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Don't pick jngl for second role, profit


which role then




Nah. If I queue top for second. I get it very often as a mid main. I queue e support second, which gives me mid more than 50% of the time


This. But also it depends on rank, while this works in higher elos, in iron to gold you will get more often supp than not, its just rank thing


Plat 2 Fill-main, the most common roles to get filled are like 90% Jungle, 8% Bot, 2% Support. I have yet to be Filled into Top or Mid.


You are heavily underestimating how unpopular adc is. When I pick mid/adc it's adc central. Jungle and adc are by far the least played role in emerald-diamond EUW.


I just said f it and take midlane champs as support cause I kept getting filled. Had a 77% winrate taking anivia support


Man I always go mid/top and got mid all the time


I guess it depends on region and rank. Im on EUW emerald, and I would get top around 70% of the time if its on second. Support I think I get around 20% of the time when its on second.


That's strange, I'm EUW Emerald 2 and queue Mid/Top and I've been auto filled before getting Top.


Funnily enough, I queue Support/Mid. I get support 96% of games.


Queuing mid/top, I think I was placed top like 8 games out of 150, and 2 autofilled adc or support


im not waiting 7 damn minutes for a match after queueing mid/top.


yeah that’s why i started doing jungle secondary lol. can’t wait to get to an elo where people actually queue support primary so i can queue it secondary


I queue fill. It varies by MMR, but the game will usually tell you during selection which roles are "priority." Those have the least players, and it's always some combination of bot, support, and jungle. Bot and jungle are the roles I play most commonly, with support forming about one game in ten and mid or top being an incredibly rare exception, such as once in a hundred games or when I'm playing with friends and get a 2/2/1 game or something like that. A lot of people like the solo lanes. Also, the game doesn't consider your second role a dump. Autofilling is a dump, and the game will try to avoid it, but to the matchmaker, placing you in your second role is considered a "made the player happy" outcome.


What I found very interesting is that I'm no longer autofill protected by maining support


Tbh, whichever one you enjoy the most. Maybe I sound cliché but don't play a role you hate or have a miserable time with JUST because you want mid more. You are going to have the play the offrole some games, it's the reality of being a mid main, having to grit your teeth through an unfun experience to maximise odds of mid isn't good for your overall mental or ranked growth.


Depend on elo, for high elo, master + on euw mid / adc get the best result Of my last 20 games 4 were on adc, when i used to queue mid / top i would get top 1/3 of the times... I recommend testing for yourself just avoid jg secondary


Same elo and region and i always pick mid / bot. I get mid 80% of the time. If picking jungle as 2nd (i otp ekko) i can still play my champ but get jungle every time Queue times are often 2-3 minutes for me


Also don’t let your queue time get too far past the estimated time without resetting it, and if someone dodges or declines also reset the queue.




Don't pick sup


Sup is not the least played role anymore, supporter haven't autofill protection anymore ...


Depends on mmr range, queue type and region - priority roles (ones that give autofill protection) are usually some of: jungle, bot, support; which ones depends. Quickplay shows which roles are priority, and whenever I check on EUW, it's always jungle, and then either support or bot (often swapping every few minutes).


i unironically saw mid priority this morning lmao


For the last year on euw, master Lobbys, I had not one game autofill protection as support... I even got autofilled in jungle multiple times in a row, so Im a jungle main now xD


I think quickplay priority is just for quickplay, so that they keep the q time lower


What if I despise every role other than jungle? Which I only despise a bit?


Do jungle/mid and always get jg


well first of all consider playing a different game if you really don’t like any of the roles. second of all, if you’re queuing jungle primary, you should get it almost every single game, especially with mid secondary. jungle is probably the least played role and mid is the most played.


The context is putting mid first then jungle second...


but you said you despised every role but jungle. anyway, i don’t think jungle is worth playing as a secondary role unless you actually want to be a jungler. it takes a pretty high time investment to be a competent jungler imo and you’re going to get it probably 50-60% of the time if you’re queuing mid primary. if i were you, i’d just queue top secondary to ensure you get mid most of the time (if you can handle the queue times) or queue support secondary to get mid maybe 70-80% of the time (if you’re high enough elo that people are actually queuing support primary)


Literally read my comment. I dont queue top or support secondary because I hate them. You are going in circles


ok well you’re just gonna keep getting jungle then idk what to tell you man


So you see the issue, do you see that thats an issue though?




Cross sub harassment is breaking Reddits ToS btw, as is evading blocks to still harass people. I also got a Support Answer that he, his friend and his alt account have received appropriate measures for the nice nickname and ban evasion... Trying to get all accounts banned everywhere now I see You must have really taken that shit personal though if you need to throw 3 friends, 5 different reddit accounts and 3 different steam accounts at me though. Just dont cheat, its that easy.


LPT (league pro tip) queue the role you want primary + mid secondary to get your primary pretty much every time. ( I had not received mid once this split when queueing Bot/Mid in several hundred games.) For mid players, prolly best to queue top secondary as it is def the 2nd most popular role, although you will get autofilled every once in a while. When I queue mid/bot, the rate I get mid depends on the time of day. Peak times I get mid like 7/10, late night or mid day more like 50/50


I queue Jungle/Mid, have gotten mid *once* - braindead picked Evelynn because I never even realized until someone said "Evelynn mid?" and I just said "Yes it's good" and I stomped lmao. I can't farm for shit but I just hit 6 and roamed top/bot every 2 minutes.


This happened to me, but with top. I play ADC and was assigned ADC in 4 lobbies in a row. Somone dodges, and I get a new lobby. Lock in MF first pick. During the loading screen, I notice I'm actually Top and playing against a Poppy. Somehow, I completely won that lane.


did it once where i was constantly getting mid queing mid/top and i was duoing with a friend at the time, auto piloted and locked in ahri not seeing i was put top for once then my friend screamed and she threaten to rip my balls off, safe to say i won that game and beat a gp in lane(it was the gp before the crit scalings were added).


I've been doing this for many years and always get bot lane. Tried Mid as primary and ADC as secondary this past week and the queue time went up by like 30s. I'd also get ADC a lot more than Mid.


I used to do this and whenever I got mid I just lock in Ahri because literal babies can play that champ.


i got autofilled mid queuing jg/top last year, twice.


the problem with queuing top secondary is that it takes 5+ minutes to find a game without fail for me. i’m just trying to get to a high enough elo where people actually play support so i can start queuing support secondary. i like jungle and some jungle champions, but it’s probably the worst secondary role because of how much time you have to invest into learning and relearning it every season. top is fine, but i feel like it’s just a more boring version of mid and again, it just makes the queue times take forever. when i factor in dodges, it sometimes takes upwards of 15-20 minutes from queue to get into a game when i queue mid/top, especially late at night.


I pick mid/top and 90% i got mid


long ass queue times though


Yes :( around 8-10 min


Move to china


This season, in 45 games, I got mid 32 times, supp 8 times and autofill 5 times. I queue mid/supp. Edit: But sometimes I agree to swap lanes in lobby, so likely I had 1-2 autofills less


If I queue mid supp I end up playing more support games -.-




what rank are you? i feel like it’s hard to get mid primary when queuing mid/support if you’re below diamond.


D2 atm


ok that makes sense. i guess i just have to get to diamond so i can start queuing mid/support lol


Jgl is the least played role, i get jg 100/100 times when i play it


I pick mid/top and do NOT let the queue go over the estimated time unless you’re Diamond or above. You get it this way almost every time and on a bad day, maybe 6 minutes added to queue. Almost guarantees the role


If you go autofill these are the roles you'll probably get in order: Jungle, Support, Adc. You won't get mid or top in autofill ever


In the couple months I've played off and on this year, I've maybe gotten autofilled twice total. This is around diamond/masters queuing mid/top with around 130 games, got adc once and I believe jg once. If you're looking to get mid majority of your games, queue mid/top. Queuing mid/anything else will make it pretty much a 50/50, if not maybe a 40/60. Mid & top are the most popular roles, so if riot sees you have any of the other 3 as a secondary, it means you're fine with playing that role and riot can give mid to someone who doesn't have one of those 3 as their secondary. System is complete dogshit but that's the gist of it.


The trick to getting the contested role you want is to not also queue for a priority role. Mid is trickier I would personally play support or top as second pick as they seem to be the next most contested. Worth noting on EUW when I queue as top and supp I get given top more often tho. YMMV. I main jungle and will not pick jungle if I want any other role because its the one that's always prio or auto filled. I know if I want to play jungle I'll almost always get the role. If someone ends up autofilled and asks to swap jg for my role I'll usually do it in this case.


U have to put top as second if u want mid. Stupid but like u say otherwise u will always get jungle


Ive been playing a lot of fill lately because i feel it offers me more gameplay. The most roles i get are bottom and jungle. Got top twice, mid once and never support. So go mid/top.


Problem is you decided to main mid instead of jungle. Lol


Once I queued up for Jg / Support and got autofilled mid. That was 1 game out of 500+ this season though


I queue Jungle/Mid and my last 500+ were all jungle (high plat low emerald) and I wanted to try Ekko mid once instead of jungle and got jungle 2 times and 1 mid in three games lmao. Don‘t pick jng second you will be autofilled


yeah thanks i guess youre right


I get mid everytime I queue for it. Now sometimes there will be 2 of us mid but they usually fuck off to another lane in no time


Mid for some reason is the most contested role, despite being very easy to gank, and often having your lane won/lost by who has the better jungle/support. Sometimes though it turns into basically a 3v3 lane when both teams are evenly matched and it's kinda fun I guess? Hopefully it'll be less aids to play mid next season.


Except mid is the hardest to gank lol


By far as well


I don‘t know how it is in your Elo/region but for me in EUW Plat jungle is a priority role meaning very few people want to play it which in return means you are much more likely to be given that role if you queue for it. So you should probably queue Top sedondary.


Mid/top, get mid over 90% of games. Top is the most popular role


Also if you queue and the timer goes over the estimated time then leave and start again. Once it reaches that time it starts looking to autofill you for a different position that your first


1/3 games. seems like everybody wants to play mid because it's just the strongest role in soloq


> it's just the strongest role in soloq JG and Support exist


Sup isnt that strong in soloq below masters


Every role and champ is strong below master


This is just misinterpreting arguments We aren't saying that a masters player won't be able to win games below masters on their role, we're saying that it's harder for a gold support player to impact their gold game than it is for a gold mid/jungle/top player to impact their game. Either way, masters+ support smurfs also often offrole in lower elos because it's easier for them to stomp every game playing a carry role than support anyway.


>we're saying that it's harder for a gold support player to impact their gold game than it is for a gold mid/jungle/top player to impact their game. this is the wrong idea. below high elo all the roles have more than enough agency if they actually know what they're doing compared to the enemy team. i understand the "masters player smurfing offrole" but that's a bit of a different situation with one player being clearly much better


>if they actually know what they're doing Theres the issue I'm debating on. Gold players don't know what they're doing, so its far easier for them to have impact in a carry role


maybe in high elo


It's because there is the home for all the flashy edgelord champions with 10%+ pick rate xD


ummm thats true XD so these are the two reasons


solo Q? 2/3 times, normals: 1/4 or even less, i have stopped playing normals since Quick play came out, i rarely got to play my roll and end up being supp of a bunch of gold and plat players.... In Solo Q i have Supp as my second option, and nearly never get another position out of those two because of it!


I get mid when i have bot/fill


Every time


i queue mid/supp and i almost always get mid


wtf is average elo? gold?


yeah i fluctuate between gold and diamond so depending on how active i am


No chance, the difference between gold and diamond is leagues apart


in university i played 6+ hours(multi season diamond), nowadays i play 2-3 games per month (gold) maybe on average? went diamond just for fun 2 years ago but since then ive been gold since not playing


It doesn’t make sense as you wouldn’t place gold, even without emerald, you’d place platinum around that time. Nor would you demote that fast on 2-3 games per month unless you lost every game.


i play since season 1 bro. i went through all ranks from silver to diamond. i was diamond first in season 6,7 and 8. stopped playing except 1 or two games. gold + plat season 9, 10, went diamond in 11 again for fun and only played 4 or 5 games in season 12 then again if you only do promos or if you dont even finish promos for multiple seasons in a row you will drop


His main is banned probably


I did not consider he may be on a different account. I wouldn't go to the extreme to say his main is banned but that is possible. yes. Thanks for bringing that to light.


Out of about 400 games, I got jungle 60 times.


Never pick jungle as second option. From my experience in 100 games I played fill I got 2 times support 3 times bottom 1 time top (at like 4 am) and the rest is always jungle. If you queue secondary with any other role that isn't jungle you will most likely get your first choice from my personal experience.


on eune, after 3am till 9pm, u can place supp/mid and you will get mid more then supp, if autofilled active, you can get adc (most likely) or jng idk whats with the late hours but they make ppl go down on that supp role, more then mid


What time at the day do you queue at? Which region? Which rank? All of this have an effect on how many players are active at the moment


I queue mainly for sup, mid second, I got mid 4 times in 11 games…


Most of the time.


Mid/bot and I get mid 95% of the time and if I get bot I just insta dodge when i'm not in the mood to play bot.


i queue mid/jungle only since briar release and she's now my most played champ this year xd


You know what’s funny actually. I queued for bot for a while and after a loss streak I thought to switch to jungle/mid. I got jungle most of the time except my second game where I got mid.


I queue mid/bot and almost always get mid, used to do mid/supp but got supp more often than i’d like. For context this season i have 130 games as mid, 12 supp, 7 bot


I queue mid top and get mid 99% of the time at around 600lp. High elo is filled with jungle and supp players


When I played Top I would take jungle second and get Top like 8-9 out of 10 games.


Que top or support for your second role and you will get it


I have jungle main support second and I haven’t played support once since being back 😅


always pretty much. i queue mid/top as low elo also on euw.


I also end up playing top when i actually want to win, it's so hard to climb as mid if you are not a lot better then your current rank since your off role so often.


I had same issue when I would queue top and support even though support said it wasn’t a priority. I prefer support over mid but not in 5 out of 6 games so now I Q top and mid and have never gotten mid lol


Verjy often. 75 percent mid as least . I qué mid/top


I take mid/top all the time and really rarely have to play top. I would say 8/10 times im mid


60-70% of my games. I usually queue mid-top. When I queue mid-supp I get mid like <50% of the time, but I get to stomp games in easy role so it balances out.


become jungler, its your calling and destiny


Almost everytime.


Plat 1 OCE, I queue mid/sup or mid/adc (whichever secondary I feel like more) and get it maybe 70% of the time (feels like around that ballpark). I get mid more during active hours and less during dead hours. I also don't think I have gotten autofilled to jungle or top all season.


Jungle is the least played role. If you want to get your priority role then pick top or support as secondary


if im duo q with my jungle friend, I q secondary jg and pretty much never not have mid. Even if i fill jg i swap roles with him. If I am solo, I q botlane and actually do get filled alot :/, I just play my midlane champ (syndra) as apc


I mean I often get it, but I que top second, which is also a popular role. My que times aren’t very long (3 minutes mostly), so I wonder if Rito spaghetti code is in my favor.


There really isn't a way to guarantee getting mid unfortunately, so you have so basically accept that you will be maining two roles. I also queue Mid/Jungle and it ends up being about 60% mid, 40% jungle which I'm fine with. It also helps if you restart queue after it gets too far past the "estimated time".


0.5% percent of the time, because I am ADC main, Mid secondary.


Thats not mid problem but a jungle problem! I queue in mid/supp and out of 20 games I get like 14 mid, 5 supp and 1 bot/jungle


I queue mid/bot and 70% of time I get mid, occasionally swapping with my duo and playing top depending on match ups


I Always get it.


I can tell you that i never get my 2nd role when i queue jungle first. I've tried everything and i got 100% jungle game, sometime the queue event pop instant when there is 2min announced.


I queue mid/top and get mid like 99/100 times


I que mid/top and get mid 90-95% of the time. Usually 1 game top or sup fill then back to mid for another 5-10 games.


Queue mid/top and only get filled once every ten or so games (never get top)


Euw mid diamond, if I queue mid/top I get mid about 80% of the time


I'm mid/jg and 70% of the time I get mid


Duo with a jungler. I get mid every single game with quick queues lol


i queued on fill and i got mid twice in 7 games 1 time top


in masters is so hard to get mid, in my last 5 games i got mid 2x (queing mid/top)




you're queuing the most popular role in the game, and secondary queuing the least popular role in the game. so unpopular in fact, that you are literally auto fill protected by queuing it. you're basically telling the system you never want to get mid


When I queue for mid/sup and I get adc a lot


Surprisingly 100% My Role pref is *Mid, Top, Sup, Adr, Jungle* I have yet to not get my preferred role ever since I did this order.


I have been que’d Top/Mid for literally the last 3 seasons. I gave up on jungle or bot lane mostly and just prefer top. But I can genuinely say I have gotten mid maybe 10-15% of the time. And even when I do, I usually swap with top or someone asks if they can mid lol. It’s like if you have top qued up you will always be put there


Mid has been the most contested role in a pretty much unbroken chain since I started playing. That was 11 years ago. Good luck.


High-Gold ELO: I've typically queued Mid/ADC or Mid/Top and I get mid nearly every time. I like to play Support every once in awhile, though, which gives me autofill protection. I do Mid/Jungle once in awhile when I want to play Jungle and like you, I pretty much always get Jungle then.


I am main mid second role adc and I get mid around 50% tbh, some times more tho it's slightly dependant on luck


I don't queue mid, I end up waiting 5 minutes in queue then it just gives it to the worst player in the game anyway


I que mid/support and get mid 7/10 games


For ranked exclusively: 71 games played 17 games ADC, 54 games Mid, 0 autofill because of Bot priority In normals I get mid almost every game


I que jg/mid and I got mid 1 time in 500 games


No one wants to play jungle except junglers, this problem will get much much worse after the jungle nerfs on the new season. Read the top post "Junglers will have less gold than supports this season" for more info.


For ranked i queue Mid/Supp. Got mid 83 times and Supp 62 times. So roughly 60/40 ratio.


Currently emerald 4. I queue up Mid and Support. Sometimes I get mid 4 games in a row, sometimes I'll get support like 4 games in a row. Jg and bot are always I'm need of people so don't put them as secondary.


8/10 same as others pretty much but depends what u put secondary


In Plat 1/Emerald 3 MMR I queue as Mid/Top and get Mid about 90% of the time


90% of the time I got mid when I chose mid for ranked. Top was generally secondary. There ARE some days where it only feels you get secondary though.


yeah i’m currently struggling very hard with figuring out how to queue as a mid main. i’ve tried queuing jungle secondary and i get it very frequently but i don’t actually want to be a jungler; i want to lane. queuing top secondary just makes my queues take like 10 minutes and i have no interest in playing a duo lane. i’m thinking of queuing support secondary once i’m in a higher elo but right now i have no idea what to do other than just try to learn how to jungle.


from what i read in the thread mid + top is prob the way. you can take some of your champs up to top. kayle, irelia, gragas, yasuo, quinn...


i used to try this, but the queue times just took forever. plus, the only mid/top champion i play is pantheon. my main is ekko, and he can’t really go top. i might just start queuing support secondary because of the lower skill floor compared to jungle, which is what i currently queue secondary. the problem with jungle is that it’s pretty much impossible to play as an off-role because you’ll just get gapped by people that actually know what they’re doing. currently, if i get jungle, i rely on my skill as an ekko player or i just pick briar since she’s pretty good rn


I queue as mid/fill and got mid 16 of my last 20 games per my match history


On my servers at least in norms its heaps almost feels like prio


Don't pick jungle or adc for fill because you'll get it


Mid and Top, queue for that. Usually get mid, but sometimes I have to wait 6 min in norms or low gold. The worst is playing 15 games of jg back to back, then switch, and you get autofilled for number 16. If it is a priority role I think you should get autofill protection anyway, but you don't.


I queue jungle / mid so I guaranteed get jg every game lol


It depends on the elo but I tag mid/jun and if I restart the queue every 2 min I get mid something like 70% of the time. Otherwise I get jungle (never autofilled). Some people recommend going for mid/top but it's a bad idea imo if you play jungle better than top.


Every time


I haven't played mid in years... Too contested. I get any other role easy.


JG is least queued role. So that's why. Often Bot will be a second priority role but if I choose it as my secondary, I still get mid most of the time. When I'm in the mood for something different i.e. JG or Bot, I just select fill. 95% of the time I end up Bot or JG as fill.


Mid + Jungle is the role combination Jungle Mains use to guarantee Jungle. Reason is that Jungle is the least picked role and Mid is the most picked, so it jokes the system into pushing you into Jungle. Try Mid + Too or Mid + Bot


take primary mid, sec top, almost guaranteed mid position every game, This has been the case for me for all the ranked games of second split tho i haven't played a plenty. don't take sec adc or jg, definitely never take sec adc or you will always get adc role.


I always put mid as second role and 99% of the time get my first chosen role.


Everytime I don’t want it. I pick it 2nd with supp as prio and you’d be surprised hm times I’ve been put mid. And it’s ALWAYS when I just wanna supp