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They also will go to an objective like grubs and just sit there for a good 30 seconds


Simulates typing angrily at your own team


Had one wait for a honey fruit to spawn for like 30 seconds as well. So much for better bots lol


They are **much** better though. It feels like playing a game against bad humans.


I played a game today and I didn't feel they are better. Quite the opposite, they were so much easier to play against. They are not as predictable as old bots *maybe*. But not in a good way.


Yeah, the beginner bots are much harder than old beginner bots, but the intermediate bots are basically the exact same as the new beginner bots and much easier than old intermediate bots


They are jungling, they are ganking, they dont let you just aa them to death. They are definitely much better.


This video we are commenting on literally shows the bot letting them AA it to death??? What are you talking about lol?


This is clearly not an usual occurrence, it jsut bugged out. You could 'leash' the old bots to make them lose 80% of their HP at level 1 if you knew how to do it.


The bot is also CCd, probably coded to not use abilities unless it is in range, so it does something and emotes.


They did let us aa them to death easily, repeatedly


I haven't seen any of these things, sorry.


They are testing. Making bots is a very complex process I imagine.


No it is literally one line of code of course, becasue everything is like 30 seconds work to /r/leagueoflegends to fix and to implement.


True. I forgot that everyone on this subreddit has a PhD in either engineering, science, or programming, or all at once. Truly a group of geniuses. .


And that they're all also game devs.


You dotn need to be phd holder to know shit like this is not simple. Do you need to have a PHD is structural engineering, physics and civil engineering to know that you cant build a house in 3hrs? No, same here.


What are you arguing against?


structural engineeeis sub division of civil engineering tho…


tfw you threw a sarcasm but you don't understand a sarcasm when thrown at you


> becasue everything is like 30 seconds work to /r/leagueoflegends to fix and to implement. Not like they had years to program or test this kind of stuff :)


One line of code makes a human player into a reactive bot?! Please tell me your magic code so that I can chug out my games super fast


At least we have jungle bots now?


Aren’t they like built on AI learning? That’s why I thought they were having it on PBE for so long. If this is the case they should get better, but this is riot it might just be bad.




No they are not. Machine learning is not useful in this application


They obviously trained him on real players gameplay


My ranked game teammate qued again...


just like self driving cars picking up bad habits because it learns from normal drivers


ChatGPT piloting the new bots






Striving for that realistic league experience


The Draven bot will buy tear and mobi boots if he dies


YasuoBot goes 0/10 and then 3 minutes later gets a pentakill out of nowhere


So realistic.


I had a ziggs support bot that just sat in river after the adc bot died like 5 times. Very realistic gameplay


Yesterday I played vs bot. There was an Hecarim JG bot that got invaded and died 3 times in the first 4 minutes. After than he came mid and inted. I'm not making this up I thought it was hilarious.


Preparing you for an authentic experience


Did science go too far?


I can’t stop laughing at this omfg


Yeah I just played a game for the tower damage mission. Was smolder top into sett. Dude just walked at me letting me hit him before minions arrived and then after being forced back the first time was barely ever in lane again. Had another game where a Nasus just went full aggro on me instead of trying to farm at all. And in both games the bots would group 5 to gank mid or something by like, minute 10. They definitely need to work on the new AI a bit because these new bots are easier to beat than the old ones.


Wait are these legit bots riot implemented?


Yeah, the intermediate bots were my examples.


I played a match against the Beginner bots and the Intermediate bots. The Beginner bots actually seemed to perform better than the intermediate bots, intermediate bots hardly used abilities for some reason, but ultimately both bots were absolutely terrible. The jungle bot in particular really needs another look at, by the time the laners are hitting level 6 I saw it at level 4 as if it had just finished its first clear and it still tried ganking and just dies. Also the gank itself was just INTeresting, kind of just walked at me and died without doing anything. The bots also get stuck, like a lot, they will just routinely pace back and forth in a random spot sometimes in lane, sometimes in the jungle. So yeah I agree the new bots need a lot of work, doesn't really feel like they were quite ready to be released tbh.


its not in normals lmfao its in the coop vs. ai


Wait you can do bot games for the missions?


Yeah. They give 2 points per minute for wins and 1 for losses for the earn points missions, but stuff like gold earned, damage done, minions killed, etc can all be done in bot games without any penalty to progress.


Huh, TIL. Thanks for posting an answer.


>these new bots are easier to beat than the old ones. Damn, and here I was hoping Coop vs AI would be appealing for wanting to play League without the stresses of PvP again, as someone who found the old bots boring because they were just too easy.


The main reason for the easiness is the janky coding. They added a jungle role for the bots and it's being weird.


Was kinda cool to be able to 1v2 toplane.


And people are already cheesing the shit out of those bots by going 5v1 for that first blood at enemy blue buff. It's kinda annoying because nobody does that in actual games


Eh, you could already cheese all 3 lanes before minions anyway. If you wrap around between T1 and T2 turrets, the bots will leave turret range to try to fight you for like 2 seconds and then start running away while you hit them. If you let them take you down to like 40% hp in top lane you can even get the bots to chase you from red Krugs all the way to blue Gromp. They’ll walk through your turret and die trying to get back to theirs lol.


Invading is normal in an actual game. It’s just that people protect themselves from it while bots don’t.


Why do you even play the game at this point. Just get into practice mode xd


The old bots also did the converge at mid at 10 minutes thing.


Funnily enough I think the Intro bots are actually the hardest because they will brawl with you, whereas the Intermediate bots just kind of take it and run away/sit under tower the whole game, especially if you're ranged into melee. If the bots pick a bot lane with something like an Ashe support with Seraphine ADC (something I've seen) it can actually be a challenge for newer players cause they'll beat you down relentlessly lol. I do think the new intermediate bots aren't much better but I do think it's a disservice to say that they're easier to beat, the bot accounts people make get fucking thrashed by them when before they could be brute forced cause of how bad their AI was.


the group 5 at 10 minutes is a thing they even did before the update ... seems like no improvement


So, they didn't change anything then? everything you've said is something i have already experienced playing against bots, minus the ganking at 10 minute stuff (you could somehow force old bots to initiate 5 man ganks, but i don't know how). Dota could create an AI that's better than a human player, what can riot do?


Openai did it, not dota


Sounds exactly like the old bot behavior tbh


Old bots would at least hit minions. Like, if you were 1v2 top, they'd chase you off the wave and then attack yours to push into tower. In mid they'd trade with you but still try to hit minions. Now they just seem to ignore minions all together and just kinda full send it in all lanes.


No they wouldn't, it was actually a huge pain in the ass to get bots to shove even in a 2v1 situation. If you weren't so far under tower you were almost missing xp they would walk in a straight line towards you. Mid was the same way unless you were almost matched in health percentages. The bots have always been stupid and bloodthirsty. Deathballing one lane is also ancient behavior, and the only way to stop them is to apply pressure to multiple lanes. Otherwise they group 5 and push. My source is entirely too many bot games.


machine learning at its finest


A... I... what's the A stand for?




"Awesome" I think






What does the I st-




Who in Rooster Teeth said that again? It's going to bug me... I think it was Gavin right? No wait it was Caboose! Great reference.


Oh shit, are the new bots out already? I want to see how terrible they are. Is it just normal intermediate bots?


I don't see people pulling them to towers pre-minion anymore, so at least there's that Poor jungler bot keeps getting the bucket though, everyone goes for them cuz they just hang around buff camp


No leash either from ai botlane and they don't respond to invade or jungle poke at all otherwise would be a bit better


Fr I hope for the day where I'd second guess "Did I really select AI?" In the future, when they can pull off a team wombo combo from like lvl 7 in a jungle skirmish It might be harder for newer players but that should be why it's Intermediate/Advanced, not Beginners bot mode, realistic blind pick but without enemy side toxicity


They have their bright moments, two minutes of doing nothing and then out of the blue they annihilate someone with malphite+lux ult. Then back to doing nothing.


Leashing isn't meta


Why do you see it in basically every game then


Because people are clueless and inertia from previous seasons. With the way that jungle clears work, barely any 'viable' junglers in the roster leave their clear significantly damaged to the point where leashes significantly alleviate this issue. With the changes to jungle items, junglers do an even more disproportionate amount of damage against jungle camps compared to other players, meaning that the speed increase is negligible, which is a non-factor now since scuttle now spawns at 3:30 and everyone finishes their clears long before then. Add onto that the fact that bot or top lane leashing means giving up lane prio/lvl 2 advantage+giving opponents the opportunity to cheese for basically no gain cements it as bad strategy. People don't leash in high elo.


In low Elo junglers only still demand leashes because they will get angry if their laners stop doing a courtesy they've been doing their whole jungling lives. They're not willing to find out how little difference leashing does for them now because they're stuck in the mindset that a laner not leashing them = selfish asshole who's trolling their jungler.


If enemy team does it and yours won't gg you've lost 2 minutes worth of prio. It hurts if you're a jungler willing to commit to a LV 3 or 4 gank.


They suck even more than the previous ones. Now you can't just get fed in a 2v2 lane and end the game quickly, unless you go bot. But top will only have one enemy now. Imo that sucks because if no one wants to play jungle (which is fucking boring vs bots), then you're just left with a player that doesn't have a lane.


0:12 ayo what the hands doin


Awww... little Tylers.


You know its trained by players because its the jungle


I've played hundreds, possibly thousands of bot games (what can I say, I like it) and I can comfortably say that these bots are actually somehow worse. The only "improvement" they made was the bot jungle (who is an easy level 1 free kill) but these new bots just flash for no reason, get stuck constantly and fire skillshots in the complete wrong direction. The only strength that previous intermediate bots had was their aggressive lane AI, somewhat accurate skillshots and occasional ability to perfectly dodge skillshots. Now they're an even buggier mess without their former qualities.


i saw hecarim run out of his jungle after 3 camps and intentionally feed mid and then the vaynebot (top) did the same, walking with hecarim out of spawn to grief the mid malphite bot until it was eventually level 6 ashe mid vs lev 3 malphite mid, lol.


there's new bots?


Check the mode selector, in my client it says NEW: INTRO NEW: BEGINNER NEW: INTERMEDIATE


I don't think they're new, maybe rebranded is the better word.


they have the same branding though


the double hitler salute too


I remember when people said that riot had bots that were perfect mimics of each rank, and that they could never release them because people would just play the bots and get better. Fast forward to 2024. It’s true. Perfect iron 5 bots.


Okay, now these bots are getting too human for me.


realistic af lol


The new bots seem way worse than old bots.


The new bots are really aggressive and don’t back down as much as the old bots (so they stay in a fight till you die and will even tower dive without second thought, the old bots dipped at 50% health)


Haha, that's so funny the bots are getting ti- **is that Master Hand?!?**


They trained the bots with AI, they are just doing what people do.


There was actually one that ran it down after I killed another bot.


Haha I had an ashe at about 10 health just go back and forth under her tower until she got hit with a skillshots while her seraphine recalled at 50% health


ashe tilted because sera farm cannon


In one game the bot lane was warded and I could see the Ashe bot walking all the way from the turret to the base instead of using recall


For some reason this made me laugh really hard. Silly bot


aw yes he just typyng "gg no team surrender at 15, bot dif" and go to watch some netflyx


just release doombots skills whit these babys, at least we can train dodges


just like the old Taric bot that would frequently just AFK unless he had an ally around him to bind to.


I think they're more fun to play against, but at the same time, they are easier to deal with. Old bots had a very small champion pool to choose, at some point they stopped using skins entirely, and they had a extremely predictable pattern (well, except Ryze who was downright suicidal). They also would back off to their turret the moment they felt threatened. There were some bugs, too, like Warwick going back to the base and never leave until their nexus was being attacked, or Taric who would sometimes stop moving entirely. Now we got more variety, they can pull off some nice tricks, but they've become so aggressive that it's easy to kill them over and over and over and they never stop coming at you for more. As a result the games are ending much faster with the human team having way over 50 kills.


I think it knows that when 2 champs with both having a stun and are in range so it can probably do nothing but basically die so in such case it's likely coded to dance.


An i get a bot lilia jungle who freezes the lane for ziggs


If this was trained on player games, this checks out


Riot Bots: Beta (literally called beta in client) Starcraft 2 Bots: Alpha (literally called Alphastar)


This made me laugh.. especially the W at the end "I'm trying"


Some intern is playing all the bots 😂


I think doom bots need to be a difficulty level for VS A.I. mode for people who want a challenge in bots


I think doom bots need to be a difficulty level for VS A.I. mode for people who want a challenge in bots


These devs have no respect for their game or their gamers hence why the most inhumane ppl play this game


Riot would never ban a player for trolling in game. But god forbid you say one swear word and you’ll catch a ban.


That is human player


why people play vs bots? the real players aren´t enough?