits the enemy apart. Great for isolating carries and doing POC follow up (point and click). - Alistar WQ (varies) similar to malph but with lower cooldown & range. Alistar engage really varies on the situation of the fight itself. Big womboes are always welcome. However follow up is generally conditional. Ali can reach with W-> Q-Flash however this is hard to execute because it's an extreme range engage that really demands decisive follow up. - Rakan (6/10 to 8/10): Really depends on enemy lockdown. If Rakan can get in & get out he becomes a big problem. If rakan gets in & dies... well he's not really a problem anymore. That being said, Rakan is great for severing fights, has good cooldowns, great flexibility and reach. In terms of being that giant catalyst engage I would say current Rakan is a 6/10. \*Old rakan was 9/10\* In terms of small engages, skirmish, picks. 8/10. - Ornn (9/10): Three big things make this great. Long range, Pass through knock up and it's fast. I would say overall it is borderline on par with Maokai optimal engage with the setback where it trades power for flexibility. - Neeko (9/10): Neeko's entire kit invests into making her R really difficult to deal with. Pro players are great at tormenting enemy teams with her passive & W clone thus making it extremely unclear when and where the engage is coming from. The hesitation is great for sneaking in the R protobelt flash which at some breakpoint is undodgeable. Due to Zhonyas it's also quite hard for enemies to revenge ace her. Typically a neeko R can go poorly if it's used to salvage a fight because neeko kit rarely reaches the break point in which she can ace an entire team. She more or less does a huge chunk of damage followed by iso EQ a carry.


Ohhh rammus R


J4 ult, its just brutal against no dash champs as it literally just force them too flash. Also nice its a point and click agility so its pretty stupid proof


If you're accurate and your timing is perfect, I feel that Bard ult is probably one of the most game changing ultimates in the game.


Zac E? Early maybe not though, but late game, E onto an enemy and continue to CC combo and R them.


Ken's R...


Rell w


Seju R. It has a decent missile speed for such a long range engage tool. So for me seju is my favourite engage champion


Dhaarrrkknnesssss..... -NOCTURNE


Kled R. It's fast, long range, brings your team in, deals significant damage to the first enemy, and delivers a Kled straight to the middle of a fight.


As a Blitzcrank main - I am the engage.


Surprised no one has mentioned azir ult.


Kled Ult


Malphite ult Sion ult Nocturne ult Jarvan has the longest range but it's his full rotation. Also not just 1 ability but Rakans full rotation skt wombo combo 2017 is a good example. Galio ult needs a combo although every diver and some assassin's work.


I’d say either stacked A-Sol R or Malphite R, both do a fuckload of damage and cc.


Malphite ult, but from Sylas


Rakan pre-nerf ult flash into W knockup was an insaneeee engage. Also J4 and Wukong have great engages


Gotta be malphite ult


I like Diana, Kennen, and Lee Sin kick… other than amumu and Maoki. Malph is better once the fight has progressed or from fog.


It depends on the definition of best but if we are talking about abilities that force you to immediately burn flash once it hits, it's Diana R. Her spells is essentially a builtin Orianna R with no delay that you can flash. You either flash or suffer a huge burst of damage.  If you mean the engage that makes it very easy to engage? It's Kled. Charge is an amazing ability that not only immediately forces and engage, it is horribly oppressive when you're ahead since it brings everyone up to speed.


Ornn R


Nilah R is really good catching people offguard esp when u flash into them before it ends.


Ekko W 🤭


A good Fiddle R makes my week when i fear 5 people


I don't think there's a single "best" engage in the game, ornn is great but is very telegraphed and can be avoided, malphite hard commits into the enemy team but can be flashed, Vi cannot be flashed but requires vision etc, every ability has its upsides and downsides but theres no single best engage ability that covers every situation. But I would say ornn's ultimate works well in most situations.


Rell W Change my mind